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Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« Last post by Lilleh__ on Today at 06:03:01 AM »

time to start the MW bracket next week, where we have the ro16, the next chapter in Mean Red's title defence is a fight against F-18, Sub-Zero faces its toughest challenge yet in Slyvern and Emerations fights Littlespark
bracket on challonge:
ep 17.png
[Added] Undo/Redo to BotLab.
[Added] Check when initially loading bots that updates them to the latest Robot_Save_File version.
[Added] Save button to BotLab.
[Added] FileWatcher to Bot Select screens. Now these will automatically update if you move/add/remove botfiles or folders in your file browser while the game is open without needing to exit and re-enter the bot select screen.

[Change] Optimised bot select menu generation time around 350-450x.
⚠️ - The first time you load in to a folder this might take a little longer due to needing to update the botfiles within to the latest version, after that first load though you should see the optimisation kick in.
[Change] Added a couple new fields to Robot_Save_File.
[Change] Spinners now only slow down by the damage they apply, so a giant hit to cardboard will not take 80kj out of the spinner, instead it will obliterate the cardboard and stay spinning at near max speed.
This improves the ablative effect of weaker materials like plastics, reducing the throw effect. It will also increase damage output, as spinners will keep much more speed.
⚠️ - This change might require a slight rebalance of damage output!
[Change] Increased slow down imparted by arena collisions.
[Change] Upped zero speed spinner bite to prevent spinners from laying still on some objects.
[Change] Updated Robot_Save_File to version 1.1a.
[Change] New, consistent icons in BotLab top bar.
[Change] Hidden AI section in BotLab Part Selection Bar.
[Change] Removed "Show Smartzones Toggle" in BotLab Options Panel in Overview Screen.
[Change] Arena Previews text label now use Hemi font and scale so that name fits on one line.
[Change] Refactored bot select menu generation.
[Change] New, consistent icons in BotLab Bot Select.
[Change] Reconnected TV wires to TV in BotLab Bot Select.
[Change] Realigned Grid in BotLab Bot Select preview.
[Change] Bots no longer reset rotation in BotLab Bot Select preview when selected.
[Change] Search in Bot Select screens now updates live instead of on pressing Enter.
[Change] Upped spinner ineficiency so they will slow down more on a hit, this rebalances the slow down massivly reduced by "spinners now only slow from the damage they actually apply".
[Change] Slightly tweaked values to improve edge detection sensitivity.
[Change] Removed a spinner collision filter that caused spinner to be able to lay still on objects.

[Bugfix] Fix bots falling apart when you restart a fight after using slowdown.
[Bugfix] UI not hiding properly in FreeCam mode.
[Bugfix] Potential overwrite issue when saving using save hotkey (CTRL+R) in BotLab.
[Bugfix] CoM indicator being set to NaN.
[Bugfix] Spinners now have their speeds properly reduced when hitting the arena.

This is labelled as an "Unstable Build," so in order to access it via Steam, you'll have to go into the Steam Library, right-click the game, -> Properties -> Betas -> Select the unstable option in the dropdown.
DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« Last post by TheRoboteer on October 07, 2024, 10:32:53 AM »
Felt like building a britflipper so I did. It's even blue!

Was hoping for it to come out a lil more unique looking based on what I had planned, but it does still have some interesting touches, and I'm pretty happy with the execution too.

4 TWMR2 drive and 2 medium VDMAs for the flipper, and plenty of steel up front. Pretty standard stuff in that respect.

Valiant Ext.png
Stock Showcases / Re: BeaverBotics Stock Showcase Schtuff
« Last post by BeaverBotics2 on October 02, 2024, 08:29:07 PM »
Razor (MOD).png

Razor - Another challenging concept due to the chassis shaped. I upgraded the drive and added a weapon, that being a spiked front hinge flipper.


REVENGE - Changed the crappy 4WD set up with invertible 2WD drive, and upgraded the weapon motor. I also ditched the lawn mower blade to spinning axes.

Ripblade (MOD).png

Ripblade - It's actually a MW now and not reprogrammed HW! Got rip of the kickstands in favor of wedgelets, upgraded the weapon motor and disc.

Ronin (MOD).png

Ronin - Added 2 swords as a front hinged flipper. Originally had 3 swords, but one was removed in favor of more batteries.

SaberTooth (MOD).png

SaberTooth - The armor was weakened from Steel to Titanium, but in return the drive was upgraded and the static spikes are now on motors to act as a grabbing weapon.

Sentinel (MOD).png

Sentinel - Complete internal overhaul. Car steering replaced with HP ZTeks, and the flipper now has a full range of motion.

SnowJob (MOD).png

Snow Job - Added a pickaxe and more batteries. I wanted to make it 6WD but I couldn't without removing the N20 tires (Which I really like and didn't want to remove)

The Boxer (MOD).png

The Boxer - Replaced the wheels and raised the Drive Motors to make the robot invertible

Wide Load (MOD).png

Wide Load - I thought about adding a DSL inspired drum and got lazy instead. New drive motors and larger wheels means it's now invertible.
Stock Showcases / BeaverBotics Stock Showcase Schtuff
« Last post by BeaverBotics2 on October 02, 2024, 08:22:26 PM »
Hey Ya’ll I’ve been browsing these forums since the mid-2000s and only now decided to join and post here. Been playing the game for 2 decades now and I love it so much. So I decided to start a showcase thread.
Anywho, this first batch is a mini project of mine in which I upgrade the stock AI to….well….not suck. At least bring them up to EMERGENCY standards, I’m no god tier builder and just do stuff fun. I currently have 29 of the 54 robots done, and I’ll post the rest when I’m done (along with whatever else I feel like posting). I did set some rules on myself.
1 – While I can change as many of the components as I can, I must use the exact same chassis as the stock bot, I cannot modify it in any way.
2 – While I can change as little or as much as I want, In order to count as a MOD, some type of physical change must be done. For example, for Bushido all I’ve done is change the travel range of the sword, so it doesn’t count. Some changes are simple quality of life changes while others are complete overhauls.
3 – It must be in the same spirit as the original bot, though I can take inspiration DSL for certain bots.
Anyway here’s my schtuff.

Arc Pounder (MOD).png

Arc Pounder - Upgraded the drive to HP ZTeks. This thing is basically uncontrollable now  :confused:

Atom Smasher (MOD).png

Atom Smasher - Replaced the front casters with wedges to make it not lean forward when firing its weapons

Backslash (MOD).png

Backslash - All I did was raise the drive motors slightly so it didn't have a gaping group clearance

BackYard Ripper (MOD).png

Backyard Ripper - Overhauled the weapon and drive to feature more powerful motors. Now 2WD with wedges, makes the disc act like a giant blender

BarberShop Chop (MOD).png

BarberShop - Upgraded the drive and weapon motors, and added wedges to the front

Big Dog (MOD).png

Big Dog - Upgraded the drive and replaced the static plow with a flipper

BOT-204 (MOD).png

BOT-204 - All I did was remove the caster and raise the drive and weapon motors. Now the wedge actually acts as a wedge and the weapon can actually do damage.

CatFish (MOD).png

CatFish - One of my least favorite ones thus far, as the odd shaped limited my options. I upgraded the drive and added a rear pickaxe tail

Civil Disobedience (MOD).png

Civil Disobedience - Pretty simple. I removed the caster and raised the drive motors, so the robot is now invertible. I also added more spikes.

Coal Miner (MOD).png

Coal Miner - I upgraded the drive and he now has 2 face spinners. This thing is insane now.

Da Dog (MOD).png

Da Dog - The drive is the same, but he now has a flipping scoop.

Dementia (MOD).png

Dementia - One of the biggest overhauls. rearranged the drive motors, and replaced the useless lifting spike with a flipper/grabber axe combo. I did have to weaken the armor a bit to do this.

Eye Poker (MOD).png

Eye Poker - Another I'm not super happy with, but the current chassis doesn't give me much room. All I did was shorten the pole spikes and give him 2 air spikes as weapons

Forkie (MOD).png

Forkie - One of my favorites I've done so far. The inside was entirely redone, and the pitiful weapon servo was replaced with an air ram powered forklift. Super happy with how this turned out.

Grog, the Warrior (MOD).png

Grog, the Warrior - Upgraded Drive and twin snow plows up front. Also some cool rear spikes.

Hanky Panky (MOD).png

Hanky Panky - This was a challenge due to the odd shape, but the results are easily my favorite of the bots done. Upgraded the drive from angle motor 4WD to HP ZTek 2WD, and replaced the weak lifting spike with a DSL inspired Flipper/Grabber Axe Combo. Probably one of my most space efficient bots.

Iceberg (MOD).png

IceBerg - Replaced the 4 angle motors with 2 ZTeks for drive. Gives it a better turning circle, and actually makes it a MW (since the AI version is a HW coded to be a MW)

Lil' Dog (MOD).png

Lil' Dog - Not happy with the hubs sticking out, but everything else worked great. Upgraded the drive and added a weapon to this wedge bot, that being a razor tip front hinged flipper.

Little Metal Friend (MOD).png

Little Metal Friend (Repeat) - I always liked the look of this bot, but was disappointed his weapon system never worked. Replaced the servos with Burst Motors and added spikes to the front

LugNut (MOD).png

LugNut - Complete overhaul to a DSL inspired overhead spinner.
Existing Games / Re: Robot Wars:Arenas of Destruction
« Last post by SkullKid2000 on October 02, 2024, 06:10:11 PM »
I know this topic is old, and the forum is largely inactive in most places, but I wanted to ask something about this game.

I recently put the non-patched version of Robot Wars: Arenas of Destruction (v1.0) into the game folder (I discovered I have two copies of the game that are different prints of the disc with both versions 1.0 and 1.2, see photo attached).

So, to the question; Has anybody got the game's sound effects to work for the in-battle weapon sounds in the un-patched, 1.0 version of the game? I have never got it to work. The only solution for me at the moment is to patch the game to 1.2.

EDIT: I read on an archived forum for that you need to delete the system.dat which holds many settings for the game, restart and then run the game in 640x480 to keep it from disabling the sound effects. Weird.
Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« Last post by Lilleh__ on October 02, 2024, 06:36:07 AM »
bracket on challonge:
Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« Last post by Lilleh__ on October 01, 2024, 01:05:15 PM »
Creativity Showcase / Re: Major Damage (house robot from Extreme Robots)
« Last post by SkullKid2000 on September 30, 2024, 06:31:28 AM »
More work on the colossus. Narrowed him down and made more tweaks on the hammer. Here he poses for the camera, holding Series 8/The Eigth Wars champion Apollo aloft.
Creativity Showcase / Re: The Arena (RA2 Inspired Music)
« Last post by Rhapsody on September 28, 2024, 11:42:30 AM »
Turns out mp4 files can't be viewed when uploaded. At least not from what I can see. Alternatively, here's the video on YouTube, which obviously doesn't require you to download it to see it.

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