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Messages - Dark-Al

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Off-Topic Discussion / Re: GTM Signing Card 2018 - 15 Years of RA2
« on: February 12, 2018, 09:30:05 AM »
I'll think about this one, even if it may end up being some custom made text or something.

Existing Games / Re: What is your favorite video game music
« on: February 08, 2018, 02:35:14 PM »
For me, you cannot beat a good bit of some of Frank Klepacki's work for a few video games:

« on: February 07, 2018, 02:27:42 PM »
Checking out the site, the filming dates are pencilled in for March 24-April 9 2018, shooting in Los Angeles, CA.
That's not a lot of time for a new team to build a Heavyweight robot for the event, but it's possible for a few teams to build a robot within the strict time limit before the event if they really work straight on it, seeing that this happen with the reboot of Robot Wars. But it's nice to hear the news for the fans of the show to rejoice after over a year and a half waiting.
If you read Phillipa's other post you'd know that they already told several teams months ago and hence they've already started work on upgrading/building new bots.
I'm aware that the article said about a lot of familiar faces for the season. But still, I was more apply my point to newer teams that do want to take part, but not having a lot of time to try and get a robot ready for the event unless they hastily build the robot for the competition.

« on: February 07, 2018, 12:05:01 PM »
Checking out the site, the filming dates are pencilled in for March 24-April 9 2018, shooting in Los Angeles, CA.
That's not a lot of time for a new team to build a Heavyweight robot for the event, but it's possible for a few teams to build a robot within the strict time limit before the event if they really work straight on it, seeing that this happen with the reboot of Robot Wars. But it's nice to hear the news for the fans of the show to rejoice after over a year and a half waiting.

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: King of Bots
« on: February 05, 2018, 12:42:46 PM »

Site News and Feedback / Re: Spambot are annoying
« on: February 04, 2018, 03:43:43 AM »
It's rather the question of who or what keeps putting spambots onto the site? Anyone can just decided to put a spam bot on the site even if they are an user or not. Most of the time mainly with registered users, they just use proxies to avoid having to put themselves at risk of being perm-banned and even with non-members, they just decided just to spam up the site for unknown reason. Even with banning the spambots, they just keep coming back because the puppet master behind them thinks that it's a good idea to spam the site up.

« on: February 03, 2018, 02:40:38 AM »
They should prove there weight if it is questioned. And someone could just slightly modify the weight in the files of the game. It aint hard.
It's easy to modify the weight in the bot file, but there are ways how users can tell that a person is lying about their bot's weight. Let's say that you bot has Steel 5 armor, 4 NPC drive with Vald wheels, and a beta burst for the weapon and you try and pass it as a lightweight or middleweight when it's actually a Heavyweight. We can tell that you're lying about your bot's weight. End of Story.

« on: February 02, 2018, 03:02:46 PM »
WHAT IF an image, some one put a random number for a weight, a little like what i did 2 times. On the August/Feb BOTM. Why would i want to tell you more, i like loopholes .Also, i do not think any of this stuff should be required.
I can put it simply as no one exploits loop-holes except for you.Let's take this with your August/February splash, most of us can tell that you tried to pass a SuperHeavyweight as a HeavyWeight because you poorly inserted your own weight in an suspicious, unfitting black box with text that's been edited in a photo editing program. This didn't matter in the later BOTM since there was no weight limit, but in former BOTM, 09 spotted this and didn't put your entry up in the voting, since you lied about the weight of your bot. So, I really doubt that anyone else will try to be dishonest in lying in their bot's weight. It's possible that this can happen, but when someone does find out then something will happen.

Robots Showcase / Re: Team DSC
« on: February 01, 2018, 04:39:03 PM »
Loving the improvements that you've made for your bot. That 3mm steel plate should come in handy, and hopefully the plate should do its job pretty well against spinners.

Contests / Re: VOTE BOTM FEB 2018
« on: February 01, 2018, 05:22:44 AM »
I think you've been a little too hard here. For all you know, this could be a joke entry or someone's first bot or whatever...then you're here ripping them to bits for it. Granted it doesn't fit the theme but you don't see me ragging onto them like a bulldog.
I apologize for my behavior. It was just that even when it's someone first bot for BOTM, I do expect that they do put in the effort into not just the bot that fits the theme, but also the effort into making the splash to what other people expect from them. For this case, the bot and the splash doesn't worked out and this made me feel like I wanted to tear the splash apart by pick out the flaws. Though I shouldn't of done it in a harsh way and should of just acted calmly about it and use constructive criticism.

Contests / Re: VOTE BOTM FEB 2018
« on: February 01, 2018, 03:22:01 AM »
Okay then, I was expecting more bots to be based around the requirements that MNB gave out. But my Verdicts:
1. The Splash is more borderline okay, but the bot is well built and well themed around MNB requirements.
2. Hi Asbestosstar! Moving on.
3. Feels perfect to have a love heart themed robot at this time of year, then turning them into a sweet weapon. This should win a few votes.
4. Honestly, everything present on this splash makes me wanting to tear it to pieces. The splash looks like someone first time in Photoshop and that person accept everything on the first attempt without feedback. A poorly made bot with a questionable skin and easier to see flaws that can be pointed out: lack of effectively, placed weaponry, overly large chassis and being incredibly underweight for both a crusierweight and a heavyweight; and a lack of effort in fitting the bot to the theme.This does sound a little too hard, but I expect a lot more for bot of the month entries than this.
5. Nice Dragon.Despite being underweight, the extender work is well done.

We've seen 2 before :really_makes_you_think:
That's because Asbestosstar tried to enter his entry into August's BOTM last year, that's why. 

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: King of Bots
« on: January 29, 2018, 11:28:03 AM »
Why do I feel like doing this? But the fourth episode of King of Bots has been uploaded onto Youtube, just in case you missed a stream of the show on a streaming site.

Ironforge TC Showcases / Re: Pokébros Questionable Iron forge bots
« on: January 27, 2018, 11:55:22 AM »
I can't tell from the angle of the internals, if your anchors are intersecting your batteries, and if the extenders are intersecting your wheels. If they are then your bot won't be classed as standard. This might be the same if your crushing teeth were to intersect your wheels. Your weapon could benefit for being a little further away from the bot and further down to the ground. From your weapon position, most low profiled bots with good wedges like pop-ups would be able to get under your bot before the weapon comes in play. But with a lower weapon, your bot who be able to hit opponents much easier. If you do want to lower the weapon, you can remove the plows since they'll block your weapon.

I'm not too good with Ironforge either so I hope this helps.

Challenge Board / Re: Challenge Belt - January 2018
« on: January 27, 2018, 07:44:05 AM »
Sees that Dreamcast wins the challenge belt for the third time in a row: From my point of view, this challenge belt system isn't exactly working out as well as it should do. It's nice idea to have a system when people who had participated in a challenge can take part in a challenge belt system as a reward. But I personally feel that the execution of the idea only limits down the potential of the number of participates who can take part. I'm aware that there are multiple factors to this including that how this forum has descended into DSL-IRL building, and half the forum isn't really in the swing of building anything but DSL-IRL, especially when the challenge belt is set to something like DSL-S MW or Stock LW. But with the amount of people who do want to take part in the challenge belt including myself, cannot take part at all because we haven't been in a challenge match in the past three months for one reason or another, still waiting for someone to pick up a challenge that a user made, or in a challenge match that doesn't finish in time for the user to enter the belt. So I much rather prefer the challenge belt rules to be rewritten so anyone can enter the belt to mainly prevent one person from holding the belt, all because they were the only one who entered.

Edit: I forgot to add that: I see a lot more potential in the challenge belt. But how the system is sorted out, I see that this potential will possibly not happen anytime soon at this rate.


Real Robotics Discussion / Re: King of Bots
« on: January 22, 2018, 12:15:31 PM »
Any news on where to get Episode 1? I wanna start watching this but the Youtube stream for EP1 has been taken down 'cuz of copyright...  ::2mad
Easy said than done, Episode 1 was uploaded onto Zhejiang TV's Youtube channel two weeks ago, and I have the video link right here:

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: King of Bots
« on: January 22, 2018, 11:31:24 AM »
Here you go guys, another episode of King of Bots has been added to Youtube just you case you missed a live stream of it:

Robots Showcase / Re: Team DSC
« on: January 21, 2018, 03:35:34 PM »
Well one thing is for certain, I like what you are building so far. Seeing a proper lifter/flipper in a robot combat scene dominated by spinners and wedges makes a real difference. Once you get everything sorted, I would love to see the finished version.


I'm not a big fan of Ironforge either. But I still think I had a good go at the meta regard of my bot's final design, and you did to. So you should be proud that you had a good go at the meta.


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