Author Topic: [The Official GTM Tournament] GTM Championship - Signups closed  (Read 24396 times)

Offline yugitom

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Courtesy of Kill343gs :)
Yes, you've read the homepage correctly. This is your chance to get your name in the GTM hall of fame, claim your gold ribbon, win a few prizes and, most importantly, have bragging rights for 12 months ;)

Metagame + weight class: Ironforge LW, Stock MW and Retooled HW, get to building!
DSL-S building rules apply for all but Stock, which is unrealistic
No BFE. Bots must be made completely inside the bot lab
Cheatbot2 is banned in all but Retooled, in which it is actually encouraged.
Custom parts are banned but skinned components from these skin packs are fine (for Stock)
Entrant limit: None, it is the forum tourney, after all :P (however, one person can only enter each metagame once)
Tournament format: Double elimination
Arena: GTM Tournament Arena
Match format: Best of 3, 3 minute fights
Prizes: The in-game prizes have not been made, yet. However, these are the prizes which 1st place (he will have two picks), 2nd place and the rumble winners will have their choice of
The winner shall receive a gold ribbon that they can wear next to their name to commemorate their victory! Top 4 will receive the AI pack used to host the tournament with, too. Prizes will be courtesy of Mr AS and, of course, the ribbon will be courtesy of Trov.
Host(s): yugitom (yours truly), RedAce (the backup guy) and Thrackerzod (the backup backup guy)
Banned bot types: Meltybrain SnS/Trinity spinners
Multibots are allowed. Their total weight must add up to equal to or less than the weight category they were entered in. If a multibot qualifies for a rumble or other side event which involves 3 or more bots, only one half of the multibot will be entered.
You must show controlled movement (no spikeballing, pretty much)
Component freedom is banned
Once you have entered your bot, you are allowed to update it once and this can only happen during signups, before the splash has been made.
Havok explosion rule: One havok explosion will cause the match to restart. If one bot havoks twice in the same match, that bot is DQ'd from that match.

Side events (hosted by RedAce):
Rumble - Bots that made the top cut (excluding the champion) will be cherry picked to enter this. The winner will get a prize.
BTRSHDBBDDTBL Redemption - The person voted BTRSHDBBDDTBL will be given a rematch with the bot they faced in their last match.
SFTW Rumble - I'll pick the robots of the tournament that weren't exactly the best and give them a chance to crown themselves the "Cream of the Crap".
Exhibition matches - People will be able to request exhibition matches after the tournament is done.
Tag Team Terror - A mini tag team bracket (teams will be formed by either me or RedAce).

The following links will provide you with a working version of each metagame you can build in:
Retooled and also download the patch

Signups end at 23:59 (GMT) 30th September

1. Guldenflame
2. wakkydude
3. RedAce
4. TeamXtreemer
5. battledutchman
6. DSC
7. Lightning S.
8. Thrackerzod
9. WenXiangLee
10. Scorpio
11. Kurt
12. Mechadino
13. Redline
14. Craaig
15. Geice
16. playzooki
17. Reier
18. Conraaaaaaaaa
19. Meganerdbomb
20. R1885
21. Mr. AS
22. 090901
23. S_M
24. Tashic
25. Badger
26. Badnik96
27. botomatic1000
28. R01
29. ty4er
30. Mouldy
31. UberPyro
32. rnifnuf
33. Mystic2000
34. MassimoV
35. Bobyasianboy
36. Kill

1. Thrackerzod
2. RedAce
3. battledutchman
4. DSC
5. wakkydude
6. AHeapOfGames
7. Guldenflame
8. Jonzu95
9. Lightning S.
10. frezal
11. Rob Collins
12. Badnik96
13. firestorm999
14. WenXiangLee
15. Scorpio
16. Kurt
17. kix mrox
18. Redline
19. Craaig
20. Silverfish
21. Joeblo
22. Fracture
23. Geice
24. playzooki
25. Reier
26. Conraaaaaaa
27. Sage
28. R1885
29. Mr. AS
30. 090901
31. S_M
32. DemonofTomorrow
33. Badger
34. NeighI'mACarrot
35. R01
36. Kill
37. wrhysj
38. botomatic1000
39. ty4er
40. Mouldy
41. Mystic2000
42. rnifnuf
43. MassimoV
44. Mechadino
45. Bobyasianboy
46. Meganerdbomb

1. Guldenflame
2. kix mrox
3. RedAce
4. Uberpyro
5. DSC
6. Lightning S.
7. xanosz
8. willy69
9. WenXiangLee
10. Sage
11. Redline
12. Craaig
13. Thrackerzod
14. Scorpio
15. Geice
16. playzooki
17. Meganerdbomb
18. Mr. AS
19. 090901
20. Tashic
21. Badger
22. R01
23. ty4er
24. Mouldy
25. rnifnuf
26. Badnik96
27. Linck
28. MassimoV
29. Mystic2000
30. Mechadino
31. Bobyasianboy
« Last Edit: October 09, 2016, 07:54:51 PM by yugitom »

Offline Hi5er

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2016, 05:52:02 AM »
Hey Yugi,

Great to finally see a thread on this and some form of update that lets us know that the cogs are still turning with this big idea of yours.

From what I have mentioned before, I still maintain that having this sort of tournament more frequently than once a year (Bi-annual, for example) would be better, but I know you want to make this more of a grand occasion, so whatever. But if it comes to it, I will vote for more than once a year.

As for the suggestion to make the format Retooled: excellent idea, level playing field etc. 100% behind you there.

Prizes? Custom components would be a great way to start. Pre-stacked supervolts, niftys with a CB in them, maybe even something unique like double strength extenders or a little flag that says “*Tournament name* Finalist/Winner” etc, the flag could weigh 0.0Kg and just be for show (maybe even have it as a Decal?). A banner on the homepage of the current podium would certainly help too.

Big supporter of rankings and custom forum titles as well. Let’s get people excited about earning something!

I think a seeding system would also be beneficial, as in a seeding system JUST for this tournament. Let’s make this as big and as successful as possible.
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Offline Fracture

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2016, 07:17:05 AM »
this sounds like a great idea yugi, everything seems really well thought-out and i have no doubts trov will like it too. for establishing authenticity, maybe winners can get a ribbon icon beside their username instead, if some people want to keep their veteran or moderator forum ranks (unless you mean for them to be displayed side-by-side). one thing i really like about bbeans is that the results are fully archived on the beetlebros website and builders really get to make their mark in history. maybe we could have a list of top finishes and award winners archived like that - if not on a privately hosted website, then on the gtm or ra2 wiki homepage

personally i don't feel like i spend enough time on ra2 to want to learn a new mod for this, but that could change when i see just how many other people enter

Offline yugitom

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2016, 07:35:05 AM »
Thanks for the prize suggestions, Hi5er.

Fracture, I actually think that ribbon idea would be rather neat, if it could be implemented. Also, yeah, I do hope to create a Hall of Fame to archive the success of entrants. Thanks for the suggestions!

Everyone else, even if you have nothing to contribute more to this thread than "I think this is good", be sure to still post and let me know the interest.

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2016, 07:44:52 AM »
Im not too good at suggestions but maybe something like weapon limits or IRL I don't know.
3rd and 4th in The ZONE with Penance and Blue Wolf
3rd in the Robogames Beetleweight bracket with Icklemandra

Offline Probably Rob

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2016, 08:05:49 AM »
When you say 'no entry limitations', does that mean send any number of bots, or anyone can join?

And yeah, definitely have two leagues. Unrealistic and realistic

Offline R01

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #6 on: August 19, 2016, 08:17:53 AM »
Big Tournament could be a lot of fun, but some parts are bothering me.
Before I go on however, I'd like to say thanks to yugitom for reading my post in the GTM is reclining thread and taking my points into account.

As for the prizes, I really don't want to repeat myself from the GTM is reclining thread or be that guy that's like "no, because I say so", but I really wouldn't want to have them.
Stacked Supervolts, Nifties with a CB space are all things which should've been part of a tournament mod, Double Strenght Extenders would give a advantage to the other people, and even if the stuff is just visual, I wouldn't be a fan of it, neither do I like the forum user title.

This all just encourages winning more, and roboteering isn't about winning, it's about having fun, you'll just have the same designs over and over again with people that want to win doing most efficient bots.
People won't go out for creativity if they want to win so badly, they will take what already works and as such you will see SnS, HS and Popups again with everyone complaining about Popups again(while the problem itself is more wedgebots, because of how the AI works, all that matters is a good wedge to get under your opponent and then you've basically won already, Drums, jugglers and most piston wedges are the same thing in the end, they're all gutrippers who hit the underside of your bot), that's also why I find ranked RA2 bad.

Mr As' mod is new, but that doesn't mean that old already working desings won't work here, and why would someone that wants to win mess around with a new bot design when you know that certain designs will always work? It's just a temporary solution instead of encouraging creativity and fair bot designs.

We aren't little kids anymore that need to be lured with winning prizes, you already win the tournament and I think having that mentioned in the wiki(similar to how all BBEANS entries and rounds are written) should be more than enough.

The AI Pack falls into a similar situation like the stacked batteries, I've been thinking on how it would be if the tournament bots got released to everyone, it would allow you to see what went wrong, how a bot is built and how stuff works, you could even redo matches to see how close your victory/loss was.

Personally, I find yearly too long, but doing it in a short time can easily lead to it being too much of a haste to host.

What are host points used for anyways? I've heard about them before, but haven't read about their use before, I do know that the more tournaments you host, bigger entry sizes are allowed, as well as no longer requiring a poll with enough yes votes.

I'm aware that I'm (possibly the only) one with a unpopular opinion of this and see stuff a different way than most do. I don't want to negatively affect this, and if I end up not liking it, I'll simply not join it so you guys can still have all the fun.

When you say 'no entry limitations', does that mean send any number of bots, or anyone can join?

And yeah, definitely have two leagues. Unrealistic and realistic
Anyone can join, later on it gets mentioned how you would be only allowed to send one bot of each weightclass.
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Offline Probably Rob

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2016, 08:20:36 AM »
I think prizes is a way to gain outsiders/people who don't know about the forum. Y'know, people love prizes... especially when all they'd have to do is build something on a free game and/or free mod of a free game

Offline R01

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #8 on: August 19, 2016, 08:23:20 AM »
I think prizes is a way to gain outsiders/people who don't know about the forum. Y'know, people love prizes... especially when all they'd have to do is build something on a free game and/or free mod of a free game
Yes, but said prizes would be for that free game(it isn't something like "you win money/games" and I sure not hope that it will turn into that)
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Offline yugitom

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2016, 08:35:47 AM »
I'm sorry but I believe prizes are just an added incentive to join anything. I don't want this to become the 'originality' tournament because I want this to have a competitive edge to it. I'm sorry, R01, if you feel that innovation is the thing to strive for because I believe simply having high turnout and entrants that know the unwritten rules (i.e. no crawlers, even uf they aren't banned) will be the best option for this tournament and is enough to up activity a bit more.

As for realistic/unrealistic divisions, I'm afraid I'm extremely hesitant to do that. It will all depend on the metagame whether or not it will be DSL-S or unrealistic but I am not doing IRL because the majority of builders, right now, would prefer not to build IRL.

Host points, btw, are just to represent how many tournaments you have hosted successfully once (and also the points you mentioned.)

Even though I may not think every point was in this tournament's best interest, thank you very much for you feedback, R01 and Rob.

Offline Probably Rob

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #10 on: August 19, 2016, 08:39:43 AM »

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2016, 08:44:58 AM »
I'm game, just give us a bit of time to play with the new mid before the tournament. Some of us don't gave much time for RA2 anymore.
Better than GK since 2009.
I think SM is a pretty cool guy, eh builds unicycle-bots and doesn't afraid of anything

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2016, 08:49:47 AM »

heh  :laughing
I'm fine with that, will probably end up entering anyways.
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Offline ty4er

Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2016, 08:55:55 AM »
As for the prizes, I really don't want to repeat myself from the GTM is reclining thread or be that guy that's like "no, because I say so", but I really wouldn't want to have them.
Stacked Supervolts, Nifties with a CB space are all things which should've been part of a tournament mod, Double Strenght Extenders would give a advantage to the other people, and even if the stuff is just visual, I wouldn't be a fan of it, neither do I like the forum user title. care to say why you wouldnt like any forum titles or visual stuff? those other prizes have already been done a while back and nobody made a huge fuss over it. stacking is something everyone can do, it just makes the game a lot more enjoyable for that person. personally i think it's a good idea, though maybe a new component such as a wheel with some personalised fancy stuff on it for the top few would be cool.

This all just encourages winning more, and roboteering isn't about winning, it's about having fun, you'll just have the same designs over and over again with people that want to win doing most efficient bots. 1. thats what irl building is for, cool looking designs often dont work anywhere near as well as the tried and tested ones. 2. why dont you want to encourage winning? its a tournament, i dont see a way of having any more fun other than driving the bots yourselves, if there were all cool looking designs but the fights are awful then where's the fun in that? 3. this game and its metagames are very very old now, and at this moment there isn't a clear 'best bot type' other than flail rammers cough, so there's clearly not a lack of different designs in those old games, let alone this brand new mod. 4. it's basically a brand new metagame, there's going to be a lot of different designs and idk about you but i'd very much like a tournament to see who's design is the most efficient, that's what i feel most of us enjoyed back in the 2.1 days.
People won't go out for creativity if they want to win so badly, they will take what already works and as such you will see SnS, HS and Popups again with everyone complaining about Popups again(while the problem itself is more wedgebots, because of how the AI works, all that matters is a good wedge to get under your opponent and then you've basically won already, Drums, jugglers and most piston wedges are the same thing in the end, they're all gutrippers who hit the underside of your bot), that's also why I find ranked RA2 bad. what. there are a lot of designs that counter wedges pretty well, of course those are the same sort of bot because they all have the same purpose, just different weapons.

Mr As' mod is new, but that doesn't mean that old already working desings won't work here, and why would someone that wants to win mess around with a new bot design when you know that certain designs will always work? It's just a temporary solution instead of encouraging creativity and fair bot designs. see: botm

We aren't little kids anymore that need to be lured with winning prizes, you already win the tournament and I think having that mentioned in the wiki(similar to how all BBEANS entries and rounds are written) should be more than enough. i really dont think the wiki will be a good place to hold it alone, such a big tournament deserves some space on the actual forum. im pretty sure you wouldnt lose any people wanting to enter if there weren't any prizes or mentions anywhere, it's just a good idea to encourage some more competition and make it feel more 'official' (sorry yugi)

The AI Pack falls into a similar situation like the stacked batteries, I've been thinking on how it would be if the tournament bots got released to everyone, it would allow you to see what went wrong, how a bot is built and how stuff works, you could even redo matches to see how close your victory/loss was.

Personally, I find yearly too long, but doing it in a short time can easily lead to it being too much of a haste to host. i feel that any shorter and it wouldn't feel as important or big, for example compare the battlebots tournaments to bbeans and clash cubes.

an unrealistic division would be kinda pointless imo, though i do think holding this kind of mega tournament every half year or so in different mods couldn't hurt (bbeans-esque maybe).
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is this bot don't lost all razors in a fight before do a damage thought

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2016, 09:09:32 AM »
I suppose I could set it out to be yearly but, if it seems the time is right before 12 months pass, I may just start a second tournament earlier than expected.

Thanks, ty

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2016, 09:40:18 AM »
I will enter this, definitely a fan of using retooled
ALERT- Another WS coming up...
voted best bot builder two times and counting babayy. the best ra2 builder who has never won an actual tournament match
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I'm fine with hugging reier

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2016, 09:48:00 AM »
I could be a backup backup host, if you guys trust me not to spam each match with Undertale music.

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #17 on: August 19, 2016, 11:17:45 AM »
Mr As' mod is new, but that doesn't mean that old already working desings won't work here
Having made the mod, I can already tell you that the lack of piercing weapons, along with hovercrafts and thrusters will throw a wrench into the old "just build a popup and win" strategy.

The prizes are just taking incentive from Clickbeetle's and Joeblo's tournies. I can balance them to the tune of any mod sans Ironforge, so that they're not completely OP instawin parts.
How you make Alarm Clock Pizza is:
Step 1: You buy an alarm clock from the store, and then you have to break it and put it in the sauce.
Step 2: Fold the sauce in 5 slices and put it in the dough.
Step 3: Paint the eggs with a pitcher of a clock showing what time you want to wake up and eat pizza for breakfast.
Step 4: Put the eggs in the dough.
Step 5: Make it flat into a round shape and draw the time you want on it.
Step 6: Put some old steel to prevent other peple from stealing it.
Step 7: Make it flat and cut into 60 slices 1 for each minute in 1 our.
Step 8: Put in the oven set the timer to 30048813.2884 seconds and put the temperature on 'Volcano' setting.
Step 9: If you think it is take to long, then get yor alarm clock and set it to now so that it will ring and you can take it out.
Step 10: Take it out uv the uvin wen it is redy and go to bed. In the morning eat pizza and also eat yor hands bi mistake.

Offline kill343gs

Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #18 on: August 19, 2016, 12:09:21 PM »
I don't think we'll be able to accurately decide on how often the tournament will be until we figure out the scale that it will be at and how long/how much work it's going to take. Bi annually could be really cool, but if we get a huge number of entrants that may not be feasible. Let's get the ball rolling on this one before we go making that decision.

As far as prizes go, they're completely harmless. We've had things like this done in the past, and nothing negative has come of them. They aren't the point of the tournament, just something fun at the end. The argument that having prizes goes against the spirit of the sport just isn't true when you look at major tournaments like BB and RW having trophies.

In any case, neither of these points are worth tying up discussion when we could be focusing on what's actually important: making decisions regarding the core of the tournament.

For once the mods did something right

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Re: Prospective Official GTM Tournament Discussion
« Reply #19 on: August 19, 2016, 12:51:16 PM »
Make it similar to BBEANS and we should be fine.