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Messages - TBD Devastator

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DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: December 15, 2013, 10:34:31 PM »
Hellbeast uses 2WD, with techno destructo wheels.

But onto the main course. I was building a pair of MW spinners, one HS with flamers, and one VS.

Then I got the insane idea to combine them.
Hilarity, spinning, and painful fiery death ensued.

(note: this is not exactly a serious bot)

I've found it to be really nice in terms of fighting ability despite it being a sort-of-jokebot, but the only issue is that the center of gravity makes it tip over a lot if you turn it at full speed.

On a different topic, alterations were made to Tigercat (again). Vlad wheels were added as drive, some of the unneccessary ants were removed, and a bit of armor for the spin motors got slapped on.

Creativity Showcase / Re: Artwork Thread
« on: December 10, 2013, 11:53:54 PM »
The exact logic of your thought processes still eludes me, massimo...

This was a concept drawing of a player ship for a shmup. Never really got off the drawing board (pun not intended) though.
(yes I know I am still terrible at making good-looking 3d things, for example look at the wing cannon barrels)

DSL TC Showcases / Re: MassimoV's Hood
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:42:13 PM »
I'm guessing it can't do wheelies.

On slightly more serious topics, I personally like the look of it, minus the drum looking like it should be slightly further back in the bot. Might be just the angles, though.

Great skin work too on the last three bots of yours, if I might add.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: December 07, 2013, 08:06:13 PM »
So, two things. New bot, and...this.

I'm not sure if this is a glitch or if I just got incredibly un/lucky with the chassis height. (in case you want to know more about that bot, it's a LW at 245kg, with plastic 5 armor, but it's not really that good.)

I also decided to try making an UHW again, and I'm at least getting close to the weight limit now. That's a start, right?
The bot's proved to be faster than I thought it would, outrunning Peashooter (beetleweight with copal drive), not to mention the uncountable amount of vlad spikes.

Other than that, botter's block has been setting in again, partly due to laziness, partly due to no ideas, and partly because Hellcat II is being a bitch when it comes to trying to refit it with a different hammer motor (mostly the first two though). Feel free to toss ideas at me if you're willing, otherwise just point and laugh. :P

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 30, 2013, 10:01:38 PM »
So I tried basically everything and Justifier will steadfastedly refuse to not havok while turning no matter what I do while still keeping it an antweight. Bugger.

Anyway, here's a differently angled picture of the General. I've found through testing against various bots that it is, hilariously enough, more effective when flipped over. Weapon motor is a Perm 132.

I also made a Hellcat sequel. Debatable on whether or not it's superior, though, since I had to use the spring loaded motor for the hammer instead of the geared one. (basically, what happens is that as soon as a geared motor fires, the bot havoks, every time)

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 29, 2013, 03:41:47 AM »
More activity in the bot building department(yay?). Perhaps my theory on only being able to build bots at two in the morning is correct.

Warhawk got the motors changed to straight configuration, as opposed to the old angled config. Seems like it works better for practicality, despite the amusing driving shenanigans that resulted from the angled configuration.

Made a slight foray into the really little stuff too, and built an antweight bot. It havoks whenever it tries to turn for whatever reason, but it's really fast in a straight line.

Then I turned that general shape into a SHW as usual and called it a day. Waste of time, y/n?

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Battle Shots
« on: November 28, 2013, 10:17:47 PM »
Just having a little fun with flippers, nothing too serious.

(also good god I suck at camera controlling)

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 28, 2013, 12:16:35 AM »
So apparently the only time I can reliably get ideas for bots is reeeeally late at night.  :rage
Katyusha got another revamp, and I did some messing around with flippers (I've found that I'm bad even by my standards at creating a flipper).

The discs are kept up by a titanium sheet underneath the bot, which is the same as the first revision. However, this version only has one titanium sheet so that it doesn't jut out in front of the bot, like it did previously. The smaller chassis hindered attempts at making the side supports for the motor, but it's slightly better now that it doesn't use the no-health-at-all angle connectors and has less of a frontal hole. There's also some rear "armor" now, for all the good that does.

Here's one of the two flippers I was messing with earlier. It sure has a lot of oomph behind it, but the problem is getting under bots in the first place (unless it goes from behind, it's not very good at doing so). The massive amounts of batteries are for powering the flipper motor.

And here's the other flipper, based off of a stripped-down version of Mecha Mook. Quite like the way this one drives with the angled motor placement for some reason.

Also, helloface, please keep your commentary on the bots themselves and not on whether they are "DSL-S" or "IRL" because like Nar said I'm focusing more on trying to build a non-crappy bot (and sorta failing, but that's for another day).

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 26, 2013, 02:50:41 AM »
Alright, after a seeeeerious case of botter's block and procrastinating on improving my older bots I decided to revisit the wtfinsanity that was Client Crasher. I managed to downsize it to a heavyweight, although it kind of lost its main gimmick in the process.

My other idea was putting smaller shell spinners where the saw motors are now and then putting more shell spinners on those shell spinners but that ran into a wall due to the 7 part limit and it also doubled the weight. Ick.

Additionally, here's a modification to Monitor. The weapons have been swapped out for a mix of razors and DSL teeth, plus a DSL bar for even more reinforcement (tried putting another DSL tooth on the front of it, but it wouldn't fit unless I put it at a really weird angle). Internals are the same, so instead have a picture of the bot's really, really bad skinwork.

(also: feel free to yell at me over building new bots instead of improving my old ones. I'm a moron like that :V)

Existing Games / Re: War Thunder
« on: November 23, 2013, 11:38:25 AM »
Kinda played it on/off for a while. Mainly used British planes as well as that hilariously overpowered Soviet biplane (srsly. 18 kills using it once. Many cries of hacks from that fight, lol.) but now don't exactly play it.

I also stole a username from a Touhou character, so hilarity often ensued upon running into other people who did the same.

Creativity Showcase / Re: Artwork Thread
« on: November 23, 2013, 11:27:00 AM »
Hey uh guys, this is artwork thread. Less sonic discussion moar art please.

Yes I know, it's a crappy design, I still can't draw straight lines (see right plate on front), and there's way too much unnecessary riveting, but oh well.

Not a bad idea. Seems like it'd be a pretty good motor for SHWs and UHWs, as well as the only motor that could actually move a GHW (does anyone make those anymore?) around.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 15, 2013, 09:12:34 PM »

If there is anything you should never ask me to do, it is skinwork. I'm horrific at trying to make skins. :c
But I did give the motor some "protection" plus some sheetwork so it doesn't blap into the ground constantly.


DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:54:46 PM »
Here's a cruiserweight HS that derped out of the RW series 8 tournament partly because it was unrealistic and partly because I'm lazy. It's really destructive for the roughly thirty seconds it has its spikes. The spinner has two discs, each of which has a full row of hypnoteeth.
It is, unfortunately, hilariously wasteful in space.

Creativity Showcase / Re: Artwork Thread
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:47:00 PM »
So um.
I drew this tank a while back. It's really faded because I didn't know how to operate a scanner (looks fine if you tilt the monitor back a little though)

I am also really bad at drawing straight lines. :|

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 11, 2013, 01:05:08 AM »
In answer to Helloface, I've not a clue.

Two new presentable bots rolled off the brain today, one of which was a minor tweak to Peacemaker and the other was an attempt to create something that could last more than a minute or so in a fight. The others were mostly UHW shell spinners and hammerbots and some bots that use crackpot tactics (hammerbot with a drum replacing the hammer, anyone?)

Ditched the hammer, and added the grand total of one extra razor. I'm terrible at space usage.

This is the aforementioned durable bot, and boy howdy did it succeed at being so. I've gotten a few matches where it's taken 70k damage points to finally bring it down, though it's usually more along the lines of 30-50k, which is still monstrously durable in my books (most of my bots usually go down at about 10-20k).

The only problem is, it can sure take a beating, but it can't dish it out. The only weapons are the beater bars arranged on the frontal armor, which is ... less than adequate.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 05, 2013, 01:06:50 AM »
Did some more fooling around today with similar robot styles, but the only result of anything notable was this bot. I'm not sure if it legally counts as a Cruiserweight or not, because it's exactly 600KG, but until told otherwise I'll consider it as such.

(not shown - 3mm titanium armor)

Decided I'd give the wedge pokers a little extra fire support by adding a hammer to the back, but debating on whether or not that was a good secondary weapon system or not.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: November 02, 2013, 08:33:32 PM »
So I was digging through my bot teams, and came across this horrifying excuse of a robot, likely from my first forays into RA2.

Was almost at the weight limit, couldn't turn, and the weapons (and drive, somehow) often ran out of oomph in the first ninety seconds or so of combat.

Naturally, I decided to do something about it so this bot could actually destroy something that wasn't an antweight (seriously, it got destroyed by a non-AI pack LW in a one-on-one, how's that for disappointing?), and the end result of about twenty minutes of "work" came up with this.

So far, it's proven to be marginally better, in the fact that it has actually scored a victory, but I'm still debating on whether to scrap the design entirely or not.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: October 31, 2013, 02:19:26 AM »
Looked at the post of yours and followed the advice best I could, and came up with this. The skirt hinge wedge actually holds the bot up pretty well, so I removed the old supports entirely. Still not entirely sure if I'm using the correct amount of batteries (what I'm doing is looking at the amp requirements and getting up as close to it as possible without going too far over.)

Some alterations were made to the drum bot as well, including removing the Mag Snapper wedges (not Snapper IIs, sorry) and replacing them with skirt hinge wedges, as well as adding some extra armor. The large battery is still attached, mostly to act as a counterweight for the Perm 80.

I have the feeling I'm working at too fast of a pace.

DSL TC Showcases / Re: Devastator's Showcase
« on: October 31, 2013, 12:36:51 AM »

This resulted from a hilariously terrible attempt to build a HS. Fortunately, it worked pretty well for a drumbot conversion. (Also, I heard Snapper II-attached wedges are good wedges, did I get mistaken?)

Also, Nifnuf, can you elaborate on what you mean by moving the Copals "up" in the bot? I have not a clue what you're meaning by that, since you're not recommending extender work. I did do some chassis work though, shaved about 16KG off of the bot due to the shorter profile.

(current progress)

Directed at David, I didn't get your statement entirely (my bad). Do you mean placing the steel skirts onto metal hinges instead of the extenders they are on currently? As of right now, they're the only items keeping the spinner off the ground, so it may be a bit difficult to engineer a solution to that with the chassis space remaining.

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