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Messages - CodeSilver23

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Robot Rumble 2.0 / RR2 AI Tournament
« on: May 28, 2019, 08:26:06 AM »
I have noticed that RR2 doesn't have a tournament forum, so I have decided to post this here. There is no entry limit, so you could enter 10 into the tournament if you want to. All entries will have to follow these guidelines:
-Maximum Weight: 110 kg
-1 battery and 1 electronic required per robot
-Cluster bots are allowed, but the combined weight will have to stay under 110 kg.
-Reps are allowed, but if more than one of the same rep are sent in, only one will be accepted
-AI has to work correctly
-I might make adjustments to a robot if I deem necessary
-Subscribe to my channel (optional, but will help your robots make the final cut)
Submit your entries to before all the spots are taken!

Showcases / Re: CodeSilver's RR2 Showcase
« on: May 28, 2019, 07:28:28 AM »
Okay, cool. Will go do that now.

Showcases / Re: CodeSilver's RR2 Showcase
« on: May 27, 2019, 07:57:51 PM »
thx. Also, if anyone wants to have some of their robots in my tourney, send your bot files to to get them entered. There is no limit for how many submissions, so feel free to send 10 if you want to.

Showcases / CodeSilver's RR2 Showcase
« on: May 27, 2019, 07:48:12 PM »
Here are some of the bots I've been working on for my upcoming AI Tourney.
Robot Rumble 2.0 5_27_2019 8_41_50 PM.png

Midas v2
Robot Rumble 2.0 5_27_2019 8_42_42 PM.png

Hurricane v2
Robot Rumble 2.0 5_27_2019 8_43_13 PM.png

Robot Rumble 2.0 5_27_2019 8_43_38 PM.png

Robot Rumble 2.0 5_27_2019 8_43_56 PM.png

Axe Backwards (rep)

Here is my feedback for the new update:
- I love how you can now make beetleweight robots. The main issue is that there is so much friction on the tires, and it won't let me turn. Also, when I was building one, it wouldn't let me re-select a motor.
- Parts actually fall off! Yay! The only issue is that small parts fall off way too easy. I would recommend having a set minimum for damage, and have it not be based completely off of weight.
- The AI builder is good to have, but it would be helpful to have it already working. I made a spinner, and the AI wouldn't do anything with the weapon for the entire match. It would also be nice to have a pre-made list for you to choose from, like one setup for spinners, flippers, and whatnot.
- The motors can't do sh**e! I made an attempt at a very light-weight hammer, and it couldn't even lift it.  :vista:

Lots of fixes coming here shortly:
1. Parts don't come off until they receive about 20 times as much damage.  Before they fall off, they propagate damage up to their parent component.  This means that if you keep hitting the same spot you will eventually damage the chassis.
2. The AI builder should fire button 1 when close.  There was apparently a bug which prevented anyone from pressing button 1, which has been fixed.
3. I just added a super low gear ratio 37 mm motor.  It can flip beetleweights now.  I feel like the existing gear motor should have been able to lift other robots, but for some reason 1 Newton-meter of torque didn't translate into 10 Newtons of force at 10 cm.  The new motor has a LOT more torque, so it should do the trick.
4. I tweaked Manta, TR3, and Earthquake.  They all flip in different ways.
5. You can now use a laptop trackpad in the botlab.  Woohoo!  Building robots on the work computer! :)

I still have more tweaking and balancing to do, but hopefully should be able to push something out in the next 24 hours...

Sounds good!

Showcases / Re: Redalert's rare RR2 showcase
« on: May 22, 2019, 11:30:26 AM »
Nice!  :claping

Here is my feedback for the new update:
- I love how you can now make beetleweight robots. The main issue is that there is so much friction on the tires, and it won't let me turn. Also, when I was building one, it wouldn't let me re-select a motor.
- Parts actually fall off! Yay! The only issue is that small parts fall off way too easy. I would recommend having a set minimum for damage, and have it not be based completely off of weight.
- The AI builder is good to have, but it would be helpful to have it already working. I made a spinner, and the AI wouldn't do anything with the weapon for the entire match. It would also be nice to have a pre-made list for you to choose from, like one setup for spinners, flippers, and whatnot.
- The motors can't do sh**e! I made an attempt at a very light-weight hammer, and it couldn't even lift it.  :vista:

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: New Member? Introduce Yourself!
« on: May 17, 2019, 08:56:08 AM »
Hello everybody! My name is CodeSilver Gaming. I've started making RR2 videos on YouTube recently, along with creating the RR2 Discord Channel (although I have no idea how to moderate it :confused: ).  As for RA2, I have not played it yet, but I am planning to do so in the future. I absolutely love Battlebots (who doesn't?) and I enjoy building reps of them in RR2. I am also going to do another RR2 AI tournament, so if you want your bot in my tournament, send your RR2.botfiles to my email.
Down below is my YouTube channel along with my email.

Showcases / Re: Post Your RR2 Bots
« on: May 16, 2019, 05:33:14 PM »
I know, right?

Showcases / Re: Post Your RR2 Bots
« on: May 16, 2019, 12:57:38 PM »
Someone should send in a rep of Drizzle or Snappy if it's allowed.

Showcases / Re: Post Your RR2 Bots
« on: May 13, 2019, 07:29:37 AM »
Currently, my job is killing my will to play the pc, but ive managed to make some changes to bull
(Image removed from quote.)

We are looking to put together a RR2 highlights video and were wondering if anyone would be willing to share their .RR2Bot files for the video.  We were hoping to put the video together before the BuggleBots release in a few weeks.  Please pm me if you are interested!
I can 100% do that! Do you want Reps, or customs?

One other thing I'd like to see added is custom wheels.

Robot Rumble 2.0 / Re: Robot Rumble
« on: May 10, 2019, 01:22:41 PM »
Lol, sorry. I felt like I forgot a few, which is why I added the "other" option.
...which I'm the only guy who's voted for so far, due to my inexplicable axe/hammer fetish
I feel so stupid now... I can't believe I forgot axe/hammer!!!  :facepalm:

Robot Rumble 2.0 / Re: Robot Rumble
« on: May 10, 2019, 09:45:19 AM »
Lol, sorry. I felt like I forgot a few, which is why I added the "other" option.

Personally, one of the more important things I would like to see added (besides pneumatics, custom decals, and destructible parts) is adjustable motor speeds. It would definitely help with making decent lifters among other things. I've been making a Complete Control style robot, and when it lifts, it'll just flip the opponent instead of picking it up. So far, I've been able to work around it a little bit, but it isn't as good as it could be.

Robot Rumble 2.0 / Robot Rumble
« on: May 09, 2019, 10:53:56 AM »

Creativity Showcase / Re: Redalert’s rare Lego builds 2
« on: May 02, 2019, 10:07:44 AM »
They still sell the old Mindstorms?

Creativity Showcase / Re: Redalert’s rare Lego builds 2
« on: April 30, 2019, 07:33:11 PM »
All of these are awesome! Does anyone know where I could buy a lot of parts for building some of my own? By that I don't mean the normal legos, but of the Technics/original Mindstorms with controllers.

Showcases / Re: Post Your RR2 Bots
« on: April 29, 2019, 04:35:31 PM »
Arcane, you are a FREAKING GOD!!! How much time does it take you to build them? The best I've done is this:
Robot Rumble 2.0 4_28_2019 3_05_25 PM.png

Showcases / Re: Post Your RR2 Bots
« on: April 06, 2019, 10:42:38 PM »
I absolutely LOVE this game! I've been making some bots and youtube vids for it because I feel that there just isn't enough people showing off their creations and making this game more well-known. Anyways, I just made these 4 today. The physics in regards to steering is amazing in this game. You can even do the Minotaur celebration!

Hope you all like the bots!
Robot Rumble 2.0 4_6_2019 11_35_43 PM.png
Robot Rumble 2.0 4_6_2019 11_36_30 PM.png
Robot Rumble 2.0 4_6_2019 11_36_51 PM.png
Robot Rumble 2.0 4_6_2019 11_37_17 PM.png

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