I do this tutorial because i heared that the most guids aren't that great to follow, so i make one for you!
First of you need this:
https://gametechmods.com/forums/index.php?action=downloads;sa=downfile&id=91It's a link for two tools we need later
You also need Notepad++.
First of, we need to know what we want to skin, I'll take an example for you:
I want to add a white circle on my front wedge. So how to do that?
Click on it and see that it is.
We see, its a 60x120 panel, its steel and its black. We will need this information later.
Now, go out of the botlab and export your bot.
Go out of the game and go in the components folder and make a folder named after you deserve. That folder will hold your custom skinned item. I will call the folder
Greedee for an example for this tutorial.
In that folder, make folders named
Now, search for your exported bot file. Open it with Notepad++ and search for your component.
To help with this step, you can go back in the game, into your bot and just replace your item you wanna skin, that makes searching easier for complicated bots.
When you replace the Item, the game will put the Item at last on the list of the botfile.
For that example, it's that item:
Thats our item we wanna change! In the last marked line, you see:
IRLARM_STEEL-BLCK_P_60-120.txtThats the file path we need to find our item. Close Notepad++ and search for the file path you saw earlier. You will find a
txt. file named
IRLARM_STEEL-BLCK_P_60-120.txt. Copy that in the folder
Greedee for the moment.
Go in the
txt. file.
We see that the data is stored in IRLARMOUR\
IRLARM_STEEL-BLCK-P-60-120.gmf. We will copy that file into the backup folder we made. Also we will copy the
IRLARM_BLACK skin thats in the
"maps" from the "IRLARMOUR" folder and put it into our maps folder.
Now for the skinning part:Panels are skinned like that:
Panels skin starts at the bottom left and for 120 panels, it reuses the skin at the bottom left again.
Open your skin in the
maps folder. When you made your custom skin, save it. Make sure you saved it as a
BMP file. I will call the new skin
Greedee wedge.
Now, go to the
backup folder and rename
IRLARM_STEEL-BLCK_P_60-120 to your deserve (I will call it
Gre_STEEL-60-120), decompile your
Gre_STEEL-60-120 in your decomp folder.
Open it and change the bmp. to the new skin name you chose. (in my example its
"Greedee wedge")
Save the file and compile it in the
Greedee folder.
Then, do the steps as described here:
Save it and call the
txt. file like your gmf file to make things easier.
Now you need to take the
txt. file give it into the components folder. Now go into your botfile and edit the file path from the wedge (In my case it would be called Components\
You just need to start your game now, Import the bot and it should work!
It worked, hope it works for you too! When it doesnt, I will help you for sure! :3
Thats me out! Have a nice day! :D