Author Topic: Team Jonick  (Read 4829 times)

Offline Redalert

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2019, 08:26:34 PM »
The hexagonal pattern on the wedge looks nice. Paint it yellow, and you could rename your bot "Killer Bee Hive." (if you want to, it's just an idea.)
Thyrus wants to remake his iconic RA2 bot, called Ryu Kishin. So it's just going to be called Kishin

Why don’t you try a multibot, where one bot is Ryu, and the other bot is Kishin
Yeah youre just gonna ignore the fact that he only has one bot... Okay

I was talking about building the bot in ra2, but if you’re talking about the bot he has in real life, then yes, the one.

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Re: Team Jonick - The first tournament - Part 1
« Reply #21 on: April 08, 2019, 08:55:03 AM »
- This is Part 1/2 - The other one will come later or tomorrow. Still waiting for a certain video to be uploaded. stay tuned.

Sooooo... This was our first event.
Mad Metal Machines 25 is over and man it was a blast. You always hear about the comunity being so nice and the other roboteers helping each other out. That was not a lie. We arrived on friday with a non functional bot. Our speedcontroller didn't work so we had to send it to the dude who made them. it was send over a week before the event took place and I don't know it the package is at his place at the moment. All I know is that it did not arrive in time. Another big issue was that the package also included our reciver and remote as we were unsure where the problem was located. The people there knew about our problem as I made a post on the german forum about it. Ralf from Bugglebots (who also sold us the Robot) had a spare remote with reciver and another guy there had a speedcontroller but no robot... Interesting concept. And I'm glad he gave it to us!

We arrived very late on friday so we had to start working on saturday. Saturday was the first day of the event. As a quick info about how the Mad Metal Machines tournament works: The tourney is on Satruday and Sunday. You have 3 fights on each day. fights are drawn after each round. A win grants you 3 points, a draw 2 points, a loss 1 and if you can't get your bot running you get 0 and your opponent gets 3 for a "win". so you can have a total of 18 points (remember that for later). If there are Bots with equal points and they have to determain who gets a place on the podium they will have to fight it out in a rumble. In the case of MMM25 the winner was clear but there were 4 bots with the second most points. So they had a rumble and the last to bots got 3rd and 2nd in order of dropping out of the rumble.

Baaack to our problem: Having a robot. Or more precisely having a bot that still didn't work. We had the parts but we still needed to wire it. We had a lot of soldering to do and sometimes we had to do it over and over as we had to rush it. We knew we wouldn't make it in time to get to our first fight. but we hoped to make it to the second or maybe third.
I can't remember all too much of ther first day as it was really stressfull and I'm so glad to have Dom in my team. He's waaaay better with electronics than I am and without him I would not have been able to come this far.

While wireing everything up we took the bot to some kind of back stage area to test it. It worked! we had to change some wires around but it worked! We missed the second round as well but we didn't care! it took hours on that saturday to finish what we couldn't in  months before the event!

Kishin was alive!

The weapon didn't work tho. We didn't want to bother with that as we ran into the issue before of it only running one way but not the other. If your bot had a white flag to surrender a fight this feature would have been perfect. Not so much if you have some kind of front hinged lifting arm.
We planned to take a look at the weapon at a later time.

As we were ready to have our first fight, and also the last fight for us on that day, we found out who we were fighting against. Team RCC's Kashei. I remember Daniel (the announcer) having a "what the ****" expression on his face when he saw the names of the two bots that where up next. Kashei was a good draw for us. It is a dutch axebot with a narrow front. It looks a bit like that lightweight from Robot Arena 2. But less sh**ty. Appart from having a good draw Kashei also had a problem with it's axe... the problem was that there was no axe. they had taken it off and so we both had basicly pushbots.

!!!Attention!!! before you watch that fight please bare in mind that I did not have any driving experience! There was a test drive that was like 5 minutes at best. With the old steel wedge that was twice as heavy as the new hardox one. You see me driving for the very first time there. /!!!Attention!!!

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #22 on: April 08, 2019, 09:48:25 AM »
Glad you had a superb time man. Hope you can get the bot working fully, it's already looking sick af :heart_smiley:
Things I did & done

Offline Thyrus

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #23 on: April 08, 2019, 09:56:04 AM »
Just wait for part two :P

Offline Redalert

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #24 on: April 08, 2019, 09:57:21 AM »
Just wait for part two :P

Good luck

Offline Thyrus

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Re: Team Jonick - The first tournament - Part 2
« Reply #25 on: April 09, 2019, 02:31:43 AM »
Part 2/2

Day 2. After the one fight we had we were standing at a 100% win ratio. Not too bad for a first outing in real robotics. Our plan for the day was to spraypaint the hardox front wedge and get the weapon working.

At the end of day 1 we already painted the wedge black. As some of you know I was aiming for the hexagons that my RA2 bot Ryu Kishin had. We bought something that is usually put on gras to walk over or something...
. We put on some orange hexes and hoped it would dry fast enough to be ready for the next fight. Spoiler: it wasn't
In the meantime we managed to get our weapon operational. But as we couldn't use our Hardoxplate we had to take out the weapon and put on the old steelplate that is so damn heavy that it almost weights half of the bot.

The first fight of the day was against team Conker. Yeah... the Crackers 'n Smash guys. I can't remember his name but he was the oldest of the team. And he is a really lovely guy. We were supposed to fight their hammerbot but that one didn't work for the rest of the weekend. So we were granted 3 points but they had another bot that was not in the tourney so we could fight that. It was a grabber and I'm sure it had a name but I really suck at remembering those. Mr. Conker came over to take messure of our hight with his indexfinger and thump. Then he walked back to his table to get the claw in the right starting position so he could get a good grab at us. I was wondering for a second... Then I grabed Kishin from the table, ran over to theirs and handed my bot over so he could actually test if the machine fit. I think he liked that.
As you may have seen: In our first fight with Kashei we had two orange stripes on one side of the bot. As we couldn't paint the thing we decided to buy some tape and have fun with that. For this fight I decided to go for classic Robot Wars and gave Kishin the SMIDSY look. Dr. Conker got a chuckle out of it. Yay!
There is no recording of that fight as far as I know but it was rather dull. Our frontwedge was so heavy that the wheels that are located in the back couldn't get any grip. we got under them a few times, they grabbed us twice. It went the full 3 minutes and it ended it a draw. As this wasn't an official fight we still didn't loose up until that point. another Yay!

Time went on and the Hardoxplate still wasn't dry. The next opponent was a horizontal spinner. and this time there was no issue with the bot. no disfunctional axe, no reserve bot. we knew we had to use the hardox plate as the steel one slowed us down way too much. We put on the lighter wedge with the paint almost dry and installed the weapon for contributing weight more towards the wheels.
We knew that this was the big one. The bots name was Hellraiser and it is one of the heavy hitters. My palms were sweatty, knees weak, arms were heavy. I was nervous. But also focused. I know I had to face him with the plate at all times. Push him around and finish that fight as quickly as possible.


Watch the Video first!

Holy crap! That one was scary. I couldn't get a good hold on him as I tried to pit him. you can see our lifting arm moving once we were on the left side of the wall. Shortly after he hit it and that was the end of our weapon for that tourney. something on the motor broke off but I can't remember what it was. After the plate got ripped off I was bailing for the pit. I drove there to see if he would come over to drive in. but he didn't I realised then that his one side stopped working. the new plan was to shove the piece of hardox into him to have him highcenterd. but I waited to long and I got my self stuck in the very last second. This fight was expensive in regards of parts. 4 shockmounts where killed in action. the plate was bend on one corner. screws lost their heads. bolts as well. the aluminiumsides had big gashes in them. the afformentioned weaponmotor was dead, and when we opend up the bot we found out that the shockmounts (4 per drive motor) had recived damage as well. we lost 4 of them. no replacements tho... time to pack our things and go home. That was the thought at that point.

Oh... did I mention that we won that fight against Hellraiser and that we were still undefeated yet? 3 wins makes 9 points in the scoring system.

9 points sounded good enough. there was no way we could get the bot back in fighting form.
We already uninstalled the speedcontroller, had given back the remote and the link. And then there it was: the magic thing about robot combat: People came and helped us out. gave us tips how to fix the bot for the last fight of the day. we were on it. we replaced some shockmounts with hdpe and swapped a few of the still functioning ones around, reinstalled everything ( except for the weapon cause: RIP) and there it was. Kishin was alive again. Kinda. We were unstoppable! Nothing could beat us!

We had to fight another spinner...


It was team Conker again. I think it's name ws Binky. I saw a fight they were in before and there was no spinning  involved. I went over to their table and asked if the spinner was working at all. the answer was yes. they just wanted to have a longer fight before so they didn't spin it up.
Double sh**.

at this point Kishin was not quite ready yet and we were still uncertain if we could make it til the fight. We finished it like 10 minutes before we had to go to the arena for the last one. Again: no fotage but this one was quite nice. we outwedged them a few times, they spun up their weapon and got a good cut. at one point they had us between their... thingies at the front so I tried to squeeze in, make their spinner hit our wedge and turn themselfs on their back. it didn't happen. What did happen was Binky shutting down. Something it did through the whole tournament. I tried to get it into the pit in time as I knew it would come back to life in a few seconds. I couldn't do it. (Note to my seld: work on the pushing power) Binky came back and it started driving forward towards the pit. it turned around and fell down.

we won... not in a nice way but we won!

12 Points (Out of 18... remember?). That means we (basicly) won every fight we actually attended. I couldn't be more proud. This was a great weekend. A great first tournament and we met so many great people.

I'm already working on some new stuff for the next version of Kishin. It's supposed to be even more like it's RA2 counterpart. We will see how things turn out this time.
Thanks for reading this overly long article


Offline Badnik96

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #26 on: April 09, 2019, 12:48:13 PM »
hell yeah dude! congrats on a successful first tournament!

Offline Redalert

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Re: Team Jonick - The first tournament - Part 2
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2019, 01:28:49 PM »
Part 2/2

Day 2. After the one fight we had we were standing at a 100% win ratio. Not too bad for a first outing in real robotics. Our plan for the day was to spraypaint the hardox front wedge and get the weapon working.

At the end of day 1 we already painted the wedge black. As some of you know I was aiming for the hexagons that my RA2 bot Ryu Kishin had. We bought something that is usually put on gras to walk over or something...
. We put on some orange hexes and hoped it would dry fast enough to be ready for the next fight. Spoiler: it wasn't
In the meantime we managed to get our weapon operational. But as we couldn't use our Hardoxplate we had to take out the weapon and put on the old steelplate that is so damn heavy that it almost weights half of the bot.

The first fight of the day was against team Conker. Yeah... the Crackers 'n Smash guys. I can't remember his name but he was the oldest of the team. And he is a really lovely guy. We were supposed to fight their hammerbot but that one didn't work for the rest of the weekend. So we were granted 3 points but they had another bot that was not in the tourney so we could fight that. It was a grabber and I'm sure it had a name but I really suck at remembering those. Mr. Conker came over to take messure of our hight with his indexfinger and thump. Then he walked back to his table to get the claw in the right starting position so he could get a good grab at us. I was wondering for a second... Then I grabed Kishin from the table, ran over to theirs and handed my bot over so he could actually test if the machine fit. I think he liked that.
As you may have seen: In our first fight with Kashei we had two orange stripes on one side of the bot. As we couldn't paint the thing we decided to buy some tape and have fun with that. For this fight I decided to go for classic Robot Wars and gave Kishin the SMIDSY look. Dr. Conker got a chuckle out of it. Yay!
There is no recording of that fight as far as I know but it was rather dull. Our frontwedge was so heavy that the wheels that are located in the back couldn't get any grip. we got under them a few times, they grabbed us twice. It went the full 3 minutes and it ended it a draw. As this wasn't an official fight we still didn't loose up until that point. another Yay!

Time went on and the Hardoxplate still wasn't dry. The next opponent was a horizontal spinner. and this time there was no issue with the bot. no disfunctional axe, no reserve bot. we knew we had to use the hardox plate as the steel one slowed us down way too much. We put on the lighter wedge with the paint almost dry and installed the weapon for contributing weight more towards the wheels.
We knew that this was the big one. The bots name was Hellraiser and it is one of the heavy hitters. My palms were sweatty, knees weak, arms were heavy. I was nervous. But also focused. I know I had to face him with the plate at all times. Push him around and finish that fight as quickly as possible.


Watch the Video first!

Holy crap! That one was scary. I couldn't get a good hold on him as I tried to pit him. you can see our lifting arm moving once we were on the left side of the wall. Shortly after he hit it and that was the end of our weapon for that tourney. something on the motor broke off but I can't remember what it was. After the plate got ripped off I was bailing for the pit. I drove there to see if he would come over to drive in. but he didn't I realised then that his one side stopped working. the new plan was to shove the piece of hardox into him to have him highcenterd. but I waited to long and I got my self stuck in the very last second. This fight was expensive in regards of parts. 4 shockmounts where killed in action. the plate was bend on one corner. screws lost their heads. bolts as well. the aluminiumsides had big gashes in them. the afformentioned weaponmotor was dead, and when we opend up the bot we found out that the shockmounts (4 per drive motor) had recived damage as well. we lost 4 of them. no replacements tho... time to pack our things and go home. That was the thought at that point.

Oh... did I mention that we won that fight against Hellraiser and that we were still undefeated yet? 3 wins makes 9 points in the scoring system.

9 points sounded good enough. there was no way we could get the bot back in fighting form.
We already uninstalled the speedcontroller, had given back the remote and the link. And then there it was: the magic thing about robot combat: People came and helped us out. gave us tips how to fix the bot for the last fight of the day. we were on it. we replaced some shockmounts with hdpe and swapped a few of the still functioning ones around, reinstalled everything ( except for the weapon cause: RIP) and there it was. Kishin was alive again. Kinda. We were unstoppable! Nothing could beat us!

We had to fight another spinner...


It was team Conker again. I think it's name ws Binky. I saw a fight they were in before and there was no spinning  involved. I went over to their table and asked if the spinner was working at all. the answer was yes. they just wanted to have a longer fight before so they didn't spin it up.
Double sh**.

at this point Kishin was not quite ready yet and we were still uncertain if we could make it til the fight. We finished it like 10 minutes before we had to go to the arena for the last one. Again: no fotage but this one was quite nice. we outwedged them a few times, they spun up their weapon and got a good cut. at one point they had us between their... thingies at the front so I tried to squeeze in, make their spinner hit our wedge and turn themselfs on their back. it didn't happen. What did happen was Binky shutting down. Something it did through the whole tournament. I tried to get it into the pit in time as I knew it would come back to life in a few seconds. I couldn't do it. (Note to my seld: work on the pushing power) Binky came back and it started driving forward towards the pit. it turned around and fell down.

we won... not in a nice way but we won!

12 Points (Out of 18... remember?). That means we (basicly) won every fight we actually attended. I couldn't be more proud. This was a great weekend. A great first tournament and we met so many great people.

I'm already working on some new stuff for the next version of Kishin. It's supposed to be even more like it's RA2 counterpart. We will see how things turn out this time.
Thanks for reading this overly long article


What Badnik Said.
Also, I bet it feels really good to have a successful run.

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #28 on: April 11, 2019, 10:40:57 PM »
Hah. The other videos did surface. I present to you the "vs Team Conker"-collection

Offline Redalert

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2019, 08:45:18 AM »
Kishin's gone fishin' for victories, that's for sure

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #30 on: December 22, 2019, 10:55:55 AM »
Man. This section of gtm is active.

First test drive of Ryu Kishin or what ever its name will be

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #31 on: December 22, 2019, 09:43:07 PM »
Stuff I didn't suck at (from oldest to newest)

Offline Thyrus

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Re: Team Jonick
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2020, 04:37:52 PM »

It's been a while