also lol at most toxic guy around calling others out on this sh**
Welcome to the forums! Your bot looks great for a newbie. It looks like you're going for an IRL-style bot, in which case I would ditch the skirt wedge, as by most accounts they are disallowed on IRL bots under most circumstances. It also looks like you've gone way overboard on the batteries, you have 3 spin motors so you only need a single black battery.
you still don't need those 2 big batteries, use the 1 long black one, make the chassis height lower, and maybe move the drive motors further apart and use the extra weight for some cool wheelguards. Lookin good tho!
DSL-IRL is the libtard’s meta. Go drink more soylent, retard! #BLUELIVESMATTER
New Tommib's looking great!Really really not a fan of the wedge on that new one though, IRL should always be about making something look super real, and that doesn't. If you need it, why not try moving the hinge backwards in the chassis so only a short amount of wedge pops out. It'll look a lot netter for it.Alternatively go for 'wedgelets' made with the flipper makers in Extenders or the Steel/Titanium wedges found under the Beater Bar menu in Weapons!
Redditbots have a very funny definition of what would be possible/workable in real life. :)
I'm learning a few things from this thread as well: need to replace my flipper bots' skirt wedges with wedgelets. Duly noted.Bocuma looks pretty neat too, it won't have Delta levels of power but should cause plenty of damage with all those spike strips. The batteries should actually be fine, as the Storm front-hinge burst motors can eat through your battery life surprisingly quickly. Looking good! You seem to be improving faster than I am :P