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Messages - LiNcK

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Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3
« on: May 30, 2016, 08:19:08 PM »
I do not have faith that this game can be fixed; I am not a programmer myself, but the flaws in this game seem far too significant to be something that can be patched up in a single go and I don't think the developers have the funding/resources needed to continuously work on this game and release tons of patches and fixes. Robot Arena 3 is probably going to be a critical and financial failure and unless the community modding scene can do something about it I doubt this game is going to catch on and we'll all probably still continue to play RA2.

While I'm not a programmer myself either it seems to me like the biggest problems this game has are quite simple. The physics mesh of a chassis fitting the visuals is something pretty much every game manages to do; even RA2. IDK about Unity specifically and its limitations, but I doubt that you'd need a AAA team to develop a system/workaround if Unity doesn't natively support it. Similarly, the lack of collisions in the botlab also seems like a relatively easy thing that every game gets right. There have been much more complicated games than RA3 done in Unity. KSP is a prime example. Its an indie too!

Now, the bots going physics crazy? That's a problem that I see being complicated to fix. Still, I think by fixing the botlab and chassis the game becomes at least playable. My real doubt is whether the devs just went for a quick cash grab or whether they truly want to make a RA3.

Just out of curiosity, what was the last time you tested the game? You mentioned there were glaring problems then but you thought they'd be fixed by release. Obviously they weren't so how much time passed between when you last saw/played the game and what we got?

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3
« on: May 29, 2016, 06:25:04 PM »
Rainbow Six Siege was also pretty borken on release but after the first big update (Black Ice) it became pretty playable and now after the second big update its damn good. It took them 6 months but that's a much bigger game than RA3 is. I say we wait for at least the first update and see how much is fixed then to complain about cash grabs. The biggest problems with the game are relatively simple compared to other game development and troubles.

Personally I like "cheating." It makes up for what the games lacks. and I live my life by the notion that the only rule is what a man can do, and what a man can't do.

I like it too. We are already limiting cheaty things, specially in DSL, that you can do even without crazy mods like this. In my opinion no hitboxes is a good thing because it will make building much easier (more about creativity and design than skill in finding magic pixels and cheating the game) but also because it will remove those "dirty" looking acceptable bots like an ant clipping a motor just a tiny bit because the game didn't allow you to place it where it didn't clip that tiny bit. It will also make remaking your chassis not such a huge pain because pacing components won't be a hassle.

At the end of the day if you're going to put your bot in a tournament or in a showcase it will be checked by others, so if anything is too far out it will be called out.

Hell, with this .exe I think absolutely no amount of essential.component clipping (motors, batteries, etc.) should be allowed in bots from now on. After all, we have the tools for it not to happen now.

This might juat be the thing that gets me back into RA2. This has literally been my wish since I first started RA2 7 years ago.

You have my sincere thanks Serge, seriously :)

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3
« on: May 27, 2016, 12:37:36 PM »
i think this game as it is may be just good for the next n00b warz tournament
The vast majority of bots I've seen look pretty IRL. I wonder whether that's because making a DSL-S style bot is just extremely hard and annoying (and will probably bug out anyways) or whether that's just the way its gonna be.

On another note yesterday I sae a guy stream and he did get OOTA'd out of the Flex Top arena.  Some online matches even went pretty smoothly. Every time nothing glitched and the game seemed playable he was using a workshop bot called Spinny N Something else, ehich had a very colorful chassis.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3
« on: May 27, 2016, 02:36:00 AM »
I've been quiet about this game mostly because I don't know what I'm allowed to say about it since I signed an NDA a while back, but it's disappointing to say the least. I hope the dev team is able to fix this, though I'm not certain this is a hole they can get themselves out of. I know nothing about Unity, but all this talk of "collision mesh" this and "motor speed" that doesn't sound good. I don't pretend nor claim to know anything about programming and whatnot, but it seems really bizarre that something like a wedge or a dustpan robot simply don't work and both types of robots end up being viewed as a giant cube.

Indeed. It just seems weird to as how something as critical as a wedge chassis not having the collisions of a cube could be ignored. Seriously... How does this: get through development and testing? Did they not know this system was massively broken or did they simply decide not to do anything about it? This is not very bad optimization, massive bugs, or crashing, this is an essential system being fundamentally flawed. A bot's chassis actually working is probably one of the first things that should have been finished when making the game.

I find it funny that for being devs that are supposedly super passionate about the game and actually took input from this community they don't seem to have realized our obsession with wedges.

Makes me wonder... Maybe they should have done a Kickstarter to get the resources they needed to make a great game from the start. I think this botched release will hurt them a lot. We will come back to it if fixed, but your average Joe probably won't care unless there's something new and extraordinary about it or unless its once again advertised. Hell, I might probably disappear until I hear about RA3 again since that's really what I came here for, though I am enjoying some RA2 for now so who knows.

There's a of a couple of Youtubers that play these types of more "thinking/planning" games like Factorio, Cities: Skylines, Prison Architect, etc. that actually spend time to play the game (unlike popular Let's players like GameGrumps, RoosterTeeth, etc.) so I guess that could be an avenue for advertising once the game is in a playable state. Arumba, quill18, Mathas, Aavak and Lathrix/Lathland are some that come to mind. They're not huge but they have a good 100,000-200,000 subs each. Hell, RA3 seems like the type of game that Total Biscuit might be interested in doing a video on. We need a working game for that though.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: LiNcK'z Botz
« on: May 26, 2016, 08:27:31 PM »
I used 2 big wedges mostly as a literal "catch all" - I figured even if someone fully misses me on the side, the fact that my wedge extends over my side could mean that I go under them instead of me going under theirs. So a bit of a defensive bubble of wedge around me so to speak. I could always change them for straight ones of better materials though or use the weight to add sidepieces to hold enemies in place. Does it even matter how long wedges are? I've always done 120cm but it has always been a habit thing.

Razor tips have 1000HP, 400DP, 50 Fracture, and no normals. Heavy Teeth have much better DP but they have normals and I didn't wanna run into "they hit the top of the spinner" situations in which I would deal no damage. I could sacrifice 100 DP for another 1000HP if I use Iron Spikes or sacrifice 160DP for another 1500HP if I use Heavy Beaters though... That's worth considering, specially since many fights are won simple due to more durable weaponry. There's probably other options out there that became useful with 2.2 too but I figured Razor Tips would be safe picks.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3
« on: May 26, 2016, 07:45:03 PM »
I've been looking at a few videos and I realized... Is the "put items anywhere" really all that bad? I mean, its obviously too much currently but at the same time havent you been annoyed at items in RA2 that visually fit in places (say, an ant behind a snapper) but because the items hitboxes are huge you cant place them there? Even with DSL we can do some crazy stacking too but the community made rules about what is acceptable and what isn't and everyone builds pretty realistically in DSL despite possibilities.

I think you're too free to put items anywhere now but I think lenient stacking rules allows for both Stock style crazyness as well as DSL style realistic building without the annoyance of pixel-perfect placement to get past hitbox shenanigans (Like this: - You gotta find that magic pixel to stack that ant like the other side). I sure have wished many times that items didn't have hitboxes in RA2 botlab because at the end of the day people only care about visual stacking. Some bots end up looking even worse when legitimately done because even though there's a good-looking spot to place the item, the game sometimes only allows placement of some items when they're visually stacking a bit due to hitboxes.

Even stuff such as motors largely outside a chassis is pretty possible IRL. As long as they have a system in place where it can be blown off/damaged beyond use as if it was outside I think it should be alright to do. We do it with NPCs in DSL and nobody complains.

Any thoughts?

DSL TC Showcases / Re: LiNcK'z Botz
« on: May 26, 2016, 06:32:25 PM »
I updated Silver Beast, incorporating some of the tips.

I didn't really manage to get other batteries in there besides ants due to how small the body is and how there's a huge motor breaking it up in the middle but a little inefficiency on the batteries doesn't seem that bad.

With the extra weight from losing the disc and downgrading the drive I managed to get 2 heavy beater bars in the front. I was thinking it could turn into a rammer when the razor tips got taken out, even if its a bit slow. Its also good frontal armor for when the spinner gets taken out and the AI still decides to ram the enemy. Hopefully the enemy weapons would be so damaged by then that the bars manage to take them out, leaving me to be the only armed bot in the fight.

I put the Razor tip on the top of the "spinner as both armor (its 5 different block extenders so quite vulnerable) and to be able to hit taller bots more reliably or maybe get some hits in on top of other bots (Like when they ram me and their backs jump up a bit).

Lastly, I changed the skirt hinge for spring-loaded hinges (the free ones just went crazy), though IDK exactly how to make them as effective as possible. Right now they start a bit lower than the bot and end parallel with it. I also upgraded the actual wedge to curved ones rather than straight because I had the extra weight.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 03:00:09 PM »
The skinning is atrocious. - I applied a diamond plate and it stretched it ridiculously

Let's not forget that we come from a game where skinning natively looks like this:

There's definitely an argument to be made that RA2 is old as hell and RA3, being a 2016 game, should at least get that right, but hey... RA2 didn't really do too good a job either even after being finished.
Note your complaints in the official feedback thread and/or bug report threads and we'll see if the devs care enough to fix these issues. Hopefully they will.

Also, does anyone know about any videos of RA3 gameplay? I wasn't available to see the streams and pretty much all of you have the Save past broadcasts option on Twitch off so there's basically nothing out there.

Discussion / Given RA3's state this is what I think we should do
« on: May 26, 2016, 02:38:36 PM »
Not all of us have played the game but we all understand the horrible state it finds itself in. However, I think we should not dismiss the game as trash and just continue with hour lives. This is our chance to help create the RA3 some of us have been waiting for for over 5 years, let's use it.

First, I urge you to go to this lovely Bug Report Thread that Badger made for us and report any bugs you find:
Post the bugs you've found (such as being able to build completely out of the chassis and such) there to help the developers tackle these bugs.

Second, I encourage you to give your feedback on the official feedback thread:
Give your feedback on how systems work, physics, items, etc. but try to stay civil and most importantly, give the developers pointers on how they could fix the problems. I'm sure you can come up with ideas on how something could be done better, and who knows, maybe the developers agree!
I'd also like to encourage to try to be constructive when leaving feedback on the official Steam page. RA3 is not just for us, its for everyone, so try to stay objective when pointing out the problems for the public to see. Don't just bash the game!

Third, Steam offers refunds for games if you've got less than 2 hours of play time. Instructions here:
If you wish to do that then go ahead and put some pressure for the devs to fix the problems before you "buy into it" again. Keep in mind that this hurts them financially, which could be a bad thing if they are truly committed to fixing the problems. But hey, I just thought you'd like to know if you truly believe this is a cash grab. If you want to vote with your wallet, go ahead. If you wish to remain supporting the developers financially, you're just as right too. You can provide bug reports and other feedback in the threads above if you choose to support the devs regardless :)

If we provide our feedback and the developers don't care and don't fix anything, we simply lost some of our time. If they fix stuff we report then we got ourselves a true RA3. The possible benefits vastly outweigh the possible loss.

Discussion / RA3 Feedback Thread
« on: May 26, 2016, 02:38:31 PM »
Given Badger's Bug Report thread, I think it is useful that we also provide feedback on non-bugs.
This thread is for letting the developers know what you think is good, what needs improvement, what is missing, etc. in an organized manner.
I urge you to exercise constraint when posting here. Try to articulate what you mean to say in an objective manner instead of giving unhelpful feedback such as "Chassis making system is trash" with no description as to why, how to fix it, or anything.

Try to follow the following format but feel free to add more things if you wish.

Feedback area: (Chassis making, item placement, online, etc.)
Game Version: (Steam > Properties > Local Files > Current Content BuildID)
Reported On: (Date)
Feedback description:
Recommended fix:

Let's try to be helpful. If the devs truly care about the game and us, they'll listen. If they don't then hey... We just go back to RA2, right? We got nothing to lose other than a little bit of time.

edit: Appreciate the formality here. Please focus all feedback to the following thread I've borrowed some stuff from here because it's good, we're just trying to make this as official as possible to hopefully help promote constructive criticism. -Kill343

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 02:08:31 PM »
Anybody care to thoroughly explain why they didn't like it? Most comments are just calling it "bad" and "a pain" which don't really give much information as to what the issue is.

I think it is VERY IMPORTANT for us, the Robot Arena community, to give concrete constructive criticisms to the devs rather than dismiss thr game outright. We can help turn the game into what we all hoped for and the devs themselves will benefit from our criticism.

You can't build properly in it.

Not everything is bad, there ARE some new nice features but it is overshadowed by the bad UI and design decisions at the moment.

Like whenever I placed a ztek it put them halfway through the chassis, chassis making is far more complicated and the benefits of the new system are low compared to the drawbacks, for some reason it places components on a grid and THEN you can move them with some ui (and you never succeed in placing them symmetrically, at opposite 180° rotations or at the same height)

literally RA2 as it is is far superior. maybe they will improve their game, right now it's unplayable unless you have lots and lots of patience.

Thats something right there. Let's compile our thoughts in a rational and articulate manner and give them to thr devs. Who knows, maybe they do agree with you and change the chassis making system, no?

Rust was also horrible at first but radically changed its direction and now its pretty good; one of the better survival games in fact.

Its day 1 guys, and the game sucks, sure, but maybe some probpems came up just now? IIRC they had 2 player online working so maybe that just broke now. That can be salvaged in a but of time. Its the first itteration of an unfinished game, let's not expect a RA2 killer. if we called every toddler that got 5x7 wrong retarded and didnt help them I don't think they'd ever improve their math skills.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 02:05:13 PM »
Anybody care to thoroughly explain why they didn't like it? Most comments are just calling it "bad" and "a pain" which don't really give much information as to what the issue is.

I think it is VERY IMPORTANT for us, the Robot Arena community, to give concrete constructive criticisms to the devs rather than dismiss thr game outright. We can help turn the game into what we all hoped for and the devs themselves will benefit from our criticism.

Have you played the game?
Not being sarcastic. I honestly don't know.

You don't have any complaints???

Haven't played it but I never planned to buy it day 1 anyways since I haven't been interested in RA2 since 2010. I'm just here for the RA3 release and might leave again soon TBH.

I'm just saying that this is a chance to vreate RA3. Sure the game is bad now but every game at some stage of development is this bad, they just happened to release it (on early access) at this stage. What I'm saying is let's try to help and push the devs to continue development and get it to a good stage, ratger than dismiss the game, discourage the devs, and lose thr opportunity.

Be helpful not hateful.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 26, 2016, 01:58:29 PM »
Anybody care to thoroughly explain why they didn't like it? Most comments are just calling it "bad" and "a pain" which don't really give much information as to what the issue is.

I think it is VERY IMPORTANT for us, the Robot Arena community, to give concrete constructive criticisms to the devs rather than dismiss thr game outright. We can help turn the game into what we all hoped for and the devs themselves will benefit from our criticism.

Think about it. We are supposed to be the most dedicated fanbase/testers/community for this game. If not us then who? Nobody. The game fails and fades into nothing and we are stuck with RA2.

For one, I think we should make a thread to report issues like being able to put items into nothing and such and neatly orgabize them in the OP for easy access to the devs. They see this forum and it would be great for this dedicated community to put their hands together to help them create a good game.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 04:32:55 PM »
Uhh guys, this really isn't the place to discuss streaming stuff.

But anyway, while I'm really not very fond on games going into early access, I can see the reasoning on why they made that decision and perfectly understand.  I'll take their word for it when they say that it's only for a few weeks to take care of the problems that they couldn't finish.  I mean, I just hope it doesn't in early access for too long, at least, as long as games like Rust or Day Z.

Also, I've been skimming through the bot lab guide, and it seems building might not be as bad or uncomfortable as I initially thought.  Still not entirely sold on it, might need to wait tomorrow to really see if I'm right or wrong, but it seems they have some confidence in it.

I don't mind the early access because its just a title. If it released without the Early Access label we would still get the same exact product. Early Access is the devs' way of saying "What you see here isn't the final product" which I think is better than "This is done" since it signals that there's more to come. Although the post they made says that its mostly because they've got issues so Early Access seems more like their way of saying "People don't judge it too harshly for now, we got some problems" rather than the standard missing features that Early Access means.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:48:50 PM »
I can stream really easily.

Can we have a centralized thread with all stream links and times? Looks like 3-4 people are planning on streaming and probably some more will come later. It would be nice to have all links available rather than having to dig through comments to find who is streaming when.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:45:52 PM »
I'm using Shadowplay on my 970. Only issue is there's no separate audio channel for microphones, so in my gameplay recordings I've got people on Skype as loud as the game with me sounding like I'm 10 meters from the nearest audio recording device. Requires some keen audio balancing or using a separate program to record the microphone and sync the audio (for video making)

I had the exact opposite problem. On Teamspeak I sounded perfectly fine but in my recordings I sounded pretty damn loud. I solved it by basically removing all my mic settings from TS and just setting my mic up through windows so it would sound at the loudness I wanted on everything, rather than being loud everywhere and normal it in TS. Maybe your mic is just too low by default and Skype is doing its thing to make it sound good there? Skype is pretty good at just making stuff work without setting it up so I would guess it configures loudness equalization and such by itself.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 25, 2016, 02:26:35 PM »
Also considering streaming if anybody's interested. I've just got no idea how to stream, so I'd want to gauge interest before I put some time into figuring out how.

Do you have a newer (600 onwards) Nvidia card? If so you can get GeForce Experience, set it to Twitch streaming, and just press CTRL+F8 to start streaming. Just set up your resolution, FPS, and bitrate and you're done. There's also other options  like setting it to Shadowplay/Recording so you can press CTRL+F9 to start/stop a local recording or CTRL+F10 to save the last 1-5mins of gameplay. I personally have it in Shadowplay mode at all times so if I ever do anything cool in a game I have it recorded. I could literally press CTRL+F10 right now and have a recording of myself typing this comment! Most amazing thing is that there's really no performance impact either.

If you don't have a newer Nvidia card then you can get OBS. Its pretty easy to set up.

About the new information released: I'm REALLY liking it. I think the Botlab guide truly shows that the game isn't as stitched together as I first thought so I'm very glad! The game actually looks good! I take back what I said!
The part properties tab though makes me wish there was a mirror mode option so it would be easier to make "pixel perfect" bots. I can't be the only one that spends a long time trying to put my drive motors on the very last pixel it allows me to, right? Having to do it only once would be great! Mirror mode could be used for a ton of things... Most bots are symmetrical after all.

Discussion / Re: Robot Arena 3!
« on: May 24, 2016, 09:12:25 PM »
Looks kinda like it will be a combination of RA1 and 2 with the best of both.

I kinda hope it is balanced and fairly good online play ........ 2 more days and we will know!

I'm really hoping for a solid online experience. If there's problems with parts, balance, etc. I'm sure some the amazingly talented and dedicated members of this community would eventually create a RA3 DSL mod but we would still basically end up with a prettier looking and maybe slightly mechanically better RA2. I won't be buying it day 1 but I'll definitely check out FOTEPX's stream and other stuff you guys post on here and if it looks good I'll buy it.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: LiNcK'z Botz
« on: May 24, 2016, 08:58:10 PM »
Ayyy! Been a while. I decided to get back into RA2 for the time being so here's a couple of hours of work:

Most of the work was spent trying to make the chassis pixel perfect TBH - I was trying to stack 2 sets of batteries on top of the TWR3s in an L shape but I could only get the left side to actually work so I gave up after a while and just extended the chassis and plopped 2 ants on the front instead. Then I ran into the problem of trying to slant the front so it doesn't clip through the spinner while still getting the ants to fit. RA2 is terribly inefficient at those sorts of small tune-ups.

I figured I'd try the Heavy Spikes because they seemed to have great stats and didn't hit the ground. If they suck I can always change them to something that's useful like Heavy/Light Teeth or Beater Bars.

Talking about stuff maybe being useless, I noticed DSL 2.2 has a couple of new weapons and all around better descriptions for everything which is great! I had a hard time finding information about which of the new items are useful, which are not, what is glitched, what descriptions are wrong, etc. though. Any idea where I could see which items are good in DSL 2.2 and which are bad? I remember many items being practically useless unless you were trying to make a very novel bot back in 2.1 and IDK if that's the case for 2.2 or if everything works as advertised.

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