Author Topic: Girl gamers.  (Read 4289 times)

Offline madman3

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2013, 02:52:49 AM »
Why do we care? It's pretty foolish to believe you can make much money off of views at the moments anyway for gaming stuff, since there are so many well established people (TotalBiscuit, Nerdcubed, Zero Punctuation, Pewdiepie) who will realistically get most of your audience. Talk about not focusing on the actual problem.

I believe he's angry because because they are calling themselves gamers when they only play COD. Basically all they do is:

1. Play COD.
2. Show cleavage.
3. Profit.

They don't love gaming like they make people believe, my sister plays more games and she isn't a gamer lol. It's like that one guy who acted disabled and played WoW (IIRC), he got a tonne of money out of that con.

Another point they were debating about was the whole name calling thing, if these girls want the freedom to show themselves in that light than guys have the freedom to call them certain names. The girl in the vid believes that women should have all the freedom and men shouldn't be allowed to call them certain names that actually fit what they are doing (using their body for money).

They are obviously stealing views from true female gamers who love games, have spent their whole lives gaming and have probably put a lot of money into what they do/love. I also don't buy into the double standard thing because guys would get called the same names if they went shirtless or even pantless on webcam, but that doesn't happen as much as girls showing cleavage.

So the problem is NOT girls gaming, it is NOT girls trying to look hot for views, it IS the fact that these girls are NOT gamers and show cleavage just for views/profit.

Girls have the freedom to wear whatever they want.
Guys have the freedom to call them whatever they want.

You can't take away these freedoms no matter what your views are, but calling yourself something you're not and making money from it is a con. They obviously target the gaming community because nerds don't get as much action so they know they're going to make the most profit from it.

Also don't say gamers can only play 1 game, we all know that's a lie and says a gamer plays gameS not a game.
This is practically petty. Fact is, if you make videos or are a games journalist with enough quality in your videos, you would be more successful than the average "girl-gamer".
Besides, people tend to watch gaming videos based on the actual games themselves anyway; if these "girl-gamers" only play CoD or other centre mainstream titles, surely all you'd have to do is appeal to a different niche of the viewing audience.

Lastly, I don't care and realistically there aren't many reasons why you should. Stuff like this, while it may have a genuine complaint, is inevitably just going to start a rather idiotic hate train, so it would be wise not to go over the top on this one.

Offline 123savethewhales

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2013, 07:09:42 AM »
Why do we care? It's pretty foolish to believe you can make much money off of views at the moments anyway for gaming stuff, since there are so many well established people (TotalBiscuit, Nerdcubed, Zero Punctuation, Pewdiepie) who will realistically get most of your audience. Talk about not focusing on the actual problem.
You clearly have no idea how the online popularity game works.

You go trash the popular people, and your channel will be trolled to hell.  You trash "girl gamers", and you get views/subs and get away with it.  Do you know his first video rant alone has 53,209 views ($175), and all 4 adds to 98739 views ($325.83)?  You call that not making much money for some stupid rant?  You are the only fool here.

Offline madman3

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #22 on: July 02, 2013, 07:21:02 AM »
Why do we care? It's pretty foolish to believe you can make much money off of views at the moments anyway for gaming stuff, since there are so many well established people (TotalBiscuit, Nerdcubed, Zero Punctuation, Pewdiepie) who will realistically get most of your audience. Talk about not focusing on the actual problem.
You clearly have no idea how the online popularity game works.

You go trash the popular people, and your channel will be trolled to hell.  You trash "girl gamers", and you get views/subs and get away with it.  Do you know his first video rant alone has 53,209 views ($175), and a total of 98739 views ($325.83)?  You call that not making much money for some stupid rant?  You are the only fool here.
That's not what I meant. Bashing Girl Gamers will probably make you more money because, as you say, it draws attention towards you. What I meant is that the supposed rationale for bashing girl-gamers is pretty foolish as they probably wouldn't get much money anyway with big name users flying around - as it stands, they'd make more money with these girl gamers around for the reason you provided, so peoples attempts to rationalise his ranting are pretty weak when he directly profits from ranting about these "girl gamers".

Offline 123savethewhales

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #23 on: July 02, 2013, 07:28:25 AM »
You will think that, but the jealousy is real.

When the popularity contest involves money (or potential money), people gets jealous of everyone who seem to be getting more than you for less work.  And yes he is probably very jealousy of those up top as well, he just can't afford to rant about it publicly without drawing a bullseye on himself.

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #24 on: July 02, 2013, 08:38:24 AM »
If it's any consolation to him, Youtube ad revenue is a bubble, and anyone who makes Youtube videos their full time job is a fool.

Offline 123savethewhales

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #25 on: July 02, 2013, 09:20:04 AM »
If it's any consolation to him, Youtube ad revenue is a bubble, and anyone who makes Youtube videos their full time job is a fool.
Who cares about a bubble when you are making money right now?  This isn't a stock where you will lose everything you put in.  You can just transfer your E-popularity elsewhere when the time comes.  That's why they all have a facebook, a twit, and will continue to hop to the latest social media platform.  When shrinking ad revenue leads to the inevitable web 2.0 collapse, every online business would be screwed.  It doesn't mean it will happen in the near future or you can't make good money before that.

Point is, every business opportunity changes over time, especially with technology.  You survive by keeping up with the trend.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 09:53:36 AM by 123savethewhales »

Offline Kossokei

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #26 on: July 02, 2013, 01:58:30 PM »
If it's any consolation to him, Youtube ad revenue is a bubble, and anyone who makes Youtube videos their full time job is a fool.
I could probably tell you 3 people who lived pretty well off of youtube add revenue

Offline System32

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #27 on: July 12, 2013, 04:13:56 PM »
Oh wow, I just found this thread.
Shame on all of you. "gurl gamers" is the most boring thing, and half the people who bring it up are just using it to find a focal point for insecurity with the other sex.
Meh. better to complain about unicorns in the garden than ranting about the VAST FEMINIST CONSPIRACY.
Put this onto your signature if you were part of this crappy fad in '03.

Offline madman3

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Re: Girl gamers.
« Reply #28 on: July 13, 2013, 04:42:52 AM »
Oh wow, I just found this thread.
Shame on all of you. "gurl gamers" is the most boring thing, and half the people who bring it up are just using it to find a focal point for insecurity with the other sex.
Meh. better to complain about unicorns in the garden than ranting about the VAST FEMINIST CONSPIRACY.
That's pretty much my thoughts, along with the attention you get by talking about it.

Pretty pointless topic though.