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Messages - Badger

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 [16] 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ... 309
Thanks for responding to my feedback, the build is working a lot better now.

A few more things I've noticed:
- Human controller flipper bots seem to have their weapons still controlled by AI, as in they fire without user input
- Inverted bots only fire their weapon when the countdown starts. It would be nice for the AI to behave more like they do in RA2, where there is a toggleable 'invertible' setting, where if false the bot fires it's weapon until it is uninverted.
- Royal Robby doesn't seem to have a weapon firing sound effect
- When you're trapped under the flipper of an AI, they seem to spam fire their weapon fruitlessly until they run out of CO2 (screenshot of the positioning I'm talking about is attached). Maybe add a short cooldown for the AI firing their weapon, and only let them fire again once their weapon has fully/mostly retracted? Just a thought.
- I think you've been a bit stingy with the CO2 allowance for each bot, but that's personal preference. Maybe instead of a hard limit, the flip power (and CO2 useage) decreases non-linearly, so later flips are weaker but use less CO2 (due to the pressure having decreased as a result of running low).

Hope that helps 👍

- Default Windows desktop 64-bit.exe isn't a very friendly name for the game's .exe.
- Windows defender warned me about the file being potentially malicious. I'm sure it's a false flag but this is the first time this has happened to me, so it might be alarming enough to scare some potential players away, assuming I'm not the only one getting this
- A lot of the time both bots just refuse to move after the match starts. I noticed that this happened more frequently when playing as/against Theseus or Royal Robby.
- Both Earthquake and Manta's flippers seem to be non-functional, aside from draining gas.
- Royal Robby's axe has a nasty habit of just flinging itself into space for no reason when fired, much like the Firestorm flipper glitch in DSL2.1.
- As a minor balance note, I'd love to see Royal Robby have a lower ground clearance so he can actually get under the sides of some buts, like Terrorhurtz IRL. As of right now he's mostly useless against anything with a wedge.

Dreamcast accepted

Tournament Archives / Re: Apex: Elite Series
« on: March 27, 2019, 06:47:07 PM »
derp, of course

Tournament Archives / Re: Apex: Elite Series
« on: March 27, 2019, 05:30:50 PM »
I'm curious, why are some of the bots in the entry list italicized?

General Support / Re: issues.
« on: March 27, 2019, 02:41:00 PM »
Code: [Select]
    list.append(("Sillouhete 2 X","Judge",{'radius':1,'MotorID':72,'StartAngle':math.pi*0.5,'reload':5,'nose':math.pi,'range':99,'invertible':False,'topspeed':100,'throttle':100,'turn':60,'turnspeed':3,'weapons':(9,)})) for Sillouhete. For future reference, if you can't get it working just try all the startangles between -math.pi*2 and math.pi*2, in increments of 0.5.

Sillhouette is a really cool bot btw, props to whoever made it. Glad your bot building skills are better than your spelling ability :rolleyes:

Dreamcast accepted and 2nd entries open!

Quick suggestion: It might be a good idea to put the selectable bots in a list of some sort or another, instead of putting all the possible options on the screen at once. I think it'll look cleaner, and it will scale better with more bots than your current solution. Maybe look at how either RA2 or Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction do this. Slightly different implementations of the same idea.

I'm looking forward to testing the new build 👍

Discussion / Re: The Hunt of the Robot Wars Replicas
« on: March 24, 2019, 07:36:28 PM »
Just gonna say Jonzu/Resetti...think you're both wrong for bringing money into this...just my two cents. (no pun intended)
That's not very ancap of you

Alright, I'm gonna open up 2nd entries on the 25th (Monday).

We got another boomer - Virus Bomb accepted

Still more than likely Nary will fail to send something.

Will you open it up to second entries?
Most likely, but not for a short while at least.

Code Red rejected for submitting a low effort memebot

I know all you arthritis-riddled boomers need time to make a bot, but this is ridiculous. Get building, don't let the zoomers show you up

Discussion / Re: For TheOrcCorp
« on: March 16, 2019, 01:45:04 PM »
This isn't how you send a PM

UberPyro accepted, and with that half the signup slots are filled. Keep em coming, people!

General Support / Re: Can't snap to attachment points
« on: March 13, 2019, 03:26:52 AM »
Going into to the test lab and back out again fixes it for me until I alt-tab again. You can also pause (pause/break key on your keyboard) to pause the botlab physics, switch workshop tabs and then switch back and you'll be good, but this workaround only works for as long as you keep the physics paused.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TommyProductionsInc DSL Showcase
« on: March 12, 2019, 10:57:54 AM »
I don't get how you can spend the time writing an essay on the lore of your bot but you don't spend 10 seconds cropping the screenshots

The bot itself is mixed. I really like the front half, the back half is just way too plain, bland and boring

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The Future of Doot - What Next?
« on: March 11, 2019, 01:47:43 PM »
Ah yes, the evolution of the "I'm leaving" post; the "I'm not leaving I'm just continuing to be inactive" post.

In all seriousness, glad to hear that you're doing better than you were, at least.

General Support / Re: retracting axe weapons
« on: March 11, 2019, 12:34:53 PM »
It's not hard dude, you click reply (you can't do it from the quick reply box), click "attachments and other options", click the browse button, select your image file, then click "insert attachment".

Reier accepted

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