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Messages - Trovaner

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Site News and Feedback / Re: Descriptions for Downloads
« on: April 27, 2016, 09:10:57 PM »
I find it hilarious that the RA-Reborn Arena I made has so many downloads. Have y'all been using it for tournaments or something? I don't remember creating a version 2 though. Perhaps I did, who knows. I downloaded it and read the readme file. As well as the read me for the AU AI Toner pack I did. Hilarious. Nobody has the 4 paint job edge packs I did or the AAM tutorial or the "force field" I created which was basically a semi transparent blue ball that replaced an axle on a motor and moved 2 feet away to spin around the bot. I think I also made weightless AI zone boxes things. and an AI Helper VB application that wrote PY files.
Arenas are really popular and there isn't very many like the RA-Reborn Arena. I'm not sure that I have the 4 paint job edge packs but I have everything else sitting on one of my backup hard drives. If you want, I can try to locate them when I have more time.

Was going to reply earlier, but I recently noticed that there's no description at all while going through the downloads section, it might be good to add a link to the original topic as well.
Most of the mods were created before the official forums were shutdown and replaced by GTM so they don't have discussion topics anymore. That said, we should try to include the original topic if there is one because the comments section that is built into the download pages is not very good since there is no easy way for normal users to see when someone posts there.

Site News and Feedback / Descriptions for Downloads
« on: April 26, 2016, 11:22:54 PM »
For those of you who want to help out but don't know how, I've thought of a way that you can do it. After more than a year of working on it off and on, I almost have all of the downloads moved into the Downloads section. The problem is that I stopped adding descriptions myself pretty early on since research into each mod was taking too much time. If anyone is bored and has the time, I would greatly appreciate your assistance in getting descriptions added.

For those interested, you can post your suggested descriptions here and I will add them in batches.

Since I'm not sure how much interest there is, we'll start by only looking at the AI packs. I want to try to include a description, contents, credits, warnings, and a support thread but it is fine if we don't have all of these. The best examples that I could find were BTTB AI Pack and Starcore V3.


Other Tutorials / Re: How to fix the F2 camera on modern systems
« on: April 26, 2016, 08:21:38 PM »
Its been awhile since I last worked on it but I have a V2 of the action cam that would allow you to have an orbit-style camera for all of the bots (even the AI). Maybe someday I'll go back and finish it but I'm a little busy with preparations for RA3 ATM. I usually use the V1 action cam instead of the builtin orbit cameras.

Site News and Feedback / Re: Youtube Video Embed
« on: April 24, 2016, 07:27:10 PM »
TBH, I'm not quite sure what happened. The SMF plugin that we were using was very old and outdated so I replace it with a plugin that was still being updated. I've actually been meaning to do this for quite some time.

On a side note, I looked into how to change the behavior of embedded videos when they are quoted but it looks like I would have to replace the auto-embedding nature of them and make it so that you needed to wrap the URL in a bbcode (something like [video]VIDEO_URL[/video]) for the link to embed. Are you guys alright with this? Personally, I think it would be better but it would also be more work for me. I've already tweaked the plugin once so, either way, I'm going to have to manually update the plugin whenever there is an update.
The problem of having bbcode is that all old topics(including the ones of past tournaments, which are locked) would have no embeds anymore. I can definitely see why having bbcode is better, sadly it breaks the reverse compatiblity(unless you have some kind of script which automatically adds the code)
Since I'm the webmaster of GTM, I can perform operations on the database itself instead of manually going into old threads just to add the new tags. The easiest way of fixing this would be to perform a mysqldump on the database to get a single file representing the entire forum, open it up in Notepad++, use a regular expression to add the bbcode around all video links, and run mysqlimport to add it back to the database (after deleting everything that is already there). Sadly, I would have to switch the forum into maintenance mode while I did this so that posts wouldn't get lost in the process.

Site News and Feedback / Re: Youtube Video Embed
« on: April 24, 2016, 02:08:09 PM »
TBH, I'm not quite sure what happened. The SMF plugin that we were using was very old and outdated so I replace it with a plugin that was still being updated. I've actually been meaning to do this for quite some time.

On a side note, I looked into how to change the behavior of embedded videos when they are quoted but it looks like I would have to replace the auto-embedding nature of them and make it so that you needed to wrap the URL in a bbcode (something like [video]VIDEO_URL[/video]) for the link to embed. Are you guys alright with this? Personally, I think it would be better but it would also be more work for me. I've already tweaked the plugin once so, either way, I'm going to have to manually update the plugin whenever there is an update.

Site News and Feedback / Re: Youtube Video Embed
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:31:56 PM »
I'll take a look at it and see what I can do.

Site News and Feedback / Re: Youtube Video Embed
« on: April 24, 2016, 12:24:51 PM »
I think I have it working now.

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 23, 2016, 01:08:49 PM »
Trying to get an idea of what is allowed, here are a few ideas I am toying with
Absolute-Dark Law Heroes
Ultimaya  Hieratics
Pendulum Ninja
Psy-frame Yosenju
Banish Dino
I could also come up with others. Any thoughts?
The only one I recognize is Banish Dino :D

So, I tried signing up to DN this morning and the activation email wont send -_- what now?
Have you checked your spam folder?

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 22, 2016, 05:38:00 PM »
I think I'm going to duck out before this thing gets started. I've got my hands full for the next few weeks.

That said, it sounds like my brother is in. I can't remember what his account name is so I'll have to get back to you on that.

Contests / Re: BOTM May 2016
« on: April 22, 2016, 08:38:55 AM »
Just a heads up, there is only a week left before the poll.

Discussion / Re: RA2 Wiki
« on: April 21, 2016, 09:04:41 PM »
I'll see about finding a suitable extension for playing sounds effects sometime after RA3 is launched. I'm pretty busy right now organizing things all across GTM and I need time to play around with the extension before it goes public.

General Support / Re: Ironforge link broken on the wiki?
« on: April 21, 2016, 07:49:45 PM »
Alright, it should be fixed on the wiki now.

Existing Games / Re: Yugioh/"Yugimonz"
« on: April 20, 2016, 09:10:36 PM »
I haven't followed this stuff in ages but I know my brother is still pretty good at it. You can put me down as a solid maybe if you decide to host a tournament.

Contests / Re: BOTM May 2016
« on: April 12, 2016, 08:30:10 AM »
Everyone is eligible to participate if you have an account at GTM. I'd rather have a bunch of mediocre entries than none. Just be aware that the vote tends to be hard on entries that are not original, combat effective, and/or visually appealing.

Contests / BOTM May 2016
« on: April 11, 2016, 11:17:12 PM »
Let's do another DSL 2.2 BOTM.

Here's how this works. Every participant creates a bot that follows the given bot restrictions for that month. They then create a simple splash for their bot and uploaded it to GTM's BOTM Uploader before the deadline expires. After the deadline expires, a poll will be created for the community to vote on their favorite entry. At the end of the month, the splash with the most votes will be put on GTM's homepage for a month.

Bot Restrictions
  • DSL 2.2
  • Standard (or IRL if you want to go with something a tad more strict)
  • MW (up to 399kg)
  • No AI, cheatbot2, or custom components
  • No BFE, AAM, HAX mode, Zero glitch, etc.

Splash Rules
  • Entries must be uploaded using the BOTM Uploader.
  • One bot per splash
  • One splash per member
  • Please do not put anything in that identifies you as the creator. Credit will be given after the poll to reduce bias and give people a chance to guess who made what.
  • There must be at least one image of the insides in the splash.
  • The weight must be given in the splash.
  • Images must be either JPG, PNG, or GIF.
  • Images must be no wider than 700px and no taller than 800px.
  • Entries must be in by April 28, 2016 at 11:59 PM Central Standard Time (GMT - 6:00) so that we can spend the rest of the month voting.

Please upload your entries using the BOTM Uploader.


Contests / Re: Vote BOTM Apr 2016
« on: April 07, 2016, 08:04:08 AM »
Congrats, Thrackerzod for winning April's BOTM.

Site News and Feedback / Re: rep
« on: April 03, 2016, 10:15:02 AM »
Now that I've gotten some sleep, allow me to explain myself.

The poll was a wash so I decided to clean it up rather than delete the whole thing. If you got positive or negative rep for reasons that didn't make sense or no reason at all, those records were removed. If the person who applied the rep wanted it to be kept, they should have used a reason that followed the rules. The members who made the biggest mess have had their rep powers removed. I could have saved some time by wiping the whole system clean but I thought it was important for me to get a list of the culprits (not just the people that had their rep powers removed).

After removing all of the blatant trash, the list looks better and I plan to keep it this way. When I get the chance, I'll look into solutions as opposed to band-aids but, in the meantime, stop making a joke of things.

Contests / Vote BOTM Apr 2016
« on: April 03, 2016, 03:12:46 AM »
A surprisingly large turnout this month...

#1 RedAce

#2 Thrackerzod

#3 MassimoV

#4 090901

#5 The Red Blur

#6 Mechadino

#7 Thyrus

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