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Messages - 090901

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DSL TC Showcases / Re: Reier's DSL
« on: June 18, 2020, 11:43:22 PM »
only a six mag, thats kinda weak, i think you should go for a dual perm

We've got a deadline now, 10th of July. I reserve the right to start earlier if signups fill up quicker. However, if signups fill up before the date, you'll have a bit of time to update before I close signups.
Bummer, I actually was interested in entering this. Well, there isn't enough entries; 3 team are empty.
Edit: Are you still interested in doing this? If so, I'll make a bot.
there's over 3 weeks left before the deadline, so i'm not really sure how thats a "bummer"  :dumb)

DSL TC Showcases / Re: 8bean's DSL Showcase!
« on: June 17, 2020, 02:19:15 PM »
yo if those are steel or tit wedges on the metal hinges just make them alu thatll save a sh** ton of weight
also you can just use skirt hinges (middle AP only) instead of metal hinges to gain more weight as well
You don't need so much armour really. If you get outwedged you lose anyway.
considering its a team tag tourney i personally would want some armour since you are gonna get dabbed on from behind no matter what which is why i suggested he just use a halfsheet instead

Tournament Archives / Re: boomer brawl 3
« on: June 13, 2020, 01:21:19 PM »
where is the update

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: #deVetJonzu
« on: May 02, 2020, 12:42:36 PM »
Yeah who made this guy a vet?
geese-kun, go fight him

Guest Section / Re: Won't let me register with this name
« on: February 17, 2020, 10:44:29 AM »
Alright I have manually registered it, you should have gotten an email with a temp password, let me know if you have any issues still.  :gunz:

Guest Section / Re: Won't let me register with this name
« on: February 13, 2020, 05:46:04 PM »
I don't see why it wouldn't let you as there is no other user with that username registered already, are you sure you aren't getting any errors at all?
If you would like I can manually create the account and email you the password to it which you can change after logging in.

Tournament Archives / Re: boomer brawl 3
« on: January 30, 2020, 05:23:28 PM »
hey 09 nice bot bro
if you are going to make a Chinese copy of my bot at least be like KOS and actually improve it smh

Discussion / Re: signature bot facts
« on: January 29, 2020, 11:52:56 PM »
Where is 090901's signature body pillow?
don't you mean mecha hitler

No I meant "Ho-kago Tea Time!"
that isn't bodypillowed shaped though

no but "What do you mean she's not a fox? Fox ears, fox tail, she looks like a dam fox. Don't give this sh**e about wolves or whatever. Wolves are fvcking ghey." was
that was pips bot

Discussion / Re: signature bot facts
« on: January 29, 2020, 02:20:54 PM »
Where is 090901's signature body pillow?
don't you mean mecha hitler

No I meant "Ho-kago Tea Time!"
that isn't bodypillowed shaped though

Discussion / Re: signature bot facts
« on: January 26, 2020, 11:25:52 PM »
Where is 090901's signature body pillow?
don't you mean mecha hitler

Tournament Archives / Re: Boomer Brawl SBV 👴👊
« on: January 25, 2020, 05:52:37 PM »
thanks bajur

Tournament Archives / Re: Wheely Tag Tournament III - Sign-Ups
« on: January 25, 2020, 05:51:00 PM »
did no one enter and signups are about to close ?
well it sounds like Nicky tried to but mouldy died so we are gonna have to track down GK

Tournament Archives / Re: Wheely Tag Tournament III - Discussion
« on: January 04, 2020, 10:04:59 PM »
considering the fact I've done 4 way rumbles with HW extenders bots with kix hosting all the way in croatia with little lag I don't really feel that lighter weightclasses help really, only time I could see if is it you are running a computer and connection combo that's like minimum/not even minimum and are just trying to make it playable. crashing yeah maybe but got damn I hate building lws

btw mould you've done test battle n sh** to make sure you can host with 4 ppl connected right? otherwise we might need that GK bailout for reals  :dumb)

PS ty4er flail rammers are gay and need to go away!

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: hey
« on: January 04, 2020, 02:19:36 PM »
Where is sparkey at

DSL TC Showcases / Re: SM's DSL off-topic-case
« on: January 04, 2020, 01:49:53 PM »
basically razors sux since no HP and flails also kinda sux since no HP so just spam typhoon teeth

Tournament Archives / Re: Wheely Tag Tournament III - Discussion
« on: January 04, 2020, 01:43:38 PM »
why does every """standard""" tourney lately have to be LW it's like the worst weight class to build in  :puke:

" Today, BBEANS remains the biggest and some say most prestigious tournament." (found on the link)
oh my
it really was, i haven't seen anything as much of a forum-wide event as BBEANS was

I feel like GTMCS was pretty big at the time.
don't forget the BattleBots tournies Massimo did they were yuge

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: RA2 Awards 2019
« on: December 04, 2019, 02:39:22 PM »
boomer brawl for best tournament
can it really be the best tourney of 2019 if it doesnt finish in 2019  :really_makes_you_think:

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: for archiving purposes
« on: November 08, 2019, 10:09:11 AM »
who are any of these people
consider yourself lucky you don't know them

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