
Off-Topic => Real Robotics => Robots Showcase => Topic started by: WhamettNuht on October 16, 2008, 10:18:17 AM

Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on October 16, 2008, 10:18:17 AM
Hey all!
Yes, i may be a robot builder on Robot Arena 2, but i am also a builder in real life! :-D
I currently have 2 robots:
Hunter-FW-(In building process, but nearly there!)
BrilliANT-AW-(it is <(x_x)> basically!)

My friends and I are currently planning our own ants.
Heres a list of planned bots:
BrilliANT 2-AW-(My ant, flipper)
Gasket-AW-(My friends ant, plain servo pusher)
Hunting Dogs-FW-(Cluster bot, me and my friend drive it, plain pusher)
I have a video of Hunter on my You Tube account, called "My robot Hunter so far"
My account is on my sig.
I will upload pictures ASAP.
If anyone has some comments or ideas, let me know!
Team Hunt
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: Sage on October 16, 2008, 12:00:04 PM
thats cool. can't wait for your <(x_x)> AW!
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on October 16, 2008, 12:08:03 PM
<(x_x)> means dead...
It wasnt even an antweight, it was 200g! (Not sure what it is in pnds)
I have a few picutes, including onw that i forgot to mention, which was a try-out robot.
Pictures coming soon.
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on October 16, 2008, 12:23:49 PM
Here are some pictures:
Thats Hunter at the moment.
This is my old robot, Trauma.
And this is my <(x_x)> AW BrilliANT.
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: goose on October 16, 2008, 12:25:23 PM
Awesomely huge  images.

cool bots though. Trauma a flipper?
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: Reier on October 16, 2008, 12:35:59 PM
Cool bots, what do they use for batts, motors, etc.? I like technical stuff. =P
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on October 16, 2008, 12:52:38 PM
Trauma wasnt even that, id say more of a lifter, it was just a try out.
Here are the stuff we use for Hunter:
Motors (Not sure what they are, lol!)
We use some batteries that you would use in security systems.
We are currently using a sabertooth speed controller.
And the armour is aluminium that my dad got from his old work place.
Hunter is nearly over weight, which is scary! (13.??kg at the moment out of 13.6kg!)
Hunter is also (Now this is very interesting) on his 4th design, 1st bot, 4th design.
The first was an axe, but the axe broke itself in testing.
The next was a wedge similar to what he is now, but with another edge on the back the other way round so that we could still ram when up-side down.
The next was a plain box on wheels with interchangeable weapons, but that wouldnt turn!
So now we have this design.
It turs ok-ish, you have to get a bit of speed up before you do a 180' turn.
Hunter is EXTREAMLY fast, i'll try and put another vid up soon.
We have nothing to try it out with (Like a small TV and see if he can break it)
He could probably do well in combat, just run around the arena and hit anything that is unlucky to be infront!
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: Naryar on October 16, 2008, 01:25:35 PM
you should definitely add static weapons to hunter (or reinforce the front armor) and make it a good rammer. he's already very fast.

for gaining weight, you could weaken the rear armor if you drive really well.
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on October 16, 2008, 01:33:14 PM
Im ok at driving, i started at an early age!
Its not if im a good driver, if we out something like polycarb at the back, it would just crack on impact if we get flipped, and we are more likely to get hit from the back, we will be facing up to 8 other robots in the arena! (Im in UK)
We where think about adding some spike to the wedge, but it would just increase the weight.
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on October 29, 2008, 07:44:53 AM
Hi all.
Good news, got Hunter working, testing him today.
Hope to get video during the time.
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: System32 on November 01, 2008, 09:12:46 AM
Uk? Yay! Do what naryar said about the front. Perhaps a small ram spike?
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on November 01, 2008, 06:45:49 PM
On Hunter?
I only have a kilo left of which to put the back on and any other stuff requierd out of a maxumim of 13.6kg!
I works better as a full-bod hammer, you should see him in action (I havent yet, but ive driven it on the floor of the garage, and WOW!)
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on May 02, 2009, 03:25:30 AM
Sorry, to bump but yes today is Hunter's first dabue!
I'll be leaving at 3:30pm today, when the show starts at 6pm (thats 2hours 30minutes of safety c, woo...)
I'll be taking pictures, video, ect. of the event, so hopefully i can get back to you lot with a report on how i did!
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on June 10, 2009, 10:24:18 AM
And another bump.
I've had 2 events now, and i have another on sunday.
Good news, HUNTER HAS 2 WINS!
Video from brentwood (1st ever event)
Video from Aylesbury (The winning event)
(Yes, that is me at the start of the second video!)
We've been updating Hunter since Aylesbury, heres what we've been doing:
Put a new reciver in, Spektrum, much better than Futaba.
Replaced the back, it got SERIOUSLY bent, it looks liek we got hit with a spinner! (Look:)
We've been putting some new batterys in Hunter, some modded Drill batterys.
Also, BrilliANT 2 and Baby Chuzzle are our now extinct AWs, pics:
BrilliANT 2: 2.JPG
BrilliANT 2 turned out to be a pusher, it entered Brentwood, had quite a few fights there, but got so tired out we needed a new AW.
Baby Chuzzle: Chuzzle.JPG
Baby Chuzzle entered Aylesbury, it was built in a rush as some of the other roboteers wanted me to come along with an AW in hand.
BC had 1 fight then the motors burned out (doh!)
I hope to make a new AW soon, called Son Of The Hunter (SOTH for short!)
Hopefully this AW migth be a flipper, if not then a pusher is alright.
I'll get back to you all with how my next event went, which is at Guildford (Google maps, lol)

Team Hunt
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: Pwnator on July 30, 2009, 04:21:11 AM
Heh. Never knew spambots can reply in Chinese (and what it said still doesn't make any sense). XD

Oh, and I can't see your extinct AWs (your links are wrong). D:
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on July 30, 2009, 08:00:59 AM
Yeah, you need to highlight the whole link, then paste it in the url bar.
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: GoldenFox93 on October 20, 2009, 11:22:20 AM
I'm looking forward to how the new robots will turn out, Wham. I mean, they should be pretty good at least, if your first attempt at a FeatherWeight can beat "Pain in the Asp"!  = P
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on October 21, 2009, 04:57:58 AM
Thanks GoldenFox for keeping this thread alive :D
Thought i might aswell update the old Team Hunt section.

Team Hunt are now up to 2 robots, with a 3rd expected for 2010.
So, here's a summary of how the robots are faring...

Doing very well.
Infact, he is the only robot currently running!
All bugs have been fixed to the best of my ability.
Some of the fixes include new reciever, battery and replaced 2 of the wheels.
He is running perfectly for Maidstone, next month.

Little Patience:
Team Hunt's best AW by far!
He had his first event in September, coming 1st in Death Ball along with 2 other ants, 2 wins in the non spinner combat and 2nd in the Annhiliator.
All in all, a very succesful event, winning the best newcomer award aswell.
Here is a vid of LP in action:
Plus a bit of trivia: Little Patience is named after a popular trait of mine :) (Even though some would disagree)

Team Hunt's new FW for 2010.
Artemis will be a high pressure flipper.
So far we have the pnumatics in, and all we need to get now is motors, steel, batterys ect.
Plus the design is down aswell.
It looks a bit like a slightly squashed Hard, with the wheels at the back, making a bit of a Firestorm/Iron Awe 5 effect.
A fairly good design, should all hopefully work when it comes together.
But for now we just need to get all of the parts in :)

Also soon i might be getting FleaWeight (under 75g and must fit into a 3 inch cube, yes, very small!) called Erebus.

So, the next update will be after Maidstone in November.
Till then, cya!
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: JoeBlo on October 21, 2009, 06:56:30 AM
Quote from: WhamettNuht;74150
Also soon i might be getting FleaWeight (under 75g and must fit into a 3 inch cube, yes, very small!) called Erebus.

awesome, did you have see Ian Lewis's fleaweight ? it was more of a joke robot he turned a razor toy into a operating robot :P

I wish Australia had robot competitions, it would be so much fun, its my ambition to win lottery and start one in Australia haha, makes you wonder why Marlin Pritchard moved down here haha

great work Wham
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on October 21, 2009, 09:25:43 AM
Thanks Joe :)
I remember Razler, it would be great to fight him if he was still around...
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: GoldenFox93 on October 30, 2009, 05:00:22 PM
Quote from: WhamettNuht;74182
Thanks Joe :)
I remember Razzler, it would be great to fight him if he was still around...

Me too. I remember in Ian Lewis' words...

"It's got a terrible Three Grams of crushing force!"
Title: Team Hunt
Post by: Stagfish on November 18, 2009, 02:58:25 PM
i remember combat ant from robot wars and anty B they were amazing antweights...
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: G.K. on December 05, 2009, 06:43:32 AM
Wham, was Hunter at Reading in October?
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Stagfish on December 12, 2009, 12:33:25 PM
Im getting antweight stuff for christmas :D
did you say you lived in essex wham?
i live near there
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Zog on January 01, 2010, 11:34:25 AM
Whammetnhut, look what I found whilst browsing the RR website....


Is that you fixing it?

Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: G.K. on January 01, 2010, 11:36:49 AM
I doubt it. Wham's somewhere between 13-15 years old.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: lloopp D lloopp on January 01, 2010, 11:39:31 AM
Maybe it's his dad.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Zog on January 01, 2010, 11:43:03 AM
Maybe it's his dad.

Or perhaps his Dad's sister's boyfriend's daughter's husband's uncle's granddad's cousin's son.

Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Stagfish on January 01, 2010, 02:05:53 PM
lol you dont have to write your username after every sentence
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: TriTon on January 01, 2010, 02:14:27 PM
How is that worth an lol?
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Stagfish on January 01, 2010, 02:19:46 PM
dunno really its a wast of time you could just write team zog in your sig
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: GoldenFox93 on January 01, 2010, 04:17:28 PM
It's OK, we all used to do it.

I mean, in my first posts, I used to do that. It's like signing a letter.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Zog on January 02, 2010, 02:04:22 AM
lol you dont have to write your username after every sentence

meh, it's just a habit. I did it on other forums...
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Stagfish on January 02, 2010, 06:25:03 AM
YAY he didnt write team zog after his sentence!
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Lupus on August 05, 2010, 03:20:32 PM
How did you build trauma for only £150? Thats miracle work man....
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Vertigo on August 05, 2010, 05:09:35 PM
Annihilation only cost £150, not including the hardox & the transmitter which we already had
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Lupus on August 06, 2010, 07:03:55 AM
i dont know waht anhilation looks like .The reason i asked about trauma is because its the cheapest ive seen a flipper bot >_<
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on August 07, 2010, 02:32:25 PM
Wow, i should really check this thread out more often XD
To answer an earlier question, no that isnt me, that was my dad :)
And my god Hunter looked clean back then =_=
So, updates time :)
Biggest update of all:
As some of you know:

Yes, the new robot is built by moi, and so far has entered 2 events, only to see how it works around the arena and to have a bit of fun :)
His name is:
( Logo smaller.gif)
(No prizes for guessing where the name comes from ^-^)
Yes, Alejandro is my 2010 bot, that will hopefully be completed soon O.O
In May 2010, at Brentwood, I had made my first robot, called Super Evil Fighting Chihuahua (i'll see if i can find a piture later)
It was entered in with the battle ratz, and got fantastically thrown around all over the shop, which the audience loved.
I was hoping to add a frenzy-style axe to it, and enter it in with the big FWs for a laugh.
But after seeing the wreck that was my robot, I decided to scrap that idea completely.
the chassis of SEFC now sits pretty on top of my wardrobe ^-^
However, I took all components out, and decided to make a full-sized FW, by myself.
Hunter was a joint job between me and my dad, and Artemis is more of his robot, so, I wanted a robot that i could completely call my own.
And so, Alejandro was born.
I was keen to have it done in time for Maidstone at the end of the year, and so far progress looks good, but the chances of me going to maidstone this year are very slim again T_T (bloody RR events and Ju-Jitsu Ko-Budos crossing over >.<)
Anyway, Alejandro took quick progress, and not before to long, on the 12th of June 2010, Alejandro D1 had been born:
( Mk 1.jpg)
The blade was its first weapon, and it was using one of the old Security Alarm batterys from Hunter - which where terrible!
With Artemis being trashed from Aylesbury a couple of months back, Alejandro became the first drag-bot (and not the wheelie type!)
With a bot of paper, tape and a pen, Alejandro soon became Artemis for the day.
'She' had one fight, of which Hunter was in aswell.
'Artemis' soon died as its link fell out, and Hunter ended up in the pit (Well done dad :) )
But I wasnt happy, due to how slow 'she' initially was.
Turned out it was the battery :P
So, after guildford, work was being done for Fairford, which simply meant changing the battery for one of Hunter's style batterys.
And, at fairford, after some trouble with getting it running, Alejandro competed.
And with the woggle ;)
My mum was sorting out the cupboard under the stairs (where we keep my orphaned cousin, after both his parents died after some man got them with a stick, such a strange kid :P) and found this woggle, or a blue swimming float, so i decided to tape it on for fun :P
Here is a pic of it from fairford:

Yes that is Hunter underneath :P
Alejandro had 3 fights at fairford, 2 with the float and 1 without the float or the blade, which went quite well (untill the motors gave up =_=)
So, after that, I needed 2 new drill motors, which i got for £24 from Argos  :bigsmile:
Finally fitted them in, the gears arrived for the axe, and fitted the wedge on :)
Here is Alejandro as of this day:
( Mk 2.jpg)
Now i just need to fit the axe :)
More updates of the other robots coming soon :P
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: powerrave on August 07, 2010, 03:22:35 PM
looks nice =D
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Badnik96 on August 07, 2010, 03:25:45 PM
Sweet. Can't wait for it's RA2 counterpart to fight in RW2 :P
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: NFX on August 08, 2010, 07:15:20 AM
I love the idea of using a swimmimg float as a weapon. XD I award you +1 rep.

Alejandro's looking quite good, I'd love to see it with the axe. =D
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on August 08, 2010, 10:27:50 AM
Here is a mock up of what I hope the final version will look like:
( Idea 1.png)
The wheel guards will be made from plasticard, which is light but strong, and can be vacuum pressed.
The axe head will be custom made from just a block of metal.
ATM im deciding to have a spike or go for a THZ style chopper.
The spike would do more damage but might get stuck in the arena floor if i miss (which is highly possible :P)
The chopper would look good but wouldnt do much damage.
What do you guys think?
EDIT: Also tanks NFX for the +1 rep :D Just returned the favour lol :P I was thinking of sticking the float on the end of the axe whens its done :P (also for a laugh :P)
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: G.K. on August 08, 2010, 11:06:47 AM
Would the spike really do more damage?
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: SKBT on August 08, 2010, 11:29:14 AM
@ GK: A spike would have more penetration potential. It delivers more KE to a single point than an axe or blade because the KE is being transfered over a broder point vs a spike where all the KE is delivered to one spot.

@ Wham: If you haven't found a good motor for your electric ax yet an EV Warrior at 24 volts makes a killer axe motor if you can still find one.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on August 08, 2010, 11:43:07 AM
im just using a drill motor from the axe from the first hunter (yes hunter was originally an axe bot, untill it destroyed itself :P)
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: NFX on August 08, 2010, 06:23:53 PM
LOL. If you ever decide to rebuild Hunter, you should give it a fake self-destruct button. XD

Something I just thought of, if the axe head is going to be sticking out quite far behind the back of the bot when it's down, you could attack a couple of spikes out to the sides, so it could function as an SnS if needs be.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Somebody on August 08, 2010, 09:42:11 PM
I wouldn't attach the wheelguards IMO. If the axe is ripped off and it gets flipped, then you would be invertible, otherwise, you would just have no chance.

Obviously its up to you, but its just my two cents.

Freaky Story: Yesterday, I had a feeling you would post a mockup of the axe. XD
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: NFX on August 09, 2010, 06:37:12 AM
If the axe gets taken off, the axe mount would still be there, so it wouldn't be invertible anyway.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Vertigo on August 09, 2010, 06:38:38 AM
I would very much doubt it getting ripped off in UK events anyway (apart from RoboChallenge)
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: NFX on August 09, 2010, 07:13:54 AM
I can see it happening against 360, in a KHZ/Mauler-style situation.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Vertigo on August 09, 2010, 07:33:36 AM
I can see it happening against 360, in a KHZ/Mauler-style situation.
Like I said, apart fom in RoboChallenge events
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Somebody on August 09, 2010, 09:57:56 AM
Still could make the difference between life and death though.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on August 09, 2010, 01:47:39 PM
Answer time ^-^
I would heck make sure that the axe wouldnt come off!
Plus Vertigo is right saying RoboChallenge because it looks like im not going to enter one of those events untill they bring one to the south of england ^-^ (next ones far west!)
No overly keen on the SnS idea, migt just add weight to the axe aswell which would result in more of the robot crashing around and less damage.
It wouldnt really matter if the wheel guards are used or not as some have said, the axe wouldnt come off for a start (i have my methods ;) ) and second as vertigo also said, the gear rack would be sticking out of the chassis making it non-inveritble aswell.
(p.s. @somebody - lol how weird XD i had a feeling like that aswell when i took the picture from far away :P )
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Somebody on August 09, 2010, 02:36:13 PM
OK Then. It will look real nice when you get that axe on.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on August 10, 2010, 06:21:28 AM
Hell yeah, im hoping to make a start at the end of the week when my dad is off because he said he will help me make the relay for the motor :)
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Clickbeetle on August 13, 2010, 02:32:58 AM
My mum was sorting out the cupboard under the stairs (where we keep my orphaned cousin, after both his parents died after some man got them with a stick


Alejandro looks good, I fear that Hunter will be outdated by the time I get around to making it in DSL3.  Also, I wouldn't worry too much about spike vs. axe.  Hammers in general don't do much damage in the lighter weight classes, and electric hammers also don't do much; they're mostly for show.  Just go with whatever looks cooler.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: daleksec7 on August 25, 2010, 06:03:08 PM
@wh how can you do that UR EVIL! LOL JK
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on August 29, 2010, 03:32:09 PM
My mum was sorting out the cupboard under the stairs (where we keep my orphaned cousin, after both his parents died after some man got them with a stick


Alejandro looks good, I fear that Hunter will be outdated by the time I get around to making it in DSL3.  Also, I wouldn't worry too much about spike vs. axe.  Hammers in general don't do much damage in the lighter weight classes, and electric hammers also don't do much; they're mostly for show.  Just go with whatever looks cooler.

Click, you are right to fear that Hunter would be outdated by the release of DSL 3.0 :P But, if you would like me to help with the replica of one of my bots, im perfectly capable :)
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: NFX on August 30, 2010, 06:09:54 AM
I could send you the decals I used when I tried to make Hunter.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on September 25, 2010, 02:20:37 PM
Me and my dad was talking this morning about what the future of Hunter is, and about the rebuild, then i asked, "What name should he take, seeing at how its going to be a completely different design?"
I liked the name Hunter Reloaded - like a reloaded shot gun.
Dad suggested the name Hunter Destroyer, after the class of battleship.
When i asked my mum which one she liked, she helped by adding another name to the equation - Hunter Armed & Dangerous.
So, im gonna need a much wider opinion on which name to choose :P
BTW, if its any help, Hunter Rebuild will still be a ram bot, instead of a wedge will be a flat front with spikes, and be much shorter in lengh and more compact.
Thanks :)
(Coming soon, the Alejandro update!!!)
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: G.K. on September 25, 2010, 02:22:04 PM
Do you still want hunter in the name?
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Badnik96 on September 25, 2010, 02:22:44 PM
Keep it Hunter!
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on September 25, 2010, 02:27:41 PM
@GK: Yes please.
Hunter is probably the most perfect name for a team called Team Hunt :P
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Clickbeetle on September 25, 2010, 11:08:40 PM
Hunter-Gatherer  :gawe:

But seriously, I think Hunter Destroyer sounds the best.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Resetti's Replicas on September 26, 2010, 01:14:37 AM
You could consider "Rare Hunter," which not only refers to the duelist in Yugioh that uses the Exodia strategy, but in your context, Rare Hunter suggests unique, above-average, and a source of pride for its owner.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Vertigo on September 26, 2010, 04:05:52 AM
BTW, if its any help, Hunter Rebuild will still be a ram bot, instead of a wedge will be a flat front with spikes, and be much shorter in lengh and more compact.
Don't, spikes do nothing in real life robotics, we had spikes on invasion, & they were pointless
Keep it as a wedge, it is the only effective design for a rammer is a wedged one

But, yes do make it shorter in length & more compact, then use HARDOX  :gawe:

Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: JoeBlo on September 26, 2010, 04:56:01 AM
I like the idea of putting something in front of Hunter

Blood Hunter
Notorious Hunter
Bounty Hunter
Master Hunter

just my thoughts  :gawe:
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: G.K. on September 26, 2010, 05:04:42 AM
Hunter of Malevolance
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Naryar on September 26, 2010, 06:02:55 AM
Hunter-Killer Tank :P

Hunter-Gatherer is good also, as Hunter-Seeker Drone.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: G.K. on September 26, 2010, 06:10:28 AM
Hunter-Killer Tank :P

Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: JoeBlo on September 26, 2010, 06:33:50 AM
LOL I was going to post Hunter Killer Tank also :P
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Squirrel_Monkey on September 26, 2010, 10:15:28 AM
Make it pink and call it Huntress.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: NFX on September 27, 2010, 06:31:03 PM
I also like Hunter Gatherer. =P

I also has Huntsman or Hunter's Apprentice. Hunter the Second might work.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: SKBT on September 27, 2010, 06:39:17 PM
I like the idea of putting something in front of Hunter

Bounty Hunter 

Bounty Hunter is all ready taken by a US featherweight flipper.

I think you should keep the name Hunter.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Urjak on October 11, 2010, 09:05:30 PM
Name it Hunter Killer and put a hydralisk decal on it. :D
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: JoeBlo on October 12, 2010, 12:01:13 PM
winner :D (I admit I did think of that also but didnt think anyone would bridge the connection)

then it can team up with Zip's Zergling :P
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Badnik96 on October 12, 2010, 04:35:56 PM
I have to say I like Resetti's idea. Then you could nickname it Steve :P
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on December 12, 2010, 05:19:17 AM
@Badnik: Why would I nickname it after my dad? :P
Anyway, people, here is probably my last update for this year!! O.O
I'll start robot by robot :P
Hunter Reloaded:
Yes I went with Reloaded :P
Anyway, im sure some of you know what design I may be going after, but last night I had an ipiphany ;)
Since I want to try and make HR strong enough to take on the spinners at the UK FW Champs, I had one idea that I could do to use their power against them.
La Machine ;)
Yep, basically, a scoop attachment at the front, then when the fight starts, just run at the opponent, and hopefully flip them out. Simples.
And hopefully the rounded design of the scoop should add some strengh behind it, which will be important if my opponent reaches full speed.
Then I can jus run at them, hopefully topple them a bit and let physics take its toll lol :P
As for weapon without scoop, Im adding spike to the front (just if I want a little drive around in the arena during a fight lol :P)
Or (depending on weight) a little spinning drum at the front ;) (bit like tornado lol)
Nearly done - all I pretty much need to do is get the new drill motor in (or find a drill motor that wont drain all of the current when firing :/ )
I also want to strenghen the front wedge up by adding some steel support underneath.
I also have an idea for a fairly cool paint job :)
Well, shes now got to go to D3.
The new one is planned to be a bit like Chaos 2, so that should hopefully be effective lol :P
Crime Scene:
I will hopefully make a start soon.
Basically, im planning a bot like RC Doorstop (Steel Conflict I think :S)
Well, atm he's sitting in a freezing cold garage lol :P
He's ready for the new year :D
He's made a start.
ATM we have a frame with motors and crusher servo.
Dunno when he'll be finished but i'll be sure to keep you posted lol :P
Im quite excited about this ant, should be interesting :)
And, depending on how things go - robot and cost wise, I do have an idea for a MW ;)
An pnumatic axebot called HeadShot :P
But I first have 4 FWs and an AW to finish off :P
Should be fun when the MW, 4 FWs and 2 AWs are done - getting everything in the car will be like a game of Tetris more than ever hehe :P
Anyway, theres the update, and hopefully the next one will be in 2011! :D
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Vertigo on December 12, 2010, 05:43:55 AM
MW? Why do you want a MW?

Anyways, use hardox :D
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Badnik96 on December 12, 2010, 07:06:03 AM
@Badnik: Why would I nickname it after my dad? :P

Steve was the name of all the Rare Hunters in YGOTAS. :P
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on December 12, 2010, 01:09:05 PM
And also the name of my dad :P
A MW is acctually perfect for my team because:
A) Its not too heavy, and my dad has back problems
B) Its smaller than a HW, and we have a VERY small garage
C) It would be more fun too see when facing Iron-Awe lol :P
And unfortunately hardox is too expensive :/
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Zog on December 12, 2010, 01:10:27 PM
I remember reading that it's dirt cheap atm.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Resetti's Replicas on December 13, 2010, 10:17:13 AM
And also the name of my dad :P

Well you'd better be careful then, your dad might be a Rare Hunter
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Vertigo on December 13, 2010, 11:19:04 AM
I remember reading that it's dirt cheap atm.
Far from it, unfortunately
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: WhamettNuht on December 17, 2010, 03:33:15 PM
Yeah, but we was quite lucky to have found a steel stockists near by who sold us 2 1m x 1m 2mm steel sheets for £20.
And the stuff is quite robust - its what I used to make the poker on Alejandro (And thats only slightly bent!)
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: GoldenFox93 on December 17, 2010, 03:39:05 PM
The idea of Hunter RL having a drum appeals to me- for the Robo Challenge events, it could be a potent weapon. And who knows? Maybe you'll fight Explosion  :P

And lately, I've also been thinking about building robots. I saw an interesting looking drivetrain available on Team Nightmare's website, so if I can come into some funds and technical knowledge, I could hopefully build something around that.
Title: Re: Team Hunt
Post by: Mouldy on February 27, 2011, 02:25:34 AM
a bump on the first video on this topic I was there at brentwood watching that!