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Topics - akshaylan

Pages: [1]
Off-Topic Discussion / Rush Hour
« on: April 15, 2014, 03:57:31 PM »
"Is there a problem, Officer?"
"No problem. Just... Rush Hour!"

Anyone scene these films? I find them hilarious.

DSL TC Showcases / Akshaylan's showcase
« on: August 15, 2013, 03:33:27 PM »
So I've been on this website for a while, but I never got into the building whilst taking into account all of the stats of the components. I always looked more into modding and mainly the UI (Look at the RW 2013 AI thread by WhamettNuht). I thought I might as well make a showcase so here is what I had entered into BB7 as a HW:

It did allright for my first entry into a tournament. Looking back though I know I'm probably going to get slaughtered for having too much empty space.

I'm British so I take GCSEs and A Levels. I'm starting my GCSE course after these Summer holidays and I am taking:
English (language + literature)
Design & Technology

What are you taking/have you taken for your exams? I think the format is slightly different in America so if possible someone could clear me up on that, it would be appreciated.

General Support / Help with .gib files
« on: May 06, 2013, 02:30:48 PM »
So I'm helping to make the UI for someone's AI pack, and I need to edit .gib files to get the right placement/size of pictures, buttons and other items. I managed a bit of work through trial and error to re-size some stuff but I would like to learn:
1. How to add new items without crashing the game
2. How to just, well, understand .gib

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