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Messages - LiNcK

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Discussion / Re: Clash Cubes Five Idea's
« on: July 17, 2011, 07:11:56 PM »
I want treads!

But hovercrafts or treaded bots are good, I want something new :D
Besides, It would be HELLA fun to see a little cube with HUGE wheels LOL

Discussion / Re: Clash Cubes Five Idea's
« on: July 17, 2011, 03:36:05 PM »
I want DSL HW Hovercrafts! :D
Mostly coz there hasnt been a single tourney that has hovercrafts that I think of :P

It would be pretty interesting, Since I dont think anybody even makes hovercrafts.

Other Tutorials / Re: HAX MODE REVEALED - Your Guide to Superstacking
« on: July 17, 2011, 03:31:11 PM »
Not really working for me either, I can do everything perfectly fine though... Mehh, Ill try again later :P
Im on DSL BTW, Using That TWDR3 Motor orso? Something like that, It looks like the one on the pics. Also tried with a copal.

You also have the worst luck with AGOD.  I'm thinking that there is some bad karma surrounding you and your computer. 

I think it would be best if you just try hax mode on a completely different computer... in a different country... maybe in a different time zone.

Might be worth a shot.  Lemme know if this helps.

One of the reasons I quit RA2 D:
I DID manage to get 1 of my bots to not AGOD once, ARCHIEVEMENT! :3

Other Tutorials / Re: HAX MODE REVEALED - Your Guide to Superstacking
« on: July 17, 2011, 02:45:58 PM »
Not really working for me either, I can do everything perfectly fine though... Mehh, Ill try again later :P
Im on DSL BTW, Using That TWDR3 Motor orso? Something like that, It looks like the one on the pics. Also tried with a copal.

Chatterbox / Re: I....I gave in
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:02:51 PM »
Whenever I say "I....I gave in" it's usually followed by  "and bought a...."

So I thought maybe you were an avid Apple hater who just got an Ipad, or maybe you bought the 3DS despite there being no good games on it yet.

Its Nintendo & Its portable.

Theres no such things as a good game for a Nintendo Portable Device.
Even the Wii has less than 20 good games o.O

N64 FTW!!!<3 After that everything went downhill D:

 Chunsoft, Capcom, and Cing need to get more exposure; they've only got a few games apiece but between them you have most of Nintendo's good games from non-exclusive devs (9 Doors, Hotel Dusk, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, Phoenix Wright, Okami)

The only one I know of in there is Capcom & The only thing I know about it is that they make games like Streetfighter & Stuff with Superheroes.
I like more serious games so I dont really like Capcom :P

Im more into Assassin's Creed, Battlefield/CoD & Such.

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Building a new Gaming Computer
« on: July 16, 2011, 04:00:14 PM »
Oh well, Thanks for the info :P I wont be getting any Seagate drives then.
I have a few Seagate External drives for a few years now Never failed on me. Theyre the 1TB ones, Bought em as soon as they came out :D

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Building a new Gaming Computer
« on: July 16, 2011, 02:44:31 PM »
Its a desktop, HDDs dont break down unless you really do something odd with your PC.
Rule of thumb from someone who is partially responsible for data integrity on ~200 Minecraft servers: never ever trust HDDs, always act as if they could all break down in 5 minutes. Have a solid backup plan, be it off-site backups over the internet, a RAID1 configuration, an auto-synced NAS or even burning to CDs. Never store your important data in just one place.

Ive never had a HDD break on me, Nobody I know that owns a desktop has ever had a HDD break on em.
Even one of my brothers, That runs his PC with the case open & Just likes to mess around with the stuff inside ALOT, He has broken a motherboard & A GPU (Literally broken) but never a HDD.

The only person that I know of that has broken a HDD is my OTHER brother, But he owns a laptop & It lasted 3 years none the less :P
Anyways, I myself dont see a HUGE loss if my HDD breaks since I do not have important data (I have data important to me, But not something thatll ruin my life orso)
But I understand thw loss that someone would suffer if their HDD stops working & They have important work data orso, But its very unlikely judging from my own experiences.

I may just do that then, take a 1 TB HDD and get a 60/128 GB SSD for running the OS and stuff off of.

The case itself doesn't really bother me, it was just the one that came standard im sure and so i just left it.

The reason i would be getting the i5 Is that (From what i've been told) if you buy and i5 you can then overclock it to the same performance as the i5 and it's cheaper (I know someone who knows how to overclock processors/GFX Cards without screwing it up).

The monitor is needed seeing as the one i have now is definitely on it's way out (Screen Flickers on and off, sometimes just turns off and wont go back on for a while) and the mouse is also needed (Goes through batteries like nothing else (The Good Duracell one's too) and half the time when i click it doesn't do anything) and the keyboard/speakers comes with the mouse (Its all standard and doesn't add any price, except the monitor).

Also about the cards, im really not too bothered about the dual cards, because im not going to be playing games like Crysis 2 (Which pushes the boundaries of computers) and so i won't need something amazing, besides this setup should play most games fine anyway, right?

Ofcourse youll play games perfectly fine :P
But Im talking about how Future Proof your PC will be... Ive had this PC (Q6600 Quad Core @ 2.4) for 3 years, And I have exhausted its power.
I recently bought a GTX 560 Ti to be able to play the biggest games, And now my CPU is the bottleneck. Some games still lag coz my CPU cant handle it anymore.
To upgrade my CPU ill need $500 (For an i7 @ 3.4 & A new motherboard) The i7 is only $100 more than a i5 at Newegg so I prefer to go with that, Also IDK if the i5 is just like the i7 but just different clock speeds, The whole architecture is different. Its your choice though :3

Like you said, The case isnt really important in this case, Since its still a Mid Tower & Its decent.
I used to have a Small Tower & Everything was crumpled inside, My stuff was Idling at 70C, Now everything is at 30-40 C :) Butyeah, That case is decent, Stuffing fans were you can is always good though (Not all cases comes with fans everywere they can)

I recommend making sure the processor youre buying is Sandy Bridge, Thats the 2nd Gen i3/i5/i7 CPUs.
Just checked out this page:
Biggest difference between i7 & i5 is Hyper Threading & Clocks speeds, Butyeah... Im sure games dont use 8 Cores & Almost nothing does, So I guess i5 is good enough :D
Im still hoping to get an i7 myself soon :P

Chatterbox / Re: I....I gave in
« on: July 15, 2011, 09:00:50 PM »
Whenever I say "I....I gave in" it's usually followed by  "and bought a...."

So I thought maybe you were an avid Apple hater who just got an Ipad, or maybe you bought the 3DS despite there being no good games on it yet.

Its Nintendo & Its portable.

Theres no such things as a good game for a Nintendo Portable Device.
Even the Wii has less than 20 good games o.O

N64 FTW!!!<3 After that everything went downhill D:

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Building a new Gaming Computer
« on: July 15, 2011, 06:03:08 PM »
Ofcourse, I have 2 300GB HDDs.
One has my OS & The other has my Downloads folder (Like 200GB in Game ISOs)

What I did is just redirect the Downloads folder in Windows to go to D:\Downloads isntead of C:\Downloads, Then I deleted C:\Downloads
You could do that with Documents, Pics, Music & Those things so it doesnt use so much space in you SSD if youre worried about space.

Having your OS on a SSD would make everything run faster, The OS itself, Games & Everything you have installed.
A 128GB SSD is quite alot, I remember when 100GB+ SSDs costed around $500 & The 60GB ones costed 100-300, That was a few months ago, Thats why I recommended 60GB.

Anyways, If your PC is a prebuilt customized PC you shouldnt have a prob, Those peeps make sure the options they give you fit together :P
Also, That case doesnt convince me much (Never heard of it) A good one would be a Cooler Master case (HAF ones) or Thermaltake ones, Those are usually VERY good.
(I have a Thermaltake myself)

Also, Why dont you get an i7 2600? Its not so much more expensive & It surely is alot better :P

Water cooling is not really necesary, Specially with that CPU, Wich is not unlocked (Its now 2500K)
You have to think about what you need & What you dont, Do you need that monitor, Mouse & keyboard the 550 Ti comes with? Coz you could sacrifise those & Get 2 TIs. (Getting 1 better vid card is better than getting 2 less good vid cards though, Some games dont support SLI/Corssfire)

Everything is alot easier if youre building your own build, Besides the pieces themselves being cheaper you can cut out stuff you dont need & Use that money into other parts (Or just dont, Itll be even more cheap!)
For example: You could take out that water cooling, If youre nervous buy an aftermarket CPU cooling (Not water cooling though), Same with the Monitor if you already have one & So :P

Other Tutorials / Re: HAX MODE REVEALED - Your Guide to Superstacking
« on: July 15, 2011, 05:03:41 PM »

Does this work with DSL? :P
I imagine, can't see what use it would be though, apart from maybe cheating dodgy collision meshes

Thats exactly what I wanna do :P

Thanks for the release :D

Uhmmm... As far as I know, it isnt working for me. Where do you have to attach the 2nd component with an axle? Just randomly on the chassis? :P
I managed to do everything in the instructions (Its quite easy to do actually...) but no result :\

Other Tutorials / Re: HAX MODE REVEALED - Your Guide to Superstacking
« on: July 15, 2011, 04:43:24 PM »

Does this work with DSL? :P

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Building a new Gaming Computer
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:59:55 PM »
Would it be cheaper to get 1 2tb Hard drive opposed to 2 1tb hard drives?

It may be cheaper, but if Ashman looked into RAID 1, it could help him out exponentially especially if one of the hard drives decides to break down.

Also, a quick synopsis of RAID 1:
RAID 1 copies all information from one hard drive to another. If one of the hard drives malfunctions and breaks down, the system would be at no appreciable loss since all the information that is stored on the hard drives are exactly the same.

Also, Noodle is right. You can put together a machine that can absolutely knock the socks off of the base configuration for cheaper than what they are offering. I'll put together something and show it to you guys in the morning just for a demonstration.

Its a desktop, HDDs dont break down unless you really do something odd with your PC. That problem could be there with a laptop that gets moved around alot, But for a HDD to get damaged on a desktop you either gotta drop it hard or move it alot whiel its on (Wich nobody does?)
If you want speed, Go with a SSD (Get a 30/60GB SSD to install your Windows & A 1/2TB 7200/10000 RPM HDD for your personal files)
A HDD is the slowest & Only mechanical part of a PC, With an SSD that bottleneck is gone. Youll boot up your PC in less than 15 secs & Your OS will run faster altogether.
The 1/2 TB HDD is to save your personal files (Redirect Documents, Download & Everything to that HDD). Only keep the SSD for your Windows & Things you installed (Program Files)
That way you get SSD power but not THAT extremely expensive, SSDs are very expensive so if you dont wanna spend thousands you gotta get a small one :P

Anyways, I would recommend buying pieces 1 by 1, You can try, Thats the best place to check for pieces.
You can get the same pieces of that PC but ALOT cheaper (I bought an HP for $1000, Just looked at Newegg for every piece & It summed up $600)
You can also customize it completely (In my opinion, Those motherboards are too much really, I dont think youll need 7.1 Sound & Didnt check more but still)

If youre gonna get a 550 Ti it would be ALOT better to get a 560 Ti (I was thinking of a 550 Ti myself, But bought a 560 Ti later... It IS $100 more though)
Also, You should buy ones with 2 fans (Usually the OCed ones, Theyre like $15 more?)

But what Im tellign you is if you buy every piece one by one. Youre GUARANTEED to buy the same build but cheaper, Or spend the same ammount of money & Get a (Considerably) better PC.

Chatterbox / Re: WHO THE HECK WATCHES THIS????
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:08:27 PM »
Those girls end up being the whores in High School & College.
They are the ones that become the stereotype stupid blondes that think theyre all that :P

The parents are forcing the children to do things against their will! Look at this:

"I like my one daughter much more than my other!"

A comment said that she flipped out when one daughter beat the more liked one.

That mom is OBVIOUSLY discriminating her children, Shes a horrible mom...
When she says that the Ashley (?) girl is more timid & Stuff, She made her like that for treating her like she was less than her sister, Therefore she doesnt have the confidence to stand out for herself coz she knows that her mom will be going on her sis' side. Stuff like that ruins a kids life coz she'll be like that her whole life, Or untill she grows old enough to leave home & By herself tries to "fix" the way she has become because of the circumstances.


Discussion / Re: New Glitch - Hoax Mode
« on: July 14, 2011, 02:03:40 PM »
Honestly people there has to be someway to prove it's legit without telling you how exactly to do it.

What would convince you?

But more importantly, I don't believe it because "exist but can never enter my reality" is no different from "not exist".

So someone you see on TV doesn't exist, because you have not seen them in real life for yourself?
A better analogy is "the person I thought I knew on TV most likely does not exist".  Fake personality, makeups, fake names, you name it, they do it.


Honestly, I dont think we need any more proof, I mean... Why would they lie? What do they get?
Its basically a loss of everyone's time if its fake, Theyll be like: HAHA! You believed us.

Theres no point in lying that you discovered a new glitch really... Atleast for me, Too much works making the vids & To just say that it was a lie & Troll everybody.
Not worth MY time atleast :\

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: MP3 Videos
« on: July 13, 2011, 06:52:11 PM »
MP3's are audio only, though.

Will it work?

Is it free?

No Viruses?

There cant be viruses in .mp3 files ;)

Discussion / Re: New Glitch - Hoax Mode
« on: July 13, 2011, 01:19:04 PM »
Well, This was the thing to bring me back into RA2 :P
Now that the thread is done, Ill go hibernate like a bear :3


Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Show your Desktop!
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:34:02 PM »
(Image removed from quote.)
Mines boring

I love it xP
Ive been planning to making something like that, But I cant get my planet to look 3D-ish & Realistic enough D:

Anyways, Here's mine:

Exciting right? :D

Off-Topic Discussion / Re: Which theme do you use?
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:29:15 PM »
Im using Black Rain, Mostly coz I hate white stuff...
My desktop wallpaper is just Black, My Windows Explorer is black, I skipped my MSN black, My Winamp Black, Everything black.
(Even downloaded a black windows theme coz when you open Documents orso the BG is white, But my PC crashed & Stuff)

Honestly I think there should be a new Black theme, This one i choppy & Just fugly sometimes (I actually complained about the GTM thing at the top a year ago)
If I made another one, Would ACAMS care to change it? Things like that are extremely annoying to me :SSS
Just like if you have something glowing in your sig & It cuts off before the glow actually ends, UGHH!!! (My sig actually has that, Look at the top & Bottom of the purple glow)
I have a problem with things not being perfect ._.

Chatterbox / Re: I....I gave in
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:24:07 PM »
I thought you started watching porn :P

Discussion / Re: New Glitch - Hax Mode
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:18:50 PM »
@Trovaner: Not releasing also brings the chance of someone finding out about it & Not talking about it... Just using it without telling anyone. (Ofcourse, He wont be able to overdo it or peeps will notice)
If I found out about it myself, I would use it in a few Tourneys, Win 2/3 tourneys & Then be like: LOOK WHAT I JUST FOUND 1 DAY AGO! And release it :D

Since they would be limited to the stacking ability of normal stacking (or get DQ for .bot file editing), it wouldn't be any different than it is now. For example, I could easily .bot file edit a bot that is virtually invisible among the other fair entrants. In fact, we've had a few people already admit to doing this.

Well, Im a DSL guy, IDK anything about Stock or stacking so I wouldent know the ffects of this to people that stack & Stock tourneys.
I can only see that this is 100% a benefit on the DSL side (Were no stacking is allowed) Atleast its 10)% beneficial for the way I would use it.

In DSL, I can maybe see it being used against components with dodgy meshes (like that accursed 6-mag gearbox). So there are some possible benefits that could come from Hax Mode, and the possible cons don't seem to be severe enough to force the glitch to remain secret.

Ive had that annoyance with the 6-Mag Gearbox, Its damn annoying... But the BSGs are the ones that totally enraged me all the time with those HUGE meshes, You could fit an ant in there :\
If it gets released Im only using it for those mesh probs, And to stack (Partially) thigns that CAN be stacked (Like on my popups, Putting those razors next to eachother straight is a PAIN in the ass, They touch just 1mm, But the meshes are like "I AINT GOIN' NEXT TO DAT FOO' !!!"

Like I said, I cant really give my perspective on the Stock side, And I see this would need ALOOT of regulations for stock if its gonna be released just coz you are allowed to stack in it.
Honestly, Whats keeping me a bit active everyday is THIS thread... If it gets released ill go straight to the botlab for the first time in months :D

Whats up with the random size=medium thingies popping up when I quote?

Oh Jeez! Why do all my posts end up being long!?! I see everyone's & Theyre short, Mine takes like 1/4 a page!! D:

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