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Messages - TheRoboteer

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DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: March 09, 2020, 01:33:15 PM »

I'd maybe try going for a more powerful burst setup if you can find the weight and do it without compromising the visuals, though what you currently have may be adequate depending how heavy your flipper arm itself is.

As an aside I just noticed upon second look that you seem to have bolts on the flipper arm. If you were to enter a tournament (which I'd love to see) you may have to ditch those as they aren't a standard component in DSL.

Yeah, they're more done for visual looks than anything combat orientated. The previous version had axle extenders slightly clipping through the arm to look like screwheads.
All in all though it's gorgeous. Not often these days that someone crops up with such a well defined and unique build style  :thumbup

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: March 09, 2020, 01:26:04 PM »
Aqua Necklace is gorgeous. What burst does the flipper use?

It's just an upside-down Storm burst-piston. The first iteration of the design lacked the circled area and there was some exterior clipping with the mechanism and the chassis so I tweaked the design and gave it a little raise to cover it.

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I'd maybe try going for a more powerful burst setup if you can find the weight and do it without compromising the visuals, though what you currently have may be adequate depending how heavy your flipper arm itself is.

As an aside I just noticed upon second look that you seem to have bolts on the flipper arm. If you were to enter a tournament (which I'd love to see) you may have to ditch those as they aren't a standard component in DSL.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: March 09, 2020, 01:17:48 PM »
Aqua Necklace / Notorious B.I.G / Scary Monsters / Survivor / Speed King / Bohemian Rhapsody

Aqua Necklace is a simple wedge w/ a flipper on the front. The original cover lacked an aspect to make the chassis pop visually, so I added the two stripes running down the front. It's more of a lifter than a flipper, but it can do its job.

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As Notorious B.I.G is meant to be one of the most resilient, most violent and most uncontrollable Stands in all of JoJo, it only makes sense that such a Stand would be represented as one of the most violent, most resilient types of .bot - a spinner. The base layer of red mass is meant to be done in the style of pulsating flesh, like, well, the "skin" of Notorious B.I.G itself!

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I'll update this post with the other 4 once I've actually made them.
Aqua Necklace is gorgeous. What burst does the flipper use?

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Danangoo's DSL Showcase
« on: March 06, 2020, 03:14:59 PM »
C Moon is really nice, though it needs better weapon supports I feel, and the amount of typhoons on it will put it over the weapon limits for most tournaments these days. Visually though it's quality  :thumbup

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: March 04, 2020, 01:18:22 PM »
Honestly I might prefer it unskinned, the lack of texture on the plow is a tad offputting to me. Maybe overlay the current texture on top of the original at like 70% opacity or something?
Done. I have the unskinned version as a backup I can revert to if this doesn't look any good, but I think it looks pretty decent.

Phosphor Scoop.png

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: March 04, 2020, 12:15:17 PM »
High effort skin on the scoop. Wanted to do something more complex but was having a nightmare. IK the wedgelets don't look great with how they go further up than the orange line, but believe me I spent the best part of 2 hours trying to find a better solution to no avail

Phosphor Ext.png

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: March 03, 2020, 07:47:49 PM »
That thing is sick. Love the plow
TY boss. Plow seems pretty divisive in terms of whether people like it or not. I may just leave it as-is since I don't really have a strong opinion on it either way

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: March 03, 2020, 07:42:16 PM »
New one. This actually started as a vert but at some point I decided it would work better as a hammer, so that's what I did in the end. 1 frenzy hammer powered by a medium VDMA so should hit decently. I need to add a couple more batts, which I have spare weight for, but I can't be bothered taking this thing apart right now. There's been some discussion about the plough on the front in the discord, and I was considering skinning it as I built the thing, but that will depend on how hellish the mesh for it is. Some people said it looks good as-is though so swings and roundabouts innit.

Phosphor Ext.png

Tournament Archives / Re: Deathmatch 5 - SBV
« on: February 23, 2020, 04:19:33 PM »

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Kelimpel's horrifying bots
« on: February 20, 2020, 11:46:34 AM »
I've made a new bot called daddys cigarettes its a cw with titanium 5mm and a drum

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The way the whole thing is asymmetrical is pretty unsettling. Also the anchors that you're mounting your wedgelets and those random teeth on the side to being exposed looks pretty bad

Robot Rumble 2.0 / Re: Robot Rumble Community Replica Pack (WIP)
« on: February 15, 2020, 08:15:40 AM »
While not much of a replica builder myself at all, I am very curious to how big and epic this pack will become. The work put in so far already is purely amazing.

Also, Kix, King of Bots had 2 seasons so far to my knowledge. Another Chinese tournament was This is Fighting Robots. The latter I have heard someone that's been there that bot builders usually call it the "KFC deathcamp".
"KFC Death Camp" was Clash Bots. This is Fighting Robots was a spinoff of King of Bots run by the same people, and was largely ok as far as I'm aware

Glad to see this finally getting underway!

Good lord, this still exists!

I have the first 4 weeks recorded completely and will be uploading on a consistent 2 day per week (at minimum) schedule.

A couple of small notes as to my setbacks: My experimental version of the RG2 arena is providing me with more errors than anticipated, so I won't use it this season; hoping to work out the problems asap. And voice recording/syncing continues to be a massive problem. Hopefully solved in time for next season since I'll be getting a new apartment & with it, new equipment come April.

Tournament Archives / Re: Deathmatch 5 - SBV
« on: February 10, 2020, 01:23:07 AM »
Heat G of Deathmatch 5 is now up!

Judge's Decisions:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: February 08, 2020, 05:59:26 AM »
I also made an update to this thing from a while back. It was very well received at the time but I felt that the flipper in particular could have been improved. I went with a longer panel + some edge pieces that IMO integrate it into the bot much better and make for a much more cohesive package. I also changed the colour of the flipper from the somewhat jarring bright green of the old one to a dark blue, which makes for a nice compliment to the light blue and black bits that make up the rest of the bot.

Sigma II Ext.png

I'm just wondering about why brushless motors would be deemed to break more easily.

Because they do... at least, currently. As kix said, Pulsar/Magnetar exclusively used brushless components, and it was one of the most unreliable combat robots I've ever seen. It was an incredible piece of engineering, and very powerful when it worked, but being cutting-edge has its drawbacks.
And if they didn't, why would you ever use the other motors the game has to offer. Brushless motors are smaller, lighter, more convenient, and pretty much as powerful as you'll ever need. Without some balancing factor there you might as well remove the other motors from the game because they'll never get used if brushlesses don't have a drawback

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Suede's DSL Showcase
« on: February 05, 2020, 11:57:44 PM »
irl popup located
Fam you seen those skirts?
Yeah I only put those skirts bc idk which things make for a good wedge in DSL 2.2, I presume the new wedge edges are the best, but they're so tiny
If you're not trying to build IRL then the skirts are fine. They're still one of the best wedge components, but they generally aren't legal in IRL building, which is why I brought it up in response to 8bean calling it an IRL popup. If you're going for DSL-S here which I assume you are then you're fine.
No I was going for IRL, and the spikes arent actually pop-ups, they're a piston poker (as a throwback to Robot Wars Season 2 Bodyhammer), I just angled the heavy spikes bc that was the only way to get them to fit inside the shell realistically
Popups and popup-style bots generally don't really fly in IRL so I'd just commit to going DSL-S and keep the skirts, or rework it entirely to be a flipper or something if you want to stick to IRL with it

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Suede's DSL Showcase
« on: February 05, 2020, 06:38:49 PM »
irl popup located
Fam you seen those skirts?
Yeah I only put those skirts bc idk which things make for a good wedge in DSL 2.2, I presume the new wedge edges are the best, but they're so tiny
If you're not trying to build IRL then the skirts are fine. They're still one of the best wedge components, but they generally aren't legal in IRL building, which is why I brought it up in response to 8bean calling it an IRL popup. If you're going for DSL-S here which I assume you are then you're fine.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Suede's DSL Showcase
« on: February 05, 2020, 04:17:20 PM »
irl popup located
Fam you seen those skirts?

DSL TC Showcases / Re: TheRoboteer's Hit or Miss DSL Showcase
« on: February 05, 2020, 10:52:45 AM »
How good is the wedge?
It's static so terrible. It can still hit stuff without outwedging it though.

Overall my main focus here was making something cool though, and to get a hinged wedge I'd have to spend less weight on visuals to put into the wedge

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