Author Topic: Trov: It's Time To Stop  (Read 6645 times)

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2016, 02:44:54 PM »
R01 and Badger, if you read what Mr. As has put, he has stated that we have active mods, therefore, we do not need more.

What we do need though, is another admin. I have already stated my reasoning for why we should have another one (8 posts up).

I would just like to also point something out here which I feel is very important. (So important I'm making it bold)

I find it interesting how so many people are agreeing with Mr. As on these subjects that he brings up in these topics. People seem to have a lot to say about each one but why is it Mr. As always posting the topics in the first place?

To me, this shows that members of the community are worried about stepping out of line. Why hasn't anyone said this before if people had such strong views on it? No one wanted to is why. Members are worried about being shot down with ideas which could be classed as controversial. I think it's time we changed the attitude towards this. With a new admin, I believe they can lead to change the conservative nature of the forum into one which is more accepting which will mean that the forum is much more approachable than it has done in the past.

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #21 on: October 03, 2016, 03:48:02 PM »
To me, this shows that members of the community are worried about stepping out of line. Why hasn't anyone said this before if people had such strong views on it? No one wanted to is why. Members are worried about being shot down with ideas which could be classed as controversial. I think it's time we changed the attitude towards this. With a new admin, I believe they can lead to change the conservative nature of the forum into one which is more accepting which will mean that the forum is much more approachable than it has done in the past.
No it won't make the forum more "approachable" or "accepting". AS has bought up some points and people have agreed with them, maybe they didn't think about it before. If ideas are bad, they deserve to be shot down, and if people are scared of this then obviously their idea is not good enough to be shared. A new admin won't change anything.

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #22 on: October 03, 2016, 04:11:34 PM »
To me, this shows that members of the community are worried about stepping out of line. Why hasn't anyone said this before if people had such strong views on it? No one wanted to is why. Members are worried about being shot down with ideas which could be classed as controversial. I think it's time we changed the attitude towards this. With a new admin, I believe they can lead to change the conservative nature of the forum into one which is more accepting which will mean that the forum is much more approachable than it has done in the past.
No it won't make the forum more "approachable" or "accepting". AS has bought up some points and people have agreed with them, maybe they didn't think about it before. If ideas are bad, they deserve to be shot down, and if people are scared of this then obviously their idea is not good enough to be shared. A new admin won't change anything.

Knowing that an admin is present on the forum, in my eyes, makes it more approachable. 

No, that's a horrible way to look at it. The atmosphere is punishing to those who are shy and a lot of good ideas are wasted because of a lack of confidence. People have the right to express their opinion, people may look at it negatively, people may look at it in a positive way, everyone has different opinions on different ideas. Just because someone is scared to say an opinion, doesn't automatically make it bad.
A new admin will change a lot more than you think. Communication will be more frequent, resulting in more things getting done, therefore the confidence will members and guests will also raise because it feels like they are being listened too.

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #23 on: October 03, 2016, 04:11:56 PM »
R01 and Badger, if you read what Mr. As has put, he has stated that we have active mods, therefore, we do not need more.

What we do need though, is another admin. I have already stated my reasoning for why we should have another one (8 posts up).

I would just like to also point something out here which I feel is very important. (So important I'm making it bold)

I find it interesting how so many people are agreeing with Mr. As on these subjects that he brings up in these topics. People seem to have a lot to say about each one but why is it Mr. As always posting the topics in the first place?

To me, this shows that members of the community are worried about stepping out of line. Why hasn't anyone said this before if people had such strong views on it? No one wanted to is why. Members are worried about being shot down with ideas which could be classed as controversial. I think it's time we changed the attitude towards this. With a new admin, I believe they can lead to change the conservative nature of the forum into one which is more accepting which will mean that the forum is much more approachable than it has done in the past.
We have an active mod, in craaig. Really I don't see why Nary and Kill are still mods when they're hardly moderating the site, if we're going to complain about having too many mods. I'm like 99% certain nobody is scared of the mods here lmao. I've been a cunt to craaig and I'm not scared that he's going to ban me for no reason because I trust in his moderating abilities. Hell, we don't even have Nary to get trigger happy with the banhammer anymore. And it's not like Trov is online enough to even deal with BOTM, let alone to crush dissidence or whatever.
also lol at most toxic guy around calling others out on this sh**
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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #24 on: October 03, 2016, 04:21:54 PM »
A new admin will change a lot more than you think. Communication will be more frequent, resulting in more things getting done, therefore the confidence will members and guests will also raise because it feels like they are being listened too.
I wholeheartedly agree with this.

Offline JoeBlo

Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #25 on: October 03, 2016, 07:24:55 PM »
Just FYI.. the Moderator permissions group cannot Ban or Edit profiles anymore.. that ability has been gone for some time now...

We can still see all your IP addresses.. so er.. behave or else?

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #26 on: October 03, 2016, 07:31:28 PM »
Just FYI.. the Moderator permissions group cannot Ban or Edit profiles anymore.. that ability has been gone for some time now...
Got removed a long time ago when Naryar used the ban power without permission or something like that while the profile editing got removed because one day Naryar changed people's names who requested it and I guess ACAMS didn't like that.  :dumb)

Offline Trovaner

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #27 on: October 04, 2016, 08:07:48 PM »
Trovaner. My dude. We know how busy you've been over the past few months, but I'm not entirely sure if GTM is going to be well off with an admin that's almost as inactive as ACAMS was around the time that he called it quits. It's gotten to the point where you're not even around enough to host BOTM, which if I had to guess, probably takes, what, about 15-30 minutes at the most? Meganerdbomb's been hosting it for the past 3 or 4 months now. This concerns me. You even said it yourself:
I'm around but I'm trying to offload some of the work that I do since the work distribution is ridiculous.
While you have every right to focus on your "work distribution" (assuming this just means real-life responsibilities), GTM is at a turning point right now. We've got 3 big league tournaments with big league amounts of entrants going on right now, with one even having forum titles (aka something that requires admin intervention) as a prize for winning. It would be awkward for someone to win, only to not get thier prize that they were promised until months later.
Alright, I probably didn't explain myself very well. The reason why Meganerdbomb is doing BOTM is because he offered to take over when I was running late one month due to real-life responsibilities. At the time, I was also considering ceasing BOTM contests in favor of a front-page refresh so I wasn't too concerned about it. After the refresh was done, I was either going to start a new series of contests or resume BOTM (with a new prize). In addition to this, I've also been trying to cut back on the work that I do at GTM and get other members more involved (which includes all of you) because it is very poorly distributed and consequently I'm spending 3-12 hours working on GTM every time I log in.

I can't realistically make GTM better without more people stepping up so that I have time to do these things.

On a side note, BOTM was taking 1-2 hours every month with all of the threads, rule checking, file moving/renaming, and result documenting that I was doing. With MNB managing it, I've been able to cut it down to 0.5 hours (since nothing is automated enough for him to do this himself).

As far as the tournament prize goes, that won't happen. I already have the prize made and I'm just waiting to hear who gets it. Yugi has a way of IM-ing me and it is something that I can do in a matter of seconds.

There's also /r/battlebot's redditbots going on right now, which is bringing in extra members. The moderators are doing a good job of keeping people in line, but who will be there if one of them turns out to be a HurricaneAndrew/Noodle/Sparkey-like situation and floods the forum with pictures of jews and porn and Russian /mu/ copypastas? Certainly not one of the other several admins we have. Mods can only mute people and hope they go away, and not smack people with the ban hammer, and the only semi-active admins on GTM are you, and ACAMS (who just sh**posts in politics).
Every member of the moderating staff is capable to stopping a spammer with the warning system and they all have a way of contacting me within minutes if it requires my involvement. As an admin, my main responsibility is not to moderate threads (although, I can and do when it is necessary). This all comes back to my comment about distributing my workload so that I don't get bogged down by the day-to-day stuff.

What I would recommend, is upgrading one of your existing moderators to admins. Namely either Craaig or Kill343gs. While they both have thier pros and cons (craig being more consistently active, but doesn't have as much moderation experience, kill being basically the opposite), I feel that either one of them would be the best for the job. Another boon to having these two in particular be admin, is the fact that the Discord chat offers a direct line of real-time contact to them, as opposed to waiting for them to log on to GTM and respond to a PM you send them. The link to the discord chat has been sitting on the forum for about 2 months, is available to anyone to join, and has amassed roughly 50 members.

edit: Just an FYI, I'm not telling you to step down ACAMS style Trov, just saying that it would be a good idea to upgrade one of the more active mods to admin so that some of the ridiculous work load is at least partially offset to someone else.
What am I not doing that should be done (this sounds sarcastic but I'm truly trying to get a list of things that people feel should to be addressed)? We already have 7 admins, 5 global moderators, and 4 section moderators. That should be more than enough to take care of a site with less than 80 daily active users. I understand wanting more communication from me and I can work on that but I'm not sure what benefit there would be to having more admin. I can try to make myself more approachable but I don't see how I can do much more (I don't post insults, I help with support, I greet new members, etc.).

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #28 on: October 04, 2016, 09:13:58 PM »
Alright, I probably didn't explain myself very well. The reason why Meganerdbomb is doing BOTM is because he offered to take over when I was running late one month due to real-life responsibilities.
Your real life responsibilities are mainly why I asked for additional admins, tbh. It would allow you to focus on IRL responsibilities when you're busy while a secondary admin takes care of GTM day to day.

I can't realistically make GTM better without more people stepping up so that I have time to do these things. On a side note, BOTM was taking 1-2 hours every month with all of the threads, rule checking, file moving/renaming, and result documenting that I was doing. With MNB managing it, I've been able to cut it down to 0.5 hours (since nothing is automated enough for him to do this himself). why not bring on another admin? It would give you more time to do what you need to do when you are on GTM doing backroom stuff while the additional admin takes on lesser tasks such as tussling with the top bar/making descriptions for downloads/making forum announcements and/or responding to feedback, whether it be on here or in Discord.

I'm not exactly sure how BOTM works, nor how it takes an hour or 2, but I'll take your word for it.

Every member of the moderating staff is capable to stopping a spammer with the warning system and they all have a way of contacting me within minutes if it requires my involvement. As an admin, my main responsibility is not to moderate threads (although, I can and do when it is necessary). This all comes back to my comment about distributing my workload so that I don't get bogged down by the day-to-day stuff.
Right now, the mods can only mute/delay spammers until you come along. They used to be able to IP ban spammers until Naryar showed up to the mod team and got that privilege taken away from all of them. If you are opposed to upgrading a moderator to admin, why not at least restore ban privileges to moderators?

What am I not doing that should be done (this sounds sarcastic but I'm truly trying to get a list of things that people feel should to be addressed)? We already have 7 admins, 5 global moderators, and 4 section moderators.

That should be more than enough to take care of a site with less than 80 daily active users. I understand wanting more communication from me and I can work on that but I'm not sure what benefit there would be to having more admin.
You know that at least 4 of our 7 admins are hardly active, the 5th being Click, who hasn't been on in months, then there's ACAMS and you, with ACAMS resigning himself to politics. Clickbeetle was usually fairly active while ACAMS was the top guy on GTM, yet he hasn't been around since April. Remember the last time Darkrat or Starcore paid us a visit? I don't. Unless you're waiting for the day where they make thier return to GTM, I would personally remove the inactive admins and make them veterans. It would certainly open up room for a new admin.

All in all, just being able to talk to any admin would be a benefit, even if it isn't you. From my personal experience, Craig and Kill have been consistently communicative when users have had an issue, while it usually takes days, if not weeks to get something to you. You mentioned having one of the mods transfer communication to you such as BOTM, prizes, and etc. Why not cut out the middle man, or at least have another admin, which will speed up the middle-man process significantly?
How you make Alarm Clock Pizza is:
Step 1: You buy an alarm clock from the store, and then you have to break it and put it in the sauce.
Step 2: Fold the sauce in 5 slices and put it in the dough.
Step 3: Paint the eggs with a pitcher of a clock showing what time you want to wake up and eat pizza for breakfast.
Step 4: Put the eggs in the dough.
Step 5: Make it flat into a round shape and draw the time you want on it.
Step 6: Put some old steel to prevent other peple from stealing it.
Step 7: Make it flat and cut into 60 slices 1 for each minute in 1 our.
Step 8: Put in the oven set the timer to 30048813.2884 seconds and put the temperature on 'Volcano' setting.
Step 9: If you think it is take to long, then get yor alarm clock and set it to now so that it will ring and you can take it out.
Step 10: Take it out uv the uvin wen it is redy and go to bed. In the morning eat pizza and also eat yor hands bi mistake.

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #29 on: October 04, 2016, 09:25:35 PM »
What am I not doing that should be done?


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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #30 on: October 04, 2016, 09:37:49 PM »
What am I not doing that should be done?

It was taken away months before that thread was created. This tells me it wasn't a huge deal. Additionally, I saw it the day that it was created but decided to wait and see what others thought before I posted anything because I wanted to get more input.

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #31 on: October 05, 2016, 08:40:55 AM »
We already have 7 admins

this cannot and should not be an argument considering that out of those 7 administrators you are the only one that works on managing the site right now. we should not have to wait days or weeks on end to get a response for a simple issue like "hey why is the bot exchange not in the top bar anymore".

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #32 on: October 05, 2016, 09:05:31 AM »
What am I not doing that should be done?

It was taken away months before that thread was created. This tells me it wasn't a huge deal. Additionally, I saw it the day that it was created but decided to wait and see what others thought before I posted anything because I wanted to get more input.
Tbh, I think you still should've responded, just so we know that you're not simply ignoring our issues. You could have always said why it isn't at the top of the page and then said something one the lines of "what's everyone else's opinion on this matter?" Because, otherwise, no-one would have posted in this topic because they'd only be reaffirming 09's qualms.

We already have 7 admins

this cannot and should not be an argument considering that out of those 7 administrators you are the only one that works on managing the site right now. we should not have to wait days or weeks on end to get a response for a simple issue like "hey why is the bot exchange not in the top bar anymore".

I can't realistically make GTM better without more people stepping up so that I have time to do these things.
What do you think we can do to help you, then?

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #33 on: October 05, 2016, 09:48:53 AM »
Simple: just make a new admin, and give a couple of the old ones such as Starcore and Darkrat an ACAMS style "Retired" below their name. Makes more sense.
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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #34 on: October 10, 2016, 07:27:11 AM »
R01 and Badger, if you read what Mr. As has put, he has stated that we have active mods, therefore, we do not need more.
That's something I mentioned as well and was why we were talking about a new group that gets to use admin features.
What we do need though, is another admin. I have already stated my reasoning for why we should have another one (8 posts up).
True, in the end you still need a admin and it would be better to make sure that there's always at least one active admin.
I would just like to also point something out here which I feel is very important. (So important I'm making it bold)

I find it interesting how so many people are agreeing with Mr. As on these subjects that he brings up in these topics. People seem to have a lot to say about each one but why is it Mr. As always posting the topics in the first place?

To me, this shows that members of the community are worried about stepping out of line. Why hasn't anyone said this before if people had such strong views on it? No one wanted to is why. Members are worried about being shot down with ideas which could be classed as controversial. I think it's time we changed the attitude towards this. With a new admin, I believe they can lead to change the conservative nature of the forum into one which is more accepting which will mean that the forum is much more approachable than it has done in the past.
I've noticed that before, however the way I saw it was this, when I joined it was a "hey, welcome to GTM, we aren't as active and big as we used to be, but we're still doing alright as small community" and honestly, at the time AS did the post, I felt like GTM was growing a bit again, so it was a rather late post. Then again, I'm a person that doesn't really fit into this community as others and don't plan to be here that much, so my opinion probably shouldn't be counted as much if the community wants something completely different.

Don't think that the old inactive admins should be removed, just add more admins, not like there's a number that limits that.

Just FYI.. the Moderator permissions group cannot Ban or Edit profiles anymore.. that ability has been gone for some time now...
Got removed a long time ago when Naryar used the ban power without permission or something like that while the profile editing got removed because one day Naryar changed people's names who requested it and I guess ACAMS didn't like that.  :dumb)
Offtopic: what happened to your profile picture(s)?
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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #35 on: October 10, 2016, 07:37:56 AM »
I can't realistically make GTM better without more people stepping up so that I have time to do these things.
What do you think we can do to help you, then?

Million dollar question, right here. If you say what you want to offload, i'm sure there will be volunteers to help out.

And on the topic of old admins like Starcore and Darkrat, I agree with the general idea of moving them to another group, Admin Emeritus? Something that recognises them as a former admin?

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #36 on: October 11, 2016, 02:39:26 AM »
Y'all need to calm down.

Destroy your lives, on purpose!

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Re: Trov: It's Time To Stop
« Reply #37 on: December 30, 2016, 04:49:08 PM »
Copied and Pasted from a thread I posted, as I felt that a new thread might be worth it at the time. I have deleted the thread.

Trov, I will admit that I have no clue what happens behind the scenes, and i reckon there's a 99% you are planning on running something big behind the scenes, or you are just busy with everything currently going on. But this lack of communication about nearly everything means someone has to work out what is happening. For example: the General Chatter Thread. One of the richest sources of GTM history left to us with page numbers in the triple digits, since Story time died many years ago, Playground bit the dust (let's not discuss this, some might want it back, but that's not what this thread is about) and so many other threads died from purges of Playground and Chatterbox. But the only way we found out this thread was dead for good? We heard it from MegaNerdBomb, who isn't even staff (but has been doing some bloody good work with the BOTM) in the discord, and prior to that it was only confirmed in the staff section without ever being said in the main forum. This lack of communication leads to frustration () and leads to people not wanting to go ahead with change or plan out brilliant ideas when there's a chance you'll just come along and just "lol nope" the idea before leaving again. The fact that a dead-on joke about "trov using his quarterly post" is a thing when you are the last even remotely active admin. I mean, lets list our current admins: Goose seems to be only in the discord, Click's vanished, Starcore pops up occasionally to say hi, Darkrat vanished some time before 2009, ACAMS is retired, and I legitimately forgot Madiaba existed until I went and checked (that'll be my stupidity mostly but not a good sign), and he's inactive too.

Maybe i'm making a mountain out of a molehill. But I personally think that you need to set up more communication or delegate more (debatable), because the Mod's can't do much. We need you to update BOTM for example, but that feels like something a moderator should be capable of doing. Now, there does seem to be some communication behind the scenes, in the staff forum and what not, because Naryar was mentioning this in the discord 3 days ago, but just some communication in general with the rest of us would be good. That's literally all we need, and maybe giving mods more power or setting up a second admin will solve these issues.
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