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Messages - madman3

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Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: May 10, 2016, 11:22:13 AM »
Forgive me for not knowing what you mean by self-awareness, in this situation. Also, I highly doubt most of their fans are <16 because they have been on a fairly long hiatus. And, ~16 is probably around the time when people start getting into metal, so of course they'll be attracted to the generic famous bands like Disturbed.
Most of the people I know who liked Hollywood Undead did so when they were 13 or 14, and have moved on. It is true that bands like Disturbed are "gateway" bands in a sense, but people don't generally keep listening to them; I listened to Disturbed when I was 12 or so and stopped when I listened to less stripped down, simplified metal. Not even to say that the Nu-metal genre has nothing to offer because as mentioned prior, Deftones is definitely a band I would describe as accomplished and musically interesting.

It really comes down to the intent of the band, which is normally reflected in the music. I think people are more likely in this day and age to be attracted to a band which attempts to push their own limits or practice a certain musical vision than one that vies for the exact mainstream of the metal scene, hence why people often drift back to classic albums of the genre and bands that expand on the same ideas or ones that are at the cutting edge. Hollywood Undead have always struck me as a band that sought to tap into the trends popular with a specific audience and deliver them at a level which requires the minimum level of thought possible to put in for maximum possible enjoyment out, which stops working a lot of the time.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: May 10, 2016, 11:05:25 AM »
I understand that I probably should have not stated my opinion so bluntly, so I'm sorry about that. Also, I can't focus on the lyrics because the way the vocalist sounds makes me want to commit, not to mention that the way he is singing is making his words near incomprehensible, too. Lyrics aren't that important to me, anyway. As long as the music sounds good, including how the vocalist sounds (not what he is actually saying), I'm fine with it. I'm sure that, if I put emphasis on lyrics, I'd really dislike HU but I also think I'd be better suited to poetry :P

I hope you're not labeling my music taste childish because of the lyrics of their songs (mostly HU, I imagine) because I don't care about them.
Well, I mean to an extent I am I guess? It's also their near total lack of self awareness and the fact that indeed most of their fans are people < 16. It's like listening to Sachiko M but you can't make a joke out of your life afterwards on social media.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:49:27 AM »

I had no idea the new Vektor album was out. That track is incredible, going to check out the album right away.
I love how you two scratch each other's backs in the music threads :P That song was rubbish, btw.

How do you guys get your music? Subscription services like spotify, stores like iTunes or Google Play, piracy or old-fashioned CDs?
Subscription service. I very rarely buy albums because I normally don't like entire albums and more a couple of songs from differing albums for varying artists. However, I will buy an album if I like the vast majority of the songs on there, to show my appreciation of it. Most of my albums are from Hollywood Undead and Disturbed and then I'll have some rogue bands here and there.
we scratch each other's backs because we like music that isn't garbage. apparently you like music that is garbage which is cool i guess
also i'm pretty sure the consensus is very much the opposite of it being rubbish: (4.5/5) (8.2/10) (97/100) ("A truly fantastic and quintessentially unique listen")

honestly though if you like Hollywood Undead and Disturbed past the age of about 13 you need to get out more
Woah, I didn't want a full blown argument. I said it was a rubbish just because I don't like it. I don't think anything said in a music thread has to be prefaced by 'imo' because music is all opinion based.

I think it's rich to say that listening to Disturbed past the age of 13 is bad when you're listening to a song that is similar in genre but with an incomprehensible vocalist that sounds like he's having a mental breakdown.
Firstly, this is the MusicATM thread. Normally nobody voices that kind of opinion in this thread, and actual criticism of songs is done in Rate One, Post One cus that's the whole point of that thread.

I'm not sure that really suggests anything about whether it's immature or whatnot. Harsh vocals are pretty much just a musical tool used for a different purpose to regular singing, much like rapping or even yodeling or something.
Also I'm pretty sure a comparison between the lyrics of both bands shows enough of a difference of intent to distance them sufficiently in my mind. Disturbed haven't had critical acclaim in the best part of 10 years, because they basically capitalized on the Nu-metal boom that bands like Deftones grew up from and other bands have crashed and burned with.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: May 10, 2016, 10:28:23 AM »

I had no idea the new Vektor album was out. That track is incredible, going to check out the album right away.
I love how you two scratch each other's backs in the music threads :P That song was rubbish, btw.

How do you guys get your music? Subscription services like spotify, stores like iTunes or Google Play, piracy or old-fashioned CDs?
Subscription service. I very rarely buy albums because I normally don't like entire albums and more a couple of songs from differing albums for varying artists. However, I will buy an album if I like the vast majority of the songs on there, to show my appreciation of it. Most of my albums are from Hollywood Undead and Disturbed and then I'll have some rogue bands here and there.
we scratch each other's backs because we like music that isn't garbage. apparently you like music that is garbage which is cool i guess
also i'm pretty sure the consensus is very much the opposite of it being rubbish: (4.5/5) (8.2/10) (97/100) ("A truly fantastic and quintessentially unique listen")

honestly though if you like Hollywood Undead and Disturbed past the age of about 13 you need to get out more

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: May 09, 2016, 10:30:17 AM »
I find music on Spotify and then buy it on iTunes or on CD if I like it enough.

Existing Games / Re: Overwatch
« on: May 06, 2016, 01:29:26 PM »
played like a game of it today but it was really good, fun and nice bright colours mean reacting to things happening is easier than murky fps

like Zenyatta a lot

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: The General Chatter Thread.
« on: May 05, 2016, 02:48:56 AM »
hahaha what a goon

Chatterbox / Re: Jokes
« on: May 04, 2016, 12:53:43 PM »
yeh and he seems to understand how double elimination brackets work

Chatterbox / Re: Jokes
« on: May 04, 2016, 03:31:12 AM »
Wait, wait, wait. Time out. Who the hell is this goldenfox character? He has a cool name, I admit, but I am most definitely NOT this guy.
I have a question: does a poor-quality vacuum cleaner suck or not suck?

Why did Dr. Ben Carson suspend his campaign?

Today I changed a light bulb, crossed the road, and walked into a bar. That's when I realized that my life is a joke!

Why did these jokes make me question my existence?
"Tough As Nails was a boring bot that just exploited the pit"
"No. You just can't admit I've won because he's your friend and you want a rematch" - after winning set one of grand finals from losers
something to do with SotG
"Congratulations, mate"

Same kinda well written style full of colloquiums and so on.

Chatterbox / Re: Jokes
« on: April 30, 2016, 06:00:12 PM »
scrap daddy's bots
put your dick away mate

Chatterbox / Re: Jokes
« on: April 30, 2016, 03:32:40 PM »
they have such a similar way of posting though

Chatterbox / Re: Jokes
« on: April 30, 2016, 06:14:36 AM »
Barman says "we don't serve time travellers in 'ere."

A time traveller walks into a bar.


You seem to have missed the joke.
pretty sure trb is just goldenfox multi-accounting so barman is fine

Chatterbox / Re: Jokes
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:19:43 PM »
phil collins

Existing Games / Re: Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
« on: April 24, 2016, 05:09:11 PM »
i actually kinda want to play it just cus it's made by bioware for whatever reason

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: April 22, 2016, 03:39:17 AM »

Just been to a HU gig, it was awesome :) Attila were supporting but they aren't the best. They were much better live than they sound in the studio, though, I'll give them that.
Attila is basically the dumbest and bro-iest of the dumb brocore bands

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: April 17, 2016, 06:17:10 AM »

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Mad-man 3's DSL showcase
« on: April 12, 2016, 02:32:19 AM »
Nice bot, and good summary by Nar on 2.2 changes, it's definitely easy to get into but an improvement on 2.1 honestly.
I'd defo give it a try if i were you dude, don't want to lose your "crown"  ;)
best at deadmod  :cool:

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Mad-man 3's DSL showcase
« on: April 11, 2016, 08:26:48 AM »
oh you probably upgraded my old HnM version so i'm mostly fine with it. The hinge loading especially. Although doesn't it cause havok and stuff, or unstability

Why don't you try DSL 2.2 ?
because i don't really want to invest too much thought into another game for now/i'm used to an older meta and I'm not sure how to match the quality of 2.2 with 2.1, in terms of components and styles

its basically the same metagame with a few changes, like in batteries
okay clue me in, how many batteries per NPC fast, bsg, JXs, and for perm 132s? Also are Mag snappers good now?

Nah the setup is pretty stable surprisingly. Had no havoks and it stays pretty stable at all times.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Mad-man 3's DSL showcase
« on: April 11, 2016, 03:21:20 AM »
Why don't you try DSL 2.2 ?
because i don't really want to invest too much thought into another game for now/i'm used to an older meta and I'm not sure how to match the quality of 2.2 with 2.1, in terms of components and styles

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Mad-man 3's DSL showcase
« on: April 11, 2016, 02:24:30 AM »
it is but no shame round here nary

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