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Messages - Gulden

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Tournament Archives / Re: Robot MPire: Series 4
« on: September 07, 2019, 07:38:23 PM »
Damn, some of these robots are giving me a butt load of nostalgia.

Showcases / Re: Post Your RR2 Bots
« on: September 07, 2019, 01:05:35 PM »
I have a bug where every bot I've built in the current build is immune to elimination by pits and ring-outs, so I don't know if she'd be allowed. D:
This has been a bug that effects every single robot since the August06 patch.  I'm pretty sure everyone knows of it.  It shouldn't affect your ability to get in.

Otherwise, I love the disc.  I need to learn how to make hollow things like that.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Calling out toxic People episode 1
« on: September 03, 2019, 07:39:20 PM »
And this has been episode 1 of Uncovering toxic people.
Do me next!

Showcases / Re: Guldenflame's RR2 Showcase
« on: September 02, 2019, 10:58:08 PM »
I need to update my showcases more often.
Here's an axe bot.
Robot Rumble 2.0 9_2_2019 10_27_25 PM.png

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: TL:DR Ra2 is sucky
« on: August 31, 2019, 10:21:33 PM »
I agree that GTM's relationship with others is and always has been a key issue. I tried really hard to reach out to all the different communities last summer to make connections and mend fences, and was mostly ignored/mocked for my efforts. I felt that despite the reputation of the community, most people had a level of respect for me. I was mostly proven wrong. If someone else could succeed where I failed, I would be wholly impressed.

Personally I think people outside of GTM get along well with us on an individual level. Just dont like the branding we're associated
So a brand change in order?
Then it's settled.  From now on we're GeeseTriggersMrstrsyko.

On a serious note, though.  This is an issue that isn't easily fixed without either more discipline, or a more friendly image.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: TL:DR Ra2 is sucky
« on: August 30, 2019, 10:10:12 PM »
I have no idea where I stand in this, but I will say I enjoyed the read. 

Tournament Archives / Re: Intercommunity IRL League
« on: August 29, 2019, 07:44:02 AM »
Do we really need this stupid poll rule ? anyway, poll added
To avoid spam, yes.  We don't want to overflow the sign-ups section with tourneys no one will enter.

Besides, as soon as one finishes a tourney, they can skip the poll.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: RedAce's DSL Showcase
« on: August 28, 2019, 02:34:57 PM »
Ok, that is cool as sh**.

How'd you make that happen?

Looks like a skinned shell cover put on the top attached to a spinmotor.

Showcases / Re: Arcane's RR2 Creations
« on: August 25, 2019, 09:06:18 PM »
There's now way the Tento shell is hallow right?
You sir, have too much time on your hands.

Custom Components Showcase / Re: Pay Tribute With Replicas
« on: August 25, 2019, 09:01:58 PM »
I have never seen this robot in my entire life.
Looks decent though.

-A bot is unable to steer left and right, again pit floor eliminates that
This can be a combanation on issues on the robot, not the game.
-Your wheelbase is too thin.
-Your wheels are too small (Go one size larger than what barely peeks out).
-Your motors are the Ampflow 30-400s.  They are way too weak to be used on 2WD.

Tournament Archives / Re: [DSL IRL MW Team Tag] Double2Man
« on: August 08, 2019, 01:28:28 PM »
[ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]
Double2Man. Same as before but it's same.

General Information:

Building Rules:

Battle Rules:

How to enter:

Hopefully won't give me more stress when hosting two tournament.
This is now a sign-ups topic.  Good luck folks.
You know the drill, the quoted rules may not change under normal circumstances.

Creativity Showcase / Re: So I sampled RA2 menu music and made a thing
« on: August 06, 2019, 11:27:27 AM »
Nothing like good ol' dubstep.

Upon installing the patch, I had a bug where two of my bots disappeared in-game and were replaced with a dummy simply called "robot."
I couldn't do anything with the dummy so I simply deleted to the two robots through the files and the dummy disappeared.

Outside of that one thing, the game is still great.  Especially now that I can see shell spinners.

Only one other bug report to be found since last update, being that this robot is completely unaffected by the pit's killzone in the test arena.  Might be a height thing.

Robot Rumble 2.0 / Re: RR2 Campaign Mode
« on: August 03, 2019, 11:10:08 PM »
I can see it going one of two ways.

1: Resource management style gameplay where each part has a cost and you start with a low budget.  Kinda like every other sports game.
You continually battle over and over again using your winnings to go from underdog to topdog.

2: RA2 style where you go around competing in various live events just having a good time.  Possibly with an overarching tournament between them.

I personally prefer the later of the two, but in all honesty, I'd be ok if there just wasn't a campaign mode at all.

Showcases / Re: Mystic's RR2 bots
« on: August 03, 2019, 11:05:15 PM »
Takes screenshot with greenscreen.
Doesn't Crop it.

In all seriousness though, I can't really see most of the bot due to the shading.  The drum shape seems awkward too.  I recommend using 2 half-cylinders. 

Showcases / Re: Hoppins Bots that are RR2
« on: August 02, 2019, 07:06:21 PM »
I'm pretty sure Batteries do nothing atm.

Anyway, it looks nice.  Shame about the torque and srimech.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: GameTechMods Tier Ranking V1
« on: August 01, 2019, 09:35:53 PM »
I'm just happy to be included.

I apologize in advance.

Edit:  Oh shoot, the Doom demon thing is Wen.

Tournament Archives / Re: Realistic Robots
« on: July 31, 2019, 06:41:16 PM »
Entrant Limit?  Your entrant?  BFE, OBJ, CF?  Bracket Style?

Robot Rumble 2.0 / Re: Robot Rumble 2.0 AI Thread
« on: July 29, 2019, 05:41:27 PM »

Code: [Select]
while 1

    // Get a reference to self and nearest enemy.
    e = getNearestEnemy()
    me = getMyRobot()
    // Always try to attack.
    drive = driveToward(e.position)
    turn = turnToward(e.position)
    distance = getDistance(me.position,e.position)
    if(distance < 2) then
        button1 = true
    else if distance >= 2 then
        button1 = false
    end if
    aistate = "attacking"               

Easiest way to AI flippers and hammers currently (as far as I know) is replacing the "2"s in this section with a number between 0.5 and 1.  The smaller the number, the closer they need to be to fire the weapon.

However, note that if you ever edit the AI, it will be unable to distinguish dead robots from live ones.

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