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Messages - Dark-Al

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Discussion / Re: How did you find Ra2?
« on: May 16, 2018, 03:25:06 AM »
I was looking at Wikipedia, looking up Battlebots Beyond the Battlebox. As I was looking through, one part of the article had a link to the Robot Arena 2 page. So I followed the link to the page,  then followed one of the enclosed links to the Beetle-Bros website and that's what got me into RA2.

Edit: sooo... when are you posting vids
Videos will be uploaded to my website soon and priced at £10/$14 per episode. :smile:

Is dis a joke?
Nope, but since you're such a keen fan, lemme offer you this exclusive deal! I'll give you every single episode, Heat A to Heat P, Sweet Sixteen, Quarter Finals, Semi Finals, 3rd Place Playoff, Grand Final, Grudge Matches AND Rumbles in a single bundle for only $250! Buying them individually would be $322, so that's a huge saving of $72 and instant access to all the fights before public release! And if that wasn't enough, you'll get yourself reserved spots in Masters Of Disaster 3!
That's expensive. Is that to fund your RL robot construction, as well as some of your daily life, like university and basic necessities. And does that also mean the competition is like Robot Wars?

And on a side note, I have a feeling that Triangle of Doom will just be declared a SFTW, seeing it has no srimech, no invertibility, and other weaknesses

Robots Showcase / Re: Inklab Robotics
« on: May 09, 2018, 09:35:03 AM »
Just ignore him. Anyway, I think that your designs for the bot are pretty good looking. Especially when someone decides to give an weapon design that hasn't been seen in years a good proper go.


Excuse me. But Ice Maker was my robot not Neon's just to correct you.

Contests / Re: Vote BOTM MAY 2018
« on: May 01, 2018, 02:16:58 PM »
Thoughts and Opinions:
1. Hello again darkness my old friend, I mean DSC sorry. Jokes aside, both bots are pretty well thought out and look like good pieces of art, including having a working turret for the ballista and a working articulater for the battering ram. Looks like you got another BOTM victory in the bag.
2. Well, you tried. It's pretty much very plain and not particularity very interesting enough visually, despite what you tried to base the design upon.
3. Why have two siege machines when you have both of them plus a castle. Anyway, Both bots plus the castle bots are good attempts at making a siege machine. Though I do feel that there's some bits that are missing like adding a little more detail into the bot. However, I love the way how the splash was set up to look like a castle siege. Wait a minute, do I see no other than the good doctor himself. This has now overwhelmed me with joy.

General Support / Re: Question in Regards to Chassis Shape Editing
« on: April 29, 2018, 02:12:25 PM »
I don't think there is a way on how you can do this by editing this in the bot file. Though if you don't want to use extenders to build that shape, you can use an external program known as OBJRA2, which allows to turn 3D models in the OBJ file setting, into a workable chassis if you want something that's a bit like Lucky's. Just remember that the file needs to have at least needs one triangle face in order to work.
Note: Looks like you beaten me to the punch Pwnator.

Tournament Archives / Re: Wild Robots 2018
« on: April 27, 2018, 08:06:10 AM »
That's pretty impressive for an arena. This is definitely something to watch when the first main video comes out.

Real Robotics Discussion / Re: Robogames 2018 Discussion Thread
« on: April 26, 2018, 02:10:50 PM »
You know, I remember that you mentioned a few times about one of your planned robots known as Shape-Shifter for the Heavyweight division, than ended up on the wait-list before being moved to the main competitor list. Do have any photos of the bot or have any knowledge about the design that you will be willing to share with us?

I honestly think k we need LESS staff
I have to disagree with you on this one. I honestly feel that the staff numbers at the moment are just at a good balance, except that I feel that some less active staff members should be replaced with users who would be more active to deal with certain problems, just to prevent certain incidents from taking too long to solve, because one of the admins or moderators may not notice or they're not online at the time.

Sorry if I'm late to the party. But I do agree with most of the points that Kill put forward along with most other opinions that other users have. However I do have some own opinions on what I would like to see on this forum.

To start of the wiki: The wiki itself isn't being used for really anything. Often, I don't normally see a lot of users using it for any such use expect for posting memes and unnecessary edits, mainly including the time when I got into an edit war on the wiki, all because one user was constantly spamming in their name into the notable tournament host section of the notable users page, without asking the admins first. The worst part about this was that when I try to fix the page because of my urge to solve the problem, I have one of the forum moderator on the discord, joining in onto the side of immature user, poorly joking about "Can you stop spamming the wiki!".  To be honest if the wiki is going to be like this, it's best to take FOTEPX suggestion: Just achieve the wiki. Barely anyone uses it and when they do, what would happen is the above.

The Challenge board is a bit of a mess I agree with many on this. But the point I'm making isn't on the lines of the lack of use of the challenge board, but mainly in the overall moderation and lack of motivation on hosting a challenge. The main board moderators are most of the time inactive and sometimes, most active challenges that haven't been resolved in a couple of months, were just left for that time before one of the board moderators take action to lock the thread and give a disqualification out. Personally, when the challenge board gets more active when more users are encouraged, I would like to see a overhaul on the staff for this board and give the roles for board moderation over to more active users, so those users can respond more quickly to challenges that been completed, handing out user disqualifications and be willing to host challenges if no one else steps in.  As for the hosting itself, the problem is the same as with the tournament hosting problem. While a challenge board match can be less time consuming then a full on tournament, no one has any motivation of hosting. This is the result of the point Hoppin made, which was that the difficulty of new users getting into AIing, but I also believe that because of the lack of any proper challenges, no one is going really feel like that they really want to host. So, my solution is to try and possibly encourage users to use the challenge board a little more often. Sure we have the challenge belt, but with the current position of how the belt is formed, I doubt anyone will be willing enough to have a challenge.

The tutorial section needs a bit of updating. With new tutorials being created every so often including a tutorial on exporting OBJ files through OBJRA2 and then into RA2, it would be nice if such newer tutorials were included in the tutorial index, to mainly benefit new users who need to know some of the basics of modding files, as well older users who want to learn something new and updated, without both types of users needing to scroll through pages of forums on the board to find the tutorial they need. Also on the same section, I do agree with Hoppin again, I do feel that some of the older tutorials need updating for users trying to get into AI and such a better starting point in making AI packs or starting their tournaments, such as asking an experience users to make a step by step video guide of something just to give a user a better chance at making a start in the area.

I would a lot more points about the forums, but I feel the points that I put down will be enough for now. But when I have some more points to make, I'll be posting them here.

Tournament Archives / Re: General Tournament Discussion
« on: April 22, 2018, 11:30:07 AM »
Do something in stock please
Maybe try something new, such as maybe a Stock Cruiserweight tournament or something. There's nothing stopping you from doing so.

Tournament Archives / Re: General Tournament Discussion
« on: April 22, 2018, 03:09:31 AM »
what kind of tournaments are people interested in atm
You can probably tell that by looking at all the tournament boards at the moment, there's a sheer ton of DSL-IRL tournaments that have been happen due to the overall popularity of the meta. You can still do a tournament that doesn't use DSL-IRL as the meta, but just don't except users to be flocking in when sign-ups are open.

Stock Showcases / Re: geese builds stock
« on: April 21, 2018, 11:10:34 AM »
I forgot to comment on this. But all these bots look pretty amazing. I have to agree with Fracture on the Flamer, Face Spinner combo bot for being the one bot that pretty much stands out from the rest, for mainly having the slickest design of the bunch.

Site News and Feedback / Re: New Staff
« on: April 16, 2018, 03:41:47 AM »
I wake up to find out the news. So, Congratulations Doot and also to Pwnator for your new aligned modding duties!   

Tournament Archives / Re: RoboGames: Series 2 (SIGNUPS CLOSED)
« on: March 31, 2018, 03:59:09 PM »
I'm very glad to see that many more builders decided to take part as well as also builders from the previous tournament making new bots and entering new weight divisions they didn't enter the first time around. When the time comes as the madman I am, I might do a massive run down of all 308 bots when the splashes finally do come out.   

Contests / Re: VOTE BOTM APRIL 2018
« on: March 31, 2018, 03:29:33 AM »
My thoughts and verdict:
1. The Bot looks pretty well made, except the splash completely ruins the joke and possibly the joke could of been on the lines of "And you call them gold sawblades despite the fact they are obviously canines,". At least there will be trouble in town tonight.
2. Similar to the last splash, these are well made bots. But it would be nice if we can just know about both their actual weights are and their internals instead of what weight class their in. Not overly bad but needs a bit of works on it.
3. Sees Robotnik on the splash: you win my friend. Nah, just kidding. This is a pretty much full of craziness both on the splash and on the bot. It would be nice to the internals though. Otherwise a good contender for this month's BOTM.
4. Hi Dragonsteincole! Yes Cephalopod will be proud of this one. Just look at it's face it's an adorable! Definitely a strong contender for BOTM this month.


This sounds interesting. I'll think about building something maybe for the Ironforge bracket, mainly just to brush up on my Ironforge skills.

« on: March 24, 2018, 09:27:11 AM »
Updated Rules:

Stock HW

no hax mode


Hopefully Dragonfire accepts host.

Combat Arena, Hazards off.

No cheatbot2


Rule of Seven break is allowed.
take me on, I will see if your bot can handle the popup of the HeavyDerby
Before I do accept, is component freedom allowed for this challenge?

Fair enough, I'll just step to one side and just let the challenge go your way without me.

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