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Messages - Asbestosstar

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 [22] 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 ... 40
some, but some are weird Like Unreal  forgot the 2nd word, has extenders in weird places, John Flys in the air, mine uses anti ballast technology to bounce myself in the air and die, the one st the bottom right is a multi bot. But yeah some a pretty basic. MR.As says he will make his make sounds.

Splash is up

I am ok for now,

I am working on the splash.

P.S Dark AL's wheels dont touch the ground.
Are you sure about that? I tested the new wheels and they do work with the design.
Not from what iv seen.
I sent you two models of the same Robot with different wheels. One with Shiny hubs wheels and the other with Pussycat wheels. Which one are you using?

the 2nd. Also, the AI had a problem to,  It does not spin. And it starts in A WEIRD POsition , Let me send a pic of what i got.

Can I please enter evento uno?

And sorry, but no.
 I told you that you would do well, you did not listen, and im sure this is just a joke like this event.

P.S Dark AL's wheels dont touch the ground.
Are you sure about that? I tested the new wheels and they do work with the design.
Not from what iv seen.

maybe during the vid or after.

IN the vid do yall want only fights or commentary and ads and stuff like that?

P.S Dark AL's wheels dont touch the ground.

Crap I was drawn against MNB, and DarkAI for my melee... Oh well I wasn't in this one to win any fights, plus there is always the loser's bracket.

3 chances.

i wont any how i have too many people.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Thyrus`Showcase
« on: July 24, 2017, 10:37:16 PM »
Maybe it looks a little like that

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Thyrus`Showcase
« on: July 24, 2017, 09:12:34 PM »

****, i miss out on everything

To be fair, i sent you a PM near the begginging of signups.

I am starting to type my script..............................

I hope yall do well.

Each of the 1st rumbles has 2 winners.

for what?
The fighting?

Did you edit the GMF at all?

Robin's TBD
Looser Double Elim Bracket TBD
Winner/Final Double Elim TBD


New Plan

I will lock this thread and put the bracket on the Bracket , Picture, Videos Thead and the disscousion will be there.

can i enter the evento uno
but i want to enter evento uno let me enter

Can I send a custom AI before the SBV goes up? It won't be like the ones lying crooked Badger sends you that delete the data off of your Windows ME computer.

OK, will test on a VM.

Remember RA2 Had problems on my WINME computer.

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