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Messages - J

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Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 26, 2016, 08:51:08 PM »
Sounds like the kind of deck I'm looking for in the tournament ;)
Don't be a scrub. Luck based decks are shiit.

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 26, 2016, 05:11:44 PM »
Also I'm pretty much set on deleting that Gadget Deck I posted earlier.
How come?
Cuz' it's the same shi'tty logic as Future Fusion; Deck is awful unless you topdeck it, and it leaves far too much up to chance because of how easily it can backfire on you and/or you draw both Garnets/etc, but HURRR DURRR IZ AWTOWIN WEN IT WERKS EKSDEEE!1!!!!!!1!11one


Which is just fuking stupid.

Site News and Feedback / Re: "Foul Language"
« on: April 26, 2016, 05:09:07 PM »
Regarding language-

What about me those of us who spell it differently to avoid it being censored?

I mean, I say fuk/fukking/etc, but I never use it as an insult/with a negative tone

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 25, 2016, 05:34:30 PM »
Kinda' wish they had A, B, and C on DN. They look like a lot of fun.

Also I'm pretty much set on deleting that Gadget Deck I posted earlier.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: April 24, 2016, 11:20:39 PM »
This game was showcased at PAX? Neat.

'Course, the game is going to change from it's initial showing, but still.

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 23, 2016, 04:02:29 AM »
I'm thinking of doing a Nephthys deck. Any objections to this? Only asking because I know nothing of the meta :P
You'd play Fire Kings, in this case.
And even then, they... Are a little underwhelming.

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 22, 2016, 10:23:59 PM »
Ah, sorry, haha. Forgot that card exists. Is that card fast/reliable enough for you? Especially to run two of it, as well.
Between the Gadgets, Brilliant Fusion, Gigant X, etc. Jar of Avarice is always live.

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 22, 2016, 04:28:30 PM »
Looks good but I hate the Brilliant engine. You joining the tournament, J?
DN lacks Gold and Silver Gadget... Among other things.
Plus, Tournaments always go horribly wrong for me; So no, I'm not taking part of it.

Edit: Just saw those Pot of Avarices. What ban list you playing, J? Just get rid of 1 and you can play legally in the OCG.

Might want to double check that list.

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 22, 2016, 01:39:13 PM »
Monster - 17
3x Gold Gadget
3x Silver Gadget
2x Red Gadget
2x Yellow Gadget
2x Green Gadget
2x Summoner Monk
1x Jumbo Drill
2x Gem-Knight Garnet

Spell - 13
3x Brilliant Fusion
3x Double Summon
3x Twin Twister
3x Instant Fusion
1x Limiter Removal

Trap - 11
3x Call of the Haunted
3x Oasis of Dragon Souls
3x Storming Mirror Force
2x Jar of Avarice

Extra - 15
1x Norden
1x Restrict
2x Gem-Knight Seraph
1x Emeral
2x Gigant X
1x Delteros
2x Castel
1x Utopia
1x Utopia Lightning
1x Cyber Dragon Nova
1x Cyber Dragon Infinity
1x Shark Fortress

Total 41

Some Deck I made the other day, but in list form
Basically it's a funtimes.dek
I really need to get around to actually testing it on something like DevPro/etc

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Zootopia
« on: April 21, 2016, 06:10:11 AM »
I'm afraid it's not a valid argument to use opinion when Red said it so matter-of-factly. He was imposing his opinion, not stating it, by insinuating that there was clear pandering to furries. It's fine for him to dislike a trailer if he believes there is pandering to furries but he shouldn't be stating it as if it's an objective fact.
Kinda' sorta' what I was getting at.
The movie only seems like its pandering, but it honestly isn't.
Hell... Disney has always made movies about anthro animals/etc. Dunno' what makes those any different from Zootopia.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:46:47 PM »
Alright, here's a random question that I hope the Devs answer-

Do you plan to include references and/or nods to GTM in some way or another? Like, if one of the stock AI bots was Spinner from the West, or something.
I mean, it would be a thank you to the community, if anything.

they've nodded at us enough. First with that hidden code when the website was first released, and now directly referencing the forum when doing Q&As.
Dude, if they make a Stock AI bot and name it 'Rainbow Sage', it would literally be one of the funniest things ever.

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: BattleBots Season 2 CONFIRMED
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:41:26 PM »

even has the cat ears the overhaul team had for the first season
Honestly, the funniest part about this is the fact someone drew a motherfuking Battle Bot.... As a sh'it-tier waifu character. It's so bad, it's actually funny.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Zootopia
« on: April 19, 2016, 11:36:23 PM »
Those examples are terrible.
That's the joke.

Of course, this looks like typical mindless cute, feel-good stuff, so nope.
Nary, the movie is about your favorite subject. You know... Racism =D

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Zootopia
« on: April 19, 2016, 04:14:05 PM »
I was turned off watching this movie due to the clear pandering to furries that I saw in the trailer, an' I don't like dat sheet.
I was turned off from watching Starwars Episode 7 because Chewbaka is clearly Disney pandering to furries.
I was turned off from watching Big Hero 6 because Baymax is clearly Disney pandering to people with an inflation fetish.
I was turned off from watching Wreck-It Ralph because Disney is clearly pandering to basement dwelling neckbeards.

Dude, your fussing over the movie, over a reason that isn't even related to you, nor does it effect you, in any way/shape/form. Just enjoy the movie for what it is, and leave it at that O,o

On topic, this movie seems interesting enough for me to at least watch it illegally online. However, one thing I keep hearing is "Really good worldbuilding", if that's it's only selling point then i'm a bit worried. I want to be proven wrong, however.
What they mean by this, is the fact they play around with the scale of things throughout the whole movie.
This scene for example:
(It's basically a trailer, shoosh)

It's a chase scene through a fukin' mouse city, and Judy tries not to step on anyone/anything.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: April 19, 2016, 04:02:17 PM »
Alright, here's a random question that I hope the Devs answer-

Do you plan to include references and/or nods to GTM in some way or another? Like, if one of the stock AI bots was Spinner from the West, or something.
I mean, it would be a thank you to the community, if anything.

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: BattleBots Season 2 CONFIRMED
« on: April 19, 2016, 03:53:57 PM »
dang it, tank treads are just so cool
Treads are incredibly fragile.
Cool as hell, regardless.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: April 18, 2016, 09:13:09 PM »
>We have a handful of folks providing us feedback from the RA2 community.

...Are they actually using GTM as a source?
Then how else could they recite our questions exactly to the letter ?

Lucky guesses?
For 5 straight Q&As ?
I'm clearly too lazy to look-
Where exactly are they getting said questions from, anyway?

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: April 18, 2016, 06:53:38 PM »
>We have a handful of folks providing us feedback from the RA2 community.

...Are they actually using GTM as a source?

What boulder have you been under?
They've BEEN doing that.
I kinda' had the impression there was some other RA2 fansite out there.


I can dream, can't it?

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: April 18, 2016, 05:41:15 PM »
>We have a handful of folks providing us feedback from the RA2 community.

...Are they actually using GTM as a source?

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Zootopia
« on: April 18, 2016, 05:39:45 PM »
It's called a hustle, sweetheart.
Holy sh'it RFS actually exists.

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