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Topics - Thyrus

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Discussion / DSL 3 Beta Improvement Suggestions
« on: April 18, 2013, 01:29:27 AM »
I talked to click about this.
you can post suggestions for things that could be improved or implimented in DSL 3.
To make it easier for click I will summ up the suggestions and put them into this post.

-Rearangement in the powertab so a Controllboard is visible on first sight -  by Conraaa
-5° Angle extenders - by Thyrus
- BBEANS 3 Arena in DSL 3 - by Powerrave
- 30, 50, 70, 90, 110 cm extenders - by Thyrus
- Saws attachable to eachother - by MassimoV
- making all components the right lenght (e.g. 120 cm dsl bars -> same lenght as 120 cm extender) - by 123stw
- Wedge Armorplates - by clickbeetle (on cloud 9's botm splash)
post yours below

Existing Games / Arma II - Dayz mod
« on: March 20, 2013, 01:32:53 AM »
Anyone playing it?

I'm usually on:
De 1514

Tournament Archives / Total Annihilation² - SBV
« on: December 08, 2012, 09:52:33 AM »

Tournament Archives / Total Annihilation² - Sign ups [CLOSED]
« on: August 07, 2012, 12:35:26 PM »

Stock Showcases / Thyrus` rarely updated Stock showcase
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:10:07 PM »
++Don`t expect something very special++

This showcase will go down pretty fast I guess. The limit of stock components and the huge batts makes it hard to build good IRL designs. but here are some bots.

the bot on the top is a HW called Stockosaurus
the Axebot is called Methos and is a MW
the double Agent lookalike bot is a LW
and the bot on the bottom is a Antweight and is called Dig. It was originaly build for the first Combatants.

Discussion / What are your motivations to play RA2?
« on: August 24, 2011, 07:11:06 PM »
Robot Arena 2 has no goal. No achievements or nothing you could do after you won a ingame tournament. It`s a rather old game but there are still many people playing it.
so what are your motivations to do so?

I still play it cause I want to bring new shapes in this game. DSL makes it possible to bring up completely new designs that couldn`t be done in stock. I love to experiment with the dome parts and the flippermaker. and with this waste of weight I try to make an good looking MW robot.

Chatterbox / Thyrus moves
« on: August 18, 2011, 11:39:47 AM »
As I mentioned in some threads already I`m moving to Munich: the city of Weissbier and Weisswurst. I`ll stay ther for at least a year if not longer. I don`t know how soon I`m getting an internet provider. So I will be offline for some weeks I guess.
Also I have problemes with my external harddrive with all my RA2 files on. That`s the reason why I havn`t taken my free spot in BattleBots2.

Moving means a new part of my life starts and I`m unsure how much time I`ll spend on my laptop or on GTM. We`ll see what happens.

well.. that`s it for now.


Challenge Board / Virus Bomb vs Thyrus (Thyrus Wins)
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:47:15 PM »
I challenged VB and he accepted.


no cheatbot2 parts
no BFE or glitches
best of 3
1 Restart after a bot havoks. If said bot havoks again it`s DQed.
Arena will be the Combat Arena

Powerrave is the host for this

Off-Topic Discussion / BitDefender vs. Steam
« on: June 28, 2011, 10:22:46 AM »
Hey guys. As you might know I bought a new laptop. I downloaded steam and a trial version of Bitdefender. But it seems that BD causes all the hl2.exe games to crash after a short time playing and sometimes those games don`t even start. The only thing I get is the preparing to start yxz and after a short while this screen disapears and nothng happens. Taskmanager says that the game is running but it isn`t

I`m now thinking about changing to another internet security programm but I don`t want to use Kaspersky since I had a lot of problems with it in the past and also the latest one seems to be crap (from the things I read on different forums)

can anyone help me there?

Existing Games / Far Cry 2
« on: April 13, 2011, 11:44:44 AM »
Does anyone play it? Baisicly the multiplayer?

Challenge Board / FOTEPX vs Thyrus (DQ: FOTEPX)
« on: April 07, 2011, 01:41:01 PM »
So FPX once challenged me for a realistic battle. I came up with the idea of making this UK vs. Germany style say: We both have 4 bots. FPX`s bots are in one heat and my bots are in one heat. the winner og each heat moves on to the final where the best bot of FOTEPX meets my best bot
(If you still don`t understand: watch UK vs. Germany)

Criteria for the Robots are:

IRL realistic

Arena will be the
Robot Wars Arena
(I hope I havn`t forgotten anything)

That`s how this will look like

Someone wants to host this?

General Support / Kaspersky is blocking Youtube
« on: September 29, 2010, 10:30:56 AM »
I`ve got Kaspersky  Internet Security on my laptop. Since my dad installed it Youtbe is blocked. I was already looking for solutions but nothing worked. Can someone of you may help me with that?

PS: I am not allowed to uninstall Kasper-fuc*sky

Existing Games / Borderlands
« on: August 18, 2010, 07:29:20 AM »
Does someone (still) play it? What weapons do you got? what`s your favorite character? stuff like that.

I prefer to play the soldier. But also the hunter with his bloodwing

A friend of mine and me finished Dr. Neds Zombie Island yesterday and tomorrow we will start playing the other add ons.

First of all:

Thank you to those who entered this tournament and congrats to the winners. Thank you for making this possible. This Oscar is making me very proud! well... ;)
I apologize for the long time you had to wait for some battles.


Best Design: Focus Fire - JoeBlo
Most Promising: Valid Query 2- NFX
Most Feared: Fever - Craaig
Bot that should have done better: Hope No More - Naryar
SFTW: 1001 Problems - GroudonRobotWars
Best Moment: G.K.s bot flipping out Repulsion Field. - G.K. & Inplabth

Congrats to the winners

Discussion / Wedge goes through the ground
« on: July 15, 2010, 12:47:19 PM »

That`s pretty annoying. Can somebody (not only the user) help me?

Discussion / Chassis turning glitch
« on: June 13, 2010, 05:18:44 AM »
Don`t know if someone of you has ever seen this before.

I was playing with the snapper2 and was unable to compile the component.cfz. so I went into the dsl folder and copiepasted the bsg.txt and changed everything so it was using the snapper2.gmf. I went ingame and then this happend:

Tournament Archives / Total Annihilation Signups
« on: June 08, 2010, 01:05:18 AM »

1. DSL Heavyweight
2. Realistic Rule Applies.
3. No cheatbot2 or custom components.
4. No crawlers.
5. Multibots are not allowed
6. No BFE/AAM, all building must be done in the botlab

Each heat starts as a 4 way melee. The first bot that gets KOed, immobilized, flipped OOTA or has the fewest points after the 3 minutes match time is up is pulled out and the fight gets restarted in a different arena  with the 3 bots remaining. The last bot standing goes to round 2. In this case round 2 is the final since I plan to allow 16 entrants.
If a bot havoks in it`s own favor, the match will be restarted. If the same bot havoks again in it`s own favor it will be eleminated.

interchangeable arenas with hazards on (will be chosen by a randomizer - - )
I`ll type the 5 arenas in and take the top 3 since there are just 3 fights in one "heat")
 DSL Tourney, Kenzorg IGC,  Lu-Tze's RA2t#2 , Serges Ring Arena and Clicks BBEANS v2 arena (all reskinned).

There are places for 16 entrants
Draw will be done by a randomizer (

you can update your bot once after sending it.
empty spaces will be filled with byebots.
Deadline: june 27, 2010

Got it
U = updated

Signups are closedentrants:
Martymidget - Clowning around 2 - U
Vertigo - Bulldozer 2
GroudonRobotWars - 1001 Problems - U
4.NFX - Valid Query 2
inplabth - Repulsion Field
Hydro - Titanium Terror
Craaig - Fever
Thyrus - Atilla Revolution
Naryar - Hope No More 5.2
freeziez - RipShredder
trumpetguy - Devil May Spin 3
12. JoeBlo - Focus Fire - U
Powerrave - Scarlet Transmission
14. G.K. - 75.5 ?iouQ tE
DG - GRinder

The wildcard match will work like the one in robot wars: fight til only one bot is still standing

1. Badnik96 - Lord of Locusts 2.1
2. 027 LB
- Rain Rain Go Away!
3. Squirrel_Monkey - S=FTW

Tournament Archives / Total Annihilation Tournament Idea
« on: May 11, 2010, 10:25:04 AM »
Hey guys,

I came up with the idea of an annihilation tournament.

Each heat starts as a 4 way melee. The first bot that gets KOed, immobilized, flipped OOTA or has the fewest points after the match time is up is pulled out and the fight gets restarted with the 3 bots remaining. The last bot standing goes to round 2. In this case round 2 is the final since I plan to allow 16 entrants.

I was talking to Craaig about this once. He suggestet to take a random arena after every restart. I ask you what you think. Always the same arena or change it after every fight?

Rules would be:

1. DSL Heavyweight
2. Realistic Rule Applies.
3. No cheatbot2 or custom components.
4. No crawlers.
5. Multibots are NOT allowed

If you want the arena change thing, the arenas would be: DSL Tourney, Kenzorg IGC,  Lu-Tze's RA2t#2 , Serges Ring Arena (and may Clicks BBEANS v1 Arena if he allowes me to use it.)

I can film and AI but would be great if you would AI yourself since I only do copypaste.

I would start signups in June if someone is interested in this.

Modifications / Robot Wars Series 3 Mod
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:44:20 AM »
So this will be a mod, some users will work on.

What we need is:

-The arena - by JoeBlo
-Possible new UI - by JoeBlo
-People to AI - Gazea2, Thyrus, G.K.
-Replicas - Sonny_Resetty, Thyrus, G.K., Doomkiller, Squirrel_Monkey, Craaig, JoeBlo, Ashman12, Badnik96

Everyone who wants to help is welcome.

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