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Messages - Conraaa

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Tournament Archives / Re: ¡Toreo! SBV Awards voting is now up!
« on: March 24, 2017, 12:16:25 PM »
Thanks for finishing this. Tittybot os now tied with Shebeast for best performance of any tournament bot I've entered. (That's kinda sad actually)

Are you implying I wouldn't finish a tournament? And this is far more prestigious than BBEANS.

Voting closes on Sunday, people.


Tournament Archives / Re: ¡Toreo! SBV Awards voting is now up!
« on: March 19, 2017, 07:25:34 AM »

The tournament is over!

Congratulations to

And well done to

Now, as is customary, I open the awards voting for this tournament. The awards are:

Best Design: The robot you think had the best design.
Unluckiest Robot: Which robot was unluckiest in the draw and really should have done better.
SFTW: The worst robot of the tournament.
That Wasn't Unrealistic At All!: The robot that didn't really take advantage of the unrealistic stipulation of this tournament all that much.
Best Match: Your favourite match of the tournament.

Both main tournament and wooden spoon cup matches are eligible for voting in these awards. Take them into consideration.

Code: [Select]
[b]Best Design:[/b]
[b]Unluckiest Robot:[/b]
[b]That Wasn't Unrealistic At All!:[/b]
[b]Best Match:[/b]

My personal votes are:

Best Design: Big Business
Unluckiest Robot: Trigger Warning
SFTW: Black Star
That Wasn't Unrealistic At All!: Large Flip
Best Match: Wooden Spoon Cup Round 1: Enter Bot Name vs A Cheap And Chippy Chopper

You have until Sunday 26th of March at 17:00 GMT to vote. Get voting!

Voting ends in .

Tournament Archives / Re: ¡Toreo! SBV
« on: March 19, 2017, 06:42:27 AM »
Loser's bracket final is now up!

Tournament Archives / Re: ¡Toreo! SBV
« on: March 18, 2017, 07:59:47 AM »
Loser's bracket round 6 is now up!

Kurt's on point. :thumbup


I hope people realise that the roboteers have no say whatsoever in the judging decisions and that
doesn't get any flack for tonight's episode.

Tournament Archives / Re: ¡Toreo! SBV
« on: March 12, 2017, 12:17:36 PM »
Losers bracket round 5 is now up!

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Political Compass Thread
« on: February 07, 2017, 07:05:19 AM »
I covered up the left side of the screen as I was doing it.


Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Music ATM
« on: January 25, 2017, 02:55:12 PM »

Neil Cicierega has a new mashup album. I like it.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Top 50 Albums List
« on: January 25, 2017, 07:24:48 AM »
Well, this was a hard one, actually trying to think of 50 albums i've listened to and liked. Using Portal 2 was a bit of a cop out admittedly.
(Image removed from quote.)
Still not sure about Enigmatic Box of Sound, or the order of the top 4, it'll probably be changed in the near future.

When you see the top 50 you did 5 years ago and want to kill yourself. I'm not sure why I padded that last one out with compilation albums (Hello, Portal 2 soundtrack!) and albums I hadn't fully listened to instead of just making a shorter list.

Don't get me wrong, with five Sparks albums and four They Might Be Giants albums, this one isn't much better. But at least i've listened to all of these fully! (Including elseq. I had to set aside a day for that one.)



Tournament Archives / Re: BBEAMS 7 Splash and Brackets
« on: January 20, 2017, 05:58:20 PM »


Tournament Archives / Re: SFTW Showdown - SBV
« on: January 17, 2017, 12:40:56 PM »
Yep. Make sure you shuffle the seeds beforehand.

Tournament Archives / Re: SFTW Showdown - SBV
« on: January 17, 2017, 11:42:14 AM »
Conraaa is right, doing the byes that way is a horrible idea. Mix them randomly into the 1st round.

Even then they should be spread evenly, not randomly. So two byes don't meet in the first round and allow someone to skip the quarter final.

Just shuffle the seeds in challonge and let it do the hard work.

Tournament Archives / Re: SFTW Showdown - SBV
« on: January 17, 2017, 07:03:10 AM »
You've also managed to choose a configuration that has more byes than needed. You only need 4.

I only count 4 byes; is there a secret one I'm missing?

If you squint a bit, only get a few hours sleep and then count it, it's more than 4.

Rectifying my original post. But my point still stands. This current layout is not fair. There are byes in what should be one of the most hype matches (Semi finals). Byes should only be used to get a tournament to the "Standard" format (2n participants in a round) as quickly as possible and then go from there. While this is more "Fair" intially (Everyone fights in round 1, I see why you did it). It becomes massively unfair when someone gets to skip the semi final and goes straight to the final.

Tournament Archives / Re: SFTW Showdown - SBV
« on: January 17, 2017, 06:42:51 AM »
I'd like those brackets reshuffled. Someone just getting straight to the grand final in the third round doesn't work. Byes should be evenly distributed and only be in place for the first round, and then the tournament should be standard from there. You've also managed to choose a configuration that has more byes than needed. You only need 4.

Edited because I am talking out of my arse in the last sentence.

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