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Messages - daleksec7

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Game Development / Re: Beta Test: RWED mock up
« on: September 14, 2012, 12:38:12 PM »
Your physics make me sad. Panic Attack can't turn on the spot, and got stuck in a wall, and then pretended the arena was water and started bobbing up and down.
Also it could use a keybind so I can escape the game without alt-tabbing out.

:/ well its a BETA test which means it will be modified

Game Development / Beta Test: RWED mock up
« on: September 13, 2012, 07:20:14 PM »
Hey DS7 here

For the past few days i have been working on a new game, well i say new its like reamking the old into the new generation, anyway i got the idea from this page ",10515.0.html" which today i have a beta test :)

Forward backwars left right= Arrow keys
1,2,3 Cameras

Whats in this beta test?
well at the moment not much but driving panic attack around the arena which still needs to be done
there is the pit button which works with siren, yes the siren is not the pit one from robot wars but i couldn't find it in my system but i will get it on when its found

The CPZ have lights on them like in series 6 so when you enter the CPZ the lights will flash and light up

Whats to come?

Well music for one is a deffo also more robots with a menu section.
Completed arena with disk of doom, drop zone, flame pit and steam jets oh and pit smoke
When the game is completed it will be here not on the page

There will be a poll on top of the page to select what type or pit button should there be like series 6 bumper or extreme tyre
Here is the game beta mode have fun

Discussion / Re: RW:ED Arena Plan View Image
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:59:04 AM »
Looking good.. curious what did you start with for the base? fresh? or the existing robot wars arena?

I had to start completely from fresh

Discussion / Re: RW:ED Arena Plan View Image
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:15:29 AM »
Hey, Ive been working on the arena/game and here are the list of things i can make for the game so far
-Pit of doom with siren and button
-drop zone with one object
-flame pit (at the moment its on all the time but it will have a script where it activates when a robot is over it
- disk of doom (will be shown later on)
- doors open for the robots to enter the arena

Their some of the few things i can do at the moment but here is a video to show you what has been done

Discussion / Re: RW:ED Arena Plan View Image
« on: September 12, 2012, 08:08:10 PM »
Looking good. Are you going to make the entire arena (with outer walls/control pods) or leave it at that?

 na gonna leave it like that.........just kidding im gonna work on it :)

Discussion / Re: RW:ED Arena Plan View Image
« on: September 12, 2012, 06:18:07 AM »

Here is what ive been working on :) the pit works just working everything into it :D

Existing Games / Re: Battlebots Flash Game
« on: September 11, 2012, 07:35:13 PM »
Im sorry but this game is total garbage lol

Discussion / Re: RW:ED Arena Plan View Image
« on: September 11, 2012, 01:16:38 PM »
I have managed to extract the TV Studio arena from Robot Wars: Extreme Destruction. I thought this plan view of the arena might be useful to anyone wishing to mod or to take the plunge and create a new Robot Wars arena. I wouldn't have a clue how to make an arena so please feel free to use this image. Wars Arena Floor Plan.jpg

Already on it :3

Discussion / Re: RW:ED Arena Plan View Image
« on: September 10, 2012, 05:26:11 PM »
Can you get the skins off the arena pods?

Game Development / Re: Robot wars series 2 game
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:20:20 AM »
Good news everyone, I have time to start to work on the series to game at last lol

Game Development / Re: Robots Extreme Wars Live: The Game
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:40:01 AM »
Oh shut up you lot :P

I never said it was the best featherweight in the UK, I said at Roaming Robots. I think you might find the best featherweight in the UK is a spinner, and therefore cannot compete at roaming robots. That leaves Explosion as the best featherweight at Roaming Robots. Besides, I think you might find that Explosion has won the most amount of Roaming Robots feather competitions ever by a long shot. So there!

And, I think you could argue that twice and defending second seed and twice and defending robot rumble champion and defending tag team champion, plus everything else has to be better than once UK champion. But that's just my opinion :P

Anyway, let's not derail the thread considering how much effort Liam has put in and what a good job he's done.

Thank you very much :)

oh can you sign up to maidstone if your coming since theres a sign up page now? :) 

Game Development / Re: Robots Extreme Wars Live: The Game
« on: September 03, 2012, 09:02:31 AM »
Hmm, is this intended to only focus around the modern and usual RR competitors? Because Sewer Snake did compete in RR a long time ago (I think 2006, correct me if I am wrong) and it would be pretty cool to him make a cameo in the game.

well if i can get permission from them then i will see what i can do

Game Development / Re: Robots Extreme Wars Live: The Game
« on: September 03, 2012, 08:55:56 AM »
cos john has told me to get permission from the robottears at the event if your going? :) cos i just need to get robottears signatures so i can put them in my data base and keep the paper work cos there will be lots more robots in the updates :)

Game Development / Re: Robots Extreme Wars Live: The Game
« on: September 03, 2012, 08:53:46 AM »
lol none of them sorry i couldent get in touch with you but in maidstone im getting permission from robottears to use their robots if you dont mind signing something that says your giving me permission to use your robot? :)

Game Development / Re: Robots Extreme Wars Live: The Game
« on: September 02, 2012, 08:57:38 AM »
It's about time someone put out the effort to make a new robot combat game, and you guys sure did a good job.

Thank you even though its only me who made the game but thanks for saying that :)

Game Development / Re: Robots Extreme Wars Live: The Game
« on: September 02, 2012, 08:56:42 AM »
Google Chrome :3

Game Development / Re: Robots Extreme Wars Live: The Game
« on: September 02, 2012, 08:52:18 AM »
Cos IE is terrible and should be ashamed

Game Development / Robots Extreme Wars Live: The Game
« on: September 02, 2012, 08:40:52 AM »
Roaming Robots game has been released look on the
Website for more details.

Thats the reason why my robot wars series two game as been on hold for so long because ive been making a game for them
Take a look on the website to see the game and have a chance to play the very first ever tested version of the game which
has been changed though out the versions


Game Development / Re: TST: Mechanical Warfare
« on: August 31, 2012, 10:19:29 AM »
TBH, I think your biting off more than you can chew, Cos you really should of researched and planned way before the thought of getting it started then just going oh im here to make a game

Existing Games / Re: Slender
« on: August 26, 2012, 07:25:38 PM »
Got any proof?

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