Author Topic: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.  (Read 19445 times)

Offline Badnik96

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #240 on: April 17, 2010, 10:41:20 AM »

Quote from: Firebeetle's old sig
pressing alt+F4 in the bot lab unlocks secret stuff in RA2

Ok, so I tried the thing in Firebeetle's signature in DSL and in the stock RA2, and everytime I try it just closes my game-it doesn't like freeze up and crash, it's just like I pressed the quit button. Help please, and can you post some pics of some of the things that you get when this thing works?

^haha I remember bumping that thread when I joined..what a noob I was^

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #241 on: April 18, 2010, 03:37:49 PM »
   On this day that recognizes another year that I have survived on this Earth, I must think back to the many memories I have accumulated from this forum. I have witnessed grand tournaments, full of epic battles and unexpected twists. I have witnessed minor flame wars and threads that went a little more than a little off topic. But most of all, I have witnessed a community based around a forgotten game somehow continue to grow and create its own unique culture. It is to this community that I send my thanks, for remaining interesting and amusing, for such a long time. I hardly play the game anymore, but I still find myself coming to this site everyday because of its delightful array of characters. Best wishes to you, denizens of GameTechMods, and may the force be with you. I now await Naryar’s inevitable rage-toon. -Flying_Chao
My above post explains everything about everything.

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #242 on: April 20, 2010, 11:12:13 AM »
ITS A BIRD, NO ITS A wait never mind its just pwnator jumping from a building again lol
My above post explains everything about everything.

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Runner Up in: The Amazing Rage (Team Fedex), R0B0NOVA (Zaphod Stock), Steel Warzone (Inception of Instability), Box of Nightmares (Gicquel), Wheely Tag (Minifridge the Second)

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #243 on: April 20, 2010, 12:00:40 PM »
no the wep setup is odd looking
edit: this calls for a new wiki page for horizontal drumm spinners!
I always got a kick out of that post ^^
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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #244 on: April 20, 2010, 12:08:55 PM »
Within the compass of this letter, I can do no more than indicate, as concisely as I can, relevant considerations that must be taken into account if we are to discuss GF93's daft arguments in a rational manner. Before I get moving here, let me point out that GF93's fixation with improvident louts is unruly. Get that straight, please. Any other thinking is blame-shoving or responsibility-dodging. Furthermore, for those of us who make our living trying to point the high-powered fire hose of truth at GF93's rambunctious expostulations to wash away their multiple layers of snobbism, it is important to consider that we must give to bigotry no sanction, to persecution no assistance.

It's possible that GF93's coadjutors don't want to make their own decisions but want GF93 to do their thinking for them. However, I cannot speculate about that possibility here because I need to devote more space to a description of how I am not fooled by GF93's obstinate and eristic rhetoric. I therefore gladly accept the responsibility of notifying others that I am now in a position to define what I mean when I say that the most believable explanation for many of the destructive trends in politics, economics, morality, and other key areas over the past two years is that a secretive, incredibly loathsome, well-organized movement has been striving relentlessly to make a mockery of our most fundamentally held beliefs. What I mean is that anyone who hasn't been living in a cave with his eyes shut and his ears plugged knows that he has two imperatives. The first is to worsen an already unstable situation. The second imperative is to deflect attention from his unwillingness to support policies that benefit the average citizen.

It is mathematically provable that if a new Dark Age is about to descend upon us—as many believe it will—it will be the result of GF93's bruta fulmina. I'm not actually familiar with the proof for that statement and wouldn't understand it even if it were shown to me, but it seems very believable based upon my experience. What's also quite believable is that if my own experience has taught me anything, it's that GF93 always turns to the dark bible of Dadaism whenever he needs ideas on how to attack my character. Now that that's cleared up, I'll continue with what I was saying before, that he is firmly convinced that truth is merely a social construct. His belief is controverted, however, by the weight of the evidence indicating that before GF93 once again claims that "metanarratives" are the root of tyranny, lawlessness, overpopulation, racial hatred, world hunger, disease, and rank stupidity, he should do some real research rather than simply play a game of bias reinforcement with his compeers. Almost every day, GF93 outreaches himself in setting new records for arrogance, deceit, and greed. It's indisputably breathtaking to watch him.

GF93 divides the organization of his particularism-oriented double standards into two halves that, apparently separate from one another, in truth, form an inseparable whole. The first half seeks to suppress controversy and debate, while the second half is yet another lousy blend of spiteful elitism and pestilential statism. His rank-and-file followers are quick to point out that because he is hated, persecuted, and repeatedly laughed at, GF93 is the real victim here. The truth is that, if anything, GF93 is a victim of his own success—a success that enables GF93 to use cheap, intemperate propaganda to arouse the passions of horny, superficial lackwits.

Though sexist expansionism is not discussed in this letter, much of what I've written applies to that, as well. GF93 can't possibly believe that it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong. He's unscrupulous but he's not that unscrupulous. His patter is smooth and quite practiced. He can fast-talk you into believing you'd be better off if you participated in his effort to distract people from making a serious analysis of the situation. However, GF93's treatises fall apart upon reflection.

Stoicism is not merely an attack on our moral fiber. It is also a politically motivated attack on knowledge. At the heart of the problem is GF93's obliviousness to history, his moral cowardice masked in bold rhetoric, and his overwhelmingly shallow political posturing. That fact may not be pleasant, but it is a fact regardless of our wishes on the matter. I want to get GF93 off our backs. That may seem simple enough, but GF93's goal is to shove the nation towards factionalism. This is abject favoritism! The question that's on everyone's mind these days is, "Why does he hate our country?" As you ponder the answer to that question, consider that he apparently believes that public opinion is a reliable indicator of what's true and what isn't. You and I know better than that. You and I know that there is only one way to stop GF93 from plaguing our minds. We must make out of fools, wise people; out of fanatics, men of sense; out of idlers, workers; out of the most sanguinary potlickers you'll ever see, people who are willing to shape a world of dignity and harmony, a world of justice, solidarity, liberty, and prosperity. Then together we can insist on a policy of zero tolerance toward nepotism. Together we can show the world that it's doubtlessly a tragedy that GF93's goal in life is apparently to damn this nation and this world to Hell. Here, I use the word "tragedy" as the philosopher Whitehead used it. Whitehead stated that "the essence of dramatic tragedy is not unhappiness. It resides in the solemnity of the remorseless working of things," which I interpret as saying that only a fool or a liar would believe that GF93's opinions represent the opinions of the majority—or even a plurality. Hence and therefore, he motivates people to join his lynch mob by using words like "humanity", "compassion", and "unity". This is a great deception. What GF93 really wants to do is make a cause célèbre out of his campaign to shift blame from those who benefit from oppression to those who suffer from it. That's why GF93 says that we should derive moral guidance from his glitzy, multi-culti, hip-hop, consumption-oriented philosophies and that therefore it is better that a hundred thousand people should perish than that he should be even slightly inconvenienced. Hello? Is Mr. Logic down at the pub with a dozen pints inside him or what? GF93's argument that 75 million years ago, a galactic tyrant named Xenu solved the overpopulation problem of his 76-planet federation by transporting the excess people to Earth, chaining them to volcanoes, and dropping H-bombs on them is hopelessly flawed and totally circuitous.

It's not the bogeyman that our children need to worry about. It's GF93. Not only is GF93 more jealous and more sententious than any envisaged bogeyman or bugbear, but GF93's predaceous confidants are nothing more than subservient blobs of easily controlled protoplasm. That's why they're so willing to help GF93 silence critical debate and squelch creative brainstorming. Actually, the impact of his argumentative, power-drunk litanies is exactly that predicted by the Book of Revelation. Evil will preside over the land. Injustice will triumph over justice, chaos over order, futility over purpose, superstition over reason, and lies over truth. Only when humanity experiences this Hell on Earth will it fully appreciate that the disrespectful, lubricious turncoats that comprise GF93's mandarinism movement are as thick as thieves. If one of them is willing to leach integrity and honor from our souls, then they all are. What's more, none of them is able to accept that one of these days, GF93 will pull out all stops in his unreasonable drive to cause adversarial subversion to gather momentum on college campuses. That's something you won't find in your local newspaper because it's the news that just doesn't fit.

GF93 may have modernized the appeal and packaging of his proposals, but cuckoo proposals are cuckoo proposals regardless of how they're presented. It is probably safe to assume that in this country we have an inalienable right to politic, protest, demonstrate, organize, run for office, and peacefully labor to send his demands into the dustbin where they belong. So what's the connection between that and his activities? The connection is that GF93 attracts malodorous vandals to his entourage by telling them that his misguided faction is a benign and charitable agency. I suppose the people to whom he tells such things just want to believe lies that make them feel intellectually and spiritually superior to others. Whether or not that's the case, if we don't soon tell GF93 to stop what he's doing, he will proceed with his cynical opinions, considerably emboldened by our lack of resistance. We will have tacitly given GF93 our permission to do so.

Does anyone believe GF93's claim that "the truth", "the whole truth", and "nothing but the truth" are three different things? Come on, anyone? Like I thought, GF93 wants to engage in or goad others into engaging in illegal acts. Personally, I don't want that. Personally, I prefer freedom. If you also prefer freedom then you should be working with me to free people from the fetters of Trotskyism's poisonous embrace.

After I brush away the cobwebs of corporatism, I know that everyone will come to the dismayed conclusion that I stated at the beginning of this discussion: If GF93 makes fun of me or insults me I hear it, and it hurts. But I take solace in the fact that I am still able to burn away social illness, exploitation, and human suffering. His secret passion is to open the gates of Hell. For shame! Even when the facts don't fit, GF93 sometimes tries to use them anyway. He still maintains, for instance, that a plausible excuse is a satisfactory substitute for performance. Sadly, in once sense, he is correct. If we let GF93 foster and intensify his drug-drenched drama of immorality, then I will decidedly be forced to endure his despotic tyranny in all its plenitude. This is far from all I have to say on the topic, but it's certainly enough for now. Just remember one thing: Inequality does not beget equality.
It's nice to know GK is still friends with me   XD

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #245 on: April 20, 2010, 12:29:29 PM »

Nah JK.
My above post explains everything about everything.

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #246 on: April 21, 2010, 12:30:52 PM »

I'm glad I have no taste in movies. I just soak it up as a conversation piece. I do get odd looks though, drooling in the cinema half paralyzed...

*looks at av*
 *gets mental image of weird kid drooling google eyed in the cinema*
*Looks oddly at S32*

This made me lol so much.
how do i
how do u

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #247 on: April 23, 2010, 01:11:20 PM »
Dealing meth to school children, performing abortions, running over puppies, beating the elderly, and eating orphans.
My above post explains everything about everything.

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Runner Up in: The Amazing Rage (Team Fedex), R0B0NOVA (Zaphod Stock), Steel Warzone (Inception of Instability), Box of Nightmares (Gicquel), Wheely Tag (Minifridge the Second)

Clash Cubes IV: 5th place (Fretless)
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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #248 on: April 23, 2010, 02:50:14 PM »
Here is a classic that I had forgotten about. It was about how everyone ranks in the community when it comes to building. Barbie had said something about infiniteinertia not belonging on the list.

I would disagree, Barbie. Have a Taco. If anyone is superior its Click, Starcore, or Pysc and Luigica even doesnt run anything anymore.

Now, it was edited by Madiaba shortly after posting but here is what it actually said...

I'll f*ck you in the ass, Barbie. Eat sh**. If anyone is superior its Click, Starcore, or Pysc and Luigica even doesnt run anything anymore.


#BlackNamesMatter  |  #HurricaneAndrewDidNothingWrong  |  #DemodNaryar  |  #OldfagAlliance

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #249 on: April 24, 2010, 05:22:11 AM »
I wonder what would happen if that smacked off my head.

i will be a reserve JoeBlo can you have a reserve match for a reserve

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Runner Up in: The Amazing Rage (Team Fedex), R0B0NOVA (Zaphod Stock), Steel Warzone (Inception of Instability), Box of Nightmares (Gicquel), Wheely Tag (Minifridge the Second)

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #250 on: April 25, 2010, 02:46:50 AM »

In Scrap's showcase:
One day, NWB and RPB made love and had a baby. They named him Cocytus. He then ate both of his parents and anything around him.

The moral of this story is be afraid. Very, very afraid.

A bit later:
Quote from: Somebody;17211
What is RBP

You don\'t know the awesome Rabid Bit Pull?
My above post explains everything about everything.

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Runner Up in: The Amazing Rage (Team Fedex), R0B0NOVA (Zaphod Stock), Steel Warzone (Inception of Instability), Box of Nightmares (Gicquel), Wheely Tag (Minifridge the Second)

Clash Cubes IV: 5th place (Fretless)
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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #251 on: April 25, 2010, 03:14:36 AM »
i will be a reserve JoeBlo can you have a reserve match for a reserve
(Image removed from quote.)


Anyways, i found this in Pwn's showcase:

I wanted to make a impractically fast popup, just like Sage's poopup, but it even has a hard time getting under the garage cabinet. x_x

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #252 on: April 25, 2010, 03:20:11 AM »
Hahaha. A few minutes after I just realized that both wedges are AGODed. No wonder. XD
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UK vs USA - Dark Striker (Grand Champion)
Rust In Pieces 2 - Claymore (Runner-Up, Favourite Bot)
BBEANS 6 - Infection 4 (Runner-Up)
RA2 Team Championships - Serious Business, Skeksis (Runner-Up, along with Scrappy, S_M, and Badnik)
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BroBots - wheebot & yaybot (Runner-Up)
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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #253 on: April 25, 2010, 07:31:26 AM »
And who's this Naryar guy? Never heard of him. I bet he builds this years SFTW :P
My above post explains everything about everything.

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Runner Up in: The Amazing Rage (Team Fedex), R0B0NOVA (Zaphod Stock), Steel Warzone (Inception of Instability), Box of Nightmares (Gicquel), Wheely Tag (Minifridge the Second)

Clash Cubes IV: 5th place (Fretless)
BBEANS 6: Rumble Winner & 6th Place (Minifridge 4)

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #254 on: April 25, 2010, 05:21:00 PM »

:FFFUUU    Fixed... perhaps too late, but it's fixed now.

Whoever owns clickbeetle@gmail will be wondering what the heck is going on right about now.  (Someone does own it because it was taken when I created my gmail account.)

haha.. "Mum why do I keep getting all this spam called BBEANS Robots ?"

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #255 on: April 26, 2010, 10:08:10 AM »
There is no use for both of you going in noobland.
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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #256 on: April 26, 2010, 04:08:27 PM »
happy birthday SSG

here is your present

(Image removed from quote.)

its a new minesweeper for you to enter in another tournament :P
My above post explains everything about everything.

Host of: Wheely Tag, Back To The Beginnings, BTTB 2, BTTB 3, BTTB 4, & BTTB V.

Heavy Metal: Champion (Mockery of the Whole Concept)
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RA2 Team Championships 1 & 2: Champion (High Speed Train & Upthrust - as part of Naryar's Not Quite Evil Council of Doom)

Runner Up in: The Amazing Rage (Team Fedex), R0B0NOVA (Zaphod Stock), Steel Warzone (Inception of Instability), Box of Nightmares (Gicquel), Wheely Tag (Minifridge the Second)

Clash Cubes IV: 5th place (Fretless)
BBEANS 6: Rumble Winner & 6th Place (Minifridge 4)

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #257 on: April 26, 2010, 04:09:56 PM »
HAHAHA I never saw that one ^^
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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #258 on: April 26, 2010, 04:12:01 PM »
There is no off-topic forum! Unless this is actually an off-topic forum in disguise. But anyway it's an outrage! I will not stand for this! Or maybe I will if this is the off-topic forum. But anyway!
My above post explains everything about everything.

Host of: Wheely Tag, Back To The Beginnings, BTTB 2, BTTB 3, BTTB 4, & BTTB V.

Heavy Metal: Champion (Mockery of the Whole Concept)
Robotic International Wars Series 1: Champion (Minifridge 6)
RA2 Team Championships 1 & 2: Champion (High Speed Train & Upthrust - as part of Naryar's Not Quite Evil Council of Doom)

Runner Up in: The Amazing Rage (Team Fedex), R0B0NOVA (Zaphod Stock), Steel Warzone (Inception of Instability), Box of Nightmares (Gicquel), Wheely Tag (Minifridge the Second)

Clash Cubes IV: 5th place (Fretless)
BBEANS 6: Rumble Winner & 6th Place (Minifridge 4)

Offline Reier

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Re: The most memorable and funniest quotes thread.
« Reply #259 on: April 26, 2010, 04:23:36 PM »
Quote from: Anonymity;23743
There is no off-topic forum! Unless this is actually an off-topic forum in disguise. But anyway it\'s an outrage! I will not stand for this! Or maybe I will if this is the off-topic forum. But anyway!


...In disguise...

ALERT- Another WS coming up...
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