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Messages - TheUnknownRobotics

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I said it was a washing machine, damn it!
Too bad. Mouldy deserves the praise.

DB (forced by Mouldy)

Here's the manga version. Most of it looks sketchy because the scanner screwed it up. T-T I will fix it somehow. But for now, here it is.
(Also there's lines going horizontal because I used a notebook)

I can do better, just that I wasn't making this HUGE.

Existing Games / Re: Weekly Tetris Tournament - 9th AUGUST 10:00PM- BST
« on: August 02, 2014, 07:56:01 PM »
So basically a rule that bans awesumsauce without actually banning him?
I like it.
Mouldy for President

Read left to right like a manga. I think I forgot Kos-Flow, and maybe Carrot.
Manga is right to left.
Meant to say comic. T-T
cover blown, weeb
Not really a weeb, more of an otaku.

Read left to right like a manga. I think I forgot Kos-Flow, and maybe Carrot.
Manga is right to left.
Meant to say comic. T-T

This is poorly drawn. The stick figures in this comic look atrocious. I will make a manga version hand-drawn (I will NOT reDraw it on the CPU, I will leave it in pen ink.)

This was based on a true story on our Skype-Cast (like Mouldy's). It's not perfect, but it's the same view about what happened.

Read left to right like a comic. I think I forgot Kos-Flow, and maybe Carrot.


Tournament Archives / Re: Jaydee Wars (mini tourney) - Signups
« on: August 02, 2014, 12:28:53 PM »
How has Fatal Traction failed though? This may start World War 3, but try wiring the weapon to the Forward, Backward, Left and Right control with the disc spinning the same way for all directions (on clockwise for everything) and if that doesn't work... I don't know what else will work.
I beg you, no.

Try wiring the weapon motor to a switch instead of a button, that might help.
Been there, failed that.
I'm sorry Kurt, but your Fatal Traction Replica is just too unstabe, plus I don't know how to make components invisible. :embarr

Let me see it. I'll try and fix it if I can.

Modifications / Re: Robot Wars RA2 - OFFICIAL MOD
« on: July 28, 2014, 06:41:56 PM »
Cheers lads!

Mystic2000, Wham started it off and the first replicas that were released in his BETA are well... his! but the majority of the robots that will be in the pack now are all my doing, I've made almost 50 now so you can expect the Mod to be very large!

Yes, there will be new components such as axe heads, flippers, wedges, scoops, batteries, and armour.

Here is something I've knocked up very quickly, Kronic.

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

(Image removed from quote.)

The skin isn't as high def as the others I've made so it could be replaced at some point.
The world has ended. We have a new god.

Modifications / Re: Ghetto Skin Pack Release V.045345346546
« on: July 28, 2014, 06:39:04 PM »
The skins are looking good, dude. Maybe try DSL Disc?
It's Stock, d00d..
Got mixed up o.O
Well, DISC. I would love that.

Modifications / Re: Ghetto Skin Pack Release V.045345346546
« on: July 28, 2014, 04:25:50 PM »
As good as the reskins are, how does the term 'Ghetto' qualify as a suitable name for this pack?  :confused:
Because I don't even bother to decompile the .gmf when I reskin things, I just change extender.bmp to something like rxtender.bmp with notepad  :dumb)
The skins are looking good, dude. Maybe try DSL Disc?

Existing Games / Re: Weekly Tetris Tournament - 19th July 9:30PM BST
« on: July 27, 2014, 10:03:21 AM »
I Piece Orgy Tetris Tournament Results

Seed 1: Mr.As            -        8/1
Seed 2: Kurt Wylde       -      7/6
Seed 3: MKB                 -     4/5
Seed 4: UnknownRobotics -   3/4
Seed 5: Badnik              -     2/5
Seed 6: Helloface     -          1/2


SEED 1 - Mr. AS 18/3 (Three Consecutive Tournament Wins)
SEED 2 - Mouldy King Bash 8/8
SEED 3 - UnknownRobotics 8/9
SEED 4 - 090901: 7/3
SEED 5 - S.T.C 7/4
SEED 6 - Kurt Wylde 7/8
SEED 7 - Badnik96 3/7
SEED 8 - playzooki 2/3
SEED 9 - helloface199 2/6
SEED 10 - NeighImACarrot: 1/2
SEED 11 - freeziez: 0/2
SEED 11 - Craaig: 0/2
SEED 11 - Chaosmancer: 0/2
SEED 11 - Ty4er 0/2

Lol, I'm still Seed 4.

Existing Games / Re: Dueling Network
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:34:38 AM »
You guys should play Tanukis.
They are some messed up sh**.

I play Tanukis and I've owned both Martin and Yugitom with them :)

Obedience Schooled is so op man
I don't recall Tanukis... Anyway, 'owning' me when I'm not playing competitively isn't anything to brag about.

Edit: Oh, the raccoons.
Still owned you when you played that deck.
(Then again, both of us were outdated)

Existing Games / Re: Weekly Tetris Tournament - 19th July 9:30PM BST
« on: July 26, 2014, 10:31:46 AM »
Mouldy, please change the day. I don't want Game Night to trouble this. (Not to mention, Kurt is busy)

Existing Games / Re: Dueling Network
« on: July 25, 2014, 09:45:32 PM »
You guys should play Tanikis.
They are some messed up sh**.
I have no idea what kind of deck that is, let alone a card for it.
(I feel like a noob again).

Tournament Archives / Re: Jaydee Wars (mini tourney) - Signups
« on: July 24, 2014, 08:59:45 PM »
Okay, Tommy, Jaydee, I don't wanna sound mean or anything but who is actually running this tournament?

Because it's seems to me that we are having some issues in the whole organisation/authority of this thread.
but look at how far it got us.
lol you have one entry (Don't want to be rude, but I kind of laughed)
Hmm, lets see, 10 yes votes, approved by Craaig...
You forgot that part.
Well, you should list "Waiting for bot" then (Or contact Jaydee if he knows who voted "yes")

Existing Games / Re: Dueling Network
« on: July 24, 2014, 08:57:38 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)

I'm using my Uria OTK against his Defense Damage OTK or whatever he wants to call it. 3 cards left, I FINALLY summon Uria and he hits me with JUST ENOUGH defense boosts to win.

He now owns my sides.
21000 atk for Uria and 29600 def for my monster! Awesome.

Existing Games / Re: Dueling Network
« on: July 24, 2014, 02:05:32 PM »
It was cool dueling ya, Martin.

I just thought I would record the tie breaker:

Dude... I really don't want this up to be honest. I may sound like a pussy, but my deck was nooby (thanks to the AUTO DEFAULT Deck thing).
May I ask you to put it on private? If not, possibly just giving me the video instead?
What video?
The Tie breaker... I don't really want that on youtube.

Existing Games / Re: Dueling Network
« on: July 24, 2014, 11:40:03 AM »
It was cool dueling ya, Martin.

I just thought I would record the tie breaker:

Dude... I really don't want this up to be honest. I may sound like a pussy, but my deck was nooby (thanks to the AUTO DEFAULT Deck thing).
May I ask you to put it on private? If not, possibly just giving me the video instead?

Existing Games / Re: Dueling Network
« on: July 23, 2014, 07:17:04 PM »
Take away XYZ from your zombie swarm and I have nothing against your deck choice.

DN Name: yugitom0
I do have my Zombie-LightSwarm deck still with me. maybe I'll play you soon (gotta fix it up)

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