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Topics - Impossible343

Pages: [1]
Existing Games / RW Arenas of Destruction Modding!
« on: January 27, 2018, 06:10:26 AM »
I extracted the game's files with QuickBMS, (in the same way skullkid2000 did when extracting the house robots on his thread) and I made some modifications to one of the tournament files and made this:

Basically, a tournament that acts like an annihilator from the original TV series, where 1 robot is eliminated each round, starting with 6 robots.

Credit to skullkid2000 for sending me the bms script used to do this

Modifications / Robots Live Arena Replica!
« on: August 22, 2016, 01:40:15 PM »
The one thing that i always felt was missing from RWRA2, was the robots live arena. I know that they couldn't include it because of legal issues, but i I decided that i would have a crack at making my own version of it anyway, and this is the result:

Bear in mind that this is the FIRST arena i've made, so it has a few issues(some areas are badly textured, no floor flipper etc).
However there is a functioning pit release button. although the pit doesn't eliminate bots when they fall in, to give them a chance to get back out again.

Hope you enjoy!

Download: Live

Something that always annoyed me about the way RA2 worked, is that if you want to transfer robots between 2 different mods, you'd have to do a LOT of renaming of text files and GMFs and there would compatibility issues between robots and components...

...However, i have discovered a much easier way of merging 2 components folders WITHOUT replacing or renaming any files in the original directory.

You will need Notepad++ for this

Step 1. Find the Components folder of the mod that has the components you want to transfer to another copy of RA2.
Step 2. Copy this Components folder into the Components folder of the other RA2 copy.
Step 3. Rename the new Components folder to something else in lower case, i suggest something memorable(eg dsl, ironforge etc)
Step 4. Now open Notepad++ and goto Search>Find in Files
Step 5. Browse for the Components folder for Directory and the filter should be "*.txt"
Step 6. In the "find what" field, type "dir = " and in the "Replace with" field type "dir = modname\"(modname is the components you renamed)
Step 7. Copy and paste the robots you want to transfer to another folder
Step 8. Do the same for whichever robots you want to transfer execpt you are replacing "Components" with "Components\modname" (the filter also needs to be *.bot)
Step 9. Place your bot files into the Robot Designs folder, and import them in RA2
Step 10. Enjoy

You will also need to refollow Steps 1-3 to transfer the sounds folder(you will need to replace attachsound = and firesound = etc in the .txts aswell), otherwise some components may not make any sounds.

NOTE: This only works for the sake of making robots from one mod compatible in another. The transfered components will NOT be selectable in the bot lab.

Also here's a screenshot showing it off:

Hope this might be useful!

Discussion / New RA2 forum!
« on: January 24, 2016, 07:42:30 AM »
Hi all.
I just recently opened a new forum called 'Robot Arena Mods'. Feel free to register and make a post. It is mostly aimed at modding the game, but you can post whatever you want, really.



General Support / Roadblock shading fix?
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:18:09 PM »
I'm trying to fix Wham's Roadblock replica's shading issue(the wedge front looks really dark under light but looks brighter when facing away from light) by tweaking material values in the GMF, but no matter what values i try and change, nothing seems to happen. Is there a known fix for these such shading issues or am i going to have to keep searching through the GMF?

General Support / BFE Chassis Help!
« on: August 20, 2013, 10:14:50 AM »

So i just got into using BFE and i created this chassis:

But when i go to test it, it looks like this:

I think that it is something to do with the height of certain the chassis points but i don't know how to make it work properly.

is there anyone here who knows how i can make it work properly?

Online Battles / Impossible343's DSL 3 HW Gameranger
« on: July 19, 2013, 10:53:55 AM »
I am running a gameranger room for Heavyweight DSL 3 bots. if anybody would like to join.

Password: dsl3rulz

Room only open at certain times.

Off-Topic Discussion / Blender Problem
« on: July 07, 2013, 09:17:49 AM »
I'm trying to make a game in blender but whenever i try to test run my game, my computer screen goes grey and flickers. in between i can see what is happening in my game but only for a couple of mili seconds. Can anyone on here help me with this?

General Support / 3ds Max 5 download?
« on: June 30, 2013, 07:01:08 AM »
I'm not sure if i'm posting in the right section or not but basically does anybody have a copy of 3ds max 5? I tried using 2013 but it wouldn't work with the GMF exporter.

Off-Topic Discussion / Keyboard problem
« on: June 23, 2013, 01:42:47 AM »
Recently my FN button became faulty and i need to use the F2, F3 and F4 keys for RA2 because if i just press the buttons without the fn key i don't get the F keys. so basically my question is: Is there a way to change the keyboard/settings so i don't have to press fn to get the F keys or do i have to get a new keyboard?

General Support / GMF Plugin for 3ds max help!
« on: April 07, 2013, 03:36:08 PM »
So i got the 30 day free trial of 3ds max (2013) and i did exactly what it said on the wiki but when i come to open the script it just come up with symbols and doesn't do anything. Do i need an earlier version of max or is there another solution? Please Help!


General Support / Titanium Sheet mod help.
« on: April 05, 2013, 02:58:01 PM »
I've got a component that I want to attach to the center of the titanium sheet but i can't. I know this is something to do with the gmf or the txt but i don't know what to change or what to change it too. plus i don't which number that point has (i'm assuming that it's point 01 seeing as it's the default in-game). Please Help!

General Support / GMF File editor?
« on: March 17, 2013, 04:28:30 PM »
are there any free/ low cost programs that can edit gmfs other than 3ds max. (excluding decompiling the gmf and editing it in notepad).

General Support / Adding extra AI teams problem.
« on: March 05, 2013, 11:27:24 AM »
So i'm trying to organise my ai pack into teams (i have added an extra 11 teams each with 3 bots in) and when i try to boot the game up it just stays on the splash and doesn't load (it doesn't crash) i have tried this on both dsl and Robot Arena 2 V1.4 but it still happens.

General Support / How do you mod the bbeans arena without 3ds max?
« on: February 21, 2013, 11:52:48 AM »
Specifically i want to remove the box and the spinner in the bbeans arena. i've tried doing it before and it screwed up (i compiled and decompiled).
if anyone knows how

Discussion / New AI Pack
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:50:57 AM »
Ok. so despite the fact i kinda abandoned my robot wars mod. i was thinking of making a completely new AI pack that will have robot wars bots in it, robots that compete in the UK (i don't know any US bots. i'm from U.K) right now and my own designs. but the main reason i'm posting about it is because i need more robots, as the ai pack has so far included my designs but i'm starting to struggle to think of new robot ideas.if anyone has any good ideas for the name of the ai pack then that would be great

Custom components and arenas would be cool to add. although i do have experience in creating custom components via txt editing, but not arenas.

I don't want to compete with other peoples Ai packs. i just want everyone to have something new(er) that's all.

Discussion / Complete Robot Wars Mod
« on: June 18, 2012, 01:36:07 PM »
Hey, i'm thinking of doing a complete mod of RA2 into robot wars. Here is a list of everything i have so far:

Game Version (as in stock or DSL): DSL 2.1

i have tons of RW music


so far

Bigger Brother
Dominator 2
Thermidor 2 (from DSL which is a bit big)
some others which i have forgotten. (half of these are from DSL)

Not Yet. probably in a version 1.1 or something

Robot Wars arena (Series 5)
i am thinking of doing the series 6 and series 3 arena. (again in a later version)

So basically i need to gather as many robot wars bots as possible and figure a way to get battle music to work (other music should be fine).

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