hello and welcomeyou have so many cool bots here but try not post them all at once as its a lot in one go for our brains to digest!
Hiya my dude and welcome.Ill do a full rundown of the bots once i get home but from wgat i can see you have a plethora of creative ideas keep it up. Big whipper and death of wheels are stand out bots to me. My only issue with the other bots is theyre rather messy on creation. But certainly great for a newcomer. Best of luck and i hope you stick around
is this bot don't lost all razors in a fight before do a damage thought
big whipper is p neato, the rest are cool too but could do with little touchups like a skin or making the bot much smoother with extenders and such. the flipper is rad too but would be much better if the panels were moved inwards so there's no ugly gapsalso if you do choose to post a lot of bots in one post, try and put most of them in spoilers so it doesnt kill all our browsers
Eww.. Mechadiscs... We try to keep away from them (or limit them to one mecha per one), otherwise, the bots are great for a newcomer!
From what I'm seeing, these robots aren't that bad for first attempts, but there needs to be some definite polish in them before they'd be considered great. Stuff like that turtle shell spinner (which JDG would approve) and Big Whipper are great off the bat, if a lil' bit weaponspammy, but others like half the VS'es and the tri-mechavore HS wouldn't be considered IRL in tournaments due to intersecting axles and the like or motors going into the weapon, weapons into weapons and so-on.That being said, I see potential in your robots. Hope you continue to build and improve. ^_^
Double-Sided Terror is better than most bots because of it being a creative and it looking like something you would have seen on TV in the 2000s. If you want "Red Dead" to really throw robots around you can make it a bar spinner with two giant hammers.
What do you mean by half the VS? :oI heared that it would be ok then the motors are sticking out the chassis (like weaponmotors)I The chains arent touching eatchother too! :3How should I build Bots then? I mean I tried to make them so efficient as possible and still make a little bit kosmetic. What should be my tactic then? :o
Quote from: Bildschirm on January 20, 2018, 11:05:31 AMWhat do you mean by half the VS? :oI heared that it would be ok then the motors are sticking out the chassis (like weaponmotors)I The chains arent touching eatchother too! :3How should I build Bots then? I mean I tried to make them so efficient as possible and still make a little bit kosmetic. What should be my tactic then? :o1: Half of the VS'es. Thank my bad grammar. :V2: Motors sticking out the chassis are okay in IRL as long as you give them adequate support or look like they could be bolted onto somewhere IRL. Something like Red Dead may require some extra supports to make it not look like it'd fall and break or something.3: Even with that in mind, I don't think a flywheel in the center of the robot is even possible IRL. Personally 2 flywheels would be fine enough IMHO, its damaging enough as is.4: My personal design ethos? Make them look as good as possible while being capable of fighting. While people have different opinions of IRL, its best if you try and experiment around to see what works best for you.If anything doesn't make sense, then sorry about that - I'm not the best when it comes to wordings. :V
VS is an acronym for Vertical Spinner.HS would be horizontalFS is for the face. Like having a small grinder on the front.SnS is for Sit and spin.It's actually illegal to write spinner in some Eastern European nations, so we created these expressions.
dreamcast is ****ing with you, i'm pretty surei'm a big fan of red dead, revenge of the turtle and big whipper. also props for using my disc covers