Author Topic: RA2 awards 2020 results  (Read 1784 times)

Offline 09090901

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RA2 awards 2020 results
« on: December 27, 2020, 05:57:48 PM »
The results for the 2020 RA2 awards are in!

*General Awards:*
The RA2 Wizard Award (Most Knowledgeable):
 **1st Place**: ||geese ||, 2nd: Place: ||TheRoboteer||

Funniest User:
**1st Place**: ||Cringey||, 2nd Place: ||Hoppin||

Friendliest and Kindest:
**1st Place**: ||ThatDiscordGuy||, 2nd Place: ||Orc||

Most Bizarre:
**1st Place**: ||Rob||, 2nd Place: ||Jay||,|| BotBuster||, ||NH||

Most Helpful:
 **1st Place**: ||TheRoboteer||, 2nd Place: ||Nicky||

Most Enthusiastic:
 **1st Place**: ||ThatDiscordGuy||, 2nd Place : ||Autobot Jazz||, ||Nicky||

Most Improved Member
**1st Place**: ||hobo drew||, 2nd Place: ||Nicky||

Best Newcomer
**1st Place**: ||Autobot Jazz||, 2nd Place: ||kddestroyer||, SamFM

Best Advice
**1st Place**: ||TheRoboteer||, 2nd Place: ||geese||

Most Missed
**1st Place**: ||Plerco||, 2nd Place: ||Sevelant||

Best Emoji
**1st Place**: :kek:, 2nd Place: :juicer:

*RA2 Awards:*
Most Unique Bots
**1st Place**: ||Toaster||, 2nd Place: ||ThatDiscordGuy||, ||Neon Calypso||

Best Bot Skinner
**1st Place**: ||Redace||, 2nd Place: ||Neon Calpyso||

Best IRL Builder:
**1st Place**: ||TheRoboteer||, 2nd Place: ||hobo drew||

Best Released Mod/Innovation
**1st Place**: ||DSL 2.4/Crash Patch||, 2nd Place: None

Tournament Awards:
Best Tournament overall of 2020
**1st Place**: ||Deathmatch 6||, 2nd Place: ||OW4||

Best New Tournament Host
**1st Place**: ||Nicky||, 2nd Place: ||Nabi||

Best BOTM Winner
**1st Place**: ||Fallacy by drew||, 2nd Place: ||Blitz by Jazz||

Best Tournament based on editing
**1st Place**: ||Deathmatch 6||, 2nd Place: ||HangarGames||

**Best Tournament based on matches**
**1st Place**: ||Deathmatch 6||, 2nd Place: ||HangarGames||

*Hall of Fame:*
Current HOF Memebers

New Inductees:
1. ||geese, 87% of votes||
2. ||hobo drew, 33% of votes||
« Last Edit: December 27, 2020, 07:10:03 PM by 09090901 »
DSL-IRL is the libtard’s meta. Go drink more soylent, retard! #BLUELIVESMATTER

Offline 09090901

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Re: RA2 awards 2020 results
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2020, 06:11:31 PM »
DSL-IRL is the libtard’s meta. Go drink more soylent, retard! #BLUELIVESMATTER

Offline Lilleh__

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Re: RA2 awards 2020 results
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2020, 07:23:04 AM »
Surprised that anyone would vote for me on that after extreme build rules.

Offline evil toaster

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Re: RA2 awards 2020 results
« Reply #3 on: December 31, 2020, 12:14:56 AM »

Blame Jay, not me
Something something I haven't really done anything notable to mention