Author Topic: Nintendo 2DS  (Read 6842 times)

Offline Chaosmancer

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Re: Nintendo 2DS
« Reply #40 on: August 30, 2013, 09:07:04 AM »
Alright, take gen 1 of pokemon. Very low texture/sprite resoultion, and some of the sprites are hideously bad. But you'd rather play it with those graphics compared to ascii graphics, no? Graphics are a part of the game, just not part of the gameplay.

They are a part of the game that is negligible, just because people may prefer to play something with good graphics, doesn't mean they can't or won't play something with bad graphics. If graphics had never improved over low quality textures, we wouldn't know any different, it's just  because of the fact that we have been spoiled with these new fangeldy 3D models and higher quality textures that those are even classed as 'bad'. Graphics may be part of the game, but you wouldn't tell someone to play CS:GO instead of Pokemon because the graphics are better because they are two entirely different types of game. As long as the quality of the graphics does not hinder the gameplay, graphics are negligible. I enjoy playing Ancient Domains of Mystery even though it is ASCII art, I wouldn't enjoy it any more or any less if it had proper sprites.
Yes that sequence of words I just said made perfect sense.

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Re: Nintendo 2DS
« Reply #41 on: August 30, 2013, 11:29:07 AM »
@Chaos Of course, indeed I prefer the old pokemon games to the new. Graphics do not make a game, but they do play a small part IMO.

@Pwn I had a case for my DS, but it was  pretty bulky so I took it off to play games.
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Offline Incredirobotwars

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Re: Nintendo 2DS
« Reply #42 on: August 30, 2013, 07:38:27 PM »
Alright, take gen 1 of pokemon. Very low texture/sprite resoultion, and some of the sprites are hideously bad. But you'd rather play it with those graphics compared to ascii graphics, no? Graphics are a part of the game, just not part of the gameplay.

They are a part of the game that is negligible, just because people may prefer to play something with good graphics, doesn't mean they can't or won't play something with bad graphics. If graphics had never improved over low quality textures, we wouldn't know any different, it's just  because of the fact that we have been spoiled with these new fangeldy 3D models and higher quality textures that those are even classed as 'bad'.
Bioshock is a perfect example. After the plane crash many people didn't realise that it went straight from cutscene to gameplay. It was mind-blowing at the time. Now it no longer blows us away graphics-wise because of, say, Bioshock Infinite. But, Bioshock is an incredible game, and in fact I prefer it to Infinite. So, graphics aren't important, but a less graphically intensive Bioshock may not have affected us in the same way. As such, I like having the 3D, so that I can use it and see if I'm impressed by the 3D. And I am in a few games, but not enough of them yet. I really hope the new Smash Bros will have good 3D graphics, but I doubt they'll try anymore if the game producers no longer feel they should put in the effort as many people will have a 2DS, which would be a shame.

Offline Chaosmancer

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Re: Nintendo 2DS
« Reply #43 on: August 31, 2013, 04:08:33 AM »
Bioshock is a perfect example. After the plane crash many people didn't realise that it went straight from cutscene to gameplay. It was mind-blowing at the time. Now it no longer blows us away graphics-wise because of, say, Bioshock Infinite. But, Bioshock is an incredible game, and in fact I prefer it to Infinite. So, graphics aren't important, but a less graphically intensive Bioshock may not have affected us in the same way. As such, I like having the 3D, so that I can use it and see if I'm impressed by the 3D. And I am in a few games, but not enough of them yet. I really hope the new Smash Bros will have good 3D graphics, but I doubt they'll try anymore if the game producers no longer feel they should put in the effort as many people will have a 2DS, which would be a shame.

I do think older games have done cutscenes that have seamlessly transferred to gameplay (the sort of plane crash, character gets out and stands on the left hand side of the screen, you are then controlling character sort of thing), can't bring any names to mind at the moment though (I think Another World (or Out of this World, if you are American) kind of counts because you essentially just appear underwater, then you are controlling your character, but I'm pretty sure there is a more obvious one I am missing). But I can understand that modern graphics can make things far more immersive, and also make communicating the story easier as well as giving it more impact, but they are not the be all and end all of everything.

In all honesty, I don't think that the first party and more prominent third party stuff will skimp on the 3D on the prospect of most people having a 2DS, but I may be wrong with that one.
Yes that sequence of words I just said made perfect sense.

Offline Incredirobotwars

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Re: Nintendo 2DS
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2013, 05:16:53 PM »
In all honesty, I don't think that the first party and more prominent third party stuff will skimp on the 3D on the prospect of most people having a 2DS, but I may be wrong with that one.

You never know. They do sometimes try to remove the more unnecessary and money-consuming aspects of games. And for the 3DS releases after the 2DS? That'll be the 3D.

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Re: Nintendo 2DS
« Reply #45 on: September 01, 2013, 04:05:00 PM »
How you make Alarm Clock Pizza is:
Step 1: You buy an alarm clock from the store, and then you have to break it and put it in the sauce.
Step 2: Fold the sauce in 5 slices and put it in the dough.
Step 3: Paint the eggs with a pitcher of a clock showing what time you want to wake up and eat pizza for breakfast.
Step 4: Put the eggs in the dough.
Step 5: Make it flat into a round shape and draw the time you want on it.
Step 6: Put some old steel to prevent other peple from stealing it.
Step 7: Make it flat and cut into 60 slices 1 for each minute in 1 our.
Step 8: Put in the oven set the timer to 30048813.2884 seconds and put the temperature on 'Volcano' setting.
Step 9: If you think it is take to long, then get yor alarm clock and set it to now so that it will ring and you can take it out.
Step 10: Take it out uv the uvin wen it is redy and go to bed. In the morning eat pizza and also eat yor hands bi mistake.

Offline Kossokei

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Re: Nintendo 2DS
« Reply #46 on: September 01, 2013, 11:51:26 PM »
@Chaos Of course, indeed I prefer the old pokemon games to the new. Graphics do not make a game, but they do play a small part IMO.

@Pwn I had a case for my DS, but it was  pretty bulky so I took it off to play games.
graphics don't make a game until the game makes the graphics a gimmick