I have a better idea for January's BOTM to ensure more variety on the boards before having another IRL themed BOTM: Stock Unrealistic Heavyweight with Component freedom allowed. Seeing how difficult it is to build a Stock, how about making it easier by allowing Component freedom like what enigma did for Robo Rasslin.
You can just use the tool for BOTM on a normal bot. The internals aren't checked for a tournament. If you don't abuse ra2cf you won't get caught.
Considering that the next IRL BOTM has a wacky building rule, the less realistic BTOM should have an odd theme too. A few ideas
1. Robots must have a Steelyard Dogs' Plow
2. Full body spinner (Thundercloud style, full body VS, etc)
3. Sawbots
4. Pyramid shaped body (either via the chassis or the components)
5. Robots must use a prebuilt chassis