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Messages - TheRoboteer

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Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Tries to Figure Out RR2
« on: November 12, 2019, 04:56:05 PM »
Nice bots. Certainly better than my first attempts at the game. :)
I had the benefit of already having the designs down in RA2, which I'm much more familiar with. Was just a matter of recreating them. Will be a whole different kettle of fish when I come to doing original designs in RR2 I think  :bigsmile:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: November 12, 2019, 04:20:42 PM »
You were right, he does look better with a hammer.

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Looks nice. Your bots look really excellent for someone so new to the forums

Did you manage to get a bottom panel on it BTW? Here's a screenshot which hopefully better illustrates what I was on about by using Multiextenders or small beaters to get a flush bottom panel.


The small beater is attached to the extender (which in your case would be your frame) and then the panel is attached to the bottom of that. Hope this helps

Edit: I just realised you've actually been registered here pretty much just as long as I have. Still think you're doing a good job though considering you only started actually showcasing a few days ago

Showcases / TheRoboteer's Tries to Figure Out RR2
« on: November 12, 2019, 03:29:32 PM »
Figured I should make one of these. I've mostly just been recreating my RA2 designs at the moment to learn the ropes of the botlab in RR2, but I hope to do some original designs at some point in the future

This is Claymore, based off one of my flagship RA2 bots. Pretty happy with this thing actually. The front end is almost all panels which have been adjusted to fit nice and flush with each other. Flipper uses a hinged linear actuator while the drive is 2 of the longer ampflows connected through  1:1 ratio chains into 90 degree gearboxes with a 2.5:1 ratio, which makes for a nice balance of speed and controlability IMO

Claymore RR2.png

I also updated Speed Demon a bunch. A much nicer disc which is a lot closer to the RA2 version, but still manages to be hella powerful thanks to a bunch of work I did making sure the engagement on the teeth was good. It's actually 4WD though the front wheels are only BW motors and pretty much just exist to help with turning against the gyro from the weapon. The srimech has been retained while the drive setup is absolutely ridiculous as some of you in the discord may have seen, though it actually works fine. Happy with this thing now

Speed Demon RR2.png

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: November 12, 2019, 08:11:21 AM »
I like the chassis design of As of yet Unnamed but I feel it would work better with something like a hammer, or a longer flipping arm that starts at the back of the bot rather than the small one it has now. You should also really put a bottom panel on it as you're 140kg under the HW weight limit so you've got plenty of weight to do so.

It's not so much that I simply forgot to do a baseplate, it's more that the internal/external build doesn't allow for one the way that the wheels/wheel motors are positioned. If it was as simple as changing wheels it'd be fine but there's such a small margin between the wheel and the extenders that it'd all need to be reframed.

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I'll probably reframe it anyway but I'll also try the lifting arm idea.
There's certain components with unique attachment points that allow you to get panels flush with extenders, which would let you put one on without redoing the whole frame. Multiextenders are one such component, as are small beaters. I'll take a screenshot showing what I mean once I get home.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: November 12, 2019, 07:20:31 AM »
Seeing as how it's been a while since I tried to build an extenderbot / or adhere to a strict IRL mindset for building, I tried my hand at building three bots. All of them bar "As Of Yet, Unnamed" have a baseplate. AOY,U's wheel height made it impossible to change once it had been realised.


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Ygdrassil 4

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As Of Yet, Unnamed

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I like the chassis design of As of yet Unnamed but I feel it would work better with something like a hammer, or a longer flipping arm that starts at the back of the bot rather than the small one it has now. You should also really put a bottom panel on it as you're 140kg under the HW weight limit so you've got plenty of weight to do so.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: November 11, 2019, 09:24:00 AM »
Complete Edition has Component freedom from what I recall, you just need to turn it on. If it's legality you're worried about literally 100% of IRL tournaments allow CF so you'll be fine. You aren't allowed to clip stuff like batteries and motors inside each other but extenders and panels are fair game (I've written a detailed guide on this type of thing, which is in my signature), which is why most of the IRL bots you've seen have this clipping

Oh ok. My bad, lol
Don't worry about it man. Totally understandable mistake to make. Hit me up if you have any more questions about IRL building and stuff

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: November 11, 2019, 08:53:29 AM »
Yeah pretty much every single IRL tournament uses 2.2 Complete Edition these days. Look forward to seeing what you come up with  :smile:

Quite a lot of IRL builds that I've seen in the past have at least some component interaction like extender collision for a frame or panel interaction, but the 2.2 CE renders such a thing impossible with its component freedom restrictions. I know removing such a thing works against the IRL mindset and building ideal, but the shift from "extenders are collidable with a 10cm inter/overhang" to "everything is strictly rigid and cannot be deviated from" is quite jarring.
Complete Edition has Component freedom from what I recall, you just need to turn it on. If it's legality you're worried about literally 100% of IRL tournaments allow CF so you'll be fine. You aren't allowed to clip stuff like batteries and motors inside each other but extenders and panels are fair game (I've written a detailed guide on this type of thing, which is in my signature), which is why most of the IRL bots you've seen have this clipping

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: November 11, 2019, 07:38:45 AM »
Just downloaded DSL 2.2 Complete Edition v2 and I'm going to try and rebuild a good chunk of the lads in proper format. Is the 2.2 Complete Edition the base format for tournament entries in the IRL/DSL circuit?
Yeah pretty much every single IRL tournament uses 2.2 Complete Edition these days. Look forward to seeing what you come up with  :smile:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: November 10, 2019, 10:55:42 AM »
If you can fix that panel gap on the front of Ygdassil 3 it would be really nice.

You should really install DSL Complete edition. It lacks some of the custom components your install has but it would be neat to see what you can do with it. Some of your stuff here is pretty impressive but you won't be able to enter tournaments with them due to all the custom components, which is a shame IMO

Tutorials and Tips / Re: IRL - A Beginner's Guide
« on: November 09, 2019, 09:28:10 AM »
I've updated this with a new section on component choice when building, mainly surrounding the differences between weapon and drive motors in DSL. This is aimed at educating new players on why using piglets as drive motors, for example, is a bad idea, as well as providing a list of exactly what drive and weapon motors there are in the game. I did no include CB2 components in the list as I figured that it would overcomplicate things, and that by the time a player starts using CB2 they will already know the difference between weapon and drive motors.

Modifications / Re: DSL 2.31/crash patch in progress...
« on: November 08, 2019, 10:20:28 AM »
I'm fine with the prospect of having to update my bots personally. My worry previously was that I'd have to either do a complete rebuild or do it in a questionable legality way by swapping certain meshes back to the old ones, but if there's gonna be 2 sets of angle extenders with different collision meshes then it'll be fine.

Tournament Archives / Re: the worsr tournnet eveeer!
« on: November 07, 2019, 05:56:25 PM »

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: real facts
« on: November 06, 2019, 06:29:41 PM »
what does sephy have to do with any of this
Robo says "if they just shag all this will be over" whenever we have our daily sh**fit
I said that because you two were dragging your retarded sh** into gwars

And now you've dragged that retarded sh** here too

Great job retard

Tournament Archives / Re: Orc's Wars Series 4
« on: November 05, 2019, 09:13:28 AM »

Tournaments / Re: Parsec Rumble 1.0
« on: November 04, 2019, 12:39:07 PM »
I desperately wish I had a PC gamepad I could use to enter this. I don't suppose you happen to know how to wrangle a PS4 controller into working on a PC..?

Although we will use keyboard controls im pretty sure

Wait... It's possible to play multiplayer on only keyboard controls? How?
You give each person different keys, so 1 person would get WASD, another would get Arrows, and another would get Numpad and so on

Modifications / Re: DSL 2.31 in progress...
« on: November 03, 2019, 05:12:19 PM »
You guys are the life support that keep this community breathing. Everybody please give a round of applause to these wonderfully insane people.  :claping
no man, its the BOOMERS who inject us with their wisdom from 50 years ago

also if anyone's wondering, i did try a rectangular mesh like the 20cms
(Image removed from quote.)
it sadly wasn't that stable, and it might cause a bunch of bots to be unbalanced
TFW someone doesn't value my opinion on how a forum I haven't used in 5 years should be run


Tournaments / Re: RR2 Stars vs Legends Season 1
« on: November 02, 2019, 01:02:13 PM »
That nuclear themed vert in Heat C is legit one of the nicest designs I've seen in a long time

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: real facts
« on: October 31, 2019, 07:04:40 PM »
Literally what I've been saying for the past year and a half tbh

Tournament Archives / Re: Deathmatch 5 - SBV
« on: October 30, 2019, 03:16:16 PM »
Standard of bot seems decently high here especially in the later heats. My favourites are Neon's drum and Kupa's flipper

As for my heat I'm cautiously optimistic. Of all the seeds Kirin is probably one of the ones I'd feel more confident against, and I'll take HSes over VSes any day. I think it should be pretty even looking at the mix of bots in there.

All in all, looking forward to this tournament Red  :bigsmile:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: geese builds dsl [IN THE HOOD]
« on: October 29, 2019, 06:06:09 PM »
btw hworfs have the stats of a 30kg weapon for 10kgs. protip: they no normals and a better hp/kg ratio than everything besides flatmotors

also whoever said that they were nerfed compared to 2.1 is a moron who didn't even attempt to check
Based badger

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