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Messages - TheRoboteer

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DSL TC Showcases / Re: SteveM4's stuff
« on: June 19, 2019, 05:27:25 AM »
I have found while working on a few builds that I absolutely cannot make an effective (IRL) wedge. Anything I attempt seems just to bonk against the AI (RedAce's Pack) and not get under. The two bots just sort of sit there, bonking.

So, basically, how do I make effective wedges that lie within the IRL ruleset, as I gather components and balancing of wedginess has been improved. I have even been outdone by chassis wedges, so I am dumbfounded.
Wedgelets using the 'chisel' components in the weapons tab mounted on either skirt hinges, or the spring loaded metal hinges are the go-to for most people. You want the wedgelet to extend a decent amount in front of your main wedge, as they can get pushed inside your bot and become useless if they only barely protrude. Don't extend them too far out though otherwise they'll look terrible.

I've also had some success with wedges consisting of a wedge edge component, mounted on an armour panel, which is in turn mounted on a skirt hinge. They require some fine tuning, and don't have the durability of wedgelet-based wedges, but they seem to be really effective at getting under stuff when done right.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: dootIRL
« on: June 18, 2019, 04:42:43 PM »
It's fantastic. I still think I prefer the overall shape of Version 1, but the polish on this one is undeniably streets ahead. The way you've got the extenders and panels interacting together makes for a super cohesive bot that looks like something someone would actually make, which is something I feel is missing from a lot of bots these days. Other than that, not much more I can say that hasn't already been said. Great work

I swear I've seen Blackout in a tournament before 🤔 Am I getting alzheimers in my old age?
Nah it's just the same chassis as all of Hop's other bots but with a different weapon  heck

DSL TC Showcases / Re: SteveM4's stuff
« on: June 15, 2019, 06:03:43 AM »
I am glad you like the bot. I'll see what I can do about making a video for it at some point.

Doesn't look like a rep TR.<snip>

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Here's the original next to the replica. All I am missing is the polycab back and the text on the flipper.

Also, here are some mid build screenshots of a MW spinner, because the F11 key is just that inviting.

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Final armour was Steel 3, and it sits right on the edge of the MW class at 391.5. Wedge is... not needed to be honest.

Are we allowed to post videos here? Just threw one up on my channel of this guy fighting RedAce's AI pack and then the game went all floaty.
I don't know if you're familiar with the metas in RA2 due to your absence, but that spinner doesn't look to be legal in either of the main DSL build styles (IRL and DSL-S). DSL-S wise, you'll need to make sure your weapon doesn't clip through your wheels, as it looks like it will as-is. In terms of IRL, there's a whole bunch of rules: too many to really explain in a comment. I've written a guide on the meta though which you can find in my sig.

That said you may no have been going for either of those build styles, in which case everything I've just said is irrelevant  :bigsmile:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: June 15, 2019, 01:49:34 AM »
Updates galore. Switched from a geared beta to a short VDMA. Much happier with the height of it now, as well as the overall looks. Also used the extra weight to give it some wedgelets, and make some parts steel that weren't previously. Still got like 40KG to play with too.

Stiletto II Ext.png

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: June 14, 2019, 09:27:25 PM »
ngl I like the look of the covering for the beta
I don't think the covering itself looks bad, just that it gives the bot too much height. It's maybe 10-20cm taller than I'd like it to be, but the beta is mounted as low as it'll go (on a hexplate which is inside the bottom panel)

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: June 14, 2019, 08:09:30 PM »
Here's a hammer because I've pretty much exclusively been building verts and flippers lately. Really happy with the front end of it, but the beta motor forces me to make the bot a lot taller than I really want it to be, so it doesn't look as good as I think it could. Maybe I'll just swap the hammer to a vert instead  heck

In terms of specs, the front is pretty much all steel, rest is Alu as usual. Drive is 2 TWMR2s. Weighs like 789kg.

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Have you considered an OK motor? Or is that a toxic CB2 component for ya?
It's less bad than the flat, but I'd still rather not

DSL TC Showcases / Re: SteveM4's stuff
« on: June 14, 2019, 08:05:13 PM »
Damn dude. It's not often an old member comes back and is right on the ball in terms of build quality, but this falls into that camp. Really fantastic Chaos 2 rep with some really nice extenderwork. Look forward to seeing more from you  :smile:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: June 14, 2019, 07:58:08 PM »
Here's a hammer because I've pretty much exclusively been building verts and flippers lately. Really happy with the front end of it, but the beta motor forces me to make the bot a lot taller than I really want it to be, so it doesn't look as good as I think it could. Maybe I'll just swap the hammer to a vert instead  heck

In terms of specs, the front is pretty much all steel, rest is Alu as usual. Drive is 2 TWMR2s. Weighs like 789kg.

Stiletto Ext.png

Tournament Archives / Re: Fresh Metal (FULL)
« on: June 13, 2019, 07:42:37 PM »
Looking forward to seeing how I do in this. Going off the bots I know, Claymore should be in with a decent shot, though Zayzo is clearly the favourite to win for me.

If Cosecha even so much as puts up a fight in one of its matches I'll be satisfied, let alone if it wins one.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: June 10, 2019, 12:35:00 PM »
I also have a bot for Hop's LDAI 3 thing. I didn't want to just throw Sabre or Bocuma in, but I wanted something that would clearly be my build style, and would pose some kind of a challenge as my main HW, so I decided to take the core design of Sabre, but then make it more competitive at the cost to some of the sleekness that makes Sabre what it is. The same thought process went into my Robogames 2 HW Broadsword, which I have grown to really dislike, so this bot is something of a spiritual successor to that, but done right. It's basically Sabre but 20CM wider and with Storm Bursts instead of VDMAs. Looks a bit worse than Sabre, but fights way better and should prove reasonably challenging for anyone who downloads the AI pack. Will also be showing up in Fresh Metal.

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Fat lmao

Both are really cool
He's just big-boned okay  :dance:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: June 09, 2019, 05:12:28 PM »
Just a few updates this time round, nothing super new or exciting.

First off I made some updates to a really old bot where I thought the concept was good but the execution could use some improvement. It's an old balanced single toothed drum I made that you can see back on page 36 of this showcase. First change I made was to drop it to 2WD but with much grippier wheels so the speed is roughly the same as it was with 4WD. Using the weight I got from that I also gave it a srimech as the old version was neither invertable, nor had a srimech. The last changes I made were to give it hinged wedgelets since the old ones were static and did basically F all. Finally, I rearranged the ballast inside the drum just to make sure it's fully IRL, and make it a bit more stable. Really happy with this thing now.

Cosecha II Ext.png

And here's how I have the ballast inside the drum laid out. This was balanced by pure trial and error and was a real pain to do, but I'm really happy with how balanced it is now.

Cosecha II Ext 2.png

I also have a bot for Hop's LDAI 3 thing. I didn't want to just throw Sabre or Bocuma in, but I wanted something that would clearly be my build style, and would pose some kind of a challenge as my main HW, so I decided to take the core design of Sabre, but then make it more competitive at the cost to some of the sleekness that makes Sabre what it is. The same thought process went into my Robogames 2 HW Broadsword, which I have grown to really dislike, so this bot is something of a spiritual successor to that, but done right. It's basically Sabre but 20CM wider and with Storm Bursts instead of VDMAs. Looks a bit worse than Sabre, but fights way better and should prove reasonably challenging for anyone who downloads the AI pack. Will also be showing up in Fresh Metal.

Claymore Ext 2.png

Game Development / Re: E3 2019
« on: June 09, 2019, 11:10:50 AM »
Halo Infinite is gonna be the main thing I'm keeping my eyes on

Challenge Board / Re: TheRoboteer vs Virus Bomb vs TheOrcCorp
« on: June 06, 2019, 02:29:15 PM »
Hey, what happened in my 1 hour of recording?                                                         :gawe:
                                                                                :gawe:                       :gawe:
What I got:           :gawe:
2 fights                                                         :gawe:                     :gawe:
                                          :gawe:                    :gawe:
What I lost:                                                         :gawe:
My happiness in life                      :gawe:                                                :gawe:
1 hour                                                          :gawe:                   :gawe:
My will to live              :gawe:                   :gawe:
                                              :gawe:                                                 :gawe:               :gawe:
:gawe:                                                                  :gawe:
Don't say I didn't warn you  heck

Tournament Archives / Re: Fresh Metal (Signups Now Open!)
« on: June 05, 2019, 09:58:37 AM »
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King Chrome continues to be full of "why did you not read the rules"  :vista:
Do you have the fixed beta motor APs?
Yeah I think this could be the issue. It looks to me as though there'd still be some minor clipping even if he's using a modified Beta AP compared to what you're using, but it would be a lot less egregious than this.

Just another argument for people to stop releasing these single-component modpacks that only serve to make tournament hosts' lives difficult tbh  heck

Contests / Re: Vote BOTM June 2019 (IRL Extenderbots)
« on: June 05, 2019, 02:45:29 AM »
1. Orc? - I know hes into crocodile stuff. Bot is pretty amazing, and gets my vote
Good one kix

Tournament Archives / Re: HangarGames - Discussion
« on: June 02, 2019, 08:26:31 AM »
iirc if the text file doesn't have an hp listed it defaults to 400hp which means moe motor would just fall off at the slightest touch of anything lmao
Not if you chassis mount it

Tournament Archives / Re: Fresh Metal (Signups Now Open!)
« on: June 02, 2019, 07:43:56 AM »
Seeing stuff actually get rejected for sh** like this is pretty refreshing NGL. If tourney hosts stop accepting borderline sh**, build standards are naturally gonna go up as a result.

Tournament Archives / Re: World Robotic League
« on: May 31, 2019, 10:07:31 PM »
No more then 1 wide medium/large vdma, storm front hinge or beta OR a maximum of 2 medium or smaller vdma. (no mixing and matching)
No more then 2 large typhoon or 4 small typhoon (no mixing)
idk I think just one Storm burst and the typhoon limits are too strict for my liking. 2 storms, 4 larges, and 6 smalls feel much better to me. This is coming from someone who doesn't use 4 larges or 2 storms, but the bots that use those setups are usually reasonable.
Eh. 4 larges on an HS is perfectly reasonable, but on a vert that can gutrip it's too much IMO. I do think people should start separating out VSes and HSes when they do tooth limits since HSes are just straight up not as strong due to the fact that they can't control the opponent like Verts can, and also have to hit the front and sides of the opponent which are generally more armoured than the bottom panel.

The burst limits would be too much IF the ring arena wasn't in there, but that's pretty much a free league for flippers no matter what burst limits you put in.

Challenge Board / Re: TheRoboteer vs Virus Bomb vs TheOrcCorp
« on: May 30, 2019, 11:56:33 AM »
Sent mine :)

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