Delete your account smh(Phantom is cool)
We get it, you want to win BOTM againBot looks awesome btw, even if it's illegal in tourneys.
Yeah, gotta agree here. While I love, love, love the skinning and while the disc idea seems cool, it just seems it would fly away and just get pushed off if this was attempted IRL. Although if anyone who has done something like this and made it work, then I would allow something like this. But as of now? Sadly, I wouldn't.
also lol at most toxic guy around calling others out on this sh**
What're those baseplate anchors doing there, are they decoration or something?
Do you find TWM3Rs to be sufficient weapon motors? I've have thought that they'd be too anaemic for HW.
Other than maybe the custom wheel on Kanna not being wrapped properly being the only thing that bugs me, it's solid and cute indeed.Greetox on the other hand has to be one of the best bots I've seen in a long time. The minor changes recently have paid off.