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Messages - UberPyro

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Off-Topic Discussion / Re: What is his name? Vote now!
« on: April 15, 2018, 11:47:04 AM »
forever kix

I've never really been a fan of name changes

Tournament Archives / Re: Shove Off! - A KOTH Tournament [SBV]
« on: April 13, 2018, 08:09:31 PM »

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Moz Fails at DSL
« on: March 31, 2018, 09:57:49 PM »
Well, my first bots looked like that soo...

They must have done better than mine. XD

Also, I experimented a bit and I made a better Monsoon.

I still need to learn how to make good wedges. Aside from burst wedges.

Hello, seeing new people build is always nice. I can tell a lot of time went in to crafting the intricate shape of Monsoon 2, but if your goal is to make an even more competitive DSL-S robot then I'll share some knowledge with you:

[ok I deleted a paragraph here - I read "not a mako clone" as "mako clone" but whatever]

Secondly, there are a lot of areas where your Monsoon can be improved. Srimechs are pretty cool, but most VS have a weapon that is strong enough to flip the robot over when upside down, and simply going off of that is great for competitive VSes because then they don't have to spend weight on the srimech. From what I can see, the wedge is made from an extended skirt hinge, but your robot will be wedgier if you use multiple single ones (having the wedges connected into one big wedge is worse). Also, the wedge and probably the front end of the robot should be wider. This allows for wider wedges and more area for an opposing robot to sit on. Lastly, having stray iron spikes isn't the most efficient use of weight. I know I'm killing the aesthetic look of your robot with those last two pieces of advice, but they would help with maximizing the effectiveness of the robot in combat, if that's what you care about (and generally is what the DSL-S building style focuses on).

Ironforge TC Showcases / Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
« on: March 30, 2018, 08:14:18 PM »
Sledgehog. 499.5 kg (2 ballasts; weight edited to correct number) HW. Steel 1.

This is the entry I made for Badger's Shove Off tournament, whenever that thing goes into signups. Since it's a KotH tournament, I figured that while destroying robots is nice, it's most important to have a robot than can push others with a lot of force and can last quite a while. So, I had the idea to build a defensive poker with strong motors. Initially I had the idea that the poking weapon could start going down the sides of the robot to protect it, but quickly realized that I wouldn't have the weight to do that (and it wouldn't really be worth the weight) so the weapon just covers the front. I tried to armor it well, with dark armor on the bottom and light armor on top because hammers suck. (actually I forgot to leave weight for chassis armor and just downgraded the top armor to what it is...)

Sledgehog front.png

Sledgehog comp.png

Also, it would have been nice to give this robot a good proper skin so that it could match its name well. Buuuuuuuut I couldn't be bothered.

edit: fitted in the smartzone, figured I should show it for some reason

Sledgehog smart.png


The neglected game mode. It exists, so let's try it. Sounds like a pretty cool idea to me.

Discussion / Re: Stacking
« on: March 25, 2018, 04:06:29 PM »
Secret 1: go to the overview tab, scroll in all the way, and then don't have the mouse hover over the window with the robot in it until you are attaching the object.

Secret 2: try different angles if any one of them isn't giving you any results.

Secret 3: most stacks will only occur when 2/3 of the dimensions are lined up. In other words, put the object perfectly inside what you want to stack, and then only move along 1 axis.

Secret 4: movepixel.

The True Secret: Past what I've already said, its purely luck based. If you are trying it, you will get it. Eventually.


Stock Showcases / Re: Ra2Winner999 Plays Stock
« on: March 24, 2018, 03:53:36 PM »
I think most of the ways to improve the build has already been said, and most of the good advice has been given, but let me say some things:

I think what you have built was a good attempt at making one of the best bot types through the skills and techniques you know. However, what you built isn't quite a 36HS as defined by the wiki, as it needs to have 36 irons or maces for it to really count (otherwise, the name 36HS would have no weight to it). True 36HSes are pretty difficult to build, and requires a strong mastery of various building techniques (including glitches).

If you want to build a true 36HS, you're going to need to improve your glitching ability a lot. The most important thing to understand for these kind of builds is how the effe glitch and snapper loading can work together (specifically, look at the "advanced snapper loading" in the link Dark-Al posted). As already stated by others, you would also need better chassis management.

However, it doesn't make any sense for a relatively new player to try this (I have never tried it, since its super tedious and has already been done a bunch of times). The best use of your time if you want to improve in general is going to be practicing glitches, and this applies to any stock build.

Something else I forgot to mention: download an AI pack to play against, and also put some of those robots in the botlab so you can see how they were built.

As you improve, go through the tutorial guides here and here and keep posting new robots so we can help you out.

Creativity Showcase / Re: reier makes pictures
« on: February 23, 2018, 01:52:06 PM »
That viking is crazy! I like the shoulders and arms a lot.

Also the mood and expression of Ted the Red is pretty great.

Discussion / Re: IMPORTANT: this will save RA2
« on: January 18, 2018, 08:01:26 PM »
Can anyone test/confirm/deny (probably deny) if autohotkeys works on the user's end with parsec, that way both players can use the same button setup? How directly does parsec take the inputs?

Even if ahk does work, there's got to be some way to modify or transform the keyboard outputs.

Ironforge TC Showcases / Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
« on: January 16, 2018, 11:22:21 PM »
No comments on the UHW :(

This will be the last bot for a while. Probably.

I've finally given in to the dark side. My first TRFBD.

"Oh What Fun". HW. (Edit: I might have messed its weight, it might be too light, but I can’t check this anytime soon. I think it’s 499.7 kg with two ballasts). Plastic 3.

OWF front.png

OWF comp.png

20 40cm steel blades each on a flail. I've battled against and been able to defeat the default HS and Shell easily, which is good because it means I didn't horribly screw up.



Existing Games / Re: Favorite Games of 2017!
« on: January 15, 2018, 10:38:39 AM »
For some reason I rarely play new games nowadays. For me it's always been Minecraft, TF2, RA2, pokemon showdown, and random steam games I got a long time ago.

I made myself play doki doki literature club, which was wonderful. I've also tried playing Battlerite, which is an arena style game (think dota/league but with no monsters or bases or items or leveling, just killing each other with skills on cooldowns), and I thought the gameplay was pretty good although it was lacking in a lot of other departments.


Custom Components Showcase / Re: UberPyro's Retooled Showcase
« on: January 13, 2018, 08:21:05 PM »
I think as the champion of retooled I ought to make bots a little more often... it's been well over a year now.

Have a bot, it's named Aych Ess (because it's an HS... get it)

AE front.png

AE comp.png

It's pretty bad, actually. Once it looses a weapon it's too unstable to be any good. It doesn't mauler, just the chassis spins in place so meh.

I do think Retooled should be played more often though. Even after playing a lot of IF, Retooled feels very well polished and the selection between the different kinds of weapons, motors, and wheels, all intended for different purposes, is nice. There's nothing wrong with the mod if you play with no cheatbot or ban hovercraft, since hovercraft was really the only issue. And it tries to be really balanced with how it removes concussion and gives infinite electotal, etc etc. Well, I guess the number of people that build in the standard (DSL-S) building style is low nowadays anyway.


edit: OK fair enough Badnik

I've got to say, I'm really appreciating these daily uploads.


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