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Messages - TBD Devastator

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Stock Showcases / Re: shedRift Robots:
« on: March 02, 2014, 01:04:04 AM »
Okay, pardon me for asking this, but is that even able to drive straight? I don't see anything that would allow this bot to drive in a straight line.

Second, make it somewhat symmetrical. Your weight is massively imbalanced to one side, and will likely make the bot drift over that way if it can drive in straight lines. The lack of armor on the left side also makes the bot vulnerable to attacks from there.

Third, stack your weapons instead of festooning them all over the bot like Christmas ornaments. Use HP Z-teks whenever possible for these as well: Redbirds make for poor weapon motors. Heck, use HP Z-teks whenever possible anywhere. They're the most efficient motors.

I'll leave better critique to the folks who actually know what they're doing, but that's some basic info for you. Apologies if I sound a bit harsh.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: March 01, 2014, 08:52:47 PM »
So over the past month or so I've been building bots during lunch break at school. Here's a selection of the ones I've made that are mostly finished, none of them have names though. Quality is also probably iffy, since the great majority of these were 10-15 minute builds.

Horizontal bar spinner. MW or CW, depending on chassis armor.

Angled bar spinner. MW, Titanium 3mm methinks. A bit unstable, so has polycarbon bars jutting to the sides.

Sawbot. LW, Aluminium 1mm. Essentially a downsized Dauntless.

Hammerer. MW, Titanium 5mm. Uses some cheatbot components (the hammers and Judge bursts)

Horizontal bar spinner. LW, Plastic 5mm armor. The bar might be a bit too high up on the bot to hit most other LWs.

Hammerer. CW, Titanium 3mm armor. Uses Judge Bursts and the cheatbot Frenzy hammers.

True popup (might be just generic popup, /shrug). HW, Titanium 5mm armor. Has some stacked ant batteries in the back.

Sawbot. LW, Titanium 3mm. Cambered wheels.

Hammerer, might be a hybrid. CW, Titanium 5mm. Ingame name was Raptor Attack but that sounded a bit cliche.

Horizontal disc spinner. MW, Aluminium 5mm. Disc might be too high up to hit most items well.

EDIT: This too.

Horizontal bar spinner. HW, Titanium 5mm. Skirts are mounted on burst pistons to shove robots away and give time for the saws to be brought to bear.

Game Development / Re: Scrapmatch
« on: February 28, 2014, 06:27:42 AM »
I'd advise that you guys just take a rest from bickering with each other for a week or so, this seems to be getting a little out of hand.

Anyway, great work so far Sic, eager to view what comes out from this project in further development if I haven't said so already!

Existing Games / Re: ROBOCRAFT
« on: February 25, 2014, 04:10:23 AM »
Speaking of weapon spam... I just ran into this thing while fighting. Keep in mind that this is a Tier 4 match.

Existing Games / Re: ROBOCRAFT
« on: February 24, 2014, 12:19:30 AM »
My own username's Sekibanki, stolen from a Touhou character.

Most of my stuff just focuses on massive walls of armor without much else. Best rig, the Battle Master I put way up in the start of the topic, still only has 4xT2 top lasers at tier 3, but hell can it take a beating.

The hilarious part comes when I still get a half-dozen kills with only two guns left, lol

I have my suspicions that I'm the SFTW, but other than that this looks like some really neat stuff if a bit unvariative.

Existing Games / Re: ROBOCRAFT
« on: February 19, 2014, 03:02:15 PM »
gj getting me another game to grind on.

Seemed pretty nice, my game efforts are as of right now this vehicle.

Had some nice luck with it, since from what I've seen this thing can take a hell of a lot of punishment for its tier, probably even better after I get stronger armoring on the sides.

Tournament Archives / Re: Orphans - SBV
« on: February 14, 2014, 09:59:41 PM »

Tournament Archives / Re: Orphans - SBV
« on: February 14, 2014, 05:12:18 PM »

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes "Spin-Off"
« on: February 12, 2014, 10:22:03 PM »
With all these big names entering I have the feeling that I'm gonna get so incredibly thrashed because of the idea I went with and overall poor SnS building skill it won't even be funny...

(honestly wouldn't care if one of you guys would like to replace the bot I built in the roster if we get too many entries, however improbable that is)

DSL TC Showcases / Re: LRA2's/Avalanche's DSL Robot Showcase
« on: February 09, 2014, 10:14:57 PM »
I'm thinking that if you downgrade the armor a little you'll be able to put on more axes. Just one won't cut it for a MW.

Additionally, I only see four ants, which despite using ants being a good tactic in DSL 2 building, it's not so smart in DSL 3 as ants got the nerf hammer and hard. Also, make sure you fully power your burst motors in amps, you'll see the requirements in the description

I'll leave it to others to give you extra tidbits - I'm not that great at DSL3 myself.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: February 08, 2014, 11:29:26 PM »
Alright, so we bricked another USB drive. Always fun.

But we still have bots! Most of these were the results of boredom at school, so they're not exactly great. Could eventually build better things from them though, given advice. Also, short descriptions! Yay?

This may or may not be something for Orphans. Effective? Probably not. But I think it looks semi-neat so yeah.

This bot I swear is less like a bot and more like a helicopter. Pulls Rage IIIs all the time, oftentimes staying in the air far longer than a bot should reasonably be.

Next, proof that this user is not very manly according to Nar's bot archetypes. Sure, it's really darn fast, but it only has 8 axes and 1 razor. Not exactly prime rammer armament.

Lastly, a semi-jokebot. Sure, two JX-Ses on a MW should kick a bot's rear, but not when it can't get under much of anything.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: January 26, 2014, 02:15:31 AM »
The first bot has a cube chassis, so it's pretty tall. Could shave some height off of it, but it was designed according to the Clash Cubes rule set since that seemed like it might be showing up soon.

There's one 70KG sledge on the end of each of the DSL bars, and nothing else.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: January 25, 2014, 11:43:19 PM »
Made some changes to S.R.W., I have the feeling I'm still messing something up though.

Still heavily armored, but I stripped off the extra crap slapped onto the chassis for more drive and an extra arm. Still follows CC rules though I think, since still HW SnS with cube chassis.

I also got bored again, so have a robot boxer. I couldn't figure out how the heck I'd be able to make a robot able to do a hook, but I got sorta-jabs and sorta-uppercuts working.

Shame I can't figure out how to make a walkerbot either, because right now the translation from the top to the bottom looks horrendous.

Also keep in mind that this is totally a serious bot because how can you not be serious when you have such a nice hat?

Tournament Archives / Re: Keep Your Enemies Close - Videos
« on: January 25, 2014, 05:33:30 PM »

Tournament Archives / Re: Keep Your Enemies Close - Videos
« on: January 24, 2014, 03:10:03 PM »
Responsible for two of those crappy bot names... I honestly had no clue what to name 'em.

Either way, I have high hopes for one, and not-so-high hopes for the other.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: January 21, 2014, 11:27:44 PM »
I always seem to think that Plows make for good top armor. I dunno why, must be the hitpoints. :S

Yeah, Super Rotary Warhead's an SnS, although it takes a long time to spin up and spins very slowly due to having far too much armor and only 2xNPC-F drive. I was considering making it 4x NPC-Fs and stripping the armor so I could mount an additional arm on a tribar or something.

(btw, said bot was inspired by the CC rules, since HW SnS with cube chassis)


DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: January 20, 2014, 03:00:39 AM »
Today's post has something to do with a tournament (maybe) and a hilarious failure at a new bot type (definitely) due to being half-asleep (might be a lie)

Veeeeery slow spin-up time, and I'm guessing I used about 500kg on armor which I have the feeling you wouldn't even need on an SnS.

But just so this post isn't entirely craps and giggles for you folks, have a new HS. Built it off of Infighter after getting bored at school, the supports for the motor are probably real awkward and overcomplex but I liked how it turned out. Handles real well and hits surprisingly hard.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: January 17, 2014, 06:21:44 AM »
Well, I had hammers and a VS on the back, but that kinda went overboard so I just replaced it with a bunch of irons.

aka could've been worse.

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