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Messages - PopsicleStick :D

Pages: [1]
Do you mean how to fill out the weapons tuple for a bot's AI line, like 'weapons':(16,17,18,19)? Easiest way is to download apanx's .bot exporter as it tells you all the components and their corresponding IDs. Or you can go into the file with Notepad++ and count in which order each component was attached with the first attached component being ID 1.
Nice man!! I should be doing that tomorrow right after I wake up, err... Thanks a lot Fracture! I actually already came across the bot exporter but never thought it would be useful :claping

I didn't took enough time time (an hour maybe) to search about "How to determine a component ID in the file", but I couldn't find any info about that. So actually, how DO you (or I,whatever), determine a component ID? :confused:

So realistic

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