Author Topic: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament  (Read 15358 times)

Offline cephalopod

Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« on: December 09, 2014, 04:37:07 AM »
A basic skill which is sometimes unknown to newer members. Let's check it out.

I want to send Wasp into a DSL MW IRL tournament.

I need to click it, and then click 'Export' which brings up this screen:

On which I press OK. The bot has now been exported to my Robot Designs folder in the RA2 directory.

I can now go to the GTM Bot Exchange on the top bar of the site, and scroll down to the DSL MW uploader (obviously use whatever class and mod your bot is).

And add my robot to the exchange


Yeah! We uploaded it! Now we find it in the DSL MW Bot Exchange, and copy it's link address.

And this address can then be sent to someone running a tournament to enter your - hopefully legal - bot using GTM's Personal Message system.

Congratulations! You entered a tournament!

EDIT: I actually just found out there was already a sort-of guide (with less pictures) I posted about 3 years ago, with a slightly more complex method (but a method I personally prefer). Check it out here:
1. Read the requirements of the tournament you wish to enter, noting weight class, game type and any restrictions.

2. Built a bot suitable to these requirements.

3. Leave the botlab, and in Team HQ, click the robot once, and then press export.

4. The bot will be exported to the 'Robot Designs' folder of your RA2 folder.

5. Put the .bot file into a .zip file - most Windows OS can make .zip folders.
-ALTERNATIVE: Use winRAR to put the file into a .rar file. After installing the free winRAR ( program, right click the .bot file, and click 'Add to *botname*.rar'.

6. Go to the GTM File Host (,page4749.html) and upload the .zip or .rar file you just created.

7. The uploader will give you a line of code. Select this code, right-click and copy.

8. Go to the tournament signups page (ENSURE THE TOURNAMENT IS IN THE SIGNUPS STAGE FIRST, AND NOT DISCUSSION, AND ALSO THAT IT IS NOT FULL) and click the message icon (Image removed from quote.) to send the host (the first poster, who runs the tournament) a personal message.

9. In this personal message, right-click and paste the code from earlier. Add any relevant information if you feel necessary, remembering to state why you are sending it in either the subject or message.

10. Send the message, and hope it all goes well! :D
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Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2014, 05:15:20 PM »
This is good. Thanks.

Offline Trovaner

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Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #2 on: December 09, 2014, 07:51:21 PM »
Excellent tutorial. I'm sure it will help clear up some of the confusion for new members.

If you have AIed your bot, you should definitely include the bindings in your PM (or ZIP if you are using the GTM File Host).

Offline Badnik96

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Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2014, 08:18:57 PM »
You should sticky this.

Offline Kungfooey242

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Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #4 on: December 09, 2014, 11:24:28 PM »
Thanks, dude. This is exactly what i needed to enter my first tournament.

Offline cephalopod

Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2014, 06:29:27 AM »
No problem. Are there any other basic skill tutorials people think we should have but perhaps don't?
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Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #6 on: December 16, 2014, 10:01:49 AM »
Maybe there should be a beginners guide to: Beginning GTM and RA2 playing.
It would be useful.
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Offline cephalopod

Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #7 on: December 16, 2014, 10:17:57 AM »
bristol bot builders / two headed death flamingo / snappy robots
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Offline Kungfooey242

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Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2014, 05:12:06 PM »
I think that a more intricate tutorial for AIing the bot will be quite helpful (at least to me). By the way, nice pucmun. It looks kewl.

Offline Avalanche

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Re: Beginners Guide To: Entering A Tournament
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2017, 01:32:04 PM »
Apologies for the necro-post, but the Bot Exchange is no longer at the top of the site.

It's on the front page, on the left side-bar.

Or it's just here.
Former DSL HW champion.
Runner-Up in The Cybernetic Colosseum HW division.
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