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Messages - Little lost bot

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Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - Brackets & Videos
« on: January 20, 2010, 06:24:47 PM »
you have to keep in mind Navi wasn't attempting to self right as the LCAU was being counted out  ;)

also SSG ? it was STC who you were versing  :mrgreen:

My bad STC

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - Brackets & Videos
« on: January 19, 2010, 11:16:27 PM »
Not neesersery Joe if it still moved (witch it did not) it could had a diffrent out come like push ssg's bot over the edge when the wall whent down.

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - Brackets & Videos
« on: January 19, 2010, 10:00:36 AM »
Now thats annoying could have won to oh well.

yeah. you had a fair chance. may next time.


Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - Brackets & Videos
« on: January 19, 2010, 09:52:32 AM »
Now thats annoying could have won to oh well.

Tournament Archives / Re: Hover wars
« on: January 19, 2010, 09:41:44 AM »
I know I came up with the Idea its just #1 My com (cumputer) is buggy as in randowm blue screens #2 I'm no good AI,er #3 I'm not sure if its a good idea for me to host a ternament you know I don't know All the ties right now you know. That why I whant some one that maybe held a couple ternaments to host this one in a attmeped to get the best resultes that sort of thing and I still need to find a program that I and my com can work with to make the prizes if I'm going to host this you know? Inather words I don't think i'm ready to host it. I need some one who is and has the time.That sort of thing.

Tournament Archives / Re: Hover wars
« on: January 19, 2010, 09:32:31 AM »
As I was saying Or maby I didn't make it clear anouf Thats just the begining me and the host will talk it over when some one disides to host it and also giving people the freedowm will alow them to biuld there Fav Wclass you know If this don't get off the ground at lest I tryed.

Tournament Archives / Hover wars
« on: January 19, 2010, 09:25:37 AM »
Hey little lost bot here so I was wandering if any one was intrested in a ternament with hover craft?
Rule's : Dsl LW MW HW
No shooting all meele still
All including paint jobes must be done in the games bot buider area.
No cheat bot 2 part exsepted the hover engine of coures.
no staking
And thats the start of it if some one is willing to host cause I can't com buggy. I started this beacuse I #1 saw no othe ternament like it so far and #2 its just for fun the prizes will disided with the host IF this goes throu. What do you guys think?

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - Brackets & Videos
« on: January 19, 2010, 08:56:08 AM »
Joe  why did my bot not move at all while he was on his but its still on its wheels.

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - SignUp
« on: January 07, 2010, 10:23:16 PM »
Joeblo My name spellet incorrectly oh and I sent the update veia email. YAAAAAAAA it work finally!!!

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - SignUp
« on: January 05, 2010, 09:14:00 PM »
i dont really care im just entering fo a laugh :D

At first I entrerd to get a victory but after see a pic of potental robot I'm like "ok this is just for some lol's, besides the main part is to have fun not just to win right?

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - SignUp
« on: January 04, 2010, 09:54:33 PM »
JoeBlo Did you get the bot? sorry just eager Its my first time doing this sort of thing.

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - SignUp
« on: January 04, 2010, 09:47:49 PM »
Hi my bot is uploaded not sure where to bot its uploaded used the componet uploader was that right or is there a another way I should of done it?

You should have:

compressed the .bot file with a program like winzip or winrar.  The file needs to be in .zip or .rar format.

you then need to upload that compressed file using the "file host" on the left hand side of the Game Tech Mods Main website.

After you upload it with that file host it will give you a address link to where that file is now located.  (just highlight the entire line of text in the top box from beginning to end)

You then need to send that address link to Joe via a private message.  When he receives that message he will be able to click on that link and download the file for your bot.  He will then uncompress it and use it for the tournament.

Hope this helps.

Thanks and sorry I'm slowly getting into the hang of this.

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - SignUp
« on: January 04, 2010, 08:03:23 PM »
Hi my bot is uploaded not sure where to bot its uploaded used the componet uploader was that right or is there a another way I should of done it?

Tournament Archives / Re: Clash Cubes 3 - SignUp
« on: January 04, 2010, 09:08:52 AM »
Im in if thats ok I'm working on the bot right now and after school I'll have it in as soon as possible.

Discussion / Re: Favourite Weapon Type
« on: January 03, 2010, 02:53:36 PM »
I say Flippers rule like GoldenFox93 said theirs nothen seeing your opponet fly thruo the air and SMASH onto the ground, its to watch and do.

Discussion / Re: Backyrd ripper
« on: January 03, 2010, 02:47:03 PM »
Backyrd ripper is one of the esayest stock bot ther is. Hammer off his disc, Flip him onto his disc or back, slice off his wheels. Emergancy is the hardest one for me.

General Support / Re: .Py bindings help
« on: January 03, 2010, 08:51:12 AM »
Ok I'll try that and see if the game works with that now thanks :smile:

General Support / Re: .Py bindings help
« on: January 02, 2010, 07:02:46 PM »
Every time I edit the file the game crashes I try to add list.append(("Killdozer","Rammer",{'invertible':True,'nose':math.pi,'radius':0.1,'topspeed':100,'throttle':130,'turn':60,'turnspeed':2.5,'weapons':(10,)}))
with note pad the that comes with the cumputer and ya it just crashes HELP :vista:

Modifications / Re: Hover engine?
« on: January 02, 2010, 12:56:40 PM »
I like the hover engins get to have hover war and so on.
All you need to do is use the analogs to wire it with some air tanks and wala you are sloly fling throu the air

I suck at spelling

Modifications / Piercing and Concussion?
« on: January 23, 2009, 08:40:38 PM »
Um High guys I'm new here and I suck at spelling so ya. whats up?

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