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Messages - yugitom

Pages: 1 ... 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 [116] 117 118 119 120
Also, what motor are you using to power the weapon of the son?
TM3r or whatever it's called
Okay, that's fine. I thought you were using the cheatbot2 reversible motors, is all.

Ok, tomorrow I shall make a version 2 and see if I can make them similar, sound good?
Yeah, sounds good. I will always try and encourage people not to give up making a team for my tournament, considering I know how hard it must be to make two similar bots of different weight classes.

Also, not thinking about the tournament rules, I think these bots look pretty good.

I'm gonna note the differences:

Shape of robot (The father's shape is rotated 180 degrees compared to the son)
Different wheels/Different wheel amount
The weapon of the father has a drum and a spike on the top.

There are the things that the robots look different to me. I know they're relatable but I don't think they are similar.

Also, what motor are you using to power the weapon of the son?

Not sure why you have the beater bars vertical on the end of the horizontal bar on the LW. If the reason is that it can't reach lower robots, then you could consider trying to very slightly angle the motor downwards to hit lower targets. You might have to separate the extenders for the motor and the plow somehow to achieve this.
To make the HW look more like the LW, if you made it 2wd and gave it bigger wheels I think it would look better. Changing the skins so they match would also help. Also, the LW has the weapon mounted outside the chassis quite visibly, whilst the HW has it inside the chassis.7
HW looks quite cool though.
Just saw this. He is right about the wheels thing but I don't think that skin matters much, but it helps.

Btw, I don't want to seem like I am putting you down for making these robots. I think they're cool but, in all honesty, I don't think that these guys will make the cut.

Any thoughts? is Byte good?
And also, the father of the team, Megabyte!

(Image removed from quote.)

(God I love dual perms)
Very destructive and powerful, fast and with tita 3, durable too.

Thoughts on both of them?
Apart from the shovel and the weapon, I don't think that the father and son look alike.

Tournament Archives / Re: General Tournament Discussion
« on: June 19, 2014, 03:38:16 PM »
Anybody know where I can get music from robot wars so I can play it during recorded matches
YouTube vid:
Thanks a lot!  :smile:
No problem.

Tournament Archives / Re: General Tournament Discussion
« on: June 19, 2014, 01:09:46 PM »
Anybody know where I can get music from robot wars so I can play it during recorded matches
YouTube vid:

Regardless of the changes, I have faith in your two bots. Well... If F&S 2 isn't voted for over No Holds Barred, then you may have to leave them in the botlab for a bit.
if no holds barred is selected
i shouldnt be 1st seed
Yeah, I know, they're different tournaments.

Regardless of the changes, I have faith in your two bots. Well... If F&S 2 isn't voted for over No Holds Barred, then you may have to leave them in the botlab for a bit.

id still rather have the other one
I do think the other one would work good in a match with Supersnug but the criteria is that they have to more than vaguely resemble each other. Considering the new bot doesn't have spikes, I guessing this one just pushes now.

Yeah all you've done is give them both a superman logo. They're meant to look the same, so I wouldn't allow this team.
Plus that wedge placement is bugging me, why so non-centred?
Yeah, Craaig is right. Mr. AS tried to do a similar thing by saying that his robots were similar because they were pushers but they looked nothing alike, so they were rejected. I wouldn't accept that team Chickenado... sorry.

Tournament Archives / Re: Beetle Bashers - Discussion
« on: June 17, 2014, 01:01:02 PM »
I'm trying my hand at building for this one. I don't know why but I quite like beetleweights.

Tournament Archives / Re: Beetle Bashers - Discussion
« on: June 17, 2014, 11:56:45 AM »
2 v 2 match format? Are bots getting randomly paired up? Or did you mean a 4-way match?

Tournament Archives / Re: My Tournament Ideas
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:17:17 PM »
Can I make custom components for No Holds Barred?
I would have to mull that over. But, for now, I say it's fine. I just don't want matches to be too short due to overpowered components.
Don't forget you could also BFE the bots to be near-invincible.
That is true. I will go over the small amount of rules for this tournament properly if it wins the poll.

Tournament Archives / Re: My Tournament Ideas
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:10:18 PM »
Can I make custom components for No Holds Barred?
I would have to mull that over. But, for now, I say it's fine. I just don't want matches to be too short due to overpowered components.

Tournament Archives / Re: My Tournament Ideas
« on: June 16, 2014, 04:07:59 PM »
If any are stock, count me in. If not, then it's only No Holds Barred for me ; )
It depends. Which ones are stock?
They are all DSL. No Holds Barred would be not so interesting if it wasn't DSL and F&S 1 was DSL to begin with, so I'll keep it that way. However, as you could probably guess, No Holds Barred has the unrealistic rule and doesn't have to resemble an IRL robot.
i think new blood would be better if the noobs(for lack of a better word) were teamed with experienced builders
It's a coincidence you said that because I was thinking about a 'Teacher and Student' tournament. I may or may not add it to the poll but it seems like the F&S 2 and No Holds Barred tournaments are battling it out, so I may not add anything to the list atm.

General Support / Re: start screen appears then crashes
« on: June 14, 2014, 05:41:47 PM »
If you have already reinstalled then this may be too late but, when Aing, these are the things you have to consider:
1. Are the bots and teams listed in the bindings?
2. Does the amount of robots in the team bot folder correspond to the folder?
3. Is the team index number correct (some forget to change it when copying, myself included)
4. Are the teams and robots in the bindings correctly laid out?

I may have missed one or two but these are the major factors that, if you get them wrong, can cause RA2 to crash.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Download Festival
« on: June 13, 2014, 07:31:17 PM »
Whether you're into them or not Prodigy will put on an incredible show. Plus, only the other 2 headliners? Deftones man. Deftones. For me both festivals this year are predictable and kinda boring.
I can see where you're coming from. Rob Zombie and some of Avenge Sevenfold and Powerman 5000 were the only redeeming factors of tonight's line-up. Still a good time though. Nothing great but nothing boring, either.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Download Festival
« on: June 13, 2014, 05:21:11 PM »
Sonisphere has a lovely layout too, preferable to DL from what I've heard.
I've seen the line-up for Sonisphere though, I have to say that there is nothing to see (imo) on Friday and Saturday and Sunday are only worth going to for the headliners.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: June 11, 2014, 05:11:51 PM »
Call me a weirdo for liking Finish industrial metal but:

Turmion Kätilöt - Pyhä Maa

*thumbs up*

What the hell is that?
gibe de pusi, b0ss.
I gathered... A very... Interesting song...

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: June 11, 2014, 05:03:31 PM »
Call me a weirdo for liking Finish industrial metal but:

Turmion Kätilöt - Pyhä Maa

*thumbs up*

What the hell is that?

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: June 11, 2014, 05:01:42 PM »
Call me a weirdo for liking Finnish industrial metal but:

Turmion Kätilöt - Pyhä Maa

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