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Tournament Archives / Antpit: DSL IRL (Heavyweight)
« on: February 22, 2021, 04:17:02 PM »
Just a regular tourney, fighting in the RW2016 arena, DSL IRL bla bla bla. Not sure what else to say its a tourney like all the others but with slight rule changes.

For entries dm me on discord: @dabdabdab#9293

Entries (0 spots open, 32 taken)
• STEEL HOUND (MrMatthews)
• Pheonix Light 2.0 (Nabi)
•Plastic Memories (Sev)
•Lithe (Swin)
•Carapuce 4 (Kelimpel)
•Ghost Stories (SamFM52)
•Claymore (TheRoboteer)
•Undying Issues (TommyProductionsInc)
•Launchpad (Botbuster)
•Red Scare (Harvest. K)
•Angry Horned Toad 1 (lordsludge)
•Sleepwalker (Robert)
•Blood in  the water (ForceOfWill)
•al-Mudamir (Hexbug)
•Heatwave 3 (Lilleh)
•Havoc (Pocket Jake)
•Scarlight (Robert)
•Fine Line (Hexbug)
•Arctic Fox Rampage 6 (Sev)
•Ol' Leathery Balls (Harvest. K)
•Cacophony (TheRoboteer)
•Windmill (Pocket Jake)
•Trippy Dippy 3 (Kelimpel)
•Shadow Snake (Dabberboiboiej (its me btw)
•Deisel (Matt)
•Raising Shell 3 (Toaster)
•Thunderbolt (Botbuster)
•Rhubarb and Bar Spinners (Zorua)
•Bullshark IV (Nabi)
•One Eyed Watcher (Toaster)
•Breaking Point 4.0 (Nicky)
•WDRFP Renegade (WeN)

Antpit Rules

Basic Tournament Stuff:

DSL-IRL ruleset - Robots must look as close to real-life designs as possible/insides must NOT be clipping through each other nonsensically. (Batteries inside motors, flippers passing through insides etc)

Heavyweight limit of 800kg.

RA2CF is allowed for this tournament.

BFE/OBJ are legal.

You must enter your OWN robots and not robots made for you.

Weapon Limits:


- VERTS: 2 large teeth (15-24kgs) ex: Large Typhoon, Ripping Teeth, Large Nightmare, etc OR 4 small teeth (7-14kgs) ex: Small Typhoons, Cutting Teeth, Heavy DS Teeth, etc OR 6 Small/Medium/Large Beaters.

- HORIZONTALS: 2 large teeth (15-24kgs) ex: Large Typhoon, Ripping Teeth, Large Nightmare, etc OR 4 small teeth (7-14kgs) ex: Small Typhoons, Cutting Teeth, Heavy DS Teeth, etc OR 6 Small/Medium/Large Beaters.

- WEDGELESS DRUMS ONLY: Can use up to 10 Small, 8 Medium or 8 Large Beaters. Other teeth types would not be allowed on these bots. Yes, this also means wedgeless drums have more DP allowed than other spinners.

- only 1 Mechavore disc allowed on a bot (minion disc's are banned)

- Use basic common sense if mixing weapons (ex: 4 small typhoons and 2 larges is not allowed)

- TO CLARIFY A WEDGELESS DRUM: robots like DID and Roka are wedgeless drums(eggbeater in Roka’s case) whereas something like Phantom is more of a drum vert. If you look at real examples, Magnetar is a wedged drum while Tornado/Sabretooth are wedgeless.



-These robot types struggle as it is, therefore just don’t take the piss with them. (Example, 5 burst axe bot or sticking everything you can on one axe).



- Front/Rear hinges are allowed up to 1 Beta Burst/Motor or 2 VDMA R/P Bursts/VDMA Front Hinged/Storm Burst/Mag Snappers

- Top Hinges are allowed 2 burst/VDMA OR 2 Mag Snappers maximum.

- ALL flipper types must have a maximum flipping arc of 90 degrees _| <- like that.



- Flatmotors allowed ONLY on overhead saws. Not allowed as drive motors, max of 1 flat motors per bot

- Overkill motors are the ONLY other CB2 part legal for Antpit



- Damaging weapons on the front of rammers/wammers are banned. However, things like Nogoodnik’s spiked wheels are legal.

- All DSL 2.2 IRL edition armors allowed

- Skirts are not allowed

- Free hinges/axles are banned for wedges/wedgelets. These are allowed for details like Rat King’s tail/Purin’s headband however!

- Ant Blades are banned for all bot types.

- No or logic.

- No servos UNLESS you can AI it yourself then feel free to send me the servo bot with the AI.

- No meltybrains.

- Clusterbots are allowed: they must strictly be Middleweights. No minibot nonsense. 50/50 split.

- No weapon spam or stacking. I won’t limit parts but I will be clamping down on robots I think are pushing it. I won’t be lenient.

- No excessive extender spamming/stacking (Extenderbots are allowed of course but if you use extenders to armour your bot….just use the armour panels!)


Every person can enter 1 robot each (more entries per person may open up as sign-ups go by)

- LOCK-IN: 32 slots. These robots go straight through to the series.

Battle Rules:

Arena is a skinned RW2016 arena

3 minute matches. If a match goes the full 3 minutes, it will be judged by a panel of judges. (Preferably the same judges each time)

If a robot havoks/causes crashes 3 times, and at least ⅔ re-do's lasted longer than 45 seconds, then the match goes to a judges decision, if only ⅓ re-do's last more than 45 seconds, then the bot that caused the havoc loses.

If a BFEd robot takes damage and ends up having floating parts, it will be KOed.

If one half of a cluster is eliminated, then the whole bot is too.


4 heats, 8 robots per heat, starts with two, four way melee's where only two can survive. The two winners from each rumble will go into 1-on-1 battle's to determine the heat final winners. (The heat final winners will then of course fight for victory)

All the losers (6 losers per heat other than the heat final) go into a heat losers bracket of 1-on-1's, ending with a Three-way rumble. The winner of that rumble go into a wildcard heat to determine the 5th grand finalist.

The losers of the heat final go into a secondary wildcard heat to determine the 6th wildcard.

The Grand Final is two, three-way melee's, where only 2 can survive, the remaining four go into 1-on-1's, leaving 2 remaining (the grand finalists)

(PS. deadline TBC as there isn't one yet)

Cannon Kerfuffle is a tourney where the only allowed weapon are Cannons. Nothing else. No spinners, no flippers, no spikes. Just Cannons. Be creative and make dumb and interesting machines, just make sure they have a Cannon. (And that they follow the rules of course. (I don't know what else to say this is mt first tourney)

Entries (3 spots open, 5 taken)
• KANNON KART (ForceOfWill)
•Vlad The Enslaver (KelimpelJR)
•Tiny Rise (Robert)
•Rustic (Dabdabdab (me))
•Al Mudamir (Hexbug)

Cannon Kerfuffle RULES:

Basic Tournament Stuff:

DSL-IRL ruleset - Robots must look as close to real-life designs as possible/insides must NOT be clipping through each other nonsensically. (Batteries inside motors, flippers passing through insides etc)Heavyweight limit of 800kg.RA2CF are allowed and are encouraged for this tournament, along with skinned components.BFE/OBJ are legal.Due to previous events outside of (other competitions), you must enter your OWN robots and not robots made for you. (DSL IRL packs may not be allowed)

Also: heavyweight's only. Weight limit = 800
Weapon Limits:

Cannons are the only legal weapon, no spikes, no spinners, no flippers, no saws.

If its not a Cannon then it isn't allowed. Simple.

Maximum of 2 large co2 canisters within the bot.


- All DSL 2.2 IRL edition armors allowed

- Skirts only allowed on dustpans with proper support

- Free hinges/axles are banned for wedges/wedgelets. These are allowed for details like Rat King’s tail/Purin’s headband however!

- Ant Blades are banned. (Its not a cannon)

- No or logic. (Not a cannon)

- No servos UNLESS you can AI it yourself then feel free to send me the servo bot with the AI.

- No meltybrains. (Not a cannon)

- Clusterbots are allowed: they must strictly be Middleweights. No minibot nonsense. 50/50 split.

- No weapon spam or stacking. I won’t limit parts but I will be clamping down on robots I think are pushing it. I won’t be lenient. (Or will i??????? :OOOOOO)

- No excessive extender spamming/stacking (Extenderbots are allowed of course but if you use extenders to armour your bot….just use the armour panels!)


Single entry, second and third entries may open if there aren't many entries

Battle Rules:

Robot Wars 2016 Arena. 3 minute matches. If a match goes the full 3 minutes, it will be judged by a panel of judges. If a robot havoks/causes crashes 3 times, it loses the match.If your weapon clips through the floor while trying to self-right too many times then it will be deemed immobilised.


4 heats, 8 robots per heat, starts with two, four way melee's where only two can survive. The two winners from each rumble will go into 1-on-1 battle's to determine the heat final winners. (The heat final winners will then of course fight for victory)

All the losers (6 losers per heat other than the heat final) go into a heat losers bracket of 1-on-1's, ending with a Three-way rumble. The winner of that rumble go into a wildcard heat to determine the 5th grand finalist.

The losers of the heat final go into a secondary wildcard heat to determine the 6th wildcard.

The Grand Final is two, three-way melee's, where only 2 can survive, the remaining four go into 1-on-1's, leaving 2 remaining (the grand finalists)

General Support / AI not working?
« on: January 19, 2020, 01:46:11 AM »
I recently changed the bot Files of Snow Job, Coal Miner and Bad dog, and replaced them with more improved versions than before. I had kept the AI in the Bindings files the same, since i didn't change the name of the bots.

Snow Job works fine, no issues

Coal Miner and Bad dog seem to run into walls the minute the fight begins, and in sumo fights, off the edge. I don't really know why this is.

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