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Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« Last post by Lilleh__ on July 24, 2024, 05:59:08 AM »

ep 6 will see groups E-H of the HWs take place, can 2nd seed HNT go one better than last time?  Meanwhile WotW champion Bullbot is back and hoping to recapture the success it had prior to SS1
ep 6.png
Robot Rumble 2.0 / explosions`
« Last post by eishiba on July 21, 2024, 02:25:15 PM »
So i downloaded this from robot rumble 2 website and when playing some of the robots like bloodsport explode before the match starts. why does this happen?
Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« Last post by Lilleh__ on July 19, 2024, 10:02:14 AM »

in ep 5 we'll go back to the CWs for groups E-H, where reiging champion Schweinehund starts its title defence among a series of unseeded challengers including returning competitors Dyslapia, Ice Pick, Cowbot and Super Metallicus
ep 5.png
Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« Last post by Lilleh__ on July 10, 2024, 01:52:57 PM »
I'll be on holiday next week, but that doesn't mean no SS3, ep 4 will see AWs take to the temple for the first time ever, there's 12 of them looking to become champion
ep 4.png
Active Tournaments / The Busterbots Big League
« Last post by botbuster on July 09, 2024, 01:57:42 PM »
HW (800kg)
RW 2016 Arena
64 bots in total
2 bots per person
The format is 16 groups of 4 bots each with 2 advancing from each group to a 32 bot single elim




Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« Last post by Lilleh__ on July 09, 2024, 01:19:32 PM »
Chatterbox / Re: Xbox is FUBAR'd, Dusted Off My Laptop And Found This Place
« Last post by Rhapsody on July 06, 2024, 03:50:13 PM »
So long, goodbye, for this is the end
Because I don't think about what I send
For what I have said, all I have done
All of it meaningless, all of it undone
And here I am trying, despite the result
To make the farewell I know well that I should
And what better way to leave things behind
With a bit of nostalgia and my inability to rhyme for more than like, four lines.

That went well. I gave myself a month, honestly.
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Am I still wanted here?
« Last post by Jaydee99 on July 04, 2024, 04:13:39 PM »
You stuck up for me at a time when everyone wanted me gone. I've always wished nothing but great things for you and loved your work since forever.

I hope you're doing ok man. I'm always here to talk if you want (well here or discord lol)
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Am I still wanted here?
« Last post by TommyProductionsInc on July 04, 2024, 11:39:35 AM »
Thank you all.

(I thought I deleted this post so to avoid further drama, but I guess this worked out in the end.)

I was given an invite back into the server, and instantly back in, and have some designs for the future.
Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Am I still wanted here?
« Last post by Rhapsody on July 04, 2024, 10:36:04 AM »
You were, and in my opinion, still are an important part of the community. I have no say in things anymore, my time was spent causing nothing but headaches, but you are talented and fun to talk to. Not letting you rejoin again someday would be a massive shame.
Keep sharing that good sh**, bro. I'll be cheering you and the community on from the shadows.  :thumbup
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