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Messages - Lilleh__

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 19
Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: July 24, 2024, 05:59:08 AM »

ep 6 will see groups E-H of the HWs take place, can 2nd seed HNT go one better than last time?  Meanwhile WotW champion Bullbot is back and hoping to recapture the success it had prior to SS1
ep 6.png

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: July 19, 2024, 10:02:14 AM »

in ep 5 we'll go back to the CWs for groups E-H, where reiging champion Schweinehund starts its title defence among a series of unseeded challengers including returning competitors Dyslapia, Ice Pick, Cowbot and Super Metallicus
ep 5.png

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: July 10, 2024, 01:52:57 PM »
I'll be on holiday next week, but that doesn't mean no SS3, ep 4 will see AWs take to the temple for the first time ever, there's 12 of them looking to become champion
ep 4.png

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: July 09, 2024, 01:19:32 PM »

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: July 03, 2024, 11:07:40 AM »

next tuesday, ep 3 will kick off the HWs w/ groups A-D, 3rd seed Speed Demon is back w/ a panel wedge, as Scrapper looks to reclaim the title it lost last season and Fire Hazard returns looking for its first win in SS
ep 3.png

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: June 26, 2024, 10:41:08 AM »

the MWs have kicked off, so next tuesday we're starting the CWs w/ groups A-D, featuring 3rd seed Smog, 7th seed Cwuig and 8th seed Sea Level, alongside a bunch of unseeded robots including the returning Buckshot, Chophouse and Malware
ep 2.png

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: June 21, 2024, 03:04:40 PM »
its 11:28pm, but SS3 eps will release tuesdays 7pm UK time, starting w/ ep 1; MW groups A-D featuring reigning champion Mean Red, 4th seed Polygonerations and SS2 quarter-finalists Rapier and Revenant
ep 1.png

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: June 01, 2024, 01:52:13 PM »
SS3, coming to a GTM near you about a week after I finish recording it.

Also hbd to crowd member Dalia Matsuyama!

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: April 26, 2024, 07:07:49 AM »
AW, LW and SHW splashes and draws
AW splashes:
LW splashes:
SHW splashes:

each weightclass will see their 12 robots drawn into four rumbles of three, since there are no seeds and only one entry per person in each any robot can be drawn against any opponent
draws will commence after I've had lunch and can be viewed as they happen or after they're finished in sheets 4, 5 and 6 of this spreadsheet

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: March 30, 2024, 11:56:04 AM »
Update: HWs and SHWs are full, AWs and CWs have 2 spots left each.

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: March 15, 2024, 07:16:23 AM »
Update: LWs and MWs are full, AWs, HWs and SHWs are nearing full.

Active Tournaments / Re: Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: February 28, 2024, 10:19:03 AM »
Signups are now open!  You are allowed to enter up to two robots (seeds don't count towards that two) in each of the three main weightclasses (MW, CW and HW) and one into each of the side weightclasses (AW, LW and SHW).

Active Tournaments / Sakura Sunrise 3
« on: February 14, 2024, 12:40:03 PM »
ss3 logo.png

Less than 2mths after SS2 ended, its time for a third season to start!

Competition format
MW, CW and HW:
24 MWs, 48 CWs, 48 HWS, w/ 4, 8 and 8 seeds respectively
Robots will be randomly drawn into groups of 3 (two seeds cannot be in the same group)
Each group will see three fights, w/ each robot fighting eachother once, at the end of the group, the top two will advance to the bracket and third place will be eliminated
The robot w/ the best record will win the group, while the robot w/ the worst will finish bottom
If at the end of the group, two or more robots are tied for W/L record there will be a playoff to determine who finishes above the other
In the first round of the bracket, each fight will be one group winner against a group runner-up
Two seeds 1-4 cannot be placed in the same quadrant of the bracket, same w/ seeds 5-8, two seeds cannot meet until the quarter-finals
The bracket will be single elimination
For weightclasses w/ 48 robots, there will be a 5-8th place rumble, and all three will have a third place playoff
AW, LW and SHW
12 of each weightclass, no seedings
First round will be a three way rumble, one robot wins each, losers go into redemption round
The bracket is single elimination from then onwards, rumble winners go straight into round 2 and will fight one of the redemption round winners

Battle rules
3 minute fights (1 minute for AWs)
Custom arena: the temple 2.1
I will be willing to take a fight up to 10 times in the event of a havok, crash or pin ending the fight.  If I’m unable to get a clean finish within 10 takes, the bot which caused the majority of the invalid finishes will lose the fight by DQ.
A havok ending a fight will be counted as one that either KOs a bot directly or causes the bot to be KO’d by its opponent (the opponent scores a KO hit that would not have happened at that exact point if it wasn’t for the havok), a havok or crash that is the result of a KO will not cause a restart
A bot will be deemed instantly KOd if OOTAd
If a bot loses all of its wheels or all of one of the following are floating: control board, batteries, drive motors, weapon motors, weapons, a 10 second count out will start
A bot will be counted out if it fails to show controlled movement for 30 seconds (i.e. spikeballing, failure to self-right, crabwalking but not closing the distance on its opponent).  Self-righting attempts from a position which the bot can self-right that are clearly interrupted by the opponent will not count towards the 30 seconds.
If a fight lasts all the way to the time limit, then a judges decision will take place, splitting 5 points in each of three categories between all remaining bots: damage, aggression, control

AI rules
Providing your own AI is appreciated but not required and are banned
To use engage tactic, rammers must have smartzones for pushing their opponent, like what has
If your bot cannot be AId w/ any of the .py files included in the base DSL 2.6 install, you must AI the bot yourself and send me the .py you used.
If you use a .py not included in the base DSL 2.6 install to AI your bot, you must send me the .py you used.  The exceptions to this are and my own custom AIs ( and, since I already have them downloaded.

Bot types
If you enter two bots into the same weightclass, both of those bots must be of different types.  For example, you can’t enter two verts into the HWs, but you can enter one into each weightclass.  Seeded bots don’t affect this, so if you have a HS seeded, that won’t stop you from entering a HS unseeded into the same weightclass.  Bot types are listed below:
Vertical spinners (includes wedged drums), irl examples: Bite Force, Witch Doctor, Aftershock
Wedgeless drums (includes eggbeaters), irl examples: Minotaur, Concussion, Yeti
Horizontal spinners, irl examples: Tombstone, SOW, Gigabyte
Rear-hinged and 4-bar flippers/lifters, irl examples: Apollo, Bronco, Lucky
Front-hinged and top-hinged flippers/lifters, irl examples: Firestorm, P1, Push To Exit
Axes/hammers, irl examples: Beta, Thor, Shatter
Overhead saws/hammer saws, irl examples: Sawblaze, Skorpios, Starchild
Crushers/grabbers (clamps in general), irl examples: Razer, Quantum, Kraken
Rammers, both wedgebots and wedgeless, irl examples: Original Sin, Tornado, Road Block
Pokers, irl examples: Spawn of Scutter
Drills, irl examples: Rusty
Thwackbots, irl examples: Stinger, Gabriel, Overkill
If a bot has two active weapons that fall into different categories (i.e. Whiplash, Fusion), you will be asked which one is the primary weapon if you don’t state it when you send me the bot.  If a config bot’s configs fall into different categories based on their primary weapon (i.e. Bombshell, Tornado), you will be asked which one is the primary config if you don’t state it when you send me the bot.  I realised during filming last time I forgot to do this w/ Dyslapia, I’ll try not to forget this time.

Build rules:

Signups open 28 feb

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« on: January 06, 2024, 04:50:04 PM »
Made some changes to Chu2.  Upgraded the drive to dual mags, but this has required me to drop the burst to a VDMA front-hinge and make the armour less durable to fit it in the MW limit.  Also added some skinning to the front and sides to make it hopefully grab ppl's attention more, and hopefully when I test the wedge to see how good it is, it will no longer be useless for getting under anything.
chu2 2024.png

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Lilly's Bedroom Robotics: DSL
« on: January 05, 2024, 03:12:39 PM »
Here's my new robot for team RA2tress, Photon Melodies, which I also hoped I'd be able to get ready in time for wen's tracked tournament, which is why it has tracks.  For this one I tried decreasing the amount of BFE I used, its too early for me to say if this is the start of me slowly phasing out BFE from my builds or just the start of a decrease in how much I use it.  As for the robot's looks, I'm very happy w/ how it looks, feeling confident that it can be highly rated by the community and hoping that I'll feel such confidence when building stuff throughout the year.  Had a few inconsistent results in testing how good its wedge is and the body is fragile, but its agile and drives beautifully, aswell as having a very powerful flipper.
photon melodies.png

After making the splash I changed the white bits on the sides to black due to some feedback I received.
black sides.png

Tournament Archives / Re: Sakura Sunrise 2
« on: January 01, 2024, 07:30:27 AM »

Tournament Archives / Re: Sakura Sunrise 2
« on: December 25, 2023, 09:15:29 AM »

merry christmas, and after finishing SS2 yesterday, congrats to all the champions, and thanks to all entrants for taking part in the tournament
I have a feedback form here where you can give your opinions on how SS2 went and give some feedback on my ideas for my next tournament, which I will be taking responses on until the championship celebration video for SS2 goes up on sunday

Tournament Archives / Re: Sakura Sunrise 2
« on: December 18, 2023, 10:20:27 AM »

two weightclasses down, one to go, as on christmas eve, in ep 17, the HW grand final, we will find out who the new HW champion will be from Claymore, Anthracite, Wildcat, HNT, Speed Demon, Ixol, Uranium and Shock Factor, who's gonna get an early gift in the form of championship glory?
bracket on challonge:
ep 17.png

Tournament Archives / Re: Sakura Sunrise 2
« on: December 11, 2023, 06:57:25 AM »

after crowning a new MW champion yesterday, in ep 16 it'll be time to find out who the new CW champion will be out of Smog, Cwuig, Burn Factor, Obliterator, Twopaz, Mark, Lil Lizard and Schweinehund
bracket on challonge:
ep 16.png

Tournament Archives / Re: Sakura Sunrise 2
« on: December 04, 2023, 07:03:25 AM »

up next is ep 15, the MW grand final, where we will crown one of Polygon, Rapier, Emerations, Voyager, Picky, Slyvern, Mean Red and Revenant as the new MW champion!
bracket on challonge:
ep 15.png

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