Quote from: Natef on March 11, 2011, 03:33:10 PMQuote from: TeamXtreemer on March 11, 2011, 03:12:52 PM(Still the best FPS of 2010. most of the 2010 games were sh**.)I disagree, I repeat, most.and toiy soldiers was beatsly.@Madman , Some beastly piles of sh** won awards this year aswell not always games either. take a look at avatar. NEARLY 3 HOURS OF OVERSIZED PONYTAILED SMURFS KIGHTING EACHOTHER. they won loads of crap. so did 'the kings speech' WAT IS THIS CRAP, SOME DUDE TALKING ABOUT sh** FOR 2 HOURS. see where i'm comings from? its a very sketchy opinion, but it proves my point.And ME2 is a decent game, i would just be dissapointed by it,.
Quote from: TeamXtreemer on March 11, 2011, 03:12:52 PM(Still the best FPS of 2010. most of the 2010 games were sh**.)I disagree,
(Still the best FPS of 2010. most of the 2010 games were sh**.)
Quote from: TeamXtreemer on March 11, 2011, 05:01:42 PMNintendogs0/10sh**RFJYou're not doing it right- having an opinion is fine, but you've got to provide reasons and justification why.
megabump, I actually did a review for a reviewer contest a while back. The proprietor's computer broke, so it'll be a long time before he judges my video. If I win this contest I stand to gain some unsaleable fanart from his wife. If you've ever wanted to hear my lovely voice for approx 10 minutes straight, this is your chance. The review may come across as quirky, that's because he made us follow his rules to the letter, which were: -Review an RPG-Say your favorite element of the game-Talk about what would make a good sequel-10 minute time limit-No excessive cursing-No text reviews or text-to-speech programsAnd some silly rules, think of it as a scavenger hunt; can you find...-An apple-A line from either Shakespeare or Spinal Tap-A subliminal ad for a made-up soft drinkAlso I don't give the game a number score at the end, I thought I should alert you to that since that seems to be a trend here. Enjoy, wish me luck in the contest:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvmH3Sa-JMs&feature=plcp&context=C37d4a90UDOEgsToPDskLswV2RcJZRFBwyyzJIb0cm#ws
Well, nice try at least. I should probably do a review of something,considering IGN are biased.
Does this count? I've been reviewing games for about eight years now on my site.
Quote from: Alphasim on May 09, 2012, 11:58:28 PMDoes this count? I've been reviewing games for about eight years now on my site.Yeah, that counts. Actually, that's not a half bad review you've got there. That Portal 2 is so relateable.(Someonepleasetrymymaps)