Author Topic: RAW Videos.  (Read 51841 times)

Offline Sage

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RAW Videos.
« on: September 28, 2008, 12:27:48 AM »

RAW Tourney Page

So RAW 1 now comes to close. It's been fun, with many exciting matches and upsets. Even if the championship isn't as exciting as it should be, the rest of the tourney has been great. I expect to begin RAW 2 soon, and it shouldn't be too far away. Until then, congratulations to all participants!



Watch it!

Mako 4 vs. Good Bye Blue Sky

Well, as this is the second to last fight, why don't you guys just watch it? I'm sure no one reads the summaries and doesn't watch the videos later, especially if it's only one fight.

Mako 4 vs. Steel Meatball

Woah. Well, this is the only fight to go 5 rounds. Which is pretty cool. First round Mako just kinda dissapeared. I was like "what the heck?" then the screen changes and i see Mako getting struck by lighting in the deep abyss of death and despair and eternalness and the like. So i watched the video in slow-mo, and i see a glimpse of mako flying away from a havok explosion from Meatball's axle. Steel Meatball uses his free restart because it was his axle that cause the explosion. Second round Mako got destroyed. Well at least his front. Mako lost all his hammers, all his wedges, and all his frontal armor. Next fight we see know the genoius of Steel Meatball. He has a last resort weapon to use only if he will lose otherwide: HaVoK. Steel Meatball is one hit away from death, so he sends Mako flying. Becase this is a different round, he gets another free restart. In the fourth round (which is really the second) Mako gets destroyed again. He seemed to be doing pretty well, but then Steel Meatball somehow Takes off THREE of his hammers in ONE HIT. which leaves Mako pretty much open for attack.  Last round (finally) Mako gets his revenge, prompty tearing away Meatball's weapons and armor, and soon destroying him. If Mako can fight his was past the loser's bracket, he might just have a chance at the win, if this last round is anything to judge by.
Steel Meatball wins 2-1 with 2 KOs. Mako 4 gets 1 KO.

Good Bye Blue Sky vs. Mutant Dragonfly III

Not as exciting as a semifinal should have been, but a good fight none the less. This is the only round with 4 fights in it. Which is cool. First fight is kinda funny, with GBBS getting stuck on top of mutant. Fight 2 GBBS gets stuck in the floor, warranting a free restart. The next two fights they go more head to head, and Mutant loses his hammers, and GBBS slowy kills him. Theres a funny part where Mutant has no weapons and rams GBBS, which take saway like most of Mutants health. I was like "Haha sucks for you."
Good Bye Blue Sky wins 2-1 with 2 KOs. Mutant Dragonfly III gets 1 TKO.

obZen vs. Mutant Dragonfly III

Ugh. There are many words to describe this fight, but this seemed most appropriate. Ugh. I have to say it again. So. I added silent commentary during the video, which pretty much sums up the whole fight. Go watch it, not that long. Looks like r0b0 won't live to fight get revenge on Naryar after all.
Mutant Dragonfly wins 2-1 with 2 WBP. obZen gets 1 TKO.

Infernal Contraption vs. Good Bye Blue Sky

I hate GBBS. I mean, the design's fine. Cool skin. Phil's a nice guy. I'm sure he didnt mean for every match GBBS is in to be SO. DAMN. BOOOOORING!!! AHHHHH!! :'(  You guys got off easy. I shortened the vid exponentially for you. But not me. I had to sit thorugh 9 grueling minutes of NOTHING. (and in real time, thats like 25 minutes because of lag) All three fights have GBBS winning by points because Infernal contraption isn't powerful enough to break through GBBS's underside defenses. Too bad.
Good Bye Blue Sky wins 3-0 with 3 WBP.

Good Bye Blue Sky vs. Steel Meatball

Is steel meatball frickin' invincible? That's what it seems like. The beginning of each fight is great, but GBBS loses ALL of its 60KG hammers and both its spikes while Steel meatball barely loses any spikes at all. He did lose a few in the third fight, but it didnt help GBBS out much. Yea, i skinned the spikes for a more christmas green feel.
Steel Meatball wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Mako 4 vs. Mutant Dragonly III

To put it simply, Mako's wedges are superior, and with no bottom protection, Mutant quickly loses all three fights.
Mako 4 wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

obZen vs. Deprivator

I wasn't sure what to expect in this round. We know obZen lost first round, but it seemed to be bad luck. Turned out, it was. First two fights Obzen somehow takes aoff a wheel, or flips deprivator for a TKO. Last fight it looked like deprivator was getting completely owned. I have to say, Deprivators luck comes back 10 fold after losing its first two fights. Deprivator is flaming, and almost dead when obZen somehow slams itself into the wall, and because of its springy wedges, basically bounces off the wall and lands on its butt. It can't self-right from there because of the wall. Lucky litle devil, that deprivator. too little too late though.
obZen wins 2-1 with 2 KOs. Deprivator gets 1 TKO

Lu-Tze vs. Infernal Contraption

InfCon carries on HazCon's legendary name of "Comeback Guy." I could have sworn Lu would win after a certain point in each fight. But no! In the first fight, InfCon flips over. After taking a beating, he gets back up and slowly widdles away Lu's health until he kills it. The second fight was amazing. Lu-tze kicked the crap out of InfCon, leaving him with barely ANY health. Then, InfCon gets back up, and I was like NO. FREAKIN. WAY. Then it looks like the end for Lu-Tze, with InfCon directly under him. BUT NO! And at this point i was like 0.0 just staring at the screen, not able to take any more twists. But this time Lu-Tze gets the KO. Third fight was short and deadly. Best first hit ever!
Infernal Contraption wins 2-1 with 2 KOs. Lu-Tze gets 1 KO

The Hum Drums vs. obZen

I will miss the little guys... They got destroyed in each fight with no mercy. The second fight was the closest, but still not much of a chance.
obZen wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Deprivator vs. Classy Paintjob!

First round Dep gets a nasty hit on Classy, and because of Classy's weak armor, has no trouble killing him. As for the second round, it's pretty much the same as the first. The last round Classy does put up much more of a fight, taking off Dep's front plate and one of the side plows, as well as damaging Dep a good amount. But in the end, Dep gets the kill.
Deprivator wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Pinball vs. Lu-Tze

Kinda a slow fight, so i skipped a lot of the middle section so you guys wouldnt get bored. Basically, in the first round, they both lose a wheel, and beause Piinball isn't invertible, he rarely ever gets to spin, and just gets knocked around until Lu-Tze wins by points. As for the second round, HELL YEAH! The third round basically same as first, just with Lu-Tze getting a KO instead of a WBP.
Lu-Tze wins 2-1 with 1 KO and 1 WBP. Pinball gets 1 TKO.

Infernal Contraption vs. Psi

The better wedge won in the first fight. Second and third fights psi got under, then flipped himself backwards while InfCon stayed upright. InfCon proves that he gets under you, you almost certainly lose.
Infernal Contraption wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Morse Code Breaker vs. obZen

First two fights obzen got under MCB, but MCB got counted out both times because it got tipped over. Third fight obzen flipped himself and MCB started doing some major damage, until obzen righted and slowly killed MCB by smashin his front.
obZen wins 3-0 with 2 TKOs and 1 KO.

Classy Paintjob! vs. Far Cry

Classy pulls off a major upset here. First fight Classy flips Far cry and he ends on his side for a immobilization. The next fight Classy got some MAJOR hits on FarCry's chassis, and ends in a KO for Classy. Third fight was more exciting, with both bots losing most of their hammers, until classy, with one hammer left, finally gets the kill.
Classy Paintjob! wins 3-0 with 2 KOs and 1 TKO

Lu-Tze vs. Thor 3

Good fight. First one both bots flipped over, and Lu-Tze knocks off one of Thors skirt, which aslo includes a motor and 2 hammers. After a long fight where noth much happens, the countdown timer starts for both of them. Lu-Tze gets out of it, but with only 2 seconds left Thor isn't quick enough. He doesn't get a free restart cause his battery was less then half full. Second fight, Thor 3 got utterly destroyed in the beginning. He then got half a chance, and did a decent amount of damage before Lutze finished him off. Last fight Thor had no chance, and Lu-Tzee actually hit him so hard he flew OOTA.
Lu-Tze wins 3-0 with 2 TKOs and 1 KO.

Psi vs. Smoker's Revenge

Well, one thing i can say is Smoker did not get his revenge. Psi schooled Smoker in a very fast manner. First fight ran 8 seconds. Second fight was a little more exciting, and Psi actually lost a drum. Still won though. Third fight was the same as the first, except only 7 seconds.
Psi wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Deprivator vs. Good Bye Blue Sky

Dep gets under GBBS first round and stays there until eventually tearing off one of the tank treads. From there they drive in circles with Dep scratching GBBS's side until he finally gets a KO. Second Match is more in GBBS's favor, and he pounds off all Dep's razors and gets a KO with 6 secons left on the clock. Third match is like the second, except it ends 39 seconds earlier.
Good Bye Blue Sky wins 2-1 with 2 KOs. Deprivator gets 1 KO.

Steel Meatball vs. Hum-Drums

I was pulling for the little guys on this one, but alas, they didn't win. Each match LOOKS like the hums will get a quick KO, but then they lose their wheels and it all goes downhill from there. Smaller wheels next time condor33.
Steel Meatball wins 3-0 with 1 TKO and 2 KOs.

Infernal Contraption 2 vs. Mako 4

I was really excited for this fight, and it definitly didn't dissapoint. Well, the first fight was kinda weird actually. Mako somehow gets stuck on top of InfCon's plow, and since it cant move, it gets counted out. Next fight was awesome. From the beginning it looked like Infcon had it won, with it chewing at mako's undersides in a corner. But then, InfCon has to retreat because the timer started! This gives Mako the chance he needs to get under InfCon, and now I'm certain Mako has it won, what with his pounding on InfCon. But NO! Mako loses a hammer, making it just unstable enough to not be able to finish InfCon off completely. Both draind of power, and, in InfCon's case, a few wheels, the timer gets down to zero, which makes Mako the winner by points. Now the last fight...   InfCon once again starts out under Mako, but thanks to Mako's very nice bottom protection, InfCon barely leaves a mark. Mako the gets under InfCon, and after much pounding, gets the KO it missed out on in the first 2 fights. There is a funny moment where it looks like InfCon is farting fire in Makos face... you'll see what i mean if you watch it...
Mako 4 wins 2-1 with 1 KO and 1 WBP. Infernal Contraption 2 gets 1 TKO.

Pinball vs. Mutant Dragonfly III

First fight looked like pinball was gonna win, with a massive hit in the very beginning. after that pinball loses both his hammers while Mutant loses one. Still armed with blades, pinball gets some nice hits on Dragonfly's chassis, but then somehow flings himself over Dragonfly AND the wall, giving Mutant a TKO. >.<. Next fight both bots lose both hammers and pinball loses one blade... but ends up getting a KO with the one remaining blade! Third fight i was really hoping i wouldnt go OOTA again... but alas, i jumped up to the wall and bounced out. too bad.
Mutant Dragonfly III wins 2-1 with 2 TKOs. Pinball gets 1 KO.

obZen vs. Blah

Quick match. Blah's spinup time is way to long for the speedy popup, and all three fights give obzen a quick KO, second match a one hit KO.
obZen wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Thor 3 vs. Daisy Might

I know which bot's gonna win BTRSHDBBDDTBL...  that disc of Daisy's is like 3.14-ston's bracket wedge in BBEANS 3. once destroyed, hes done for, and unfortunatly it happens a lot.  first fight actually thor 3 glitches, so it gets a free restart. the next matches daisy isn't so lucky, and loses. first fight actually thor traps daisy against a wall for a tko, but then later he gets his disc knocked off in the second and third fights. third figth was really funny though. Daisy uses it's knocked off disc as a sheild for most of the match. i mean its really weird.
THor 3 wins 3-0 with 1 TKO and 2 KOs.

Speed KING vs. Smoker's Revenge

i actually sped it up almost double, and the whole videos still over 9 minutes long. (FRAPS slows down the game a bit). oh well. still fun to watch. they keep trading blows and losing weapons, with smoker coming out on top with usually one hammer left. just watch the match if you want to know more detail...
Smoker's Revenge wins 3-0 2ith 3 WBP.

Epic Flailure vs. Lu-Tze

long match, but exciting. first match Epic just starts wailing on Lu, and looks like Epic has it in the bag. But then, the tables turn, and Lu is pounding on Epic. From there, Lu-Tze is in a race against the clock to finish Epic off before time runs out. He barely makes it, with 2 seconds left to spare. the next fight goes pretty much the same, but more boring. Epic doesn't get many good hits, and Lu wins by points. Third fight Epic Gets his revenge, with a TKO. i swear though, a few more seconds and it would have been a KO. watch and you'll see what i mean.
Lu-Tze wins 2-1 with 1 KO and 1 TKO. Epic Flailure gets 1 TKO.

Daisy Might vs. Destroyer HPBL

Fun match, with a really interesting third fight. In Fight one, HPBL can't do much against Daisy's awesome might, and ends up losing a hammer. It then gets stuck on its own blade, and gets counted out for a TKO win for Daisy. Second fight basically the same, cept i could have sworn after the first few seconds that Destroyer would win. He gets a nice hit, which pops Daisy up, and almost knocks Daisy out of the arena 2-3 times. Then loses a hammer and its all over. Now for the third match, where the weird stuff always happens. After the first hit, it looks like the fight is going to Daisy again. but then, with a powerful stroke, Destroyer smacks Daisy right of of it's shell, showing the tiny chassis underneath. (Wizard of Oz, anyone?) He proceeds to knock off a drive  motor then the dual perm. The next hit is kinda odd though. After the hammer connects with the chassis, nearly KOing it in one blow, the screen goes dark and we see a lightning bolt. The lightning mean Daisy went out of the arena. Since it IS a havok you might think i need a restart. I think since it wasn't match affecting, it doesn't. Daisy would have been destroyed or eliminated anyways, with no weapons to speack of. I think it was because the hammer was larger then the chassis. (Nasty Pickle does the same thing)
Daisy Might wins 2-1 with 2 TKOs. Destroyer gets 1 TKO.

Facemelikeaman vs. Speed KING

*See FMLAM vs Pinball* Basiclly everything in that fight, cept not as cool. First fight is similar, with a KO for Speedy. Second fight sucks. Face loses a wheel, ans spins the whole rest of the match until the timer runs out. I hate WBPs. So boring to film. Third fight is like a mix of the first 2. Really long, but ends in a KO.
Speed KING wins 3-0 with 2 KOs and one TKO.

Psi vs. Shadow

Before you say anything about Psi, lemme explain. He looks a little different because there was a glitch in his wedge, so I let Inf fix him a bit. Since it was my fault for not noticing, i let him fix it. I let the extra armor slide because of the inconvienence. To be fair, though, i did not re-record the fight vs. steel meatball. If you have any problems with this decision, feel free to talk to me about it. The fight itself was alright. I sped up the beginning because it was really laggy for some reason. First and second fight Shadow falls on its spikes and can't move, resulting in TKOs. Third fight Psi gets a KO, finally.
Psi wins 3-0 with 2 TKOs and 1 KO.

Loser Bracket 1
Far Cry vs. Lousy Launcher

Worst fight of the tourney. watch if you want to. not even gonna bother with a summary.
Far Cry wins 3-0 with 1 KO and 2 WBP (yea, the timer ran out. Twice.)

TORQUE vs. Classy Paintjob!

sorta a boring match, but some really cool hits here and there, like 2 ninjas fighting eachother with fierce sword blows. first fight TORQUE loses 2 of his hammers but still manages to finish Classy off. Second fight was really long and boring because classy had 2 hammers most of the time and was reall wobbly while torque, who had lost all his stuff, was upside down spinning around on the little extender that attached the motor. classy finally got 2 chassis crippling hits in, and won with a KO. last fight was like the 2nd, cept a bit cooler. torque holds on to one hammer for a while, and does some nice damageand actually delivers a nice hit with his TRIBAR, before it gets knocked off, after that, its boring. there was one moment where i thought it was finally going to end, but torque just gets punted across the arena, and i had to wait another minute (game time, more like 3 in real time) before the timer ran out. i was pissed.
Classy Paintjob! wins 2-1 with 1 KO and 1 TKO. TORQUE gets 1 KO.

obZen vs. Archimandrite V

My FAVORITE match of the tourney. First round was not as good as the last 2. Some pretty cool hits though, and the fight could have gone either way, but ended with obZen getting stuck on his own srimech and losing by TKO. the next fight was sweet! obZen charges, blasts, scores! one hit knocks Archy out of the ballpark. On par with that one fight between Infcon and Skurge. The next fight looks like the 2nd, but Archy doesnt quite get over. so obZen chases him down to the other corner. However, Archy doesn't go easily this time, and bounces arounf the outside until he gets to the far wall, where we see the 'hidden' hazard: an infinite abyss! he falls down, and gets zapped by a ray of light for the kill. Now that's what i call cool.
obZen wins 2-1 with 2 TKOs. Archimandrite V gets 1 TKO.

Skurge vs. Morse Code Breaker

First round skurge got stuck in Breaker's saws, and got his chinny-chin-chin shaven until he died. second round, skurge knocks Breaker off his wheels, and looks like he's gonna win. But then the immoblizer starts counting and skurge has to get outta there, giving morse the chance to start chewing him up again. Breaker gets stuck against a wall and gets counted out after about a minute of pushing, which i editted out. Last round Breaker, after a long round of boring, chews Skurges topside.
Morse Code Breaker wins 2-1 with 2 KOs. Skurge gets 1 TKO.

Round2 Bracket 1
Skurge vs. Infernal Contraption 2

Big surprise here! For one thing, Skurge has a better wedge then InfCon, and the first fight InfCon flies right off it like a ramp, and with a small hit from skurge, falls right out of the arena! However, the next 2 fights Skurge isnt as lucky, and InfCon eventually gets under and destroys Skurge.
Infernal COntraption wins 2-1 with 2 KOs. Skurge gets 1 TKO.

Mako 4 vs. Blah

Not much to say here. Blah doesnt have time to speed up, and Mako gets under and hammers until Blah dies.  I don't even think Blah knoced off a single part.
Mako 4 Wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Pinball vs. Classy Paintjob!

Pinball has a low weapon, which grants him some very nice hits and ends in a KO for Pinball in the first round. The next 2 rounds Classy gets wobbly and somehow knoks himself OOTA. It doesn't look like a Havok to me, just a very powerful weapon motor hitting in just the right spot.
Pinball wins 3-0 with 1 KO and 2 TKOs.

Far Cry vs. Mutuant Dragonfly III

This was a pretty cool fight. I didnt expect what happened. First round, Farcry gets under and holds Dragonfly against the wall, slowly smashing it's health away until it gets KOed. The next 2 fights, however, end with Dragonfly getting a good hit right away, making FarCry wobbly and off balance. Dragonfly seizes this chance, and attackes FarCry's chassis for the win.
Mutant Dragonfly III wins 2-1 with 2 KOs. Far Cry gets 1 KO.

Round 2 Bracket 1______________________________________________
Epic Flailure vs. good bye blue sky

First right, GBBS climbs Epic's wedge and stops its hammer from firing, until the extender finally breaks. Not able to do sufficient damage, GBBS wins with a WBP. The next fight looks like it will be the same, until Epic somehow stops GBBS from riding up its wedge by pushing it against a wall, and is able to get a KO before GBBS can recuperate. Third fight almost exactly like the first one.
GBBS wins 2-0 with 2 WBP. Epic Flailure gets 1 KO.

Deprivator vs. Thor 3

Deprivator gets under Thor every bout, and smashes the side of the chassis with the wheel on it, ending in a KO. All three fights are almost EXACTLY the same, even the side of the chassis where Deprivator hits the chassis.
Deprivator wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Hum-Drums vs. Smoker's Revenge

I loved this fight. First fight humdrums are able to wedge under and get the kill against Smoker. However, the next match went like i thought it would: Smoker pulverizing and leaving the humdrums destroyed and immbolized in a smoldering heap. (Literally, they both caugh fire and ended in the same spot 0.o) I was in total suspense for Fight 3... So you are too! go watch!
Smoker gets 1 TKO, Humdrums get 1 KO, winner is ___________ 2-1.

Steel Meatball vs. Psi

No matter how fast Psi is, it can't stay under Meaty long enough to do enough damage for a KO. Meaty eventually wears down Psi's armor, and gets a KO each round.
Steel Meatball wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Round 1 Bracket 2______________________________
Lu-Tze vs Infernal Contraption 2

IF2 outswedges Lu-Tze every time, handing IF2 the win by slowly chewing Lu's health for 2 fights. Third match they both flip and InfCon can't move, getting immobilized.
Infernal Contraption win 2-1 with 2 KO's. Lu-Tze gets 1 TKO.

Mako 4 vs Destroyer HPBL

Mako 4 is just too fast for Destroyer to spin up to top speed. All three fights are reminiscent of eachother, with Mako jamming Destroyer's weapon, then later getting under and hammering the back and underside. There was a hint of hope in the third fight where they were both getting counted out and Des. had some time to spin up. Alas, it couldnt lift mako up, and he lost eventually.
Mako 4 wins 3-0 with 3 KO's.

Daisy Might vs Blah

If there was ever a god of luck, it was DEFINITLY on Blah's side this fight. Not once, not twice, but three times he knocked off Daisy' whole shell, exsposing the tiny chassis and big motor. Blah usually ends up on his back after this hit, making for incredibly long matches. In the third fight, Blah didnt knock off the sheel with the first hit like the other 2 fights, and it looked liked Daisy might not be cheated this time. But after 2 more hits, there goes his disc.
Blah wins 3-0 with 2 TKO's and 1 WBP

Speed KING vs. Classy Paintjob!

Long, drawn out matches all about the same thing. Speedy gets a near fatal hit on Classy right away, then loses both hammers while knocking off one of Classy's hammers, making it wobbly. Classy wins the first 2 matches by points. Third match Speedy finally gets a KO.
Classy Paintjob! wins 2-1 with 2 WBP. Speed KING gets 1 KO.

Facemelikeaman vs. Pinball

As expected, Pinball gets a clean sweep. Near fatal hit right away, then gets the KO sooner or later (usually sooner). Fun fight to watch.
Pinball wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

FarCry vs. Shadow

FarCry easily gets under shadow everytime, and the matches end with Farcry getting a ko by hammering the bottom and back. Shadow protects itself with its spikes, but to no avail.
Farcry wins 3-0 with 3 KOs.

Round  1 Bracket 1__________________________________________________
Good Bye Blue Sky vs. Morse Code Breaker

Nothing much to tell. MCB isn't powerful enough to push GBBS up its wedge, so it slowly gets its health sapped by GBBS's strong frontal weapon.
GBBS wins with 3 ko's. 3-0

obZen vs. Deprivator

Big upset here! obZen looks like its gonna be easy when he gets under Deprivator in the first fight, but then we see how after Dep. slides up the wedge, he wedges under obZen's armor, and there razors attack eachother for a while. By sheer numbers of razors and luckiness, Deprivator win with 1 TKO and 1 KO. obZen gets 1 WBP. 2-1

Archimandrite V vs. Thor 3

Sorry H@zm47, but Archy has some troubles with instability. he flips himself right whel the match starts. the first fight drags on for a while, ending with a wheel-less Thor getting flipped out for a TKO. The next match is even longer, with both bots on their last wheels, and Thor getting a WBP. The third match is more exciting, as Thor decimates the front armor and weapon of Archi, and goes in for a nice clean KO.
Thor 3 wins 2-1 with 1 KO and 1 WBP. Archimandrite gets 1 TKO.

Hum-Drums vs. T O R Q U E

I loved this fight. with some AI issues, the Hum bros start out driving kinda weird, but that doesn't stop them! In the first fight, Torque hands some massive damage down to one of the Hums, but they get him with a KO in the end. The next fight was insane, with a single HUm-Drum taking out Torque by itself in a matter of seconds. Third fight ends pretty much like the first 2, but the Hums fight most of it upside down. Once they right themselves, Torque is toast.
Hum-Drums win with 3 KOs. 3-0

Steel Meatball vs. Lousy Launcher

Nothing much to say here. All three fights go the same way, with Lousy failing to get a good wedge on Meatball, and Meatball killing it eventually. Nice hit in the third fight though at the beginning.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2008, 06:17:48 PM by Sage »
You got my vote for RA2 Wizard. Always and forever.

Offline JoeCB1991

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« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2008, 12:41:20 AM »
I think it looks pretty good, and shouldn't the new version of the bot I sent in be used for the splash? [in this page of the showcase, should be around the middle of the page]

And almost all of the bots in here look really good to me.

Offline Jules

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« Reply #2 on: September 28, 2008, 12:53:37 AM »
Daisy Might_50, FarCry, and BLAH look scary.
I can also picture Morse Code Breaker getting a few wins.

Arene't those the stock extenders on Facemelikeaman?

Offline JoeCB1991

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« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2008, 01:48:27 AM »
I'm wondering how well the new design for Mako will do, can it self right itself, and how powerful are the weapons?

Offline H@zm47

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« Reply #4 on: September 28, 2008, 01:48:59 AM »
Wow so many good competitors! This will be a very good tourney

Mako 4: Looks scary like a typical Jules VS. The weapons look powerful but the wedges look kinda frail.

Archimandrite V: My entry.:D The weapon is damn powerful but it is naturally unstable and won't turn quickly enough. I hope to do better than I did in BBEANS with this one.

Lousy Launcher:
Should make good use of the low-ish walls with those flippers. It looks damn quick as well so it should go far.

Speed King: I'm not sure how this one will go to be quite honest. 6WD will make it a deadly SnS IMO but the exposed wheels are weak and may come off if something can get to it.

Destroyer: Another dual perm powered VS apart from mine. Interesting stability control in the DSL Bars however the exposed dual perm is just begging to be hit by another VS.

GoodBye Blue Sky:
Powerful weapon. Exposed treads may be ripped off but it looks like it will try to keep the opponent infront of him judging by the positions of the Smart Zones

Hmmm... Dubious ground clearance and weak weapons aren't a good combination. Those are stock extenders, Jules (Unless they've been re-skinned).

Thor 3: This entry scares me but I can't figure out why... the weapons look very powerful but the weapon motors are exposed so they may fall off and then placing them on the skirts makes them quite susceptible targets.

Lu-Tze: Looks very fast and the weapon looks powerful if the wedge can get under anything.

Reminiscent of Inertial Deathlock III from BBEANS 2 but capitalizes on most of it's weaknesses. It should go places.

Infernal Contraption:
If HazCon is anything to go by, this bot is one of my faves to win this tourney. Super fast and deadly looking.

Skurge: Interesting idea but i think the large exposed chassis and wheels is a huge weakness to its potential

PSI: This bot has potential but the weapons look frail and may fall off after a couple of hits lowering it's effectiveness.

FarCry: This is one mean looking bot. The weapons look so strong and powerful. Another potential winner for me.

Smoker's Revenge: Polycarb skirts may as well not be there. In a HW tourney they'll fall of very easily. Strong weapons will do damage to who ever tries to rip them off I think.

Classy Paintjob:
VERY large chassis. The weapons barely reach outside of the bot. But they are powerful weapons though, who knows?

T O R Q U E: If i'm not mistaken that weapon is powered by a chained Tornado Mer and 6-Mag Gearbox. If it is that is one scary HS that I know my bot will suffer against if it comes across it. All VSs should fear this bot.

obZen: Judging on how well enfilad3 is going in BBEANS at the moment, this bot may do quite well. It looks very well armored for a popup.

Morse Code Breaker: Kinda like Gammaraze 3 right? Looks very deadly though I'm not sure what the skirts are doing to help the machine...

Deprivator: Another popup but not nearly as well armored as obZen. The chassis is kinda boxy as well making a large target.

Epic Flailure: I found the weapon system of System Flailure almost hypnotic, it was a great thing to watch. Very fast and well armored, Epic Flailure looks very good.

Very compact. A nice bot and the weapons look deadly hopefully it's quick to put that wedge into good use.

Interesting. A multi-bot can be effective but the lowered weight means the armor is weaker. Good thing the chassis are small-ish (judging from the wheel choice).

P-AI-Daisy Might_50:
Oh wow madiaba... This bot looks so deadly especially with the dual perm. If on the seemingly off chance it gets flipped though it doesn't look like it can self right. This will go far I would imagine.

Powerful weapons make it scary but it has a very large chassis that is greatly exposed.

Steel Meatball:
Flail weapons have been greatly effective on Iron Spaghetti so far so this bot should go far to. I would be worried about Havok Explosions with all those axles though...

Mutant Dragonfly III: Piston/rammer hybrid is an interesting idea especially with those devastating hammers on it. Watch out for this bot, it may cause an upset somewhere along the line.

Who has a chance to win:
Infernal Contraption
Morse Code Breaker
P-AI-Daisy Might_50
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 07:51:42 AM by H@zm47 »
BBEANS 6: What Shell Spinner? (2-1 - 3 KOs and 4 WBPs)
RAW 2: Smoke and Mirrors (1-0:2 KOs and 1 TKO)
Clash Cubes 3: Shortsighted Surgeon ][ (Finished 15th)
UK vs USA: The Matador (USA) (Eliminated Round 1)

Offline JoeCB1991

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« Reply #5 on: September 28, 2008, 02:00:22 AM »
The Dual Perm actually has stayed on pretty well against the AI, I think that Mako has been the only one that has knocked it off, but I have usually knocked off one of the wedges and a couple hammers by that time. But I think that it will get knocked off in one of these fights.

And Sage, do you mind if I post the videos with my bot on my YouTube Account after they go up?

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« Reply #6 on: September 28, 2008, 04:53:07 AM »
Quote from: JoeCB1991;15777

And Sage, do you mind if I post the videos with my bot on my YouTube Account after they go up?

Me too please.
BBEANS 6: What Shell Spinner? (2-1 - 3 KOs and 4 WBPs)
RAW 2: Smoke and Mirrors (1-0:2 KOs and 1 TKO)
Clash Cubes 3: Shortsighted Surgeon ][ (Finished 15th)
UK vs USA: The Matador (USA) (Eliminated Round 1)

Offline System32

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« Reply #7 on: September 28, 2008, 05:11:38 AM »
Sorry for the Stock extenders, I just Downloaded the Components for DSL. I've now begun to use the No graphics pack.
Put this onto your signature if you were part of this crappy fad in '03.

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« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2008, 06:34:24 AM »
If sage allowed it, it must be OK
BBEANS 6: What Shell Spinner? (2-1 - 3 KOs and 4 WBPs)
RAW 2: Smoke and Mirrors (1-0:2 KOs and 1 TKO)
Clash Cubes 3: Shortsighted Surgeon ][ (Finished 15th)
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« Reply #9 on: September 28, 2008, 07:12:21 AM »
Mako 4: Looks good, the small VS aren't going to be blocked, good thing. Better defense too. I'm not sure about these wedges, but Jules is a VS specialist after all.

Archimandrite: Pretty neat. Hey these wedges are DOAM's ! Good small chassis. The only thing I don't like about this bot is these steel skirts for wheel guards.

Lousy Launcher: I don't like flippers, but that wedge looks nice.

Speed King: Hmm... too much wheels IMO. 4WD with grippier wheels would be better.

Destroyer: Looks really nice. I don't see flaws in that bot... perhaps empty space and low defense?

Goodbye Blue Sky: Nearly BrasOuvert, but bigger. I'm pretty sure this bot has few empty space. Definitely lacks a wedge. Neat small chassis.

Facemelikeaman: NOS-BOT. Empty space.

Thor 3: Nice, but I think the big wheels and the wedge could be better.

Lu-Tze: Too fast IMO, but if that wedge is good, then that bot will own.

Pinball: That "srimech" won't last long, but Sage isn't an average builder.

InfCon: Won't do as well as HazCon. Still has a good wedge. These teeth on the sides are nearly useless.

Skurge: If this wedge is good then it's decent, if then... at least it's better than FMLAM.

PSI: Nice. I'm not sure about the wedge again, but it's Inf.

Far Cry: Lacks side defense and these wheels aren't grippy, but otherwise that wedge looks nice and he is definitely good in the offense department.

Smoker's Revenge: I really like that bot. The only thing that I dare to criticize is the possibly slow spinup time.

Classy Paintjob: Is it me or this is a contest of big chassis? But IMO it isn't the worst bot in all the tourney.

T O R Q U E: If these are chained 6 mag gearboxes, this bot will own. But these flipper parts are an Achilles heel.

Obzen: Just great. This is my favorite.

Morse Code Breaker: I like the design, but I don't see the point of these steel skirts in the bot and it will suffer from it's lack of wedges.

Deprivator: Offense and defense look great; but it can't be fast and as said Click, 4WD HW popups are 16 million times better than 2WD ones.

Epic Flailure: I would have prefered two hammers, but nevermind.

Shadow: Really cool-looking, but a wedge with that component isn't going to be efficient against other wedges.

Hum-Drums: Aaah... nice small chassis, how refreshing. Although aluminium isn't an efficient armor, and these wheels are easy targets.

P-AI-Daisy Might 50: WTF! How can that thing not be underpowered? But if it's not, then it's a great bot.

BLAH: Name is awesome. Really looks like you were pissed off when you made this bot, Pys...

Steel Meatball: That looks nice, if he fairs as well as his little brother...

Mutant Dragonfly: Oh yeah! Only thing I have to criticize is that these weapons aren't numerous enough.

Possible finalists: Obzen, PSI, Daisy Might, Smoker's Revenge, Mako 4.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 07:36:32 AM by Naryar »

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« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2008, 07:31:23 AM »
Quote from: Naryar;15787

Facemelikeaman: Two words: NOS-BOT, with empty space.

Yeah, I can fit 5 Black batteries in there :tongue:

NOS-BOT wasn't as fast as this.
Put this onto your signature if you were part of this crappy fad in '03.

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« Reply #11 on: September 28, 2008, 07:59:04 AM »
woot! getting exited now :d
Son of a fat bold guy!

Offline H@zm47

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« Reply #12 on: September 28, 2008, 07:59:54 AM »
Quote from: System32;15788
Yeah, I can fit 5 Black batteries in there :tongue:

NOS-BOT wasn't as fast as this.

I think he meant it looked as well built as NOS-BOT...
BBEANS 6: What Shell Spinner? (2-1 - 3 KOs and 4 WBPs)
RAW 2: Smoke and Mirrors (1-0:2 KOs and 1 TKO)
Clash Cubes 3: Shortsighted Surgeon ][ (Finished 15th)
UK vs USA: The Matador (USA) (Eliminated Round 1)

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« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2008, 08:01:00 AM »
Im not gonna do a long list of all, but a few that caught my eye:

T O R G U E: Snapper loaded 2x 6 gear mag motors?! OMG! (see how the other mag motor is sticing out of the chassis, it has to be snapper/servo loaded)

Mako 4: Nice and effective desing once again Jules.

P-AI-Daisy Might 50: Looks damn dangerous, but my guess is, that its batteries wont last even 1.5 minutes.

Hum-Drums: Nice, havent seen a dual bot in a while.

BLAH: Looks like it has alot of emty space, but it most likely is powered by dualperm and lotsa batteries. Making it a fearful bot.

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« Reply #14 on: September 28, 2008, 08:31:29 AM »
I would like to inform you all that I have NEVER lost a perm without losing a skirt sith it, and those sirts survive MULTIPLE Mako hits in testing. The wheels were never removed either.
Ice the Frosty Cat: Wasn't that your May BOTM entry?

Bots I Know I can beat
Lousy Laucher
Speed King
Classy Paintjob
Morse Code Breaker
Epic Flailure
Hum Drums
Steel Meatball
Mutant Dragonfly III

What you all can't see is the Titanium sheets on the top and bottom of the bot, with each having 12000 hitpoints

Mako 4: And I thought my bot was heavily armored, this bot should go very far, with its tough weapons and impenetrable armor.

Archimandrite V: A very powerful VS with a great design, making the Dual Perm hard to hit, this bot should do well.

Lousy Launcher: I am surprised that this is the only flipper in the tourney. Alot of open chassis space though, and I am worried that the polycarbonate wedges are a little weak, and might not be very wedgy.

Speed King: Wheels are a little exposed, but should be a quick SnS. Robot X Swords are Weight Wasters to me.

Destroyer: The Bars will be susceptible to wedges, and the Dual Perm is begging to be hit, but it should be powerful.

Goodbye Blue Sky: a HW BrasOuvert. Tough hammers at the front, but better side protection in the treads. Could be a dark horse

Facemelikeaman: I don't think that these UNBALANCED STOCK PARTS are fair. They should be fixed before Facemelikeaman can compete. It will not go far anyways though.

Thor 3: I know that this bot is better than all of you think, because I built it. It has superior armor all around, and the wheels are not a problem. Should win some matches. I also put in some extra stuff such as doubling the bars on the spinners and making it invertible.

Lut-ze: A very good bot, but a little fast and might have wedge problems.

Pinball: A fixed Inertial Deathlock III, should go very far, as long as it faces bots it is good against (unlike IDIII)

Infernal Contraption: One of the favorites to win the tourney, if Hazcon has any indication.

Skurge; This bot has good drive and okay weapons, but the disc part should be farther out. This bot will not do well.

PSI: A heavily guarded bot, but weak in the weapons department. Will not get many KOs, though it could be like a RRG?.

Far Cry: A very good and heavily armored VS. Should go far.

Smoker's Revenge: A VERY good HS, and should go far. The skirts are nothing to worry about.

Classy Paintjob: Too big of a chassis, though it is probably hiding a Dual Perm. Something tells me that this bot will not go far.

T O R Q U E: You just love that spacebar between letters Gigafrost. If a hammer comes off because of a flipper part this bot will mauler dance for a LONG time.

Obzen: A very good Popup, and should do well.

Morse Code Breaker: Kind of like a Gammaraze, but the lack of skirts, armor on the wedge, or bigger grippier wheels will be its downfall.

Deprivator: Good protection with the Titanium Sheets and snowplows, a good popup.

Epic Flailure: SF's older brother, weapon is not much more powerful though.

Shadow: A good VS, but exposed motors and not good wedge will doom this bot.

Hum-Drums: A couple of adequate MW's make up the okay tandem. Wheels will be a problem though.

P-AI-Daisy Might-50: WOW, I would have lined up the hammers on this phenomonal spinner.

BLAH: Nice name, nicer bot. Should go very far with this devastating weapon.

Steel Meatball: Should do about as good as it's smaller brother, but should still go far.

Mutant Dragonfly III: Tough weapons, and all-around good bot.

Bots that will go far:
Mako 4
Archimandrite V
Thor 3
Infernal Contraption
Far Cry
Smoker's Revenge
P-AI-Daisy Might-50

Dark Horses:
Mutant Dragonfly III
Steel Meatball
Lousy Launcher
« Last Edit: September 28, 2008, 09:29:20 AM by Somebody »
I built that big robot on that TV show that time

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« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2008, 09:25:47 AM »
My design is almost the complete opposite of Mako. While still being a VS ofcourse.
The weapons will most likely not be knocking anything out of the arena, most likely grinding other bots down. But, it is very well armored, stable, and has some of the best wedges I have made.
Self righting is kind of iffy.

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« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2008, 09:37:48 AM »
WHy do I suddenly thing I'm going to get slaughtered? *wince* These HS are going to kill me. Nice bots though:-D
Avoid the beam and you won't get hit!

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« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2008, 09:45:11 AM »
There are very few bad ones *cough*facemelikeaman*cough*

When will the vids start, or the brackets be up?
I built that big robot on that TV show that time

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« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2008, 10:02:23 AM »
Sage said it would take him 1 week to do the splash and 1 week to AI.

However, because the splash was finished so quickly I would say this time next week we may have some video. A week and a half from now at most IMO.
BBEANS 6: What Shell Spinner? (2-1 - 3 KOs and 4 WBPs)
RAW 2: Smoke and Mirrors (1-0:2 KOs and 1 TKO)
Clash Cubes 3: Shortsighted Surgeon ][ (Finished 15th)
UK vs USA: The Matador (USA) (Eliminated Round 1)

Offline JoeCB1991

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« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2008, 10:08:34 AM »
I am wondering how much damage mine will be able to take, I use 3mm Titanium armor, and that is usually enough because I get quick knock outs with that weapon that gets a lot of points per hit, and is powerful enough to throw Mako around. The biggest problem I will have is if I get flipped over, and my weapon hits the wall, which will throw me out of the arena.

I stopped this as much as I could by having the blade spin Clockwise and Counter Clockwise, but I don't think that the AI is smart enough to do that.