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Messages - UberPyro

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Ironforge TC Showcases / Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
« on: January 12, 2018, 08:40:28 PM »
I spent half a day making a UHW, hurray!

"Soul Miner" - basically Coal Miner's big daddy. 2699.9 kg. Plastic 10. FS / Poker hybrid.

SM front.png

SM comp.png

SM comp back.png

The coolest and cruelest looking weapon I've made in RA2 thus far.

SM weapon close.png

SM weapon center.png

256 60cm Cutting Blades. To my surprise, the robot is extremely stable in battle.

The idea behind it was that it could do a lot of damage poking, and when the weapon wasn't extended the front spinning part would get a chance to spin up.

I've forgotten to give this thing a wedge (lol), so I'll probably take a notch off the armor and do that sometime.

Oh I originally forgot to mention, now that I'm a level 49 electromechanical wizard, I possess the ability to simultaneously and evenly load multiple axles at once:

axle load 1.png

I wanted to add 4 more wheels midway through the build -- that's no problem with my new magical powers!

axle load 2.png

(Basically, I realized if you have two of the same extenders oriented the same way on two of the same motors which spin in the same direction, the glitchy behavior is actually predictable).

On an unrelated note, if you're curious about the weapon composition of Soul Miner, take a look at this:

weapon comp.png

Each octoplate is rotated 10 degrees from the last, which then creates the twistly look of the final result. Also this breaks rule of 7 (by going to 8 :( ), I'll probably redo the weapon setup with weapon arrays sometime... it'll look less cool but be more effective.

One more thing: I realized when trying to effe on an axle loaded octoplate that when I hovered the plate over the loaded axle it wanted to attach in front of where the motor actually was. Then, when I hit the spin button after attaching, the plate magically teleported to the position where the axle was loaded to. Definitely not effe, just axle loading, not sure exactly what caused it, probably has something to do with the type of motor.

Ironforge TC Showcases / Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
« on: January 12, 2018, 10:22:54 AM »
Tite 1, ever closer to a Reier HS
redone weps.png

Since the 4-mag is partially exposed I didn't want to use a tribar, and since I wanted a fighting chance against hammer bots and because I like its reach I went for the big disk again. I moved the shell armor to the bottom disk, although now I'm thinking I still like it on the top disk since the spin motor can take it. Well anyway, have a rebuild/tweak/whatever.

Edit: I think I made a mistake with my disk armor, the right wheel should have a dark panel next to it. --> I fixed it, and now the chassis armor is steel 1.

Lots of testing later
I observed some things:
  • The original version outperforms the new one
  • The new version is much less stable
I came to a few conlusions:
  • Having the shell armor on the disk helps stability
  • Having weapons much more spread out helps stability (this is probably more true than the one above)
  • Having weapons horizontal and near the ground is really good for hitting wedges
So basically this design could use a lot more work.

Stock Showcases / Re: 090901 makes robots
« on: January 12, 2018, 12:34:16 AM »
Holy wow that stack. Nice, I really like the robot. I wonder how it will fair against all those 9 mace/iron spike HS robots though.

Ironforge TC Showcases / Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
« on: January 11, 2018, 11:17:11 PM »
The gameplan works as so: If an opponent doesn't have bottom armor, it kills it. If an opponent has bottom armor, it removes the bottom armor, and it kills it.
*assuming it can out-wedge the opponent, which is a very big assumption in this game.

can't think of a whole lot to improve. part of me wishes it was a bit wider in the wheelbase, and having the wedges further apart would definitely help things. it's not like 'handicap-narrow', but a having a bigger surface area in a design like this is usually better. Kinda wish the front armor was also dark panels since putting them at a shallower angle isn't much of an option with the piston.
I would personally use 1 carbatt instead of 2 nifties since it lasts longer and you dont need the amps.
do you ever find the extender holding the spikes on getting amputated in battle? you may not, then this isn't an issue.

other than those minor issues, solid.

Now that I now know how to AI properly again, I've tested it quite a bit in battle and found that the wedges were pretty good. For instance, it's able to get under Waffle House a lot of the time which is something that I usually have trouble with. Obviously I also wish I had dark panels but I don't want to take away from the weapons or anything else :/ . Also I tried for a long time to get a chassis that worked with the diehard/supervolt, and had a lot of difficulty. The best place for it would probably have been in front of / under the piston, and then I could try having the air tank on one side and the ballasts on the other or something idk.. after I while I figured that since my damage is coming from a piston anyway it wasn't that important to maximize electotal and I went with the fancy placement of the nifties (since I can slip the hinge under the sideways nifty). Extender holding the spikes is pretty safe as long as the robot is not firing upside-down (inverted) versus a low weapon robot.

It's funny. Initially when I had to make my first GTMCS entry I didn't really feel like building but knew I should enter the tournament. But building Mess Maker has driven me into a building craze. It inspired me to make a stock entry the same night and now another ironforge robot just for the fun of it.

So I sort of had this idea in my head, and it's probably one of the best ideas I've ever had. You see servo boosting a lot in stock - having a spin motor onto a servo (or I think a burst motor or a piston - I tested using the metal hinge though it didn't provide any increase) causes the spin motor to spin much faster, or at least seems to dramatically increase the upper limit for how fast the motor can turn, if not the spin up time. Well, it turns out that doing the same with IF's already fast motors is really effective (if you don't believe me, run some tests in the test garage. Try a large z-tek with a 200cm DSL bar and 30kg hammers on each end - it will spin up slow whether servo boosted or not but the max speed is wayyy higher when boosted). So I build a shell spinner with this concept... and then had a lot of fun with it.

"Servoost" (it's a contraction of servo-boost). 600.0 kg on the dang dot. Plastic 1. Shell Spinner.

S front.png

(I worked for a really long time on this chassis by the way, appreciate it).

S comp no wepmotor.png

S comp 2.png

Fun stuff, right?

12 80cm cutting blades
6 Beater Bars
The shell disk protecting the bottom was inspired (read: ripped) from some of Reier's HSes since its such a good way to protect the bottom. It has the added bonus of defying physics since it allows movement despite the wheels not seeming to touch the ground.

This thing spins really fast. I know this isn't that high as far as big numbers go, but I would say about 80% of its damage is between 2000 and 8000 points per hit, which is pretty good for an IF HS.

Stock Showcases / Re: UberPyro's Stock Showcase
« on: January 11, 2018, 07:32:24 PM »
You're probably the luckiest stock builder right now since you're able to axle load a piston without teleporting it to another dimension. Sweet build overall.

Ahahaha that's because standard techniques don't work. You need to get crafty: put an HP z-tek on the piston end, a 140 cm square extender using the end side attachment point, then a t connector and two sledgehammers. Spinning that around creates enough force to make the piston shaft come out of its socket, along with the usual clicking between overview/components/wiring screens.


Ironforge TC Showcases / Re: UberPyro's Ironforge Show Case
« on: January 11, 2018, 03:35:41 PM »

"Mess Maker". Poker. Tite 1. 299.9 kg. Basically a MW version of a design that I had built over and over again, which sounds like something worthy of an official tournament.

MM front.png

MM comp.png

MM weapon.png

15 Iron Spikes.

Weapons in Ironforge are carefully balanced in that hp*damage/weight (typo fixed) is the same value for different lengths of the same weapon. However, just damage/weight is always greater for lighter weapons of the same kind, and iron spikes have the lightest minimum weight.

I made sure this was invertible and could still poke at things when upside down, since RA2 battles sometimes feel like bouncy-houses. The gameplan works as so: If an opponent doesn't have bottom armor, it kills it. If an opponent has bottom armor, it removes the bottom armor, and it kills it.

The hard part is getting those couple of good hits in before the light armor falls off. Should make for some fun battles. (edit: a potential weakness I forgot about is that the wedges are really close together, hopefully that isn't too much of a problem for it.)

Stock Showcases / Re: UberPyro's Stock Showcase
« on: January 11, 2018, 03:10:16 PM »
Alright, it's that time again when the official tournament rolls around and I realize everything I built in the past 12 months has been trash.

Now that signups are officially closed, here's my stock entry. It's a poker. I generally don't like building in stock because I know everything that can possibly be competitively viable has already been made and I refuse to closely mirror an existing robot.

So have a poker. The Bop Monster. DSA. 246.3 kg.

TBM front.png

TBM comp.png

Even if it's not the most viable thing in the world, making this robot was a lot of fun. Because I got to lay out a bunch of weapons like this:

exploded view.png

And then garage-and-back and be like "...what is this thing I created"

TBM weapon.png

So yeah... what you're looking at is basically 6 iron spikes and a razor tip inside of each other. I started out by axle loading the piston shaft, effe'd the first black extender on, and then proceeded to effe on more extenders and add spikes. There are two separate branches of extenders, since the first extender had two attachment points that I could use. And yes, that iron spike stack through the redbird was quite lucky. (edit: i'm dumb i should have just removed the motors..)

So there are a lot of concerns with the robot. It's narrow and could get knocked to the side by HSes, and some of those 9HSes look pretty mean (and made me realize that my robot didn't have relatively so many weapons). If my robot can get a direct hit though, it can score a KO pretty quickly. I have no protection from any of the hammer bots so I'll probably lose to all of them, but I hope having the weapon low down helps with hitting popups. Really I don't know what to expect, so I'm excited to see what happens!

Edit: and I should also mention that it's probably possible for me to have shrunk the chassis a tiny bit more or something to make weight for the 7th iron spike rather than the razor spike which might not do much.

Thank you Badnik!

I'm super excited for this tournament, let the best robots win!

Contests / Re: VOTE BOTM JAN 2018
« on: January 03, 2018, 10:13:33 AM »
I do find the agod bot pretty funny. I like how the name acronyms to agod and that the meshes are off. I don't think it was intended to be serious but if the splash was a bit better I would have voted for it.

Grounder's obviously got this, and deserves it too.

Existing Games / Re: Minecraft.
« on: December 22, 2017, 04:37:38 PM »
I'd be down, any feed the beast or just tekkit here?
I'd be down as well, now that it's winter and I actually have time for things.

Personally FTB beyond would probably be the best as far as modded minecraft goes.

(Obviously this is all up to the host, if anyone hosts)

Yeah, I found that those designs in general tend to flip around a lot, especially when the distance from the disks to the wheels are too small.

+1,000,000 points for using vertical treads. We'll get those dang popups eventually.

Discussion / Re: RA2 Player Nations
« on: October 01, 2017, 09:54:49 PM »
'Murica, home of hamburger-driven obesity. Well, that's where I live, anyway...

I'm at a college in NY. I've moved a lot but lived mostly in NH.

Discussion / Re: Which bot are you most proud of?
« on: September 27, 2017, 12:58:45 PM »
That definitely needs a higher resolution. I would tell you how if I knew how to do it :confused:.
(Edit: but I think someone said something about importing larger texture sizes on your showcase).

Still a very cool robot.

Tournament Archives / Re: Ironforge Revival
« on: September 21, 2017, 10:07:55 PM »
I'm down. If I find the time to build a good robot.

Creativity Showcase / Re: reier makes pictures
« on: September 12, 2017, 07:59:55 AM »
I'm curious to know about the webcomic. Is there any place we could read it? When will it be done?

Stock Showcases / Re: TheRoyalBadger's Stock Showcase
« on: September 10, 2017, 04:20:27 PM »
RA2CF makes wiring even more fun!

(Image removed from quote.)

When building CF unrealistic I've learned to wire each motor right after I place them to make it a tad bit easier. In addition I found that when two motors are stacked perfectly inside of each other, it seems to be random which one you select in the wiring menu. I find CF building fun, since it gets challenging (especially with hermaphroditism making you want to place things where you don't want to) and its like learning how to build again.

Also what Mr. AS said is true.

Tournament Archives / Re: The Wen and a Damned War
« on: September 09, 2017, 12:06:05 PM »
I would join but what the heck is going on

I would prefer a CF tournament played straight. But I might join this. Maybe.

Tournament Archives / Re: [DSL-S MW] MASTERS OF DISASTER - SBV
« on: September 09, 2017, 09:39:57 AM »
ok here we go

Hangin vs Popup Cafe Extreme (let the best popup win)
Flipperdoodle vs Flawless Idea (let the best flipper win)
Enigma Machine vs Divine Intervention vs Entropy 2.2 vs Meltdown Underground (FS vs VS vs TS vs HS)
Copy Cat 3 vs No Punts No Glory vs Science Gone Too Far vs Assbees x Badnik Fanfiction (VS war)

Edit: The I made was too large so I cut it down.

Tournament Archives / Re: ⱤØ฿Ø Ɽ₳₴₴Ⱡł₦ ₮₩Ø - S
« on: September 09, 2017, 09:22:52 AM »

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