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Topics - jdg37

Pages: [1]
Challenge Board / jdg37 vs Hoppin (DQ: All)
« on: September 14, 2017, 02:20:16 PM »
DSL IRL team Bo3 (1 LW, 1mw, 1hw) 2016 robert's wars arena. Biased Doot to host.

Tournament Archives / Forced Creativity Challenge
« on: January 26, 2017, 09:14:02 AM »
Name TBA Design Challenge Tournament

DSL 2.2, Cruiserweight,  IRL

Ring arena. May try to lightly reskin, who knows.

4 heats of 4 bots each.  Round robin matches with 3 points awarded for ko, 2 for decision win, 1 for decision loss, 0 for getting ko'd or oota.
Winners of each heat then meet in the final, setup in the same style as the heats.

16 slots, one slot per person.
Each of the 16 bots will be based on one of the 16 bot types listed in the RioBotz Combot guide, so:
•   Rammer
•   Wedge
•   Lifter
•   Flipper/Launcher
•   Thwackbot
•   Overhead Thwackbot
•   Spearbot
•   Horizontal Spinner (they include ring, shell, and FBS here)
•   Vertical Spinners
•   Sawbot
•   Drumbot
•   Hammerbot
•   Clamper (control)
•   Crushers
•   Flamethrowers
•   Multibots

These could either be assigned at random or be challenges (i.e. one of the entrants is selected at random,  they then select another entrant to challenge to build in that style.  That builder then selects another person to challenge, and so on until all have been assigned a style.)

Since some of these build styles don’t work great on their own (wedge, etc) or are vague on weaponry (multis), these would just stand as design styles to emulate.  So a Wedgebot could have a flipper built in, but a wedge must be present. 

Alternately, some classes like HS could be expanded to replace the weaker categories.  So Shell spinner could replace flamethrower, etc.

I thought of this as a way to be forced to try something new design wise.

DSL TC Showcases / jdg37's garage of misfit bots
« on: October 17, 2016, 03:44:20 PM »
Hello, I am JDG37, creator of Armorgeddon 2, defeated  7th seed from the Redditbots tournament season 1.  I am sharing images of my hastily made entry, as well as those of the current iteration im still fine tuning for the next heavyweight tournament.

This design was rather rushed for tournament entry.  Didn't test it in combat until after submission period was closed. 

Drivetrain proved very weak, plus the combination of the weapon placement and drivetrain being too weak to properly use the wedges, the design proved underpowered for proper heavyweight competition.

Still put up an admirable fight against Black Wolf (the 7 seed was waaay too generous).

The current design has seen greater success with a human driver vs DSL AI.  Still leaves a lot to be desired.  Too undersized and quick to be toppled vs larger bots.  Would make a better middleweight.

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