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Messages - Hoppin

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Off-Topic Discussion / Re: TL:DR Ra2 is sucky
« on: September 02, 2019, 02:10:58 PM »
yeah tl;dr go build a robot and idk slowly you start realising gtm ra2 whatever... don't matter...
bye xo

You got it heck

Showcases / Re: Wham's RR2 Botz
« on: September 01, 2019, 01:01:12 PM »
Id say enter my tournament, but im sure that the bots are overweight
Nevertheless, amazing bots

They’re actually all perfectly within weight limit  :cool:

Where you hosting the tournament?
Im Primarily hosting it on OW Discord because i can do Voice Chat thing to talk to people, as its easier for the tournament
ATM the game isnt really in good condition for me to host it. Once they solve most critical issues, ill be more than happy to host

Cool, lemme know when you plan to do it and I’ll enter. My discord is in my profile :)
Do I have to enter reps or could I flex my creative muscles? Lol

yo these robbots are crazy gorgeous

Thanks man!!

You probably should add the four digit tag, thats how we find you

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: TL:DR Ra2 is sucky
« on: August 31, 2019, 07:56:20 PM »
I agree that GTM's relationship with others is and always has been a key issue. I tried really hard to reach out to all the different communities last summer to make connections and mend fences, and was mostly ignored/mocked for my efforts. I felt that despite the reputation of the community, most people had a level of respect for me. I was mostly proven wrong. If someone else could succeed where I failed, I would be wholly impressed.

Personally I think people outside of GTM get along well with us on an individual level. Just dont like the branding we're associated

Showcases / Re: Post Your RR2 Bots
« on: August 31, 2019, 12:24:10 PM »
Finally I managed an original bot that i'm somewhat happy with... naming however is difficult, currently with a placeholder name of "Jeff". it'll do for now.  [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]    [ Quoting of attachment images from other messages is not allowed ]

This looks great

Off-Topic Discussion / TL:DR Ra2 is sucky
« on: August 30, 2019, 09:43:19 PM »

Just know, there's gonna be the occasional name drop. **** you, enjoy

I think the tournament scene is getting more and more restrictive, and in my honest opinion I see it resulting in not only a downgrade in robots, but also fights.

The rulesets of tournaments are looking to purely limit the "problem" components, however can quite easily be abused, intentionally or not. (Example of this is: Thanatos Redeemer. Because it doesnt use the "problem" components it was unable to slip under the radar with 8 beaters and 4 matidas. Which is more DPS than what was setout to prevent). In regards to quality, people are just gonna be building to the limit then chucking armour on it however, I recognise this is not 100% true, I see it being a problem for the less good builders. But without some kinda of quality control rule, imo will lead to lazy builds. This last part leads into the discords and the splits in communities.

In terms of fight quality, because of everything having a reduction in DPS, I can fully see a meta in which gutripping becomes even more prevelant than it currently is. This will be boring. Sorry folks, you suck.

Now, I don't think this is the fault of a single tournament. It's people being to stupid to create a new ruleset or a heavily modify version of another. They just copy paste the text into their own thread of whatever.

Everyone thinks they can fix DSL.

They can't.

Every time I see a discussion over this ****ing game, I see people saying things like "We need to change X components" or "We should nerf X tooth". Please understand you cannot just make a small change to this game to fix it all, nor add X components. You will just make another tooth the "problem component". You would need to rebalance the entire game and even then, with a game that uses pure component related statistics people will just use the formula to calculate the best component. I'd rather see a variety of colourful components than some dog sh** balance changes. Bildschirm is making progress on this, and it's something I'll give him credit on. Along with Geice's recent changes to the download section, I hope we can compile all of the sh** together for a true DSL 2.2 CE. I think like Geice mentioned, we should be looking once a month or so to make changes to CE with what gets removed, updated or added.

The naming system right now for the versions is pretty dog sh** too if I might add. Legit just keep it 2.2 please. I beg. There's nothing truly significant to warrant a 2.3, even the actual 2.3 that fotepx made wasn't, albeit closer than what Bildschirm has been doing

Discord and other places
Right then, time to smack talk the discords.

I think we at this point are aware of the relationship between the three/four main communities of Ra2. GTM, OW, MS2 & PWS and the relationship each discord/community has with each other. Both with GTM are dog sh** and I want to break down each community from my understanding. I've been a mod in most of the Ra2 communities, so I know who does what, and what everyone actually thinks of each other for the most part.

GTM. I'm gonna start off with my hometown as it were. Boomer country. The forum is the main place of Ra2 still, due to housing the resources for the game and all of the add-ons needed. However, anything outside that and RR2 is pretty scarce. You'll probably get the odd tournament post or showcase bump. This discord has realistically been the odd pop-ups in other chats or a fairly consistant one in the "controversial" not retard chat.

The relationship I have seen unfold with new members and the common users is that, we tend to sh** on what people would regard as "dumbass" behaviour, it's a wild west of a place, I must say. Forums less so. However, I have seen a quicker increase in building skills, etc when new members have a consistent interaction with the "toxic" members of GTM. Code Red is a pretty good example of this imo, he showcase the difference between getting "toxic" feedback vs the nice feedback over on other discords.

MS2, now I'm not familiar with Mike's discord but I do know it's not just Ra2, it's his youtube. So I can't rag on it too bad. But I will say that if Code and Billy are the "most experienced" active users there, you're in the wrong server. Sorry guys, whilst your advice is pretty bog standard, it's not particularly ground breaking or expansive. It's all I can really say about the server other than it contains all the new guys we've seen the influx of, and whilst they suck. They'll get better.

OW. This is really, the big one. The facebook of Ra2. Right, now I think the Orcs Wars discord is a lot of "We're nice to keep a collective of people together". Those with conflicting opinions are just brushed away in my opinion, it's an opinion of the forum I've discussed with some people and I think it's a shared opinion. Now, of course I think have a community, you want the general idea to be similar, but OW brings a level which imo is unsettling. Personally I don't believe it too be a fault of staff or owner, more just a general vibe I get. Staff are another issue I have with OW, with only 1 mod active, it's not where it should be and the GM team comprises of mostly near unbearable users, it really does make me think. I'm aware of Orc's stance on moderating and having trust in his team, but I think that by having a mod team, you should be ready to put that trust on the line for the sake of finding the right team, it's a job in itself and it should be viewed that way.

In regards to the user base there, I think the community works in the opposite to GTM, in which it's very inviting to new members, but with interactions purely with members exclusive to that discord, it results in slow learning and creating general excuses to not improve. I'll be using Mr BK and PrimevalBrony as an example of this.

PWS, it doesnt give the Mods enough control to handle situations. It's really stupid. Overall, it's really a mix of the above mentioned

Overall, I'm aware that discords are what the community future is at, I just don't think I like it. It's good as a consistent chat room, but idk.

Zoomers are currently the oddest group of this community. I enjoy the determination that you all possess and the eagerness to jump into the advanced stuff. However, most of you are yikes. The mentality of the zoomers can range from crap on all with no excuse, which I believe to be a copy or myself and roboteer. Superbomb has demonstrated this imo the most. The other is to do the full 180 of this, in which you shut down anything which can be perceived as offensive. But all of you find a way to circle jerk over some old boomer (Badger and Badnik) and how they got slammed in X, Y, Z tournament. :V

Why not :)

-You can't fix the game
-Discord is full of tards.
-I hate you all
-I hope you copypasta this, it'll be epic

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Tommy's Lego Bots.
« on: August 30, 2019, 06:32:51 PM »
Realistically some of them don't have wheels and should be eliminated heck

Showcases / Re: Arcane's RR2 Creations
« on: August 30, 2019, 06:08:05 PM »
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- Duck!


Custom Components Showcase / Re: Redalert's Mods!
« on: August 30, 2019, 05:25:00 PM »
He's back ladies and gentlemen
Let the harassment begin

Lol, actually shut up Poke

Tournament Archives / Re: CENTAURI 3 - Online Tournament | Signups
« on: August 30, 2019, 04:53:56 PM »
09 entered as the prodigal lawyer. signups closed


Site News and Feedback / Re: Hoppin has stepped down from staff
« on: August 30, 2019, 03:32:50 PM »
Does this mean I'm the most toxic user now?

**** no cunt

Site News and Feedback / Re: Hoppin has stepped down from staff
« on: August 30, 2019, 03:17:45 PM »
Cheers for the 2 years or so of it, Goose man. It's been a blast

Discussion / Re: psa: ti/steel 1-5 sucks
« on: August 30, 2019, 02:53:55 PM »
Wtf thats bullsh**. **** you.

Good info ty

Custom Components Showcase / Re: Pay Tribute With Replicas
« on: August 30, 2019, 02:40:51 PM »
Why is it allowed in a Robot Arena showcase
Can someone start an RR2 replica showcase just so it doesn't clog up this one please and thanks

It's just a replica thread, not just Ra2

« on: August 29, 2019, 04:06:27 PM »
I can hear the DMCA's rushing to your mailbox

Cool drawing tho

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Seagulls, the villains.
« on: August 28, 2019, 04:15:47 PM »
Good job Hoppin you killed GTM

And thats a bad thing?

Tournament Archives / Re: Deathmatch 4 - SBV
« on: August 26, 2019, 08:52:41 AM »

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Kelimpel's horrifying bots
« on: August 23, 2019, 05:23:38 PM »
I've made a new robot called deja vu and its an axe bot with steel 5m amour but the the weapon clips through the wedge

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The weapon clipping into the wedge is ok, as you can cut a slot in which the weapon goes through

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Seagulls, the villains.
« on: August 23, 2019, 04:49:15 PM »
I really love that I can bring this community together :heart_smiley:

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: the gamer word
« on: August 22, 2019, 06:24:10 PM »
who can use it? cus sev and hoppin sure do

No true. Wen is the only one who uses it

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Hard Bot's IRL Designs
« on: August 22, 2019, 12:25:52 PM »
This is some early 2.2 level IRL

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